The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 177 Official Announcement of the Female God of War

Chapter 177 Official Announcement of the Female God of War

Everyone thinks that Shi Lei will always fall down, because now every challenger is trying their best. Shi Lei's movement skills are very fast, but the students have all kinds of strange magic skills. Due to the characteristics of the magic, Shi Lei would occasionally misjudge and be hit by the magic. Even if it was just a flesh wound, the injury would be real.

Moreover, their injuries were not superficial injuries. Shi Lei's strength was at the Cave Heaven Realm. The inner sect students were also at the Cave Heaven Realm, so their magic would definitely be able to cause damage.

This is also true. During the battles, Shi Lei made more and more mistakes and was hit by magic spells more and more times. But Shi Lei recovered quickly!

Not to mention Liu Muxin, before he could use Liu Muxin, the life essence in the core of the source of essence could quickly repair his injuries, and this kind of repair could repair the body and soul at the same time.

So even though he is covered in blood, his body has always been in a relatively good condition.

Of course, in order to get more people to sign up, Shi Lei occasionally stumbled and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

Time passed slowly, and Shi Lei always looked like he was about to fall, but he just wouldn't.

The inner sect students who had not yet played looked at Shi Lei who was still standing, and were both happy and worried. They were happy that Shi Lei did not fall down, but they were worried that if it was their turn, Shi Lei would still not fall down.

Everyone watching Shi Lei's fighting scene had very complicated emotions.

Of course, some people reacted. Some people who were more rational realized that Shi Lei was playing tricks on them and planned to give up the challenge. However, when they went to ask for their bet back, they were coldly rejected by the deacon.

The deacon who organized the life-and-death fight was a high-level deacon. It was not something ordinary inner disciples could provoke. They could only hold their noses and admit it. Since Jingbi would not come back, then let's fight with all our strength!

Try to make Shi Lei vomit more blood. No matter how hard Shi Lei pretends, the blood will always be real!

Time passed quickly, and one day passed in the blink of an eye. The grand scene of the arena shocked the entire academy. Everyone in the academy came, even people from the Temple of War came.

In the outermost area, the core students looked at the lively challenge match with different expressions. Due to their status, they hesitated when they wanted to challenge Shi Lei. They were not Ke Ziheng, and they could not take action in the name of revenge. They had already fought before they came forward to challenge him. It would be shameful for Shi Lei to win in two games.

As soon as they hesitated, they were blocked by the inner sect students. They were core students and naturally could not participate in such a wheel battle.

It's just that Shi Lei's strength exceeded their expectations.

"Shi Lei is not a simple Cave Heaven Realm. His attack frequency, endurance, and hardness are far beyond ordinary people. He cannot be an ordinary Cave Heaven Realm. He may be the legendary Nine Cave Heaven Realm." A handsome man said.

"Yes! Shi Lei's performance has changed from one game every 10 minutes to one game every 2 minutes. He has defeated hundreds of people in a row. I have been fortunate enough to hear about the geniuses of the Eight Holes. None of them have such a record. Shi Lei is probably The legendary Nine Caves Heaven." A thin young man said.

"It can't be Jiudongtian. If it is really Jiudongtian, the deacons and elders of the academy have been alarmed for a long time. I think he has some kind of magic or elixir to restore himself. Yes, it must be an elixir. At the beginning of each game He used to take one pill, but now his disguise is not so dedicated, but he still insisted on taking one pill before the war." A burly man shook his head repeatedly.

"Whether it's elixirs, Jiudongtian, or anything else, his strength cannot be underestimated. In the Dongtian realm, he is at the top of the academy."

On the other side, the members of the War Temple gathered together and watched Shi Lei's battle with great interest.

A tall woman in red armor asked the burly man: "Nie Congsheng, you have been looking here for so long, have you seen any reputation?"

Nie Congsheng frowned slightly and said: "Although I have seen all his battles, he has never tried his best. His attack skills are all mid- to low-level skills. This is nothing. His body magic skills are somewhat special. Shi Kuai It's so slow that I still can't see the limit of that physical magic weapon."

"The inner disciples who challenged him have not forced Shi Lei to use his full strength so far, but one thing is certain. Shi Lei has the means to recover quickly. The battle with Shi Lei must be quick, and we cannot fight him for a long time."

The woman in red clothes raised her eyebrows and said mockingly: "So, you haven't seen Shi Lei's true identity after watching him for so long?"

