Editing of the ten loyal ministers and the emperors standing up

Chapter 58: Sun Quan sent thousands of people to Hefei, and Zhuge made a clever plan to kill Zhang L

Chapter 58: Sun Quan sent [-] yuan to Hefei, and Zhuge made a clever plan to kill Zhang Liao!
Sun Quan mastered Jiangdong when he was young and went through many hardships. He knew that the general situation of the world was changing rapidly.
If you want to take the initiative in the future battle with Cao Cao, you must seize this opportunity.

Therefore, since the army crossed the river, it has been heading westward. Along the way, Liyang and other counties ignored it, and the army peaked directly at Hefei.

As long as this important town is captured, Cao Cao's southeastern front line arrangement will be completely paralyzed, and the entire Huainan will be at his fingertips.

Hefei City is actually not easy to fight. First of all, Hefei is in the enemy's hinterland and not on the border with Jiangdong.
If something goes wrong, it will be difficult to withdraw to the base, which will be reflected later.

Furthermore, the thickness of Hefei's city wall is not comparable to that of other Jiangbei cities such as Wancheng.

Hefei is the place where the late Liu Fu, the former governor of Yangzhou, spent ten years of effort - building high city walls, storing wood and stone, hoarding grain and grass, making protective gear,

Liu Cili built this ancient city, which was located in the Jianghuai hills at the location of the Four Battles, like an iron barrel.

In other words, Hefei is a fortified city, and the generals guarding Hefei are Zhang Liao, Li Dian, and Le Jin.

These three members are all the highest-ranking and most capable combatants under Cao Cao.

Li Dian and Le Jin were both veteran generals who had followed Cao Cao when he was in Yanzhou, so they naturally had rich combat experience.

Because of their seniority, Li Dian and Le Jin were the highest-ranking generals under Cao Cao after Cao and Xiahou.

Zhang Liao belongs to the surrendered generals like Xu Huang and Zhang He, who later joined Cao Cao's camp.His status is lower than that of Li Dian and Le Jin.

When Zhang Liao followed Lu Bu, he caused a lot of trouble for Cao Cao.

After Zhang Liao surrendered to Cao Cao, he participated in many battles such as the battle at Guandu, advancing into Hebei to destroy the Yuan family, and mopping up the last Yellow Turban forces.

In particular, Zhang Liao showed bravery in the Battle of Bailang Mountain. He not only defeated Wu Heng's powerful nomadic cavalry, but also personally killed Wu Heng's Chanyu Tadun.

Sun Quan relied on his own numerical advantage, and all the front-line generals of Soochow at that time, including Lu Meng, Gan Ning, Ling Tong, and Pan Zhang, followed him to fight.

In addition, Sun Quan had repelled Cao Cao's southern expedition many times before, so he no longer felt much fear of Cao Cao.

The actual number of soldiers and horses in Soochow was [-], and it was said that it was [-]. Among them, the majority were naval troops, and most of them were soldiers from Jiangdong.

Sun Quan looked at the Hefei City in front of him and said with a smile:
"Going north from the Dajiang River and reaching Hefei, you can ask Shen and Cai in the west.

Go north to Xu and Shou, and compete for victory in the Central Plains;

If Hefei is captured in the Central Plains, it will choke the south of the Yangtze River and push its back."

To Soochow, Hefei was the only route for the Northern Expedition; to Cao Wei, it was a barrier to block the enemy.

As long as the Wei army holds Hefei, Soochow's expansion plan will not be possible.

It can be seen that Hefei’s geographical location is important.


Under this circumstance, Hefei Guardsman Xue Ti took out a copy of Cao Cao's instructions. The envelope said, "Open it and read it when the enemy comes."
The instruction content is:
"If Sun Quan's army arrives, Zhang Liao and Li Dian will lead their troops to fight, Le Jin will defend the city, and Xue Ti will not participate in the battle."

Several generals were a little confused after reading it.

The current situation is that we are outnumbered and there is a huge disparity in military strength. If we abandon the city instead of defending it and instead go out to fight, wouldn't this be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?
Everyone did not intend to obey Cao Cao's orders, but planned to hold on to the city and wait for Cao Cao to come to rescue.

Once the decision was made, only Zhang Liao was anxious.

"I, Zhang Wenyuan, am willing to go out of the city and fight to the death. I wonder what General Li Zi wants?"

Zhang Liao thought that if he waited for the Prime Minister and his old man to come to rescue him, the day lily would be cold.

It is still better to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and give him a heavy punch first.

This will not only demoralize the opponent, but also stabilize the morale of the army, and then they can rely on the city to refuse defense.

Li Dian smiled and said:

"Then please ask General Zhang to lead the elite soldiers to charge in front. I will lead 2000 soldiers and horses to support the general."

"Okay, with General Li, I'm relieved by your words!"

That night, Zhang Liao recruited [-] soldiers, rewarded them ceremoniously, and set off on the expedition the next morning.

In this charge, Zhang Liao took the lead, killing dozens of people and beheading two enemy generals, all the way to Sun Quan's main camp.

Seeing this formation, Sun Quan was horrified, and Soochow general Chen Wu said angrily:

"Lord, don't panic, wait and see me get that Zhang Liao's head!"

The enemy suddenly attacked, which shocked Sun Quan. After retreating to a high mountain, he saw that Zhang Liao's men were few, so he ordered to surround Zhang Liao heavily.

