Editing of the ten loyal ministers and the emperors standing up

Chapter 108: The emperor who called the family became the emperor who kicked out the family, and Zhu

Chapter 108: The emperor who called the family became the emperor who kicked out the family, and Zhu Qizhen launched a coup
Above the sky, a line of large black and bold characters appeared!

[Originally, the relationship between monarch and minister can continue until the person who least should appear in Ming Dynasty comes back! 】

Daizong, who had secured his position as emperor, had a new view on his throne:
I am not the emperor who takes the throne for my brother, but the emperor who is appointed by heaven.

"How long do you plan to postpone the establishment of a prince?"

Zhu Qiyu held the memorial in his hand and looked at the ministers with a tired expression.

An official from the Ministry of Rites said:

"If the Supreme Emperor does not come back, then the Crown Prince has evil intentions, which cannot be justified in terms of etiquette and law."

"How many times have you said this? Have you ever seen an emperor who succeeds to the throne and has to ask for instructions from the next emperor?
Nonsense! "

Zhu Qiyu became increasingly dissatisfied, but the officials of the Ministry of Rites said wantonly:
"Besides, the Supreme Emperor is still alive. Even His Majesty's position needs to be relinquished three times, receive gold treasures, then offer sacrifices to the Ancestral Temple, and then establish a crown prince. This is the only way to comply with the law!"

Zhu Qiyu said coldly:
"Then you guard the city of Beijing? Does the Ministry of Rites only talk about etiquette?"

"What does the Ministry of Etiquette say if it doesn't talk about etiquette? I don't understand!"

"I don't understand either!"

"I don't understand!"

The officials of the Ministry of Rites knelt down one after another and used their own actions to resist Zhu Qiyu's establishment of the crown prince.

"Where is Jin Yiwei?"


"Drag all these tough-talking officials from the Ministry of Rites and give them thirty blows. As for the Minister of Rites, I will beat him to death directly."


Yu Qian did not stop all this, but looked at Zhu Qiyu lightly and said,
"Your Majesty, please welcome back the Supreme Emperor as soon as possible!"

Zhu Qiyu did not take up the topic, but changed the subject and asked:
"Yu Qian, I heard that the Supreme Emperor was going to kill you, a loyal minister who has always remonstrated with you, before he went to war.

If it weren't for the ministers protecting you and sending you to the lime factory, you would have died long ago without a burial place. "

"I have a public heart and don't care about personal vendettas. Please put your majesty in mind of the overall situation and win back the late emperor's name."

"Okay, you are really my good minister, Yu Qian. Some people say that you have a pair of eyes. Can you tell me what they are."

"I was born with my eyes pointed toward the sky. People say this is a bad omen."

Yu Qian said neither humble nor arrogantly,
Zhu Qiyu was already a little angry. He thought Yu Qian was his closest ally, but he didn't expect that he would stab him in the back now!

Zhu Qiyu said angrily,
"I don't care about this position at all. You asked me to sit in this position. It was heaven and earth, ancestors, and ministers who forced me to sit in this position of great treasure!
Now you say no to anything I say or do! "

Finally, he smashed the crown on his head and strode back.

The relationship between Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu seems to have exposed cracks at this moment, which can never be repaired.

In the harem, Demon Queen Sun Ruowei narrowed her eyes and ordered the people behind her:
"Replace a group of honest and reliable people for our new queen, and protect our new prince. He is the future of my Ming Dynasty!"


The emperors looked at this scene with mixed emotions. Obviously everything was going in a good direction, but these pedantic ministers seemed to be driving the new emperor crazy!

Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty became even more angry. He pointed at Zhu Qiyu on the sky and cursed:
"Why can't you be tougher, kid? As an emperor, how can you let your ministers lead you by the nose?
Kill, I don’t believe their necks are harder than steel knives! "

And the Yingzong Dynasty of Ming Dynasty.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird. Everyone looked at the sky in surprise. No one expected this scene.

Especially the officials of the Ministry of Rites were stunned. They looked at themselves who were very brave above the sky, and suddenly felt a little complicated.

It feels like they have become bitches and still have to build a memorial arch. They were the ones who rushed the duck to the shelves, and now they are the ones who are jumping out to oppose the emperor.

Zhu Qiyu's expression also became a little distorted. He did not expect that he would suffer like this after winning the battle to defend Beijing, and he did not expect that Yu Qian would not comply with his wishes.

Looking at the admonishing ministers, Zhu Qiyu lost his mind and looked at Yu Qian with a smile,
"Okay, Sir Yu Qianyu, it turns out that even if I fight with blood, even if I try my best to save the city of Beijing,
Even if I ascend the throne of the emperor, it doesn't matter anything. Being an emperor is really boring. "

Looking at the decadent His Highness King Xi, Yu Qian couldn't help but comfort him:
"No, Your Highness, neither Yu Qian above the sky nor Yu Qian now has any second thoughts. I just want to save the Supreme Emperor and have never had other thoughts. I have a public heart!"

