The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 159 The Secret of Vatican’s War Pattern

Chapter 159 The Secret of Vatican’s War Pattern

Shi Lei used his good massage techniques to give Fanti a full-body SPA.

The exquisite massage techniques soon made Fanti lose herself, trembling all over and twitching.

"give me……"

Fanti couldn't help but urge Shi Lei.

He turned around and stayed close to Shi Lei, constantly caressing Shi Lei's strong back, and even pinched Shi Lei's butt a few times.

The two of them were close to each other, and Shi Lei's body was squeezed by softness in many places. His whole body was trembling, and he immediately touched it back.

The two touched each other and tasted each other's taste. Fanti was as delicious as ever.

Ten minutes later, the two separated briefly, with blush covering their cheeks and breathing slightly.

"Be more direct... and end it as soon as possible." Fanti's face turned red and she urged Shi Lei to get down to business quickly.

"The prelude is very important..." Shi Lei felt happy both physically and mentally.

His hands were still close to Fanti's skin, smooth and tender, which was a supreme enjoyment.

Fanti stretched out her hand to touch the side of Shi Lei's face, and said with a sweet smile: "Look, you're so hot that you're sweating, why don't you prelude?"

“The prelude is really important.”

Shi Lei admired the flashing war marks and couldn't help but slide his hand along the war marks and said with a smile, "Look, your war marks are flashing. I can see how happy you are."

The war pattern on Fanti's body has blue and white light flowing, like an ambient light, which is very artistic and attractive.

Fanti pinched Shi Lei and said angrily: "You still said it wasn't you who did it! It caused my body to have such a conditioned reflex."

Shi Lei increased his strength and kneaded Fanti's soft fat. "Biologically speaking, this is an acquired conditioned reflex. It all depends on your volition. If you are not willing, there will be no such conditioned reflex."

The bright moonlight shines in through the window, forming a sharp contrast with the two flames in the room.

The next day, Shi Lei got up, took a nice shower, and prepared a nutritious breakfast for Fanti. The table was full, and he was full just by looking at it.

Not long after, Fanti came out of the shower. She was in a vacuum state, her hair was wet, blue and white light emitted as she walked, her battle lines flashed, she was mysterious and alluring, what a wonderful woman.

The two of them faced each other in a vacuum, silently eating Haisai. Both of them had consumed a lot and needed to replenish their food.

Soon, the entire table of food went into their stomachs. Even though they had eaten a lot, their stomachs were like a bottomless hole, and their stomachs were still as flat as ever.

After eating and drinking, Fanti raised his head and stared at the crisp voice and said, "I can feel the rhythm of life. She should be pregnant by now. You can go find someone else."

? ?
"If I calculated correctly, the child only has a few cells now. How come you can feel the rhythm of life?" Shi Lei asked in surprise.

"With the support of the war pattern, my control over my body has reached the cellular level. Although this control is still very slight, I can still feel the state of the fertilized egg."

"Well, no, your war pattern still has this function?" Shi Lei looked at Fanti in surprise. He didn't know that the war pattern had this function.

According to the description, after this set of battle patterns is activated, it can double the combat power of a person. As for the control that can reach the cellular level, this is really not mentioned.

Fanti tilted his head, thought for a while, and explained: "The cells used by a human under normal conditions only account for a small part of the entire human body. Even in a fierce battle, it is impossible to use 100% of the cells. Just like the brain, normal People use about 10% of their brain cells, and the remaining brain cells are in a low-activity state."

"This set of battle patterns can activate cells with low activity in the human body, allowing the human body to produce doubled combat power." "Huh? This is the principle? Wouldn't that be very harmful to the body?" Shi Lei frowned deeply, and said It's almost time to get up and remove Fanti's war marks.

The rotation mechanism is the protection of the human body itself. Breaking this mechanism will increase the loss of the human body, which means that the life span will be reduced.

Hearing Shi Lei's caring words, Fanti felt sweet in her heart and said with a smile on her face: "Don't worry, as long as it's not a continuous high-intensity battle, it'll be fine!"

"Sigh... I kind of regret giving you this set of war patterns." Shi Lei sighed.

He knew that war patterns could mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the surrounding space, but he did not expect that war patterns could activate cells throughout the body.

This set of battle patterns is okay for normal use. If there is a tough battle, such as a beast invasion, Fanti will probably die of exhaustion.

It would be such a coward if one's own woman died of exhaustion!
Shi Lei stared into Fanti's eyes and said forcefully: "You must promise me that no matter what situation you encounter in the future, you must always retain a piece of life essence. This life essence can save your life at critical moments."

The essence of life is the combination of soul and vitality. It has a powerful healing effect. As long as there is enough essence of life, you can save your life.

Fanti felt warm in her heart, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Shi Lei kissed Fanti on the forehead and said, "I knew that my Fanti was the most obedient."

"It's all oil, why are you kissing me?" Fanti complained slightly, picked up the tissue next to her and wiped it.

"It's all oil, so help me clean it."

Shi Lei held Fanti's head and asked her to clean him.

"It's really... I'll help you..." Fanti was warmed by Shi Lei's caring words and did not refuse her lover's request. She stretched out her sweet little snake and licked away the grease left by Shi Lei's meal.

It's wet, slippery, soft, and really comfortable. If you can... that would be great.

"Okay, you can go out, I have to practice for a while." Fanti began to chase people away.

Shi Lei did not stand up, but looked at the oil that had splashed onto Fanti's smooth skin due to eating, and said with a meaningful smile: "You are already oily, let's go take a shower together?"

"Go away~~ I have everything, why don't you come again."

Fanti pulled Shi Lei up and pushed Shi Lei toward the door.

"You should go find Erica or Jessica and the others, and complete the tasks assigned by Sister Jingnan as soon as possible."

"By the way, there's Feixue." Fanti finally reminded him as he remembered Feixue who was in the same team before.

"Feixue is not like you. She has completed her mission long ago."

As soon as the decree was promulgated, Feixue took the initiative to come to her. The two had a daughter together and now they have entered into the system of sharing children and teaching.

Then the second person to complete the task was Jing Nan. In order to take the lead, she completed the task with Shi Lei early, gave birth to a son, and also entered the system of sharing children and teaching.

"Then let her complete the task ahead of schedule." Fanti said simply.

 It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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