The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 195 Death of the bad handsome man

Chapter 195 Death of the bad handsome man

"Why?" the empress asked in surprise.

The bad guy disappeared for thirty years, but the legend of the bad guy has always existed in the hearts of some people, and she happened to be one of them.

Thirty years ago, she was a little girl. At that time, bad people and bad handsome men were still very active, and you could often hear stories about bad handsome men.

Fifteen years ago, she took over Qi Country from her eldest brother, who reminded her to be careful of bad handsome men and bad people.

Now, as her eldest brother said, both the bad guy and the bad handsome man have reappeared. Her first reaction is to be careful and be cautious before finding out the bad handsome man's strength.

As a result, when Shi Lei heard that the bad guy had appeared, he immediately showed murderous intent.

"My woman will not kneel to anyone..."

"You made Miaochengtian kneel down yesterday." The empress' focus changed.

Shi Lei touched the Empress's shoulder and said: "That's the fun between husband and wife. I often kneel to you on the soft couch! The fun between husband and wife does not count as kneeling. Don't interrupt me and listen to what I have to say. .”

"The bad commander's intention is very obvious, that is to ask you and Li Siyuan to submit to Li Xingyun and kneel down to Li Xingyun. But I don't agree, even if it's false."

"It's commonplace for me to be hypocritical and submissive, so you don't have to worry about it." The empress' heart was filled with happiness.

"Forget it before. With me here, you don't have to make excuses with anyone in the future."

"Even if we start a war with bad people now?" the empress asked.

"Even if we start a war now, I still have this attitude." Shi Lei answered very simply, without any hesitation.

The empress' heart was bursting with happiness, but she still shook her head and said: "If we start a war now, the relationship between Lingzhou and Qi will be completely exposed. With our strength and national policy, it will make the unification war ten times more difficult."

Now all the Pan kings have heard about Lingzhou, and have even received some information. However, Lingzhou is remote and separated from Qi country, so even if they knew it, they would not target Lingzhou.

If it is known that Lingzhou and Qiguo are one, targets will follow one after another.

Shi Lei comforted him: "It's not that serious. You have Huanyinfang, and I also have secret guards. My secret guards have been established for ten years. In terms of grassroots force, they are on par with bad guys. After ten years of preparation, the secret guards have detected Many bad people, as long as there is a war, the bad people will be struck by thunder and completely paralyzed."

Since he knew the plot and also knew that the bad guys, Tongwen Hall, and Xuanming Sect were armed organizations in the world of cholera, of course he had to prepare in advance.

Ten years of management, ten years of preparation, and ten years of calculation are beyond what others can imagine.

"Ten years ago, you were only eight years old!" the empress said in surprise.

"Let me tell you a secret. My parents are delinquents in Chang'an. They are the ones who help me take charge of the secret guards. They are also the ones who help me find other delinquents."

"It is easiest to break into the fortress from the inside. As long as the bad guys can be killed, even if the bad guys don't disappear, a large number of bad guys will quit and find another way to make a living."

"I mean, you started planning at the age of eight? Is this something an eight-year-old can do?" the empress asked.

"Is there any problem? In ancient times, there was Prime Minister Gan Luo who was twelve years old. I was determined to be world-famous at the age of eight. It's nothing."

"Even if you ask a six-year-old child on the street about his dream, there are many children who want to be generals, prime ministers, or emperors."

"They are just talking, they are not as sophisticated as you." The empress looked at Shi Lei with burning eyes.

After several months of research, she knew that everything in Lingzhou did not happen overnight. For example, the Academy of Sciences had been established for more than ten years. She initially thought it was established by Shi Lei's parents, but now it seems that it was also Shi Lei's handiwork. Shi Lei must have been a child prodigy since he was a child!

He was still a hidden prodigy. It wasn't until he usurped the position of Shuofang Jiedushi that everything about Shi Lei began to be exposed. When she received the news, Shuofang Jiedushi had been renamed the Lingzhou Army and had 6.5 cavalry, making her lose the opportunity to seize it. Lingzhou’s desire.

In fact, without Shi Lei, she would not have the desire to capture Lingzhou.

Lingzhou was on the border of the Tang Dynasty, where Han and barbarian people lived together. It was often threatened by nomadic tribes from the west and north. It was a pity to abandon the food because it was tasteless.

She didn't take Lingzhou's idea until Lingzhou conquered the Loop, but she didn't expect that she would be the loser in this fight.

"It's not a scheming one, it's a young genius." Shi Lei corrected him.

"The plan is this. You take your people to Yuzhou according to the bad commander's instructions. I will take my people to Yuzhou first. Regardless of whether you arrive or not, as long as I find the bad commander, I will take action directly."