As Chen Wu asked for a fight, Sun Quan readily agreed!

The soldiers led by Zhang Liao were all carefully selected from the Hefei garrison, and they were all worth ten. Last night, they swore to slaughter cattle and buy wine when they were in danger. Everyone was drunk and fed, and they risked their lives today.

Eight hundred warriors poured into the enemy formation. Except for Zhang Liao, everyone else remained silent and only tried their best to kill the enemy.

Chen Wu stepped forward, but Zhang Liao killed him after only a few encounters!

Before Sun Quan could calm down, he heard the spies in front of him hurriedly reported:

"Report, my lord, that Zhang Liao is unstoppable and has killed General Chen on his horse. That Zhang Liao is coming straight towards my banner. Please give way, my lord!"

"What, during this Hefei battle, I wanted to use this incident to establish my authority, but I didn't expect that, but I defeated General Chen Wu. How shameful!"

Sun Quan was heartbroken, but before he could feel sad, he found Zhang Liao coming straight towards him!

Eight hundred cavalry rode across the river, and one hundred thousand Wu soldiers were frightened!
Upon seeing this, Zhang Liao fought his way out and rushed out with more than ten people.
But after hearing the shouts of Cao's soldiers behind him, he turned back and rescued all the remaining soldiers.

After rescuing the soldiers, Zhang Liao vowed not to give up. Looking at the banner with the Chinese character Sun not far away, he decided to fight against all odds!
This battle lasted from morning to noon, destroying Cao Jun's momentum and destroying Sun Quan's prestige in one fell swoop.

Zhang Liao's victory in the first battle greatly boosted the fighting spirit of the seven thousand defenders. Coupled with Hefei's strong defenses, Sun Quan did not take any advantage.

Finally, seeing the low morale of the soldiers and the epidemic, Sun Quan had no choice but to order the troops to withdraw back to the south of the Yangtze River.

Since the main force had withdrawn, Gan Ning and Lu Meng resisted vigorously. After covering Sun Quan's withdrawal, Ling Tong went back to fight Zhang Liao in order to buy Sun Quan time to withdraw from the danger zone.

Sun Quan finally reached the north bank of Xiaoyaojin. Unexpectedly, the Banqiao had been removed by Cao's army. The bridge, which was more than one foot wide, had no bridge planks. How could he get across?
Seeing this, the close men around him told Sun Quan to hold the saddle tightly and loosen the reins, and then whipped the horse violently. Sun Quan's horse was seen rising into the air and leaping over Xiaoyaojin.

On the shore, Sun Quan cried bitterly and looked at the defeated troops not far away melancholy.

Zhang Liao was so excited that he led the main force of Cao's army out of the city to pursue Wu's army.

At this moment, in the reed marsh, someone waved his feather fan gently and said lightly:
"General Zhao, please bring Zhang Liao's head for me!"

"Nuo, Yun takes orders!"

Just when Zhang Liao couldn't control himself with excitement, a white-robed general suddenly came out of the diagonal stab, followed by hundreds of cavalry.

Zhang Liao was frightened and angry. He and his men had been chasing the Wu army for a long time, and they were already exhausted.

After fighting for a whole morning and a whole afternoon, how can I still have the strength to fight at this time?

After seeing the opponent's flag and the person clearly, Zhang Liao sneered and said:
"It turns out they are the men of the Big Ear Thief. Good thieves should stop being so arrogant. Zhang Liao is here to meet you!"

Zhao Yun was furious when he heard that the other party slandered his lord!
"If you dare to slander my lord, Zhang Liao will take your life!"

Yun was furious and jumped on his horse with his gun drawn!

Zhang Liao fought fiercely for a long time, but he could only risk his life to stop it!
Without counting, he was stabbed under the horse!

Before the feast was settled, it was said that Zhang Liao's head had been taken.
Yun smiled and said, "Can such martial arts be used in battle?"
Zhang Liao, died!

Zhang Liao, who was so powerful in Xiaoyaojin, died here. At this time, Li Dian was about to lead his army to rescue him. Zhao Yun immediately stepped forward to fight with him!

Taking advantage of an opportunity, Zhao Yun pointed behind Li Dian and said with a smile:
"Do you care about Hefei City?"

Li Dian looked behind him, and the souls of the dead suddenly emerged. The flag of Cao Wei on top of the city was suddenly taken off, and it was unknown when it was replaced with the flag of Han Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, Marquis of Wuxiang!

Li Dian had no intention of fighting again, so he immediately led his army to retreat!

Li Dian, who lost an inch, was no match for Zhao Yun, and was stabbed under the horse by him with a sharp spear.

At this point, the city of Hefei changed hands, and Cao Wei lost four generals: Zhang Liao, Li Dian, and Le Jin were killed in battle, and General Pei was captured.

When Sun Quan was about to lead his troops back to Soochow, a group of Han soldiers arrived, apparently under the banner of Zhuge Liang!

The other party shouted at Sun Quan:
"My military advisor also invited Wu Hou to come to Hefei City to speak!"

Sun Quan was stunned. Zhuge Liang invited him to Hefei City to talk?

Does Cao Cao agree?

At this time, Zhang Fei was intensifying his military training, waiting for Guan Yu's victory!
 Hehehe, there are still three or four chapters of the big man's plot, and then the next map will be opened. First, help the Prime Minister overcome the Central Plains, and then invite the next protagonist to appear!
(End of this chapter)

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