Chapter 674 The war is about to break out

Although Prince Bei was not directly hit by the explosion, he was thrown over. After a ringing in his ears, he let out a loud shout: "Why are there magic weapons on the other side?"

Of course no one can answer this answer now, because the opponent has launched a wave of intensive offensive.

Just a moment ago, they were bombing the opponent until they were pissed. Now the situation was reversed, and the opponent was caught off guard by the explosion.

Su Youyue felt Xie Yuan on her body protecting her tightly. She was afraid that he would be injured. She was anxious and wanted to say something, but as soon as she said her words, they were washed away by the sound of ammunition.

"Xie Yuan...Xie Yuan..."

She kept shouting, trying to get a response.

The man's hand squeezed her shoulder lightly.

Finally, while the other party paused, the secret guards rushed up and escorted them to a later location.

Lu Xixue was very angry: "I knew that we had too many traitors. Don't let me know who they are. How dare you give the magic weapons to the Holy Cult, and wait for me to go back and kill them!"

Su Zhenyun who followed also had a dark face.

Don't let him know who it is, otherwise he will definitely impeach the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors.

At this point, they had no time to guess who it was.

After a round of offensive on the opposite side, the pope's voice came again: "How about it, Xie Yuan, Su Youyue, it's not just you who have magic weapons in your hands, right? Don't forget, you are still within the encirclement of my emperor. I will give you A stick of incense, surrender, hand over the antidote, or they will all be killed here!"

"By the way, bring this person up and let him say a few words."

While Xie Yuan and Su Youyue were silent, they heard Chu Xiaozi's voice coming from the other side.

"Thank you, sir. Sir, you surrender, or you will die. This is their civil war in Dongrong. What does it have to do with us Dasheng people? They Dongrong people will die as much as they like. I am not scaring you. Your Highness the Pope is here. They have several carts of ammunition. You are no match for them at all. They even have hot air balloons and can attack you from the air. Also, the third young master of the Shen family has already developed the ammunition formula. It is useless for you to hold on. , it’s better to cooperate with the Holy Religion!”

When Prince Bei heard this, he was so angry that his beard almost flew off: "Who is this person! What do you mean, we Dongrong people will die as much as we love!"

Even so, he also realized that if Xie Yuan and Su Youyue really surrendered, they would not be able to do anything for the time being, but he and the emperor brother would definitely be doomed!

He couldn't help but look at Xie Yuan anxiously: "Xie Yuan, you must not surrender. Didn't you hear that Third Master Shen has already made the ammunition formula? If he follows the Holy Cult, the power of the Holy Cult will be even greater in the future. There is no limit. When the time comes, let alone our Dongrong, your Dasheng will not be safe either!"

"Nephew, nephew, uncle will never compete with you for Miss Su again! I wish you a child with eight treasures!"

Just as he was talking, Shu Mo's voice came from the other side: "Sir, Madam, don't listen to Chu Xiaozi. She is a despicable person and has surrendered to the Pope! It was she who taught these people how to use ammunition and heat. Balloon, come here quickly and kill her as well, don’t worry about me, my young master will be proud of me..."

Before Shu Mo finished speaking, his voice suddenly whimpered, as if someone had forcibly interrupted him.

Realizing that the two of them were actually facing each other, Su Youyue couldn't help but frown deeply.

Prince Bei was still scolding Chu Xiaozi: "That's right, that kid sounded like a villain at first. He actually surrendered to people like the Holy Cult. It's not a pity to die!"

"Prince, shut up!" Su Youyue suddenly had a stern look on her eyes.

She had always been kind and calm in front of him, and she had never had this kind of expression. Prince Bei was really frightened for a moment, and he shut his mouth tightly.

Su Youyue breathed out slowly: "I personally taught Xiaozi. I can trust her as a person. In my opinion, she is trying to convey news to us."

Xie Yuan also nodded: "Regardless of whether Shen Yuansong really developed the ammunition formula, he must die."

If he had heard this news before, Prince Bei would have been so excited that he would definitely find a way to protect this person's life. This is Dong Rong's genius!

But now, knowing that the other party surrendered to the Pope, he could only endure the pain and want to kill the other party.

The war is imminent and may break out at any time. They don't have an advantage.

The other side is still urging.

"Xie Yuan, the time for half a stick of incense has passed. You don't think we are very patient or give you a chance to make a sneak attack? In fact, what you have to do is very simple. If you are unwilling to surrender, you can take the weapons from Emperor Xuanming's hands. Hand over the military talisman and the holy elixir, and this Pope will still let you go. Hurry up, my patience is limited!"

"Escort Madam back first." Xie Yuan seemed to have made a decision.

Su Youyue was startled and shook her head: "Xie Yuan, let me stay. I won't be a burden to you."

"You have never been a burden to me." Xie Yuan looked at her, "Nanny, the power of ammunition cannot be underestimated. Anyone staying here may die, even me, so you all have to go back, and I have to take it with you Only when people are killed close by can they have a chance of winning."

Su Zhenyun nodded repeatedly from the side: "Yes, Nannan, hurry up and leave with your parents. Xie Yuan knows it well. He is not stupid. If he was really unsure, he would have given away Dongrong's military talisman. Let's go first. Hide behind."

Lu Xixue also said solemnly: "The ammunition is an indiscriminate attack. No one can hide behind it. It's too dangerous to stay here. Nannan, go back."

Su Youyue felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time, but she knew that Xie Yuan was not recruiting for talents like Dong Rong, but to kill the Pope and Shen Yuansong...

If you miss this opportunity and let them escape, it will be difficult to catch these two people together.

He went up for Dasheng, for Dasheng's new emperor.

Even if half of Dong Rong's blood flows in his body, he is still the most loyal subject of Dasheng Yongshi and the new emperor's best minister.

"Okay, go ahead."

In their lives, there is not only love and love, but also family and country. This has always been the case.

Su Youyue suddenly couldn't restrain her emotions, and regardless of other people's gazes, she stood up on tiptoes and bit the man's lips hard.

"Xie Yuan, listen to me, if you die, I will bury you with the baby in your belly!"

"So you come back alive for me, don't break your arms or legs, don't even lose a hair, do you hear me!"

"Hiss..." Su Zhenyun took a breath of air from the side.

Lu Xixue bumped his arm: "Don't act like you have never seen the world. You and I have never seen any big storms."

"That's what Madam said," Su Zhenyun said quickly.

"Nanny, I heard it." There was a trace of blood on Xie Yuan's lips, but his eyes were gentle and harmless, like a wild beast that had been tamed and could no longer stretch out its claws.

Su Youyue glared at him fiercely and then retreated with everyone.

After walking far away, she couldn't help but look back. When she looked around, she saw that the man was still looking at her. Her eye circles instantly turned red, but she still managed to get out of the range of the ammunition attack.

Xie Yuan watched her back disappear completely from his sight before finally looking back. His eyes were as gentle as the sea level one moment, and then turned into a gloomy storm the next second.

He led his people straight up, as he did at Jiuyuan Pass, unstoppable.

The Pope did not expect that at this time, Xie Yuan would still want to fight. He could not help but look at the oncoming crowd coldly and taunted: "You don't overestimate your capabilities."


Following the order, the entire land exploded again.

(End of this chapter)

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