Chapter 666 I want to slap myself twice

The Shen family was silent again.

They all unanimously looked at Mrs. Shi, whom they had never liked before.

Mrs. Shi ran over quickly, looked at Lu Xixue carefully, and confirmed that she had indeed recognized the wrong person. She said excitedly: "Shenji Doctor, why are you here? I never thought that I would be lucky enough to stand in front of you. To you!"

In the past, Mrs. Shi wanted to seek medical treatment from Divine Doctor Ji more than once because of her husband and son's illness. However, as soon as Divine Doctor Ji appeared, there was definitely a sea of ​​people seeking medical advice. She only had the opportunity to see him from a distance. But because I cared so much, my memory was particularly profound, and now I can recognize people just at a glance.

Although Lu Xixue didn't know Mrs. Shi, looking at her excited expression, she felt as if she had seen those people who had sought medical consultation in the past. She felt particularly familiar and kind, so she nodded: "I'm here to see my daughter."

As she said that, she looked at Su Youyue.

Mrs. Shi looked left and right to confirm that the daughter she was talking about was Su Youyue, and she was completely confused.

So these days, although the person treating her husband and son is not Doctor Ji, it is Doctor Ji’s own daughter!

God... what kind of luck did the Bai family have?

Different from Mrs. Shi's excitement, the Shen family on the side finally died when they heard Lu Xixue admit that she was Divine Doctor Ji.

What do the three words "Ji Shenyi" mean? It means that this person can come and go freely throughout Dongrong and is sought after by thousands of people. It means that even the palace can be entered and exited when she wants. It means that even the emperor is on the other side. You have to be respectful and polite in front of her, which means offending her is equivalent to offending everyone in Dongrong!

The other people in Dongrong were all more happy than ever when they saw Divine Doctor Ji for the first time, but the Shen family felt as if a biological father had died.

Especially Mr. Shen, his breathing suddenly became difficult and obscure: "Ji...Miracle Doctor Ji?"

So, the person he wanted to scold just now was Doctor Ji?
His knees suddenly became weak and he felt like kneeling.

The biological mother of his fake daughter is actually Doctor Ji?
And the Shen family has been dealing with the biological daughter of Divine Doctor Ji?

Mr. Shen was reciting the words Divine Doctor Ji over and over in his mind. His vision suddenly turned black, and a wave of despair and regret suddenly surged into his heart. He wanted to slap himself in the face.

No one told him that Divine Doctor Ji had such a temper?
After Shen Yuanfeng was shocked, he sat in a wheelchair and held his head with his hands.

Mrs. Fang said nothing, and Shen Zhuyu looked ugly.

Who would have thought that she could cause such a big trouble just by asking a wild girl to marry her.

I knew earlier...

It's a pity that she didn't know this earlier. Shen Zhuyu couldn't say a word at this moment, knowing that she was completely defeated in front of this fake Shen Nannan.

She originally thought that the people from Ding'an Hou's Mansion could be of great use, but they were just useless. After entering the palace, they closed the door of the Hou's Mansion tightly after coming out and did not even come out. She still doesn't know what happened.

She felt extremely embarrassed when she thought of the words she had left in front of the other party to see who would lose and who would win.

She must be laughing at herself, right? "Mr. Ji..." Shen Yuanfeng was silent for a long time and finally spoke, "It was indeed our Shen family who felt sorry for Ling Qianjin before, but today I am really bothering you. I'm sorry, our Shen family doesn't have any other ideas now. We just want the young lady to show her respect. Spare my ignorant brother’s life.”

Lu Xixue snorted coldly: "If an apology is useful, what else do you need from the government? What's going on with your brother? I don't know. I only know that my daughter is the most important. I finally found her. Now I just have to I want to have a good reunion with her, so you bunch of spoilers should get out of here and let it rot and stink in your own homes!"

Shen Zhuyu frowned.

Su Youyue looked at her and finally said leisurely: "I remember that someone seemed to slander the Ding'an Marquis Mansion that it was me who did this to Prince Meng? I haven't had time to pursue this matter yet. Do you want us to talk about it?"

Hearing this, the faces of the Shen family became even more ugly. This time they finally stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

But they also knew that their Shen family had no chance of turning around.

Qing Luo saw that they hadn't gone far, and deliberately scolded her behind her: "Bah, we asked our young lady not to go back to the Shen family at the beginning, but now she doesn't want to come to the door! I really thought that the threshold of the Shen family is so expensive!"

The Shen family members paused, but did not look back. After all, looking back at this moment would only bring shame to themselves.

"Huh... It's really easy for them to let them go like this. I haven't scolded them enough. Also, I have to go to the emperor and ask him to take care of their family!"

"Emperor Dongrong still owes me a request!"

Su Youyue shook her head: "No need, mother. In fact, I was not wronged in the Shen family. Jin'er didn't tell you clearly... It's just that I was the one who went. If it was the real Miss Shen who went, I'm afraid they would have eaten her to the bone." There’s none left.”

Sometimes when she thought about it, she really didn't know whether Miss Shen was lucky or unlucky.

Because if she had really arrived at the Shen family, she might have been forced to death by the Shen family.

Lu Xixue knew that the real Miss Shen was her daughter’s savior, and felt sorry for her plight: “Damn this family!”

Bai Rui and Bai Ming'an had also arrived at this time, and they were very excited after knowing that Doctor Ji turned out to be Su Youyue's biological mother.

Lu Xixue felt the pulse of the two of them respectively, and then nodded to Su Youyue: "Nanny, your diagnosis is correct. Now the two of them have recovered to sixty-seven percent. They will take good care of themselves and they will be fully recovered sooner or later. Recover.”

Hearing the personal certification from Divine Doctor Ji, the joy of the Bai family was self-evident. Several people wanted to entertain the guests as soon as possible, but Lu Xixue had something to avoid talking to others, so she pulled Su Youyue back to the room first.

"Nanny, you haven't answered me yet. Where is that boy Xie Yuan? Why did he leave you alone again?"

Su Youyue quickly explained the whole story to Xie Yuan. It was obvious that her mother was very dissatisfied with Xie Yuan this time. Could she not speak up for her man?

Knowing that Xie Yuan went out for the safety of the entire Dongrong, Lu Xixue was shocked and cursed: "Those people from the Holy Cult were crazy before, and they are even crazier now. If they are really allowed to control the military power, the entire Dongrong will be destroyed." It is indeed over, and it is not a good thing for Dasheng. You don’t know that in the early years, the Pope has been inciting the emperor to completely conquer the other two countries. Now that we see that Dasheng has artillery shells, they may not be able to sit still for a long time. They naturally want to have such a magical weapon in their own hands."

Although Dasheng now has magic weapons, the new emperor has not yet succeeded to the throne, and there are still countless internal affairs problems in the entire territory. In addition, there are still some uncleaned remnants of King Rong to deal with, including the previous rebellion of King Rong. So now is definitely not a good time for Dasheng to start a war.

After Lu Xixue figured it out, the complaint in her eyes lessened a lot, but she still snorted: "That's all, it's not in vain that my mother brought him the antidote all the way."

(End of this chapter)

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