Editing of the ten loyal ministers and the emperors standing up

Chapter 154: Zhuxian Town’s great victory, is the Song Army about to succeed in its Northern Expedit

Chapter 154: Zhuxian Town’s great victory, is the Song Army about to succeed in its Northern Expedition?

Under the Song Army's torrential and tsunami-like attack, Guaizima began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The battle situation along this road has basically been determined.

Where has Jin Bing ever fought such a battle?Countless people are fleeing, countless people are crying,

Someone whispered:

"It's easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family's army!"

In the view of Wanyan Wushu, the defeat of Yancheng was just his own bad luck. Unwilling to accept defeat, he assembled [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to launch a fierce attack on Yingchang.

However, what Wanyan Wushu didn't know was that Yue Fei's eldest son Yue Yun had already led the "Beiwei Army" with [-] cavalry to advance into Yingchang.

After the battle started, Yue Yun led 800 "Beiwei cavalry" soldiers to attack the Jin army head-on, while the "Beiwei army" infantry attacked from the left and right wings at the same time, killing only "bloody men and bloody horses".
"No one from the Beiwei Army" or the other Yuejia Army was willing to look back.

Yue Yun suffered dozens of wounds in the battle, and his "armor was completely red", but he still fought bravely to kill the enemy without leaving the line of fire.this battle,
The Yuejia army killed more than 5000 Jin soldiers, captured more than 78 soldiers, 3000 generals, and seized more than [-] horses.

"We killed Wushu's son-in-law Xia Jinwu and deputy commander Nianhan and asked for Bo Jin, but Wushu escaped."

This time's retreat was not the orderly detours and detours that led to the previous defeat in Yancheng, but a chaotic mess caused by the collapse of military morale.

Yue Fei quickly glanced around and decided not to chase the collapsed Guaizima.

Instead, he transferred his troops to the infantry of the Jin Army!
That's right!

He wants to completely defeat the Jin army!

"My sons! Follow me to kill the golden thief together! Recover Tokyo! To boost the glory of our Song Dynasty!"

Yue Fei roared loudly and pulled the reins sharply with his left hand. The horse whinnied, turned around, and rushed toward the Jin army's left-wing infantry like lightning.

At this time, the Song Army's cavalry was already killing with blood.

The infantry of the Jin Army also collapsed. With Yue Fei taking the lead, the Yue Family Army followed.

It seemed that they had gathered together into a bolt of lightning, quickly crossing the ground with the force of thunder and rushing towards the Jin Army infantry.

Jin Jun never dreamed that Song Jun would counterattack!

When they saw the Shenwu rear army cavalry, whose whole body was stained red with blood, rushing out of the dust,
When they appeared in front of them like heavenly soldiers and generals, their faces showed a look of horror.

Subsequently, the "Beiwei Army" served as the vanguard and advanced into Zhuxian Town, which was only more than 20 kilometers away from Tokyo (Kaifeng), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.
In Zhuxian Town, Yue Fei defeated more than 500 gold troops with [-] "Beiwei" elite troops.

After breaking the formation for several days in a row, Wanyan Wushu's "Tiefu Tu" and "Kaizi Ma" troops were almost completely wiped out, and they once tried to give up Kaifeng and escape north.

Yue Fei's "Back Wei Army" created a classic precedent of "the infantry defeated the Jin's elite cavalry on the plains". Wanyan Wushu couldn't help but lamented:

"We raised our troops from the sea and won with this, and now it's over!"

He also lamented that "it is easy to shake a mountain, but it is difficult to shake the Yue family's army."

The Battle of Yancheng was a decisive battle between the elite troops of the Song and Jin Dynasties. The Song army defeated the Jin army with a small number and dealt a heavy blow to the Jin army.

At this time, if we can take advantage of the victory and advance forward, the victory of the Northern Expedition is in sight, and there is great hope of regaining our homeland.

Everything seems to be going in the right direction!

There is even an old picture on the sky screen!
It seems to be Yue Fei's memory, and it seems to be Zhao Gou's memory. This scene makes people touch the friendship between monarch and minister.

Zhao Gou held Yue Fei's hand tightly and said with great emotion:

"I will advise you on the matter of ZTE."

Yue Fei's chest was also beating loudly, he bowed down and said solemnly:
"I dare not to die to repay the emperor's favor!"

This scene was so harmonious that it even made the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty very jealous and envious.

But after seeing the content on the canopy, their jealousy turned into unwillingness. Yes, many people wondered why the person on the canopy was not themselves?
I can't wait to replace Yue Fei!
Seeing this scene, Zhao Gou shed tears slightly and struggled to wipe the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

The same was true for Yue Fei. I don't know if it was because of an eye disease. Yue Fei was bursting with tears at this time and couldn't help himself.

However, when the camera turned, it turned out to be a funny scene!
The sky seems to be recalling the past:
In the ninth year of Shaoxing, Zhao Gou "submitted himself to seek peace" and further promoted Qin Hui to the position of right minister, and ordered him to establish relations with Jin.

After meeting with the Jin envoy Wulin Dazanmo, Zhao Gou summoned three generals, Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun and Yue Fei, to come to An for discussion.

