Chapter 691: Continuing the Lead ()

"Girl, girl!"

Mei Xue was wearing a dark-colored misty gilt skirt, leaning against the window with a tired expression. She only raised her eyes slightly when she heard her grandma's voice.

"But they arranged for someone to come again?"

Since her husband's death, Mei Xue's temperament has become more and more quiet. She often likes to stay at home and rarely interacts with her sisters, let alone seeing each other.

The Mei family saw it in their eyes and felt anxious in their hearts. They didn't mind having an extra girl in the family. It was not an option for Mei Xue to be so helpless, so they often asked people to come to her and talk to her.

Aunt Zhao had grown up watching Mei Xue. When she thought of the person she just saw, her lips could not stop trembling.

Her lady finally came through!
"Girl, this time is different. The master and his wife have said..."

Aunt Zhao tried hard to force herself to calm down, with tears in her eyes. Only she knew how much Mei Xue had suffered over the years!

"As long as you go this time, if you still don't like it and don't want to get married, they won't find anyone for you anymore!"


Only then did Mei Xue gain some energy, but when she stood up, she staggered, but fortunately, she was supported by Aunt Zhao in time.

"Quick, go get the girl's medicine!"

Aunt Zhao felt very distressed. It was clear that she was still in her prime years, but since her ex-uncle passed away, although she was still young, her spirit was like that of a flower that had failed to bloom, and she was looking haggard.

If she wasn't afraid that Mei Xue would be so worried and hurt herself again, Nanny Zhao would really not want to give that person a chance.

Did you ever take her young lady into your heart when you said you were going to run away?

"No need."

Mei Xue shook her head and managed to stand still: "I know my body is just a little bit cold, so it's fine without taking any medicine."


"Mommy, stop trying to persuade me. Don't you want to take me to see someone? It's rude to ask people to wait."

Aunt Zhao choked. How could she not know what Mei Xue was thinking? She was clearly eager to reject the man and get it over with.

"Girl, do you want to change clothes?"

Just now, Mei's family had warned Aunt Zhao not to notify Mei Xue in advance of Xie Chuan's return. At this moment, Aunt Zhao was holding back and was even more nervous than Mei Xue.

"Need not."

Mei Xue pursed her lips, feeling that Aunt Zhao was a little strange today, but she didn't take it to heart and went to the front hall.

Xie Chuan's back was straight and he was kneeling in the main hall of the Mei family to apologize.

The man has gold under his knees, and he kneels before the world and his parents. However, he owes his wife a lot and has brought trouble to the Mei family. It is time for him to admit his mistake now.

"Father-in-law, I..."

"Who is your father-in-law!"

Mei Songling was so angry that he smashed the tea cup in his hand. The porcelain shards flew past Xie Chuan, and a bloody mark was drawn under his right eye.

Seeing this, Mrs. Mei was so anxious that she pulled Mei Songling in a low voice and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Don't you still know your daughter's temperament? You are sure that a person will not change, and then you ruin his appearance! Besides, it was really a helpless act for my uncle back then. If he didn't leave, he would die. Our Mei family also did the same at the beginning Can't save him..."

Mei Songling coughed after being scolded by his wife, but looked at Xie Chuan and became angry.

That is, if Xie Chuan was not born with such a good skin, how could he be so obsessed with the apple of his eye?
At that time, Mei Songling was quite fond of Xie Chuan, and she did not change her opinion even if something happened to the Xie family.

However, the relationship between the two families was so close that Xie Chuan faked his death and escaped without telling his daughter at all. This caused his daughter to miss her so much that she almost hurt her body, which made him unable to help but feel angry.

"I heard that you had married someone else in Dongrong. Do you still want Xueer to degrade yourself as a concubine?"

"Xie Chuan doesn't dare!" Xie Chuan, who was rarely so helpless, explained hurriedly, "Back then, when I was going to Dongrong, my future was unknown, and I was surrounded by wolves. I really couldn't spare the chance to tell Xue'er..."

