Editing of the ten loyal ministers and the emperors standing up

Chapter 147 Qin Hui shirks the blame, Yue Fei goes on the 2nd Northern Expedition

Chapter 147 Qin Hui shirks the blame, Yue Fei’s second Northern Expedition

Qin Hui's words immediately resonated with all the civil servants!

What's wrong, do you military generals also want to get the same privileges as our civil servants?
Don’t even think about it, just be obedient and be suppressed by our scholar-bureaucrat group!

Then Qin Hui looked at Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi again and asked:
"Marshal Zhang, Lieutenant Liu, if His Majesty has a decree to order you to wait for Ding You, how should you choose between loyalty and filial piety?"

Zhang Jun was unhappy at first, so he raised his hands and said,
"In the end, I will be loyal to the official family. With the gold medal, I will obey orders even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

Liu Guangshi also replied loyally,

"Loyalty and filial piety are difficult to have both ways. However, the king and father are greater than heaven. I dare to disobey and obey the orders to the death!"

As the two military governors spoke, civil and military officials expressed their loyalty to Zhao Gou one after another, and a crisis was eliminated by Qin Hui invisible.

Yue Fei didn't argue, he just looked at his mother's spiritual hub on the sky, feeling very sad.
Mrs. Yao, who single-handedly raised him to adulthood, will pass away next year. Thinking of this makes him heartbroken.
How can you still think about trying to gain power with Qin Hui and others?Furthermore, regarding the stability of the Great Song Dynasty, he could only endure it for the sake of the country.

I can only bear with the slight grievance.

Zhao Gou felt happy when he saw everyone's speech, but he still shouted,

"Qin Qing, please pay more attention to your words and deeds in the future, and don't act recklessly. You also must not slander General Yue's bravery and loyalty.

A few days ago, I gave Pengju a banner with the four characters "Serve the country with loyalty and loyalty" written on it. I know Yue Fei's loyalty and bravery well.

Above the sky, I did something wrong. How can such a filial person do anything wrong?
Pengju, I feel deeply ashamed of you. "

The emperor was not wrong. The emperor could not apologize to his ministers. He could only comfort Yue Fei.

Yue Fei said generously,
"The officials killed the junior minister. Qin Xianggong's words woke up the general. It was indeed the general who overstepped his bounds. It is a blessing for the officials not to blame the general. Thank you for your mercy."

The two kept in touch, exchanged pleasantries for a while, and seemed to have a more harmonious relationship.

Zhao Ding glanced at Qin Hui, then at Yue Fei, and said calmly to Zhang Jun beside him,
"You're no longer useful when you get old, and people can't tell you."

"The hardest thing to discern is the human heart. Some people hide it so well that if it weren't for the curtain of the sky, I wouldn't even be able to see through it!"

"Kou honey belly sword, mouth honey belly sword, haha!"

Zhang Jun took over what Zhao Ding said, and the two of them satirized Qin Hui next to him. Although Qin Hui heard their conversation, he pretended not to know.

He lowered his body lower, but the viciousness hidden in the corners of his eyes made people shudder.

He hated it so much. Although those two people couldn't help him ascend to the position of right prime minister, they could easily destroy him.

The content above the sky curtain continues,
Wang Gui and Zhang Xian arrived at Lushan Mountain and finally saw Yue Fei and Yue Yun. They immediately knelt down and cried bitterly:
"We are originally refugees in Hebei Province, so what can we do if we die today? It can be regarded as repaying Commander Yue's kindness.

What’s wrong with all the people in the world?The people in the two rivers are weeping all day long. The north is deeply poisoned by the barbarians. Why do the people suffer?
Since ancient times, it has been difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. Is there a way to have both?I also ask Yue Shuai to forgive me. "

Then he said,

"The general has resisted the order several times, and the court is not happy with it. If the two of us can no longer invite the general back, our lives will be at risk. I ask the general to think again."

Yue Fei already had tears streaming down his face and said in a sad voice:

"Fei... felt heartbroken for a moment and couldn't control himself. The words loyalty and filial piety are so important."

Then Yue Fei turned around and kowtowed three times towards his mother-in-law's grave, bleeding profusely.

"The child is unfilial. When the Northern Expedition is successful, he will come back to worry about his mother, and the child will go away!"

Letting the blood wash away his sight, he headed straight to the north without looking back, leading Yue Yun's men back to the battlefield.

The storm seemed to have disappeared without a trace.


Above the sky, smoke filled the air.

Under repeated urging from the court, Yue Fei could not keep both loyalty and filial piety in mind and rushed back to the army.In June, as the weather was about to turn cooler, Zhang Jun decided to abandon his offensive plan.

Order the generals:

"First try to defend yourself against the enemy's enemy, and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack them."

It means: Let’s fight back, brothers, find your own opportunities, come on!
However, Yue Fei decided to march according to the established plan and set off for the Northern Expedition in July.

The Yue family's troops were divided into two groups: one to the northeast, led by Niu Gao, who was familiar with the geography of western Beijing, and went straight to Zhenru Army.

