The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 171 Female War Goddess: You are still young, I’m afraid you won’t be able to control yoursel

Chapter 171 Female War Goddess: You are still young, I’m afraid you won’t be able to control yourself
The female war goddess was silent. She didn't think that this child Shi Lei could make money in any way.

"I'll ask Guan Xiaoping to recruit people with you, and I'll find a way to help you get the jade."

"I dare not say it is too much, but I can still get enough money to support him for ten years."

Shi Lei blinked his eyes and looked at the female God of War, feeling inexplicably moved. No matter it was in the previous life or in the spiritual cage, it was natural for a man to contribute money and help. Now that the female God of War wanted to help him raise money to support his army, he was really touched.

Is this the feeling of being raised in the legend?
Really fragrant!

Guan Xiaoping was a little stunned when she listened to the conversation between the two. No, what is going on?

She couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

According to the current prices, the average Blood Moving Realm strongman would have to pay at most a few hundred Jingbi for his life, while a Cave Heaven Realm strongman would only need a few thousand Jingbi to buy one. Now that Shi Lei is going to the Great Wilderness Tribe to recruit, he will need even less Jingbi. , maybe you don’t even need to use a jade, you just need to use a few common treasures to replace a bunch of people.

There are billions of people in the territory of a lord in the lower realm. The population base is here, and even the monks in low realms such as the Blood Moving Realm and the Cave Heaven Realm can't count them.

No matter what, Shi Lei's 1000 million Jingbi can build an army of [-] people. In Zhulu Academy, an army of [-] people is already a large army.

The legion of Zhulu Academy is a battle formation legion. A legion forming a battle formation can defeat a hundred times the number of enemies, so the war formation legions are not too many.

According to the division of Zhulu Academy, small legions are classified as having less than [-] people, medium-sized legions are classified as having more than [-] people, and large legions are classified as having more than [-] people.

The Legion of the Goddess of War is a legion of 10 people, which is a very large legion. As for the number of more than one million people, the academy has never recognized a legion of one million people.

There is actually a legend in the academy, that is, the dean can make all the academy's legions form a peerless formation.

But that's just a legend...

The general elders command large-scale legions with tens of thousands of people, and the general coaches are medium-sized legions.

Students who have just entered the Temple of War usually establish a small legion first.

And Shi Lei's 1000 million jade is enough to build a large army of [-] people, so what are the female war goddess and Shi Lei talking about now!

Are these two people heading for a large army?
The Goddess of War is used to commanding an army of 10 people, and she thinks that ten thousand people are not enough. What qualifications does Shi Lei have to establish a super large army?

Guan Xiaoping couldn't help but remind: "To build a small army of a few hundred people, 1000 million yuan is enough, and it is more than enough to make mistakes. It is extremely luxurious."

"Of course we need to build a 10-person legion! It's better not to build a legion of a few hundred people." Shi Lei shook his head slightly, either not to build it, or to build it, it must be at the same level as the female God of War's legion, which involves a man's dignity.

"10 people is too many, let's let it be an army of [-] people! But the Noble Phantasm must be at the top level," the female God of War did not have as much ambition as Shi Lei. Her goal was only to reach the level of [-] people.

Guan Xiaoping stared at Shi Lei, waiting for Shi Lei to lower the requirement. Ten thousand people were the basic requirement, and 1000 million jade was a bit reluctant, but it was almost enough.

Shi Lei saw what Guan Xiaoping meant, but he had no intention of convincing Guan Xiaoping. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Xiaoping, take me to the mission hall. I will pick up some missions and then go to the wilderness."

The Great Wilderness does not refer to a specific area. The Great Wilderness refers to the borderlands of major ancient countries, where tribes are always fighting against wild beasts and the heaven and earth.

Guan Xiaoping said nothing and looked at the Goddess of War, waiting for the Goddess of War's instructions.

The female war goddess directly ordered: "Xiao Pingqin takes Shi Lei to the mission hall. I will go find my master. We will gather and set off at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." "Us? You want to follow too? Why are you following?" Shi Lei asked road.

The female war goddess looked at Guan Xiaoping, then at Shi Lei, and said calmly: "You are still young, I'm afraid you won't be able to control it."

After a few days of close observation, she noticed some bad habits of Shi Lei, such as his liking to stare at the thighs and breasts of female warriors.

She didn't know where Shi Lei got these habits from, but as her sister, she had to get rid of Shi Lei's bad habits.

Correction takes time. Before Shi Lei has been trained by her, it will not be good for Guan Xiaoping and Shi Lei to be alone.

"Yes." Guan Xiaoping responded with a bow.

He called a fierce bird and jumped on it. Shi Lei also called Xiao Shan, who was fostered in the legion, and the two of them flew to the mission hall together.

Before the two of them arrived at the mission hall, the students below started whispering.

"That Luan Bird looks like a member of the Goddess of War Legion. I don't know which beauty is coming out."

"It would be great if I could join the Ares Legion." A female student from the outer sect sighed.

Not everyone can join the War Temple. She is very clear about her position as an ordinary outer sect student. Joining the War Temple is just a luxury, but it is still possible to join the legion of the War Temple and become a centurion captain. Realized, as a woman, she naturally hopes to join the Legion of the Female God of War.

"Just you? Want to join the Legion of the Goddess of War? Don't even think about it."

"The Lightning Falcon next to me..." A student's eyes widened and he exclaimed in his heart: "The Lightning Falcon, according to the intelligence, is Shi Lei's mount. Well, Shi Lei has finally left the Army of the God of War. This wealth is destined to come to me. In hand."

Shi Lei was recruited into the Temple of War by the female God of War, which made many talented students jealous, especially the dozen or so core students who regarded Shi Lei as their enemy. The core disciples should have been the center of attention in the academy, but their limelight was completely lost to Shi Lei. The inner disciples snatched it away.

An inner disciple jumped over them and was recruited into the War Temple. This was a slap in their face!

They were so arrogant and arrogant that they could not bear it. They were always looking for opportunities to take revenge. However, Shi Lei had been staying in the God of War Legion of the female God of War and had not come out. They had never been able to find a chance to take revenge.

News can only be released on the dark web so that people can always pay attention to Shi Lei's movements. As long as they find out the news that Shi Lei has left the Goddess of War Legion, they can get a reward of [-] jade.

Ten thousand jade, this is a lot of wealth.

As soon as Shi Lei and Guan Xiaoping landed on the square in front of the mission hall, they were blocked by a group of people.

A gorgeous young man stepped forward, raised his chin and said contemptuously to Shi Lei: "Shi Lei, you finally stopped hiding. I thought you were going to hide in the Legion of the Goddess of War for the rest of your life!"

Shi Lei glanced at the young man casually. He didn't care about his appearance. He was a small character, so it didn't matter what he looked like.

"Good dogs don't get in the way."

"You..." The man with his chin raised broke his guard instantly. From childhood to adulthood, everyone respected him and no one ever dared to scold him.

"What, you want to be a dog?" Shi Lei narrowed his eyes and stared at the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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