Chapter 688 Jinjing Chapter (End)
On the day of Zhejing and Jin'er's wedding, Su Youyue had been mentally preparing for many days, but she still couldn't help but blush.

Her Jin'er will never be that cold corpse again in this life. She will marry a successful man, have children, and live a happy life.

"Miss, don't cry. When you cry, I'll make you want to cry." Jin'er was happy every day before and didn't think that marrying Zhe Jing was such a good thing, there was nothing to cry about.

But it was at this moment that she felt the difference.

This was an extremely important moment in her life, and she was surrounded by people she cared about. Just thinking about it made her want to cry.

She and the young lady have grown up together since childhood, and being able to witness important scenes in each other's lives is such a happy thing that makes people want to cry.

Chun Ya quickly stopped at the side: "Jin'er, please don't cry. Today I specially asked the makeup girl to put on beautiful makeup for you. You will be the most beautiful bride today. If you cry all over your makeup, fold the mirror after a while. What should I do if I have to pick up a little cat?”

Jin'er quickly tightened her face.

Su Youyue also calmed down, and took out another golden silk hairpin inlaid with jewels and hundred-flower tassels from her sleeves, and tied it in her hair with her own hands. Then she looked at Jin'er in the mirror and said with a smile: "Jin'er is so beautiful. "

Jin'er has a round face, round eyes, and a cute appearance, but today's bright makeup makes her look bright and cute, making her particularly charming and charming.

"Miss... this, this is too expensive." Although Jin'er liked it, she was too embarrassed to accept it and took another peek at Chunya.

She and Chunya were both maids beside the young lady, but she knew that the young lady favored her more. This time she had already given herself several boxes of jewelry and three thousand taels of silver as a dowry, and now she What should Chunya think after giving something so valuable?

Su Youyue smiled: "It's not expensive, Jin'er deserves the best."

Chun Ya also smiled: "You are still polite to the lady."

His master was generous in his actions, and Jin'er had a deeper relationship with the young lady. Chun Ya would not care about this, and her sight was no longer limited to this side of the house.

Just as he was talking, there was suddenly a loud sound of firecrackers outside.

"The groom is here to pick up the bride!" Someone outside shouted excitedly.

The women in the room who were still a little moved suddenly became nervous and excited.

"Quick, quick, put the hijab on."

"Where is the wedding silk? Where did you put the wedding silk?"

After a lot of uproar, the house was finally tidied up, and the sounds outside became more and more lively, and the voices of men could be heard.

"Zheying, why are you blocking the door today?" Zheying was obviously a little surprised.

Zheying said in a serious tone: "My lord told me to come here. Please guard the door tightly today. I won't let you marry Miss Jin'er home so easily. Otherwise, Madam will be sad."

"Oh, there are other brothers..."

After a while, a row of secret guards blocked the door.

"Don't worry, there are still two of us brothers." Gao Sheng pulled Li Ying and ran over.

The folding mirror covered with red silk: "..."

He looked up at the closed door behind everyone and couldn't wait to break through.

Listening to the commotion outside, Jin'er raised her hijab and followed the other sisters to the crack of the door to peek.

Seeing the folding mirror outside the door being embarrassed, she immediately softened her heart and wanted to go out by herself.

"Ah, bride, why are you here to see her? Sit back quickly." Xiniang in the room hurriedly pulled her back.

Zhejing outside heard this, and finally exerted force to break Gao Sheng's wrist, which had always been known for its iron fist.

"Hey, brother, I feel sorry for you because you are anxious to see your wife, so you are letting go. Go ahead." Gao Sheng secretly shook his numb wrist behind his back.

This guy, who usually can't defeat himself, is really awesome when he wants to marry a wife!

Zhejing arrived at the door without saying a word.

Just as Xiniang was about to block the last door, Jin'er opened it.

"Folding mirror!"

Although she was covered with a hijab, Zhejing knew that she was his wife and quickly handed over the red silk.

Jin'er grabbed it and said without hesitation: "Miss, I'm going to marry someone, and I'll come back in the evening..." Su Youyue's desire to cry disappeared instantly, and she hurriedly interrupted: "Don't come back tonight!"

Glancing at Zhejing's resentful eyes, she quickly added: "Don't come back for the next few days."

Only then did Zhe Jing smile, pull Jin'er and whisper in her ear: "Jin'er, madam asked you not to come back for a few days."

Under the hijab, Jin'er blushed.

Isn't this my first time as a bride? I'm inexperienced and I forgot that tonight is the wedding night.

The two held the red silk and went out with everyone's blessing.

She said she was getting married, but in fact the yard that Zhejing bought was only two blocks away from Xie's mansion, and the sedan chair had to travel two more streets.

Jin'er sat on the sedan chair, feeling happy for a while, nervous for a while, and in the end, she didn't know what to think.

But a picture suddenly flashed in her mind.

She suddenly remembered that once when she went to help a young lady with errands, she almost fell down on the way and met a young man who helped her.

Although the young man looked ordinary and she couldn't remember his exact appearance, she remembered clearly that he held her up with his sword scabbard.

I still remember his handsome temperament, which made people's hearts flutter.

Moreover, she didn't even fall down and complained about the pain first, and even lied to others that she had a toothache.

No wonder she felt that the previous scene was so familiar. It turned out that it didn't happen in a dream.

Jin'er shook her head and just wanted to push this matter to the back of her mind, but she couldn't help but think about it.

Why did she feel that the temperament of that guy was so similar to Zhe Jing's?

Jin'er became suspicious when she thought that her little brother was someone who could disguise himself.

It wasn't until she bowed to heaven and earth, entered the bridal chamber, and saw Zhejing planning to go out for a toast that she had the chance to grab him.

"What's wrong, Jin'er?" Zhejing lowered his eyes, his eyes so gentle that they could make you sick.

Jin'er finally asked: "Zhejing, I remember... It seems that a long time ago, there was a young man who used a scabbard to catch me when I almost fell. That person..."

"It's me." Zhejing answered directly, with a smile on his lips, "I originally planned to tell you tonight to see if you still remember it, but unexpectedly, you remembered it."

Jin'er just guessed, but she didn't expect it to be him.

She suddenly felt that the two of them were more than a little destined.

So she pulled the folding mirror and said, "It turns out that at that time, I already thought you were handsome. Sure enough, my aesthetics have always been the same."

Looking at Zhe Jing's surprised eyes, Jin'er pursed her lips and smiled, stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the lips.

After the kiss, she said in a soft voice: "Husband, come back soon."

This time, Zhejing was so fascinated that everyone was confused, and they didn't want to go out to toast.

So he kissed her back, said a few words, and went out.

Jin'er thought that he would not come back until dark, so he sat on the wedding bed again.

Who knew that just after she sat down for a while, the folding mirror came back again.

"Why are you back? What did you forget to bring?" She was surprised.

Zhejing shook his head: "Jin'er, I've finished paying respects and I'm here to accompany you."

"So fast? But, I remember there were a lot of people coming."

"After paying tribute, the most important thing is to be with you."


In the yard, Zhe Ying, Gao Sheng, Li Ying, and the secret guard brothers who came were lost in thought as they looked at the guests who had already been toasted by the groom but could not find the groom and came to toast them one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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