The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 115 Humans were created for the sake of all mankind

Chapter 115 Humans were created for the sake of all mankind
One day later, Shi Lei walked out holding on to the wall. His body was hollowed out, both physically and mentally.

When he came out, the person waiting outside the door was not Xia Dou as he expected, but Fanti.

He was stunned for a moment, and then realized that they were making so much noise, and most people would definitely not wait outside.

Bai Yuekui's fever was not due to deep love or anything else, but because Bai Yuekui had ushered in the evolution of life levels, from the king level to the emperor level.

The evolution of life level requires a large amount of life essence, but when Bai Yuekui asked him for life essence, he discovered that Bai Yuekui was evolving.

If Bai Yuekui wants it, he must give it. What he is talking about is the special life essence, the normal life essence. Of course, it is used to purify the essence of the pangolin beast, and then guides Bai Yuekui to refine it.

Finally, in an emotional moment, the final evolution began.

The formal evolution begins when the emotion strikes, this. . .

who cares!
It's just too much, a bit too waisty. . .

"Fanti, help me to your room."

Fanti hurried over and said coldly: "Is it necessary to make such a big noise?"

"You can't even stand up straight now."

She didn't know why she didn't care about how other people were doing with Shi Lei, but she was very concerned about the situation between Bai Yuekui and Shi Lei.

"This situation is quite special. Bai Yuekui is undergoing a jump in life levels, which has caused my life essence and physical strength to be overdigested. If it were a normal situation, Bai Yuekui must have been defeated." Shi Lei explained quickly.

Fanti glanced at Shi Lei coldly and said: "You said she has made a life level jump. Are you sure she will fall next time?"

At the same time, she became even more anxious. Bai Yuekui's life had jumped. When could she catch up? She had to speed up.

Her eyes turned to Shi Lei who was holding her waist.

Shi Lei remained silent. . .It’s really not necessarily true!

In the end, he didn't say any words to refute, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind to hunt more pole-devouring beasts and strengthen himself.

Fanti's room was filled with Fanti's body fragrance. If it was before, he must have been intoxicated for a while, and finally couldn't help but have a fight with Fanti. But today, under Fanti's service, he took a shower and then fell down. Just sleep.

Three days later, an invisible coercion enveloped the entire lighthouse, and everyone who practiced the source of life felt it.

The pressure lasted for about ten minutes before slowly disappearing.

After the pressure disappeared, Bai Yuekui's angry voice came out: "Xia Dou, get me a set of clothes."

Xia Dou was stunned. Just as he was about to run out to look for clothes, Shi Lei stopped him and said, "No need to look for it, I'm ready."

Shi Lei handed a set of red clothes to Xia Dou and said, "Take it in!"

Xia Dou looked at the red clothes and said tangledly: "But the boss likes black and gray and doesn't like red."

Shi Lei shook his head, without explaining, and said: "Do you understand her, or do I understand her? Listen to me, just send her in!"

"Okay!" Xia Dou said with a pout.

Isn’t it just an in-depth communication?

She has been following her boss since she was a child, and has known him for more than 20 years. Shi Lei has only known him for a few years, but he dares to say that he knows him better than she does.

If Shi Lei hadn't been the sponsor, she would have. . .

The assist video she recorded worked. Shi Lei gave her [-] contribution points with a wave of his hand. However, [-] of the [-] contribution points were paid in advance, and the remaining [-] were paid over three years.

Shi Lei originally planned to spread it over 30 years, but she tried her best and signed a series of unequal treaties to shorten it to three years.

The price is that as long as it has anything to do with Bai Yuekui, she has to listen to Shi Lei. Of course, she can refuse excessive demands.

This red outfit is not too much at all.Soon, Bai Yuekui, dressed in red, walked out. She looked around and found Shi Lei immediately, and said coldly: "Is this suit your idea?"

"We are really in tune with each other. No one can tell you, but you can know it." Shi Lei then remembered that they also had telepathy.

It's just that his feelings for Bai Yuekui have weakened. Is it because of the jump in life levels?

This makes sense.

Bai Yuekui was wearing red shorts and a red top, with the navel exposed.

She quickly thought of the whole story, looked at Shi Lei and said lightly: "Did you find the image of the old world?"

"At that time, I wore red clothes not because I liked wearing red clothes, but because I picked them up casually. Due to limited conditions, I never changed them."

"What I like is pure white."

Shi Lei shook his head calmly and said, "Your hair has turned black now. Wearing red makes you look young and energetic."

Bai Yuekui, who has white hair and white clothes, has a heroic appearance, while Bai Yuekui, who has black hair and red clothes, looks gentle and pleasant.

Bai Yuekui frowned, but finally said nothing.

Jing Nan on the side took a step forward, held Bai Yuekui's hand and said, "Congratulations."

What followed was a set of very polite greetings, with the entire lighthouse's senior management taking turns.

Three hours later, Bai Yuekui was able to escape and return to the settlement on the ground.

There was another set of pleasantries in the ground settlement. However, compared to the politeness of the lighthouse, the humans on the ground were very concerned about Bai Yuekui.

After everyone left, Bai Yuekui looked at Shi Lei and asked, "Why are you still here?"

Shi Lei scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "There is something you need to discuss."

"what's up?"

"We need a child." Shi Lei looked directly into Bai Yuekui's eyes with a sincere expression.


"If humans want to defeat the Mana Ecology, they can't just rely on technology and cultivation. They also need a large population. As the two most powerful individuals in the human race, we must breed more powerful offspring." Shi Lei said righteously.

Bai Yuekui did not reply immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Although his sensitivity to Bai Yuekui was much weaker, he could still sense that Bai Yuekui was in a complicated mood.

After a long time, Bai Yuekui asked, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"While our strength is increasing, Mana's ecology is also constantly evolving. Calyx beasts can transform plants like black jade flowers that produce a large amount of life essence, and king-level pole-devouring beasts can also do it. We don't have much time left. ." Shi Lei looked solemn.

Bai Yuekui was in a dilemma. She was not prepared at all for giving birth or something.

Hesitation will lead to defeat. Shi Lei took a step forward and hugged Bai Yuekui.

"Are you here again?"

"Since you can't make a decision, then I will help you make a decision." Shi Lei said forcefully.

The last time he took the initiative, it was necessary. For a strong woman like Bai Yuekui, if she didn't take advantage of the situation, it would probably be delayed indefinitely, so on the premise of knowing what she wanted, it was easiest to go directly.

The method of constantly pulling and creating opportunities, waiting for Bai Yuekui to be physically and mentally ready, and even actively asking for it, is not suitable for the spiritual cage of the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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