The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 113 Bai Yuekui: Why do you want to pinch me?

Chapter 113 Bai Yuekui: Why do you want to pinch me?
Fanti looked at the posture of the two of them. Without the armor, this posture would be very intimate. With the armor, both of them would indeed be uncomfortable.

She took a step forward and began to take off Shi Lei's armor.

Broken Star saw this situation and wanted to stop him. Originally, with the armor blocking him, nothing would happen even if the two of them were tightly entangled, but it would be difficult if the two took off their armor.

But then she thought about it, it seemed that Bai Yuekui was pestering Shi Lei now, and she had no good reason to stop him!

Moreover, it seemed that Jingnan, Fanti, Jessica and others didn't care about what happened to Bai Yuekui and Shi Lei. They only cared about whether Shi Lei was uncomfortable.

What a trick!
Are the lighthouse people's ideas so strange?

In this situation, shouldn't the women separate the two of them under normal circumstances?
Suddenly her body trembled, and she remembered that a few years ago, the lighthouse people did not have the concept of love and husband and wife, so naturally there was no such thing as monogamy.

But wouldn't Shi Lei's women be jealous?
She looked carefully and finally saw dissatisfaction on Jessica's face. That was right. Fortunately, the jealous skill was still there, and there were still normal people.

But should she intervene?
Broken Star was hesitant. If Shi Lei had taken the initiative, she would have intervened, but now it was Boss Bai who took the initiative, and it was Boss Bai's subconscious behavior.

This... this is difficult to handle. What if she interferes and blames Boss Bai?
She looked at Xia Dou next to her, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Xia Dou also looked troubled.

What she didn't know was that Xia Dou was thinking about another thing at this time.

When Xia Dou saw the entangled two people, her first thought was that Shi Lei had attacked the boss again. After careful observation, she discovered that it was the boss who had attacked Shi Lei.

Subconscious behavior represents a person's heart, so the boss treats Shi Lei...

No, how is this possible? Shi Lei's tip has only been given for a few months, how can it be done?

No, Shi Lei must be tipped more. How can I ask for a tip from Shi Lei?
If you have it, just tell Shi Lei: "You, Shi Lei, can sleep with the boss only if I don't stop him."

That's right, and the price must be higher this time, ten thousand... No, it's too little, not fifty thousand contribution points.

it is good!
Just fifty thousand.

No one said anything to stop him. Fanti's movements were precise and fast, and soon the two of them took off their helmets, arm armor, and lower body armor in addition to their upper body armor.

Fanti began to take off Shi Lei's upper body armor. Perhaps sensing movement, Bai Yuekui hugged him tighter.

However, Fanti did not stop and continued. She had a clear mind, while Bai Yuekui only had a subconscious mind. After using some skills, he still took off Shi Lei's upper body armor.

Bai Yuekui's upper body armor was a bit more troublesome. Fanti tried countless methods and spent an hour taking advantage of Bai Yuekui's lack of force to take off Bai Yuekui's upper body armor.

Although the armor was taken off, Bai Yuekui still held Shi Lei between his legs. The armor left his body, perhaps because his body lost its restraints. Bai Yuekui began to look for Shi Lei again, and then hugged him hard.

Fanti looked at the two people entangled together for a while, and said calmly: "Get out! Let them have a good rest."

Jing Nan looked at Shi Lei carefully for a while. It was true that Shi Lei's face was peaceful and he was really just asleep. He nodded and said: "Fanti, you stay here and I will handle the lighthouse affairs."

The current lighthouse not only controls the lighthouse, but also controls part of the ground. In the past three months, plantations have appeared on the ground, and the territory has expanded, resulting in more matters for the city lord to deal with.

Jessica looked at the peaceful Shi Lei, and then at the happy Bai Yuekui.

"Huh, I'm leaving too, Fanti, just watch!"

She was dissatisfied that Shi Lei had found a clinging woman, but she and Shi Lei were actually just friends having fun together, unlike Fanti, Jing Nan, and Erica who were all devoted to Shi Lei.

She didn't know how to stop Shi Lei.Broken Star was confused, should she stay and watch?
This seemed to be the boss's initiative. This was the first time she had seen such a boss. She stayed to stop him. What if this went against the boss's wishes?
She struggled for a while, and then looked at Xia Dou aside. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she could still laugh. She decided to give this hot task to Xia Dou. Anyway, she was not the one to trick Xia Dou. Once or twice, there is no shortage of this time.

"Xia Dou, you're here to watch, I'm going out first."

The others also walked out one after another, and in the end only Xia Dou was left. However, Fanti only stayed for a short while, and after confirming that Shi Lei was really sleeping, he said calmly to Xia Dou: "You are here to watch." , call me if you have anything."

The king-level source core was also brought back by her. She had to watch it, otherwise something might happen.

Sure enough, when she arrived at the warehouse, she saw Dr. Carrie cursing at the city defense troops guarding the king-level source core.

She even brought a dozen people with her, but these dozen people were all handcuffed aside. It seemed that Dr. Carrie led someone to break in once before, but they were blocked by the city defense army.

As for why Dr. Carrie was not tortured, it was because Dr. Carrie had a special status.

After Carrie saw Fanti coming, Carrie immediately changed her target and shouted to Fanti: "Fanti, I want to study the king-level source material core, please let me in quickly."

Fanti shook his head and refused: "No, we have to wait until he wakes up."

"Don't even think about waking him up. I gave him a death order. Anyone who wants to enter must get my permission."

"You#%%%¥#@#%@#" Carrie began a long speech, laying out the facts and making sense.


In Shi Lei's room, after Xia Dou was sure that Fanti had really left and the city defense troops outside would not come in, she adjusted the lens of the combat recorder, and then began to adjust the position of Shi Lei's arm, allowing Shi Lei to put one hand into the boss's heart. , putting a hand on the boss's round body. Although this posture was awkward, it was fine as long as Shi Lei took advantage.

Well, there is evidence of asking for money!
After Shi Lei read the evidence, he immediately deleted it.

After doing all this, Xia Dou was satisfied, lay down on the sofa next to her, and dozed off.

In a somewhat dreamy room, Shi Lei stroked Bai Yuekui. His movements were a bit messy, the order was a bit weird, and the feeling was a bit ethereal, but overall, it was very refreshing and comfortable.

Just when he wanted to take the last step, he didn't know why he couldn't succeed. He either encountered invisible obstacles or was in the wrong position.

As time went by, Bai Yuekui became more and more passionate, and it was a bit hot to the touch. Not only was it hot, but it was also hot... Shi Lei suddenly woke up and was startled when he saw Bai Yuekui with white smoke in front of him, and then his memory returned.

He immediately input the life essence to explore the situation in Bai Yuekui's body. turns out the seal was broken.

He thought something had happened to Bai Yuekui!
The previous seal was temporary, and it was normal for it to break. He re-sealed the life essence of the pangolin beast.

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, Shi Lei suddenly found his left hand placed on Bai Yuekui's heart, and then he couldn't help but squeeze it.

Suddenly, he felt a chill coming over him, raised his head, and met Bai Yuekui's beautiful eyes.

Shi Lei explained awkwardly: "If I said I did this for treatment, would you believe it?"

Bai Yuekui blinked and said, "I believe it, I can feel your treatment."

"But why did you pinch it at the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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