Niu Gao fought with the Jin army in Lushan County, Ruzhou in his early years. At this time, he returned to his hometown and was full of energy. He captured Rucheng in the first battle and captured the puppet Qi Xiao general Xue Heng alive.
Then they raided the area from Yingchang Mansion to Caizhou and burned the grain, grass and baggage of the puppet Qi army.

On the other hand, Wang Gui, Hao Gu, Dong Xian and others marched northwestward. After capturing Lushi County,

They also took the three counties of Guolue, Zhuyang and Luanchuan to the west, seizing 15 shi of grain along the way and surrendering tens of thousands of people.After Wang Gui regained Guozhou, he led his army westward, conquering five counties including Shangluo, Shangluo, Luonan, Fengyang County and Shangjin County, and swept through the entire territory of Shangzhou.

The Yue family army continued to capture Yiyang County, the prefecture of Shun Prefecture of the puppet Qi Dynasty.

On August [-]th and [-]th, Yang Zaixing won two battles and won two victories. He defeated the puppet commander and the pacification envoy of the puppet Qishun Prefecture and regained Changshui County!

He also seized [-] shi of grain and distributed it to the soldiers and people. He also captured a puppet Qi horse prison and obtained [-] horses.

At this point, the strength of the Yue Family Army has greatly increased!

Then the other two counties in Shunzhou, Yongning County and Fuchang County, were also captured.

"Okay, okay, Yue Fei is indeed a famous general of our Song Dynasty. He is invincible and unstoppable. This is our great fortune for the Song Dynasty!"

When Zhang Jun, the coach in the middle, received the battle report from Yue Fei, he cried with joy. Since the battle of Xiangyang, the Song Dynasty once again achieved a great victory!

Then he ordered his people to work hard and send the battle report to Zhao Guan's house!
Zhang Jun was very excited. He and Zhao Ding were the ones who decided to capture Yue Fei's love before. He also had a share of the credit!

The Song Dynasty is boiling again!The capital was full of people celebrating the victory, as well as jubilant officials, as well as Zhao Guan's family, who had a very cold attitude.

Song Ting received successive reports of success from Yue Fei's Northern Expedition. Zhao Gou had a somewhat cold attitude towards this, saying:

"Yue Fei's victory is not without destiny for military strategists. It is advisable to read the book and inquire carefully.

It’s not a stingy reward code, I want to find a way to deal with it! "

What Qin Hui said finally showed off his power, and the Zhao Guan family was shaken.

What does Zhao Guanjia mean?
At this time, Gaozong felt very unhappy because Yue Fei's actions had obviously gone out of line.

The purpose of Gaozong's order to the Northern Expedition was just to let Yue Fei get a glimpse of Chen Cai, so that the enemy would be busy dealing with things from east to west.

But he had no idea of ​​recapturing Chen Cai, and he had no plans to use troops to cross the river and go north to regain the Central Plains.

He felt that Yue Fei was "disobedient", and Zhao Gou felt that an obedient general reassured him more than a general who could win the battle.

Above the sky, there was desolation everywhere, and countless soldiers of the Yue Family Army died in battle, which made people feel sad and angry.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief Yue, we are alone and have gone deep into the area. We are running out of food and fodder. The imperial court has ordered us to withdraw."

"Commander Yue, the imperial court has sent no reinforcements. Although our army has been victorious in consecutive battles, it is isolated and helpless and will suffer defeat!"


The sad and angry Yue Fei could only speak coldly, looking at the great rivers and mountains that he had recovered,

He could only cry silently behind his subordinates, and his eye disease became more serious.

Wan Yangou was resentful and had a lot of opinions about Yue Fei. How could he get his wish?

Therefore, when Yue Fei captured Yiyang, Luoyang, Shangzhou and Guozhou, and then besieged the Chen and Cai areas, winning successive victories, Gaozong did not reward Yue Fei, but instead made his own small plans.

Above the sky, Zhao Gou asked Qin Hui for advice.

"Pengju won a great victory in the north and conquered several cities!
But our army's victory was just an accident. The Jin army had strong soldiers and horses. If we came back for reinforcements, we, the Song Dynasty, would suffer a disastrous defeat. Please teach me, Qin Qing! "

Qin Hui smiled and said:

"Officials, accept it as soon as you see fit. Negotiating peace is the best policy. Your original intention was to let Yue Fei attack the Jin army, but he made the decision without permission. Just order him to retreat!"

"The fighting is fierce on the front line, how do we withdraw our troops?"

"If there is no food and no support, Fei will retreat on his own!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Zhao Gou and Qin Hui discussed and decided to send Sinong Shaoqing Li Ruoxu as the special envoy for "military planning", and went to the anti-golden front line with his decree that "the troops should not be moved lightly, but should be dispatched in time".

In fact, he ordered Yue Fei and others not to take the initiative to attack the enemy, but to take a defensive stance.

After that, Emperor Gaozong not only did not approve Yue Fei's proposal to continue to invade the Central Plains, but

Instead, the Song army's deployment was adjusted on a large scale, causing Yue Fei's troops to go deep alone without reinforcements or food.

Yue Fei was very sad when he saw that his army was so close to the imperial court and that so many soldiers did not die on the battlefield but died of starvation. In the end, he had to withdraw to Ezhou.

 . . .

(End of this chapter)

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