The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 179 The female war goddess is angry

Chapter 179 The female war goddess is angry
The female war goddess was already curious about Brother Xiang's constant communication. After getting her master's permission, she immediately opened the Noble Phantasm to check it out.

After seeing the news clearly, the goddess of war's expression changed drastically.


She turned around and rushed outside.

"I advise you not to go over there. If it's false, others can solve it without you having to step forward. If it's true, what can you do if you go over now? You have to think about it before going over." Liu Lanxin A lazy voice sounded.

"The Goddess of War, who never lies, has to lie once." Liu Lanxin said teasingly, blinking her beautiful eyes and looking at the Goddess of War.

The female war goddess paused, then took a few steps forward, paused again, and finally stopped in place.

Does she really not know how to deal with it and her claims to the outside world are false?
Let’s not talk about whether this matter is worth her lying. There were witnesses when she swore, and that girl Xia Youyu is not very reliable!
If no one knew about this matter, Xia Youyu would not tell anyone about it. Now that Shi Lei has announced it to the outside world, Xia Youyu may not keep it a secret.

Moreover, if she claims that this matter is false, she is not only deceiving others, but also admitting that she deceived Shi Lei. If that bratty brother breaks off the relationship with her in anger.

In the past, she planned to take care of Shi Lei and arranged Shi Lei into the War Goddess Legion. After Shi Lei showed his talent and strength, the Goddess of War regarded Shi Lei as her solid arm and a comrade who could fight the catastrophe together in the future.

It was hard to find a comrade who could reassure her, and she didn't want to lose Shi Lei.

Since she couldn't clarify the matter, what was she going to do?Have you supported Shi Lei in the past?
That's more trouble.


"Shi Lei is so naughty. I regard him as my younger brother, but he actually wants to marry me."

The female war goddess murmured something to herself, looked up at her master, and asked, "Master, what should I do in this situation?"

Although the master is not serious, he is a man of rich experience.

Liu Lanxin's lazy expression turned serious, she stared at the female war goddess and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Then say this is true."

"Let's not talk about how to solve it. First, tell me what you think? The majestic female God of War actually agreed to get married, and she is still a little guy who has met several times."

"When I promised Shi Lei, he was only eight years old. How can a child understand the relationship between men and women? I didn't take it seriously. I just thought it was a joke between us." The female God of War continued with a look of helplessness: "I didn't expect that. He could record images and sounds and release them in public."

Liu Lanxin's beautiful eyes flashed, and she murmured to herself: "A treasure phantom that records images and sounds. This kind of treasure is very interesting!"

"Go back and ask Shi Lei to tell me how to make this precious phantom."

"Is this the point? The point is what to do now?" The female war goddess was very angry at her master's irregularity.

"Solve it? No need to solve it. I think Shi Lei is a good guy with sufficient capital. He should be able to meet all your needs. You won't suffer any loss if you marry him!"

"He is still a child!" the female war goddess emphasized.

"As long as the hair is all grown, age doesn't matter."

"If you don't want to help, I'll find someone else."

"Who can you find? Your group of unmarried female warriors? Or those retired female warriors who have left the army and married?" Liu Lanxin looked at the female war goddess with interest and continued: "Where is their status? There will be a good way, but even if there is, they don't dare to say it, and they don't dare to influence the female war goddess's decision, because they are afraid that you will regret it in the future."

"Am I that kind of person?" the female war goddess asked.

"In the past, everyone would have believed that you were not, but now... Hey, your image in their hearts has collapsed now!" Liu Lanxin covered her mouth and chuckled. The goddess of war choked, she was very happy.

The female war goddess was stunned, she knew what her master said was true.

"You still haven't said what to do?" "If you don't say anything, I will really leave and never see you again!" The female war goddess glared at Liu Lanxin and issued a direct threat.

"Okay, okay, really, why are you in such a hurry? Since you became the Goddess of War, you rarely come to see me. I want to say more thoughtful words to you, but you don't have the patience to listen." Liu Lanxin complained. .

The female war goddess has black lines all over her head. Is that a thoughtful comment?They were all obviously meant to make fun of her.

"First of all, this is true. Are you going to deny it, or what?" Liu Lanxin asked.

The female war goddess shook her head and said: "I can't deny this. Shi Lei is someone I value, and I can't let him leave."

After seeing Liu Lanxin's joking look, the female war goddess quickly added: "I don't mean the love between a man and a woman, but his talent."

"Is there any difference?" Liu Lanxin's eyes became even more playful.

The female war goddess ignored Liu Lanxin and continued to explain: "Shi Lei is very strong alone. In the Blood Moving Realm, he has reached the legendary extreme of the Blood Moving Realm. The Cave Heaven Realm has now opened up six caves. With his current accumulation, Eight-hole heaven is not a problem, nine-hole heaven is also possible, this is his talent in cultivation."

"I value his talent in battle formations more. It only took him a few days to master the Gray Eagle Formation. His talent in battle formations ranks among the best in the history of the academy."

"In other words, as long as Shi Lei has a strong enough legion, he will be my strongest backing and can fight together back to back."

"This is why I asked you for money to help him build a legion. Helping him build a legion is not only for him, but also for myself."

"So that's it!" Liu Lanxin sighed.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the goddess of war breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since we are back-to-back comrades, I suggest you go one step further and advance from back-to-back to negative distance. After negative distance, you two become a whole. You can not only rely on each other, but also complement each other. He really has a lot of life essence. , three days have passed and you are still not tired, you have earned it!" Liu Lanxin suggested with a serious look.

"Master! Can you be more serious!" The female war goddess raised her voice and couldn't hide the look in her eyes.

Liu Lanxin looked at the female God of War strangely, and said seriously: "I am very serious!"

"What I mean is that your two legions can be each other's formation base, rely on each other, be independent and connected to each other. When fighting, you are the attacker, and he is your formation base to provide for your battle formation needs."

"Where did you think you were, little girl?"

"You are thinking wrongly!"

Looking at the serious Liu Lanxin, the Goddess of War clenched her fists. She knew Liu Lanxin very well, but she didn't know whether Liu Lanxin was serious or not. She talked about formations on the surface, but secretly said...

"I'm leaving." The female war goddess left angrily and turned around to leave.

She was really angry. If she continued, she was afraid that she would not be able to help beating Liu Lanxin.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll tell you what to do." Liu Lanxin said quickly when she saw the goddess of war turning around and leaving.

The female war goddess didn't stop and continued walking outside.

"Don't come forward about this matter. Neither admit nor deny it. As long as you don't come forward, the trouble will only come to Shi Lei, not you."

"There are images and sounds, and everyone knows that the matter is true, but no one wants you to admit it personally, so no one will ask you for confirmation."

"As for Shi Lei, you just vowed to marry him, and you didn't say when, so you just put it off!"

"If there is no intention between you, the wedding date will be far away. If you have intention, then get married immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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