"Wait for me? You should wait until I arrive before taking action." The empress was very worried and persuaded: "It is said that the bad guy is already three hundred years old and you are only eighteen years old. Although you are also above the great heaven, you are eating When you come out, you will be different from those trained by bad handsome men."

"I take supplements and work hard to practice martial arts at the same time. Don't worry." Seeing that the empress still didn't believe it, Shi Lei comforted him: "Don't worry, if I can't beat him, I will run away and I will bring a few smoke bombs."

In this world, he doesn't practice martial arts very much, but in a perfect world, he can "lift a light weight like it's heavy, and lift a heavy weight like it's light." ’ At this point, he can completely control his power.

It is a very powerful thing to completely control one's own strength. Two people have a hundred thousand kilograms of strength at the same time. He can have a hundred thousand kilograms of power with a single wave of his hand, while others may have a strength of fifty thousand kilograms with a full punch. Which one is better? The inferiority is obvious at a glance.

As for the martial arts in the world that are fast and unbreakable?

This is also his strength. In a perfect world, he is used to fast breaks, and he will naturally not give up when facing bad people.

His strength exceeds that of his opponent, and his speed is not slow. With such strength, he is not afraid of anyone!


"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

The empress hesitated for a while, then persuaded: "How about we wait for the next opportunity?"

"I don't know when the next opportunity will be. This time the bad commander asked you to see Li Xingyun. He is worried that you will kill Li Xingyun. He will definitely be nearby."

"If I miss this time, I don't know when I will get the chance."

Shi Lei was familiar with the plot. In the original plot, the bad guy would kill Emperor Hades next time. He was deeply impressed by that scene. There were bad people everywhere and he couldn't go there.

After killing the Hades Emperor, the bad commander returned to the Hidden Soldier Valley, which was the base of the bad guys, and he would not go there. In the next few months, the bad commander did not show up, and it was not until the Bianzhou battle that the bad commander showed up.

Now that Shi Lei is here, the Liang Qi War will inevitably undergo huge changes, and it is hard to say whether there will be a Bianzhou War.

So this time Li Siyuan and King Qi met Li Xingyun, which was the best opportunity to kill the bad commander.

Yuzhou is not a valley of hidden soldiers, and there are no large armies fighting, but only fighting in the rivers and lakes.

As for waiting for the bad handsome man to commit suicide, Shi Lei gave up after thinking about it.

"Wait slowly, there is always a chance, and didn't you say that time is on our side?" The empress still disagreed with Shi Lei's risk.

Shi Lei smiled tenderly at the empress. The empress' concern made him very sweet, but he still said: "The army does get stronger as it waits, but a bad commander will cause a lot of troubles while he is alive. With him around, there will be constant troubles. I have made up my mind. Stop trying to persuade me."

"Okay." The empress responded helplessly.


On the stairs of a restaurant in Yuzhou, Shi Lei used the essence of life to cover up his inner energy, disguised himself as a waiter, and hurried up to the fourth floor carrying a tray of food and wine.

"Guests in the Tianzihao box, the food is here!"

Shi Lei yelled and served food to a private room on the fifth floor.

While carrying the tray of dishes to the table, he sensed the exact location of the bad guy on the roof.

In this mixed brick and wood building structure, a five-story building is considered a high-rise building.

He used the essence of life to cover up his inner strength, disguised himself as a poor peasant and entered Yuzhou City, and then changed into his current waiter along the way. His cover-up was successful, and the bad handsome man did not notice his existence.

Shi Lei took the tray, walked under the bad handsome man, opened a lead box, then activated the life essence, jumped up directly, and took out the lime and short knife hidden under the tray in mid-air.


The wooden board shattered, and Shi Lei stabbed the bad guy's foot directly with his knife. Then lime flew all over the sky, and the two started fighting. “Bang, bang, bang, bang.”

Swords clashed, sawdust flew, and the roof of the small building was shattered.

"Hey." The bad guy was in front, Shi Lei was behind, and the two of them moved to the same building.

Out of the lime range, the bad handsome man was able to see clearly the person coming, a dark-skinned shop waiter. Where did this assassin come from? After fighting him like this, there was no internal energy fluctuation at all.

The two of them ran outside the city. On a stone mountain, the bad handsome man stopped.

He turned around and asked, "Who are you? Your martial arts skills are so high, but I don't even know you."

In fact, he was very curious about Shi Lei's technique of hiding his aura, but he wouldn't tell the person in front of him.

Asking for his name may also ask that people who are on par with him in skill should not be afraid of anyone.