"Yes, you are too fair. You love Daming, not Xiao Wang." Zhu Qiyu said frustratedly,


The scene changed and it was a month later!

"Report, the Supreme Emperor has sent an edict for the Zen position, saying that the destiny has been returned, no need to say more!"

After Yingzong was captured, he quickly discovered that the hostage was of no use and could not get anything out of him.

So he changed his mind first and wanted to return Yingzong to improve relations in exchange for mutual trade.

He also sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to express his attitude and asked the Ming Dynasty to send someone to pick up the emperor.

"Hahaha, okay, take all the gold, silver and jewelry from your underwear and make sure to welcome the Supreme Emperor back!"

The satisfied Zhu Qiyu thought about it, but he didn't know that what would come next would be an endless nightmare!
In any case, Zhu Qiyu did not want to return the throne of emperor to the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen at this time, and he also placed Zhu Qizhen under house arrest in the Nangong Palace and did not allow officials from the DPRK and central government to contact him.

There is no need to accuse him of being ruthless. After all, Zhu Qiyu did not arrange for his brother to "die of a sudden illness." This was a routine operation in the brutal imperial power struggle for more than 2000 years.


A row of big characters suddenly appeared on the sky:
[Huang Rui killed his younger brother Si Ming, the magistrate of Fugang, with a personal grudge, and destroyed his family. He heard about it in the court.

Fearing the crime, he hurriedly sent Yuan Hong from thousands of families to the capital. He advised the emperor to make a secret plan with his trusted ministers and build the East Palace. 】

What does it mean?In order to protect himself, Huang Yan, the commander of Guangxi's local official capital, killed his younger brother and his family, and sent someone with a letter to flatter the emperor and suggest Yi Chu.

Daizong immediately took advantage of the topic and promoted Huang Yan to the governor. He approved that "there is such a loyal minister thousands of miles away" and issued a court meeting.

It hinted that the ministers and descendants of Zong also understood that these old Jianghu were masters of pretending to be stupid, so they played a cruel trick again.

He arranged for eunuchs to bribe important ministers, and after a series of actions, he finally promoted the succession of Prince Zhu Jianji to the throne. Sun Ruowei in the harem smiled slightly.

[Zhu Qiyu deposed Zhu Jianshen as King Yi and made his son Zhu Jianji the crown prince.

But in the second year, Zhu Jianji, who had only been the crown prince for more than a year, died. 】

There are only a few sentences, but they are full of shadows of the Queen Mother Sun, and a group of eunuchs and maids committed suicide. No matter how hard Zhu Qiyu checked, he could not find the truth!
[The queen committed suicide due to grief and anger. 】

Under the control of Empress Dowager Sun, the eunuchs offered various tonics to the emperor, but he still had no heirs, and instead his body collapsed.

[From the fourth year of Jingtai to the eighth year of Jingtai, he worked in the harem for four years but achieved nothing. Many important officials proposed to Daizong to restore Zhu Jianshen, but he rejected them one by one. 】

[In the first month of the eighth year of Jingtai, Zhu Qiyu suddenly fell seriously ill. As a precaution, all the ministers had to go to Shu to request Emperor Daizong to reinstate Zhu Jianshen as the crown prince, but Zhu Qiyu still refused.

Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang, Xu Youzhen and others realized an opportunity to obtain the support of Tiangong, and they plotted.
After obtaining the approval of Empress Dowager Sun from the harem, the "Change of Seizing the Gate" was launched on the [-]th day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Jingtai.Yingzong, who was imprisoned in Nangong, was carried into the palace to receive congratulations from hundreds of officials. 】

Above the sky, Zhu Qizhen kicked open the palace door and saw Zhu Qiyu lying on the hospital bed.
"Brother, you have held the throne for long enough, it's time to return it to me, right?"

Zhu Qiyu exclaimed: "Yu Qian, where is Yu Qian!"

However, no one responded to him. The palace guards on the left and right bowed down and said:

"The Great Emperor!"

Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang, Xu Youzhen and others surrounded Zhu Qizhen.

"It turns out it was the Queen Mother's intention!"

In despair, Zhu Qiyu said pessimistically:
"Brother will be the emperor, good!"


All these things on the sky made all the emperors angry. The disgusting Emperor actually seized the throne and took over.

Especially Zhu Qiyu, his eyes looked at the Queen Mother Sun, who immediately avoided her eyes.

Then he looked at Cao Jixiang, the Queen Mother, one by one, and the minister Xu Youzhen next to him looked at Yu Qian.

"Master Yu, this emperor will do whatever he wants. Xiao Wang, go to Nanjing and say goodbye!"

 . . .

(End of this chapter)

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