Editing of the ten loyal ministers and the emperors standing up

Chapter 105: Calling him the Son of Heaven is a great shame and humiliation!

Chapter 105: Calling him the Son of Heaven is a great shame and humiliation!
above the sky.

Beijing City.

Since the civil engineering revolution, the people and officials in Beijing have been frightened. No one knows which day Mongolian cavalry will suddenly appear under the city, and there are people fleeing south every day.

However, when the new emperor ascended the throne, the imperial court was slightly shaken.

Yu Qian ordered the entire city to be under martial law on the sixth day after the Tumu Incident, and no one in the city was allowed to go out.
In addition, people from the countryside were gathered into the city from the counties around the capital, and the fields were cleared, and all the food was transported to the city.

The Beijing camp claims to have an army of [-], but there are less than [-] who can actually fight, and most of them are old, young, sick and disabled.

After Yu Qian took over the city's defense, he often led the crowd to inspect the soldiers' barracks, which indirectly restored the fighting spirit of some soldiers.

The war horses going out to deliver orders never stopped from morning to night, and the convoys transporting grain, grass, armor and weapons continued to enter the city of Beijing.

King Qin's troops from all over the north went north one after another.

At this time, the people on the northern grasslands finally made full preparations, assembled 60 troops and horses, and decided to invade the Ming Dynasty.

In Ye Xian's view, the Ming Dynasty at this time was like a broken ship with leaks everywhere. As long as it experienced a little wind and waves,
If the ship is destroyed and people are killed, he can lead the Meng Yuan to take control of the Central Plains again and complete his great cause.

Yu Qian looked at the generals in front of him and said in a serious tone:

"As soon as the war begins, it will be a fight to the death. All the soldiers defending the city will kill the enemy bravely. If our army is defeated in this battle, our Ming Dynasty will definitely fall into the same trap as the Song Dynasty.

We no longer have a way to survive. The tens of millions of people in the north no longer have a way to survive. What face do we have to see the elders in our hometown, and what face do we have to see our wives, children, and grandchildren? "

A figure broke into the military tent, and everyone quickly looked over. It was His Majesty the Emperor in military uniform!

The new emperor Zhu Qiyu!
I saw him saying with a firm face:

"If you don't win, you will die. I have prepared steel swords and fast horses in the city. If you all die in battle, then I will close the gap.
The Ming Dynasty has not yet had an emperor who died in battle. If there is to be one, then start with me! "

As Zhu Qiyu finished speaking, Yu Qian couldn't help but cast admiring glances, and the two looked at each other sympathetically.

All the ministers and generals present were shocked and bowed down after hearing the new emperor's words.
Everyone was excited and inspired, and the morale of the Ming army increased greatly.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng:
"Okay, good boy, he has a bit of an emperor's air, much better than that Zhu Qizhen!"

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, also clapped his hands and said, "Good, what an emperor who fights to the death, what a civil servant who is calm and unhurried!"

Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, said, "This...isn't this an egg hitting a stone? How can 60 soldiers and [-] old, weak, sick and disabled defeat the [-] elite Mongolians?"
It is really ridiculous to say that we should repeat the mistakes of the Song Dynasty. How ridiculous it is to block the car with a mantis! "

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang said with a complicated expression:
"Yu Qian is good. It seems that the new emperor named Zhu Qiyu is much better than Zhu Qizhen. Fourth son, why are your descendants so poor-sighted that they can't even choose the emperor?"

King Yan Zhu Di: ...Stop scolding, stop scolding, if I knew that my descendants were so unsatisfactory, I would not let them be born, strangle them to death and throw them into the pit.

During the Yingzong Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty,
Zhu Qiyu and Yu Qian just looked at the sky curtain blankly. As the protagonists on the sky screen, they attracted everyone's attention.

I don’t know who whispered:
"King Xi should have been the emperor a long time ago!"

Surprisingly, no one contradicted this person.