Shi Lei cupped his hands and said loudly: "Greetings, Commander-in-Chief, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you will die today."

He will not satisfy the curiosity of the bad guy. If the bad guy knows his name and leaves a secret code for the bad guy to target him, there will be some trouble.

There are so many things to do to unify the world, and the less trouble there is, the less trouble there will be.

"The words are very respectful, but the actions are not respectful at all. Why is that? Are you a killer sent by others?" the bad handsome man asked doubtfully.

"Simple, you are a bad commander of the Tang Dynasty. You have protected the Tang Dynasty for three hundred years and are worthy of admiration. However, there is no conflict with me killing you." Shi Lei said calmly.

I admire a person for being so cruel.

An ancient person would find it very contradictory, but he has the thinking logic of previous lives.

The bad handsome man thought for a while and asked: "A killer?"

"Who could train a killer like you?"

To be able to lurk at his feet and assassinate him, and still fight him in a stalemate, no one can cultivate such strength.

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile and said nothing, but asked: "If you don't leave or fight with me, are you worried about Li Xingyun?"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in Li Xingyun."

"His ambition is to marry several wives and live in seclusion in the mountains. Now he is no threat to the world."

"Of course if his ambition changes, I will kill him."

The bad handsome man finally forced the poison out of his feet and laughed loudly: "Hahaha... As long as I am here, you can't kill him."

"You can kill him, because you will die today." Shi Lei said confidently.

The bad handsome man laughed boldly: "Hahaha..."

"Are you waiting for my poison to kick in?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I just forced the poison out."

He chose to run away rather than fight because there was an unknown toxin on his feet. Although he had secretly sealed the acupuncture points with Huayang needles, it was safer to use force to force it out just to be on the safe side.

Now that he has forced out the poison and the assassination attempt on him has failed, the next step is to see if he can take down the assassin.

Shi Lei shook his head and said with a smile: "I never had expectations for that poison. My real poison is this. It's almost time."

He pointed to the lead box on his chest. The lid of the box had been opened, facing the direction of the bad handsome man.

This lead box contained highly radiated uranium, which he found after searching for a long time and after several waves of deaths.

The radiation damage of nuclear radiation is at the speed of light and can damage the human body's DNA. He used the source of life to protect himself in advance. The bad handsome man didn't know this.

And he tried, but his internal strength could not protect him from nuclear radiation.

Calculating the time, even if the poor handsome man's physique is different from ordinary people, ten minutes of radiation is almost enough.

"Huh?" The bad handsome man suddenly felt pain all over his body.

He gritted his teeth, endured the pain, looked at Shi Lei and asked, "I held my breath when I was fighting you. How can this poison still enter my body?"

He has been fighting for three hundred years and has encountered colorless and odorless poison many times. Now every time he fights against someone, he subconsciously holds his breath.


Shi Lei shook his head and did not explain the principle of nuclear radiation. This explanation was a bit troublesome.

"Bad handsome man, please die in peace."


The bad handsome man stamped his foot and rushed towards Shi Lei.

But Shi Lei was already prepared for this. When the bad guy moved, he also stepped back, and the two of them moved almost at the same time.

Shi Lei retreats and the bad guy chases after him.

The chase lasted less than a minute.


The bad handsome man fell to the ground and spit out blood from his mouth, which was mixed with visceral fragments.

"call out."

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Shi Lei's dagger was inserted directly into the bad handsome man's head, all the way to the end.

Shi Lei did not step forward immediately, but stood back for a while and observed.

The bad handsome man's body began to rot visibly to the naked eye, slowly turning into a puddle of mud.

The corners of Shi Lei's lips curled up slightly, but he still did not step forward. Instead, he went down the mountain and went into the forest to pick up dead branches.

"Oh, does Shangguan Yunque want his life?"

Less than a minute after Shi Lei left, Shangguan Yunque appeared next to the bad handsome man, took off his coat, wrapped up the rotting bad handsome man, and transported him to the foot of the mountain.

But before entering the forest, Shangguan Yunque stopped with a look on his face, looked at Shi Lei with fear, and said in panic: "I just want to collect the corpse of the bad handsome man."

"His body must be burned and cannot be kept." Shi Lei said lightly.

Nuclear radiation is facing Bad Handsome, and Bad Handsome's body is covered with radiation. In this era, it would be better to burn it and put it back in a lead box.

"Bang." Shangguan Yunque stamped his feet and ran away in another direction.

Shi Lei struck Shangguan Yunque on the vest with a palm from the air. Shangguan Yunque fell to the ground and could not move.

With his skill, it would be easy to kill Zhongtian.

(End of this chapter)

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