"How can you capture the heart of the goddess of war by stretching your hips?"

"I got the news that the Goddess of War values ​​him very much. He may be the love interest that the Goddess of War has found for herself. Look at Shi Lei. His attack speed is fast, his body is strong enough, his endurance is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his recovery ability is endless. Fu Jue, with such a physique, he is just right to serve as a minister in the imperial court!"

Nie Congsheng clenched his fists, stared coldly at the woman in red, and said in a cold voice: "An Mengjun, there is a reason why you failed in the competition for the title of the Goddess of War. The Goddess of War is aboveboard, straightforward, and courageous, while you can only be behind the scenes. Cheating."

"With the talent of the female war goddess, how can she possibly raise a pretty boy?"

"Hahaha..." An Mengjun covered her flaming red lips and laughed.

"Did I hit your sore spot?"

"Let me remind you, if you are not a pretty girl but are in love, you will have no chance." "Hahaha..."

Nie Congsheng's expression changed, and he said as An Mengjun said, if it's just a pretty boy, it's not a big problem, he can be crushed to death at any time, but the two of them are in love...

However, he did not act without permission. Shi Lei had just joined the God of War. If he took action now, he would use the big one to suppress the small ones. The female War Goddess must be protecting Shi Lei. This was not appropriate.

He had to wait for Shi Lei to grow up a little before he could target Shi Lei.


This battle lasted for three days before it ended. If it weren't for the fact that the money could not be refunded, the battle would actually only last for half a day at most.

In three days, Shi Lei gained a lot. He collected more than 500 million yuan in fine jade alone and secretly seized more than 100 storage bags.

There was no other way but the people behind were all numb. Some people came on stage and just fired a few magic spells and then left the stage.

Shi Lei's condition was always covered in blood and he was constantly vomiting blood. On the first day, the students still had hope of winning, but on the second day they didn't believe in Shi Lei's performance. Being able to perform a few magic tricks on stage was just a sign of cooperating with Shi Lei. 's performance.

Shi Lei didn't have the chance to beat someone seriously into a coma, so he couldn't steal the storage bag. How could he make a lot of money if he was discovered soon after stealing it.

After waiting for a few minutes, before anyone came on stage, Shi Lei cast a questioning look at the deacon. The deacon shook his head and said that no one had signed up.

"Please deacon give me the bet I won, a total of 534 million jade."

The deacon's face darkened, and there were still some things that were not in order, which made his wish for the next part of the affair in vain.

He didn't want to give it, but Shi Lei asked in front of so many people.

He had no choice but to take out a small storage bag specifically for jade and threw it to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei glanced at it with his consciousness and clicked, 504 million jade. This is the money after deducting 30 jade. The amount is correct.

Putting the storage bag away, Shi Lei looked around and said loudly: "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

There was a lot of noise and everything was said, but there was no sign of challenge.

Shi Lei was a little unwilling. This was the only chance he had to make money. He changed his mind and said, "I have been fighting for three days in a row. It has consumed a lot of money and I may fall down at any time. This is a rare opportunity."

The inner sect students became quiet, looking at Shi Lei and wanting to curse. They had never seen such a shameless person. On the first day, they believed that Shi Lei would fall at any time, but in the next two days, they no longer believed it.

The amount of blood Shi Lei vomited was ten times more than Shi Lei's body weight, and nothing happened to Shi Lei. Everyone suspected that the elixir Shi Lei took was to replenish his vitality.

The reason why they didn't curse loudly was because they were afraid that they would declare a challenge in a fit of enthusiasm. After all, Ke Ziheng issued the challenge in anger and even bet hundreds of thousands of precious stones on it. They didn't want to make the same mistake again.

It's better to treat it calmly.

Alas, these people have calmed down!
His rationality was not affected by Jingbi, nor was he confused by his tragic image.

Do you want to add some fire?
To get students excited?
He remembered something he had always wanted to do but hadn't had the chance to do yet.

"There are so many people here. It just so happens that I announce the news that the female war goddess has agreed to marry me. Don't worry about it."


As soon as he finished speaking, the students in the audience started whispering to each other, and some students shouted loudly to express doubts.

Shi Lei didn't waste any time and directly took out the video of the Void God Realm and played it. He also thoughtfully made a sound amplification tool so that the sound of the video could spread further.

"My female God of War swears that as long as Sanshi joins Zhulu Academy, I will marry Sanshi. If I violate this oath, I will never be able to get married."

(End of this chapter)

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