The Tumu Fortress incident caused every family in the Ming Dynasty to wear sackcloth and pay filial piety. Who dares to say that he does not have any resentment towards the emperor?
"Look...that seems to be our emperor!"

"No, it should be the late emperor!"

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw that Mongolia was holding a cage and slowly heading towards Beijing.


above the sky.

You can tell from the shabby dragon robe in the cage that this person is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen,

At this time, Xining was sitting in the captured carriage, opening the curtains from time to time to look at the languid Emperor in his own home, feeling very proud.

Zhu Qizhen had been captured for a month. He had never taken a bath or had a proper meal during this month. A leg of lamb was enough for three or four days of rations. At this time, Zhu Qi Zhen's hair is messy and his mouth is unshaven. He doesn't look like the young prince and orthodox emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

He was also in the Chinese military camp first, and Zhu Qizhen was right behind him, his hands tied with ropes, and his legs tightly tied to the horse's back.

The Wara people and the Ming army had fought several battles without victory or defeat. Both sides suffered losses, but the other side was the defender after all, so the Mongols suffered greater losses.

"Little emperor, go and say hello to your Ming generals.

It would be best if you could open the gates of your capital city, and we in Wala will do less murder! "

After Ye Xian finished speaking, the eunuch Xining led Zhu Qizhen's horse forward, followed by more than a dozen Mongolian cavalry.

Far away, the defenders only saw a small group of cavalry breaking away from the central army and walking towards the city wall.

Zhu Qizhen did not respond to this. Looking at the capital city wall getting closer and closer, he felt really mixed emotions in his heart. He was so high-spirited when he set out from here a month ago.

How miserable is it to be captured now, and even being coerced into trying to trick him into opening the city gate?

"Don't shoot the arrow, don't shoot the arrow, I am your emperor Zhu Qizhen!"

The capital of the Ming Dynasty was silent, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were silent, and Zhu Qizhen only brought a dozen Mongolian cavalry to silence the front line.

A dozen Mongolian cavalry wantonly insulted Zhu Qizhen in front of tens of thousands of Ming army soldiers, but a dozen people turned a blind eye to the walls of the capital.

But what about the soldiers of the Ming Army... How dare they shoot arrows or use cannons.

Do you still want the Nine Clans?
But what about the Mongolian soldiers?

They took off Zhu Qizhen's clothes wantonly, then whipped him with whips, and even beat him on horseback to gallop past in front of the Ming army's formation.

All kinds of insulting words blurted out!

For this reason, they even learned a lot of Chinese. The Mongolians were laughing and humiliating them wantonly.

And our emperor, who was called the emperor, couldn't bear the beating, so he actually said to the tower in all humiliation:

"I am the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Open the city gate quickly! Open the city gate quickly!"

Yu Qian, whose face was stained and dressed in military uniform, watched all this quietly.

Shi Heng's uncle and nephew were also looking at the emperor below, and Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu also looked at this scene angrily!
Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng slammed the table and said angrily:

"There will always be an emperor like this in the Ming Dynasty? Is he worthy of being called an emperor? Why doesn't he die?"

【Table life is halved! 】

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty: "The gap between emperors is wider than the gap between humans and dogs."

Queen Changsun: "Your Majesty, please don't insult dogs! Some people are worse than dogs!"

Song Gaozong Zhao Gou said: "If the Jin people threaten the lives of my father and brother, for the sake of the Song Dynasty, we must not open the city gate and surrender!"

Our Zhao Jiumei was also scared, but he was more concerned about his own safety.

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang had already pulled out his sword, put it directly on the neck of his son Zhu Di, and said angrily:

“Okay, okay, it’s really unlucky for our country to fall into the hands of your unfilial descendants!
People say that the descendants of saints can be passed down to three generations, but your family's descendants can directly destroy our Ming Dynasty! "

"Dad! I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Zhu Di was also frightened to death!He was also angry, but he was more afraid that his father would chop him down.

The entire Hongwu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty was in a state of uproar, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

 . .

(End of this chapter)

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