The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 173 Want to pretend to be X?Then I'll pretend it for you

Chapter 173 Want to pretend to be X?Then I'll pretend it for you
"Can I start beating him?"

Shi Lei knew why the young man was so arrogant. He just wanted to show off and show off his resourcefulness. People who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, which is commonly known as pretending.

But in this world, apart from Shi Hao, he is the only one who can pretend to be X. The other people who pretend to be X will be disabled even if they don't die.

The old man frowned, and was also very unhappy with the young man's behavior, and said loudly: "Start."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Lei sent a thunder attribute magic that he obtained from a thunder attribute beast.

It is very easy to obtain low-level treasures in this world, because low-level treasures are directly carved on the bones of ferocious beasts, while high-level treasures are hidden in the blood. Only a certain blood concentration can unlock the blood seal and obtain The inheritance of advanced magic.

Of course, when a ferocious beast is about to die, it will instinctively destroy the runes on its bones, so if you want to obtain the magic, you must capture it alive.

Shi Lei and Shi Hao hunted many ferocious beasts and captured many ferocious beasts alive. There was no shortage of low-level magic skills.

What he is using now is just an ordinary lightning strike technique. It is powerful enough to electrocute a cave-heaven realm person, but that's all.

The young man visually inspected the power of Shi Lei's magic, and felt relieved. Everyone has their own habits of fighting enemies. The first move in a life-and-death fight will not be the strongest magic, nor the most powerful. Weak magic.

According to the power exuded by Shi Lei's treasure technique, this is probably a low-level treasure technique. The first move he makes is a low-level treasure technique. This Shi Lei is definitely not from a big family.

People in big families all inherit their skills. Their starting magic may not be very strong, but the power of the magic can be temporarily increased. The reason why the starting magic is not strong is because the first magic is usually a trial magic. It is not strong. The consumption is also low. After testing the opponent's strength, you need enough energy to drive a more powerful magic. Low consumption is very important; the power can be temporarily increased to prevent encounters with old sixes. Some old sixes do not have martial ethics. Come up. It's the strongest move.

The big family used the blood of countless clan members to create the starting magic that is most suitable for the clan!
As for Shi Lei's starting magic, it was all flawed in the eyes of young people. The magic that Shi Lei was using now could not be the family's starting magic that had been honed by countless predecessors.

Shi Lei was not a member of a big family, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He snorted coldly and chuckled: "My name is Sheng Shifu, Shi Lei, you should die!"

The young man's body is floating in the air, emitting golden light. His robes are fluttering in the wind, and his posture is elegant, like a god descending from the world.

He casually waved out a golden light to scatter Shi Lei's magic.

Shi Lei couldn't help but curse secretly, this young man knew how to fight to the death, and he would not forget to show off in a fight to the death.

Shi Lei did not switch to a powerful magic technique, but to another ordinary magic technique. He had to control the intensity to give people a feeling of winning by luck.

Now that he has finally gathered so many viewers, he still understands that traffic is money, and he wants to take this opportunity to make some money.

Then a dramatic scene took place on the ring. Shi Lei continued to use magic attacks, but the young man defeated them all.

Shi Lei occasionally used more powerful magic, but the young man kept his posture unchanged, only emitting more golden light to defeat Shi Lei's attack.


Golden light is not a kind of magic, but a pure energy group attack. It will consume more money to deal with the magic attack with a pure energy group.

Shi Lei was all numb, he was going to continue the pretense competition to the end!

Forget it, young people love to pretend, so let him keep pretending!

Shi Lei continued to use his magic to attack, and the young man was not in a hurry, using energy balls to resolve Shi Lei's magic one by one.The surrounding audiences were also talking a lot.

"Holy shit! I told him he was no good. Not only are these magic techniques low-level, but they are also weak and have many flaws." An inner sect student exclaimed and secretly said, "I had known that Shi Lei would stretch his hips like this. I would have challenged Shi Lei first and defeated him." Not only will he become famous among the inner disciples, but he might also be favored by the elders and become a core disciple."

"It's just that he's flying in the sky and he's running on the ground. It's so embarrassing."

"Core students are core students. It's easy to defeat people like Shi Lei who use the back door." A student from the inner sect shouted.

"Why do I feel that Shi Lei is no match for me, an outer sect student?" an outer sect student said loudly.

Shi Lei can get ten tokens, but he can't. It must be bad luck.

"Senior Sheng Shifu, why didn't you just defeat Shi Lei!" an outer sect student sighed.

"Senior Sheng Shifu is playing tricks on Shi Lei! If he defeats Shi Lei from the beginning, what else is there to see?" an inner sect student explained.

In a remote corner, a sturdy young man wearing golden armor watched the battle, frowning, and said calmly: "Is this the person specially recruited by the Goddess of War? A clown?"

"Is such a clown worthy of being recruited by the Goddess of War?"

"The Goddess of War has really lost her mind. She actually recruited a clown and wasted a special recruitment spot."

A man next to him echoed: "Brother, the female God of War must have been blinded by this pretty boy. You should ask to marry the female God of War as soon as possible, marry the female God of War, and train her well."

"Otherwise, we will waste the special recruitment quota and spend resources on training pretty boys. It would be such a waste!"

"All the resources of the Goddess of War belong to you, brother. You cannot let her waste them like that."

The burly young man shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

"The female God of War is the strongest of the new generation of students and the face of the academy. No matter how many faults she has, how can you make such an argument?"

He scolded, but his resolute face softened, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up. His younger brother's words were very helpful to him.

It's time to marry the goddess of war. He can't let this prodigal bitch squander all his wealth.

As for the unspoken rule that the female war goddess should not marry outside, unspoken rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?
"Yes, yes, yes. Forgive me, brother, but I know I was wrong." The man kept saying he was wrong, but neither his tone nor his expression looked like he was admitting his mistake.


Time passed slowly, and Shi Lei continued to increase the frequency of magic attacks.

In order to show off, Sheng Shifu continued to emit golden energy to scatter Shi Lei's magic, just like an elder instructing the younger generation. This feeling fascinated the young man.

When being guided by the elders in the clan, he kept launching useless attacks like Shi Lei. Now he has become the mentor. This feeling is really good!
Moreover, it was even more exciting to be in front of so many students, guiding Shi Lei, and the core disciples to mentor the members of the Temple of War!

After pretending for a while, Sheng Shifu suddenly felt that the spiritual power in his body was a little weak, and wanted to open the cave to absorb the power of heaven and earth. However, the surrounding power of heaven and earth had become a little chaotic under the attack of the two people, and he suddenly absorbed it. Not much heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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