Chapter 264 Cult


"Sect Master Ye."

Deng Zhuo and Qiu Rang spoke one after another when they saw Ye Changan appear.

Ye Changan slightly cupped his hands: "Thank you both for taking care of my disciple."

With Li Xiu's seventh-grade cultivation, he would be nothing more than cannon fodder in a meat grinding ground like Pingzhou.

Being able to survive for such a long time must have been possible without the secret help of the two people in front of him.

Both of them looked ashamed when they heard this and waved their hands repeatedly.

Deng Zhuo sighed softly: "Li Xiu went out to patrol the city two days ago, but he never came back. We made inquiries many times to no avail."

Qiu Rang answered: "Soldiers have been missing in the past few days, and traces of cult sacrifices were also found on the beach."

Ye Changan frowned. He didn't expect Li Xiu to disappear.

He spoke slowly: "Show me where the cult worships."

Qiu Rang said quickly: "Sect Master, let me take you there."

After that, the two of them walked towards the beach outside the city.

Deng Zhuo stayed in the city lord's palace to direct the battle ahead.

Ye Changan did not hold Pingzhou and the two accountable.

After all, Li Xiu had to take responsibility for his own outcome when he decided to go down the mountain.

But even if Li Xiu Shen died, he, as a master, should find an explanation.

Not long after, the two came to a beach a hundred miles away from Pingzhou.

I saw a strange square stone platform on the beach.

As soon as I got closer, I could smell a disgusting rancid smell.

The stone platform was extremely bloody, filled with corpses of sea creatures and human warriors.

Ye Changan frowned even more tightly.

He didn't expect such evil to exist in his own territory.

Qiu Rang said from the side: "Soldiers have been missing for no reason in Pingzhou City. General Deng and I didn't care at first. We just thought it was a sneak attack by the strong men of the Hai Clan.

Later, more and more people disappeared. We searched a hundred miles around and found this altar. "

Ye Changan: "Do you know what is worshiped on this altar?"

Qiu Rang shook his head: "It hasn't been found out yet."

Ye Changan stared at the altar and remained silent for a long time.

It is very likely that the cult captured living people for sacrifice. If so, Li Xiu might not be able to survive.


Bi Qi's angry voice came from Ye Changan's mind.

He had been informed of the situation at the altar.

That cult not only sacrificed human beings, but the Shark clan was not spared either.

This made Bi Qi, the overlord of the sea, furious.

Bi Qi: "Master, why not report this matter to Emperor Shark?"

Ye Changan: "Okay."

This matter is originally related to the Shark clan, and it just so happens that Emperor Shark's power can be used to find out where the evil cult is.

Not only that, Ye Changan called Black Snake, Old Wolf, and Black Ant to Pingzhou.

Not an inch of land was spared.

But the strange thing is that for several days, there is still no clue.

Bi Qi informed Emperor Shark about the cult.

Emperor Shark was also furious, as the population of the Shark clan was already sparse.

Even one death would be a huge loss, which is why he ordered the hunt for Catfish Spirit.

Now that the cult has killed dozens of people from the Shark tribe, how can he not be angry?

The battle situation in Pingzhou suddenly became delicate.

Even if the officers and soldiers of Hai Clan and Pingzhou met, they would not be at war with each other again.

"Sect Master, there is a situation."

The communication bead on Ye Changan's waist lit up, and it was Qiu Rang's voice.

He instantly stood up and disappeared.

Within a moment, he appeared in a street in Pingzhou.

Qiu Rang has led the disciples of Wanshan Sect to seal this place.

Seeing Ye Changan appear, Qiu Rang pointed to the small wooden house on the corner of the street, and then said: "Sect Master, we found the altar again." Ye Changan looked grim.

Because he actually felt the aura of the evil realm on that cabin.

But there was no trace of evil spirits at all.

He has defeated many evil realms with his own hands, but this is the first time he has seen such a situation.

Qiu Rang: "During daily patrols in the city, my disciples noticed strange noises coming from this house, so they came to check.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, several disciples were infected by the evil spirit. There was an altar in the house, which was very similar to the one on the beach. "

Ye Changan: "Where are those disciples?"

Qiu Rang said to an elder of Wanshan Sect beside him: "Bring those disciples up."

In less than half a stick of incense, five Wanshan Sect disciples who had been eroded by evil spirits were carried to Ye Changan.

Just by being close to Ye Changan, all the evil spirits lingering on their bodies were driven away and they gradually woke up.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Rang was surprised in his eyes.

He is well aware of the horror of the evil realm.

As powerful as those of the Central Plains sects, once they encounter the evil realm, they have no choice but to run away.

And this sect master with incredible combat power obviously has a way to deal with the evil realm, otherwise these five disciples would never be able to wake up.

Ye Changan: "Tell me everything you see."

The five awakened Wanshan Sect disciples naturally recognized their sect master.

One of the slightly more steady disciples spoke first: "Sect Master, we were ordered by Elder Qiu to inspect Pingzhou City.

While passing by this small wooden house, Junior Brother Liu heard the sound of Ruoyouruowu chanting,

We thought something was strange, so we wanted to go check it out.

Junior Brother Liu knocked on the door for a long time but no one opened it, so we kicked the door open and passed out before we could see the scene clearly. "

Ye Changan: "What is the chanting sound saying?"

The four of them all turned to look at Junior Brother Liu.

The disciple surnamed Liu recalled for a while, and then said: "What I heard is not true. It seems that there is a sacrifice to the god Zhu Yan or something?"

Ye Changan's head was shaken.

Zhu Yan!

Today's Nanjian Peak is still shrouded in gray fog all year round, and no one dares to set foot there, precisely because of the great demon Zhu Yan who turned into an evil spirit.

Unexpectedly, it was mentioned again.

"Is it possible that the person they sacrificed was Zhu Yan?" Ye Changan was thinking.

Qiu Rang was also extremely surprised.

He had naturally heard of Zhu Yan's legend, and the name of the great demon alone was enough to make people fear him.

Shenglin Sect caused cholera to spread across the world due to the unblocking of the great demon Kui Niu.

And now that a cult has appeared to worship Zhu Yan, it is inevitable that people will connect the two.

Ye Changan took a deep breath.

He walked toward the cabin.

The evil realm had just taken shape, and instantly turned into nothingness under Ye Changan's divinity.

If it is allowed to evolve, it is impossible to say that evil spirits can really be born.

There was nothing else in the house except an altar that smelled as foul as the stone platform on the beach.

Ye Changan walked out of the room expressionlessly.

"Send someone to check, who lives in this house?"

Qiu Rang looked troubled: "We have checked and found that this place has been abandoned for many years, and the surrounding residents have not found anything unusual."

The cult was obviously well prepared.

Qiu Rang: "Sect Master, what should we do with this wooden house?"


"it is good."

Qiu Rang immediately found kerosene and burned the wooden house to the ground.

Ye Changan informed Huang Li about this.

I think Cang Huang will also know the news here soon.

Just when Ye Changan was walking back to the Pingzhou City Lord's Mansion, he accidentally saw a very unusual person through God's perspective.

a dead man!

(End of this chapter)

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