The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 106 Jessica: I just want to have fun

Chapter 106 Jessica: I just want to have fun

In the city defense general's office, Jessica was in a bad mood now. She didn't want to have a baby, she just wanted to have pure pleasure.

She sat on Shi Lei's body, poked Shi Lei's heart with her finger, and said: "I don't care, I just don't want children, you have to give me the privilege."

Shi Lei leaned back and said, "No, even Jing Nan must set an example, and you are no exception."

"This involves the future of humanity and there can be no exceptions."

"Tch! My work has made a greater contribution to humanity than my lifetime."

Shi Lei looked serious and explained: "You have excellent genes, and your children will inherit your excellent genes. When they grow up, they will be excellent engineers. Multiple excellent engineers, and just one excellent engineer like you, you Tell me which one contributes more."

"You...I don't care, you must grant me amnesty." Jessica pointed at Shi Lei and shouted.

Shi Lei didn't quite understand how to deal with crying, making trouble and hanging himself, but he knew how to comfort an angry wife.

Shi Lei restrained Jessica tightly and then went about his daily routine.

He didn't even care about Feixue standing at the door.

Jessica struggled symbolically and then took the initiative.

Things can be discussed later when you are happy.

Feixue, who was standing at the door, looked at the two people who suddenly merged. She was stunned on the spot. After a while, she realized what she was doing. She quickly turned around and opened the door and walked out.

"Bang!" The force of closing the door was unusually strong.

Shi Lei's office is divided into an inner room and an outer room. The outer room is the office of Fanti, his assistant.

It is now afternoon, and Fanti has returned from enforcing the law. She was the one who put Feixue in just now.

Feixue was also a member of the team during the hunter training camp. Although Feixue usually didn't talk much and ignored Shi Lei's care, Fanti knew that Feixue couldn't escape from Shi Lei's grasp.

Because Shi Lei is a unique being in the lighthouse. He has many stories, which broaden their horizons. Shi Lei will also give them caring care, make them laugh, and make them happy. These are things that no one else on the lighthouse can do. given.

The only person who could follow in Shi Lei's footsteps was Mark, who also had a high prestige. But Mark was not good at talking, couldn't make people happy, and he already had a wife.

As soon as the bill was promulgated, it was normal for Feixue, an infertile party, to come to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei has so many, and he doesn't mind one more.

"You've got a deal."

Fanti looked at Feixue curiously. He came out not long after he entered. This was too fast.

Feixue took a deep breath to calm down her turbulent mood, looked at Fanti, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me Jessica was inside."

"Jessica is also one of our own. She will know it soon. There is no need to hide it from her. Besides, the lighthouse is so big, you can't hide the matter between you and Shi Lei." Fanti explained.

Feixue gritted her teeth and said, "That's not what I'm talking about. Jessica and Shi Lei are doing whatever they want in there."


"Oh? Are you the only one? This is the city defense army office." Feixue looked at Fanti in disbelief.

She wanted to seek some comfort from Fanti, and the two of them verbally and physically criticized Shi Lei, but Fanti was the only one.

You want to know whether Shi Lei is in the office or Fanti is outside, can Fanti tolerate it?
Fanti gave Feixue a strange look and asked, "Do you never gossip with others?" "Gossip is a waste of time. It's better to spend more time cultivating the essence of life. Why do you talk about this?" Feixue He frowned in confusion.

"If you listen to the gossip, you will know that Shi Lei is in a good mood, and the location is not important." Fanti explained calmly.

Shi Lei tried many places with her, most of them except those places with many people.

Some places were beyond the imagination of ordinary people, such as Shi Lei riding on the wingspan glider with her.

I have to say that although it was ridiculous, it felt really exciting. Even someone with a cold personality like her felt her heart beat fast.

Of course, the level of happiness is beyond words!
Now Shi Lei and Jessica are just operating normally.

"Suck..." Feixue seemed to get to know Jessica and Shi Lei again. Both of them were people of noble status, so unexpectedly.

Feixue gritted her teeth and said to Fanti: "When he is done, tell him that I have been here and let him arrange a time for us to go to the Dawn Hall."

Originally she wanted to discuss it with Shi Lei, but looking at the situation and Shi Lei's past style, Shi Lei probably wouldn't refuse.

Fanti nodded calmly and said, "Okay."

Feixue got Fanti's reply and immediately left the office.

She thought she wouldn't care about these things, but she didn't expect that the first time she saw him, she acted strangely, causing her to lose the calmness that a female sniper should have. It was really embarrassing.

This is not the quality a sniper should have.

Is it because she has no experience in this area?
Maybe with experience in the future, she won't be affected by this.

In fact, she is also opposed to this bill. Increasing the population is not as important as increasing the strength.

Such a waste of time, it is better to improve her strength.

She also knew that as long as Shi Lei made a decision, he would try his best to get her to agree. Just like the time he took the wingspan glider, not only did he let her sit, but Shi Lei also used the power of his blood to provide power and let the glider fly for several times. Hour.

At first she was against it, but in the end she couldn't defeat Shi Lei, and the two finally took off on a remote cliff.

However, in order to get her to agree, Shi Lei would also promise many conditions, such as providing more special life essence to make her strength improve faster.

She has already thought about it. If she wants to agree this time, she must have more special life essence to allow her to practice faster.

At the same time, Shi Lei also had to complete the war pattern before she agreed.

As for the dolls, you can actually see them every day for the first year. After one year old, they will enter the system of sharing children and teaching for closed teaching. You can only see them once a week. Even Jingnan's son is no exception. .

Jingnan's son's name is Shi Dingtian, which means holding up the sky. Even if he is not the future city lord, he will also be the future main executive of the lighthouse.

According to Shi Lei's plan, the child will wait until he is six years old to start teaching Qi and blood transfer and life essence skills. As for all the resources needed for cultivation, Shi Lei will also prepare them.

Erica's daughter is named Shi Jianying, which means heroic and heroic. Erica hopes that her daughter will inherit her mantle in the future and drive a gravity body to kill everyone. Of course, this was Erica's wish when she was born. Now it is estimated that Wearing armor to kill everyone.

Shi Jianying is now also conducting closed learning in the Gongzierjiao system.

The teaching effect of the system of teaching together is still very good. It only takes six years to complete the entire junior high school curriculum, and then students who do not learn well and those who do well will be taught separately.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was late at night. Fanti looked at Shi Lei's door, stood up and left. It seemed that Shi Lei was planning to fight for another night.

(End of this chapter)

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