The dignified seven-foot-tall man couldn't help but tremble in his words when he mentioned how he felt about abandoning Mei Xue that day. "Dongrong married another man out of necessity. Dongrong's wife is actually a man and a secret guard under his mother's command. Xie Chuan is willing to guarantee with his life that he will never do anything wrong to Xue'er! I don't dare to come here today. I beg my father-in-law, mother-in-law and Xueer to forgive me, just to admit my mistake and apologize..."

This answer made Mei Songling lose a lot of his anger.

Now that the Xie family has long been renamed, Xie Chuan is no longer guilty, and he is also the son of Princess Pingyang in Dongrong. If he is really serious, he can choose from many famous ladies, so why come all the way back and kneel before him? This is asking for trouble.

"Are you serious..."

Before Mei Songling finished speaking, he saw the beaded curtain in the outer room shaking, and it was Mei Xue who rushed in without even caring about etiquette.

"Xie Chuan, you..."

The wife he had thought about day and night finally appeared. Xie Chuan's eyes were moved, and he stood up to meet her. However, Mei Xue took an uncontrollable step back, her eyes trembling, and she shed tears in an instant.

Xie Chuan felt a pain in his heart when he saw that his first wife was much thinner than when they parted.

Mei Xue took two steps forward. She just wanted to touch and see if the person in front of her was real, but she couldn't help but take two steps back.

"You are still alive. Why, you never asked anyone to tell me."

"Xue'er, it's my fault..." Xie Chuan was afraid of explaining too much. The Mei family finally felt that he was making excuses, so they couldn't help but express the apology that had been buried in their hearts for a long time.

He lowered his head, and only then did Mei Xue see the blood stains under his eyes clearly, and her lowered hands trembled slightly.


"Don't touch me!" Mei Xue heard that he only apologized without explaining, and her eyes turned red. It was obvious that she had only seen a living person standing in front of her in her dreams countless times, but there was still a feeling of despair and sadness in her heart.

"A broken mirror cannot be restored. Thank you, Mr. Eldest, please come back. I will not marry you again!"

Although Mei Xue felt distressed in her heart, she was even more angry now. She was angry that even though he was still alive, he had never said a word to her in the past two years. After saying that, she turned around and left. Unexpectedly, her chest felt so tight. The figure shook again.


This time, even Mei Songling and his wife changed their expressions. Before they could stop him, Mei Xue swayed and fell back suddenly.

Xie Chuan stepped forward in surprise and finally supported the person. Only then did he realize that Mei Xue was as light as a piece of paper.

"Quick, call the doctor!"

Mei Songling and his wife looked at each other, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

The more Mei Xue is like this, the more difficult it is to let go, what an injustice! What else could they do? None of the men she had arranged for her over the years had been turned away by her cold words.

Xie Chuan is not the only one suffering the same pain?
Brothers are of the same mind, Mei Xue only found out about the Xie family's return today, but Wen Qingyu had already heard the news and blocked Xie Yu out of the hospital.

"Qingyu, I know you are angry with me. You can do whatever you want, as long as you let me see you!"

Xie Yu had already had enough of such a long separation. If he wasn't afraid of making his father-in-law even more angry, he would have wanted to tear down the courtyard door in front of him.

A few hours passed in a flash, but Wen Qingyu showed no intention of letting go. Xie Yu could only sigh and turned around.

"Leaving now?"

When Wen Qingyu heard the movement outside, she finally couldn't help it. She bit her lip and ran after her to see, but saw that there was really no one outside the door. She was so angry that her eyes turned red again.

She cried almost all night last night, and when she woke up this morning, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, so she refused to see Xie Yu. She didn't expect that this guy didn't even have this patience.

"Just leave, I don't want to see you in the first place!"

Wen Qing's words touched her heart, and she vented her anger towards the deserted place by the wall, but she didn't expect another figure of Pingting to come over.

"Sister, who are you angry at? Why are you so angry? Eat some plums to relieve the heat."

"Who cares about your plums?"

Wen Qingyu could tell with just one glance what Wen Qingyan's step-sister was planning. Zuo just heard about it and came to plan on Xie Yu's plans.

(End of this chapter)

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