Chapter 682 White Wolf Chapter ()
"He actually killed his biological mother. He is indeed a monster!"

"Elder, we can't keep such a matricide beast..."

The whispers grew louder.

Tuoba Xiao has become enlightened and knows what their words mean.

He wanted to explain.

But the voices of the elders and clan leaders finally prevailed.

"Ciyun accidentally fell off the cliff and died. No one is allowed to mention this matter when we return. The emperor already knows about Xiao'er's existence and is about to come north. Do you want to suffer the disaster of annihilation?"

As soon as the words fell, the others looked horrified and did not dare to say anything.

Tuoba Xiao turned around and looked at every face that was changing for the sake of profit. Suddenly, he didn't want to explain.

Moral integrity, etiquette and rules are just things that people use to deceive and restrain others. In the face of interests, people will abandon their moral integrity, etiquette and rules and become the lackeys of interests.

Nothing compared to the beasts they looked down upon.

He gave everyone a tired, cold look with his blue-green eyes without any explanation.

Everyone who was extremely disgusted with him just now quickly put away the disgust and contempt in their eyes and returned to their previous respectful appearance.

"Master Tuoba, it's time to go back..."

A group of people left quickly.

Tuoba Yi, who was hiding in the corner in the distance, was too far away. He didn't hear a word the elders said. He only saw Tuoba Xiao and Ciyun pulling at each other in the distance, and then Ciyun fell off the cliff. .

He thought it was the person promoted by Tuoba Xiao, his eyes widened, and after everyone had left, he dared to run over and take a peek at Ciyun's body.

He trembled violently for a while, and suddenly ran away as if he was scared.

There was indeed no news about Kaoba Xiao's mother-killing in the tribe. He could only hide the matter in his heart and did not dare to tell anyone.

In the following years, he almost grew up under Tuoba Xiao's shadow.

Tuoba Xiao is a warrior born with divine power. He is the favorite of the clan chief, his father and the elders. He is the existence that all the men in the tribe need to look up to. When he arrived in the Holy Capital, he became the first warrior of Dongrong at the age of twelve. He was made a general at a young age, and even the combined power of all the Wolfhounds could not defeat him.

He teamed up with the wolves, the natural enemies of the wolf hunting tribe, and ordered everyone not to hunt wolves. Naturally, many people opposed it at first, but it was not until then that they discovered that the young boy who everyone could step on had long since It is their irrefutable existence.

Tuoba Yi is still at an age where he can only compete in martial arts within the clan, but Tuoba Xiao is already able to represent Dong Rong as an envoy to Da Sheng.

That year, Tuoba Xiao had already studied for several years.

What is scary in this world is not people who are ferocious, brutal, and ruthless like beasts, but people who have read books, learned to read, and even learned etiquette, but are still ruthless and cruel. Such people seem to be born with a lack of empathy and the ability to love others, and have contempt for others. Human nature, contempt for human life.

Such a person has supreme power and top abilities, and can easily decide a person's life or death. He is really a killing machine.

Although he is young, he has accumulated a lot of blood debts over the years. In addition, with his uncontrollable madness, few people in Dongrong dare to go against him.

Only when he was prosperous that year, there happened to be a little girl who dared to go against him.

Both of them had explosive tempers. When they first met, she choked at him because of his disdainful words towards Da Sheng. He was not happy about it. They didn't like each other and they met each other several times. When we meet, there is smoke everywhere.

He still remembered that at that time, others loved to call this annoying little girl her nickname.

Although she has a fierce personality, her nickname is as soft and sticky as teeth. She has to whisper the word "nannan" with her lips and tongues. Tuoba Xiao would not call her so pretentious, so he shouted Su Youyue with gritted teeth.

It wasn't until he realized that the other party's equestrian skills were real, and not just an exaggeration, that he reluctantly looked at her.

A boy of 12 or 13 years old has not yet developed a love affair. Even if he sees a little girl of the same age, he will not have any other thoughts. He will only think about whether the other party is strong or weak, and whether he is his opponent.

What's more, he and this choking little girl are really sworn enemies at the moment, and they don't like each other.

That day they had a horse race, and it was hard to tell who came first. In the end, the result was indifferent, but he lost the wolf tooth that was most important to him. Halfway through, he stopped his horse and frantically searched for it. Although the little girl hated him, seeing that he seemed to really value that thing, she didn't care about winning or losing, and jumped off the horse to help him find it seriously.

During the search, both of them were so focused that they didn't notice each other at all. Their foreheads collided hard. He was going crazy with anxiety. Now his anger was rising and he was about to grab her and curse, but he heard her say in surprise: : "Tuoba Xiao, do you think this is it?"

He saw the little girl smiling brightly and holding the wolf fang left by her mother in her white and tender hands.

Lost and found is simply the best word in the world.

He snatched the wolf fang away.

The little girl pouted with some dissatisfaction: "Tuoba Xiao, you hurt me!"

He has never apologized to anyone in his life.

Hearing this, he opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

At this time, the anxious voices of women and maids sounded in the distance again.

"Miss, where are you? Miss!"

When the little girl heard this, she left him happily.

Before he could say his thanks, he swallowed them back.

When they met again, he was not in the mood to say thank you.

After all, that girl was really annoying, and it seemed like she could never say anything that would please him.

She always had the ability to make him furious with just one word.

So that day he was angry with her again, and he provoked her to compete again.

She also seemed to be concerned about the fruitless competition that day, so she agreed.

Who knows that this is still a fruitless competition.

The contest ended in vain. Just a moment after it started, his saber missed the horse she was riding, and the horse lost control and rushed into the forest.

Although he chased after him with all his strength, there was another boy who rushed faster than him.

Even in the blink of an eye, the boy disappeared.

He was secretly surprised at the opponent's superb equestrian skills, but soon he hesitated at a fork in the road.

He ultimately chose the wrong direction.

When he came back, he saw that the little girl had broken her leg, and a shocking amount of blood stained her dress.

He felt a stab in his heart and wanted to chase after him to see the situation, but was stopped by someone.

He thought he still had a chance to go to the mansion to apologize, but unexpectedly, the Su mansion was closed and no one could see him.

This missed time means many more years.

He rarely dreams.

But I often dream about this day.

It is ridiculous that a person who has never felt guilty for killing someone would feel guilty for such a thing.

One day, he should apologize to her.

Waiting, finally waiting, the opportunity to have a great success again.

(End of this chapter)

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