Except for Zhang Jun, who took advantage of the situation and supported the peace negotiation, Han Shizhong and Yue Fei both expressed firm opposition to the peace negotiation.

Yue Fei said to Zhao Gou: "The Yi and Di cannot be trusted, and reconciliation cannot be relied upon. If the ministers do not care about the country, they may be ridiculed by future generations."

Han Shizhong also wrote more than ten times in succession, insisting on opposing the peace talks, but the government ignored them.

In November, the Jin court sent Jiangnan edicts Zhang Tonggu and Xiao Zhe with edicts to "make peace" with the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Jin people did not call the Song Dynasty but "Jiangnan"; they did not say "peace talks" but "imperial edicts".
He even asked Zhao Gou to kneel down in person to receive the imperial edict from the Jin Dynasty emperor, placing the Southern Song Dynasty completely in a vassal status. The news spread, and public opinion was boiling in both the government and the public.

The ministers of the Song Dynasty discussed this a lot, and there were many opponents.
However, these militant figures, such as Wang Shu, deputy envoy to the Privy Council, Hu Quan, editor of the Privy Council, etc.
Some were dismissed from office or demoted. Even Zhao Ding, who supported the peace talks, was dismissed from the prime minister because he disagreed with the Jin people's demarcation terms.

December 27,
Qin Hui, as prime minister, knelt at the feet of the Jin envoy on behalf of Song Gaozong and Zhao Gou, and the Song emperor "proclaimed himself a minister".
The Song Dynasty was recognized as a vassal state of Jin, and the land of Henan was "given" by Jin, and an annual tribute of 25 taels of silver and [-] taels of silk were made.

This scene on the sky screen made the ministers and generals of the Song Dynasty burst into fear. No one expected it!

A second ago, they were talking about Yue Fei's great victory. Even Yue Fei was a little excited, but a basin of cold water was poured on everyone in the Song Dynasty.

But why is there such a big contrast? ?
In this case, why first broadcast the ten years of war in Shaoxing, and then go on to talk about the nine years of humiliation in Shaoxing?
Isn’t this marquee contradicting itself?
But there was one thing. The way most people looked at Qin Hui changed from kind at first, to controversial, to angry, to murderous.

Even the civil servants separated from him one after another, and everyone looked at Qin Hui with hatred.

Isn't this person too shameless?He actually knelt down in front of the amazing envoy. Isn’t this putting the Song Dynasty’s face on the ground?

Only Prime Minister Zhang Jun seemed to understand all this and said coldly:

"There must be a reason why the tragic past events of this life are being broadcast on the sky screen. I am afraid that the discord between the emperor and his ministers started from this!"

Sure enough, as Zhang Jun finished speaking, an infuriating scene continued to play on the sky screen!
In the first month of the ninth year of Shaoxing, the Song Dynasty shamelessly celebrated the "peace agreement!"

After Yue Fei received the pardon letter, he asked his staff Zhang Jiefu to draft a "Form of Thanks and Pardon" to express that he would not agree to the peace proposal.
He vowed to "take revenge on Yan Yun and serve the country".

Yue Fei was granted the official title of Kaifu Yitong by the imperial court, but he did not accept it despite the three imperial edicts. He said in his dictionary:

“Today’s events may be dangerous but not safe, and may be worrying but not congratulatory.

You can train your troops and order your soldiers to be on guard against danger; you can't reward them based on their merits and make fun of the barbarians. "

On the other side, it was Zhao Gou who smashed everything in front of him. He shouted angrily at Qin Hui,

"Look, this is my good minister who is disobedient to me. How dare he, a common man, refuse my reward?
What a great Yue Fei, of course you can’t take what I don’t want to give you, and you absolutely have to accept what I want to give you, hum! "

Qin Hui stood beside the fire and said:

"Your Majesty, Yue Fei is a border general. He will not accept military orders abroad!"

"He has to accept my will!"

Zhao Gou issued a "warm edict", and Yue Fei had no choice but to accept it.

An even more stupid scene appears above the sky!
Wan Yangou specifically told Yue Fei not to provoke the Henan Jin Army, let alone recruit rebels, and even issued multiple orders to reprimand him.

Frustrated, Yue Fei submitted a petition for dismissal. The words contained a lot of satire about the peace talks. Zhao Gou and Qin Hui first ignored them, and then gave instructions not to agree to the request.

In the deep palace courtyard, Zhao Gou looked at the memorial sent by Yue Fei and said with a sneer:

"Yue Fei, Yue Fei, you are forcing me. Could it be that you also want to be the governor of the Tang Dynasty? You really think that my Emperor's Sword is harmful to you!"

Then, the scene turned and returned to the side of the Yue Family Army who had won a great victory in Zhuxian Town!

The soldiers were beaming with joy, the generals were drinking happily, the staff were responsible for distributing rewards and food, and many of the captured items were distributed by Yue Feitong. There was a happy scene in the military camp!

As everyone knows, not far from Zhuxian Town, the imperial court's messenger is rushing over!
 . .

(End of this chapter)

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