Chapter 207 Capture Ji Ruxue

The leader of the big man laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, little girl, we dominate this small town. You think no one will trouble us. It's a pity that no matter where the young hero comes from, he will eventually be tricked and become a cup of loess."

The other big men also laughed.

After a long time, the laughter subsided, and the leading man said coldly: "It's hard to find a small town where you can do whatever you want. According to the convention, if you pass by our town, you must shed the blood of a virgin, but you are from Huanyinfang, and we don't want to provoke you. You Huanyinfang, so we didn’t go looking for you.”

"But tigers do no harm to people, but people do harm to tigers!"

"We didn't go looking for you, but you came to our door."

"This is the territory of the Shu Kingdom. Your Qi Kingdom's Huanyinfang has to have a hand in it. It's really too lenient."

A disciple of Huanyinfang threatened: "Since you know that we are disciples of Huanyinfang, why don't you let us go?"

"Hahaha..." The villains suddenly laughed.

The expressions of the disciples of Huanyinfang changed, and their only support was of no use...

Ji Ruxue's eyes were burning, and she looked at these evil people angrily. It would be okay if she was the only one, but she had affected the other sisters.

She felt very regretful, she shouldn't have been so reckless.

People who should listen to the advice and contact Shi Lei.

"Hahaha... seal their internal energy first, so that they will not use their internal energy to expel poison." A big man laughed without forgetting the business.

Ji Ruxue's expression changed, and she lost all hope. It was still possible to expel the toxins by using the source of life in conjunction with the internal force. However, if the internal force was blocked, it was really impossible to expel the toxins just by relying on the source of life that had just been cultivated recently.

"Hehe... This little girl can really get rid of toxins!" A big man saw the changes in Ji Ruxue's expression.

He took a step forward to restrain Ji Ruxue's internal energy.

Ji Ruxue was filled with grief and anger, twisting and struggling violently.

"Struggle! Despair! Pain! Hahaha..."

The big man approached Ji Ruxue step by step, and said with a condescending smile: "Haha, don't worry, you are in despair and pain now, but you will be happy later! The joy of nourishing water, hahaha..."

He slowly stretched out his hand, and under Ji Ruxue's desperate eyes, he slowly approached.



The big man's right hand was severed at the wrist, and there was the sound of blood spurting.

"Ah...who is it?" the big man screamed.

"Bang." The big man was kicked away.

Shi Lei, dressed in white, stood in front of Ji Ruxue and said coldly: "If you want to touch my woman, you are seeking death!"

The laughing voices of the big men stopped, and they all looked at Shi Lei in silence, with fear on their faces.

The only sounds in the whole yard were the screams of a big man and the sound of blood spurting from arteries.

"Pfft" a big man knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master, please spare my life!"

The other big men also reacted and knelt down to beg for mercy: "Master, have mercy on me! We don't dare to do it anymore..."

In just a blink of an eye, the handsome man in front of them chopped off their boss's hand, and they couldn't even see Shi Lei's shadow clearly.

Confirmed, this is someone they can't deal with.

Begging for mercy doesn't matter whether it can be successful or not, but it can at least delay the time and give the poison time to take effect.

"Pfft." Shi Lei swiped the long sword in his hand, and all the villains' heads fell to the ground.

Ji Ruxue stared blankly at Shi Lei's back. Shi Lei's whole body was filled with light, and that light was called salvation...

When she was at her most desperate, Shi Lei appeared, and she felt an inexplicable touch in her heart.

Shi Lei turned around, gently lifted Ji Ruxue up, and comforted: "Are you okay?"

Two lines of tears flowed down like a stream, and he replied with a cry: "I'm fine, thank you."

After saying that, she couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Shi Lei, buried her head in Shi Lei's arms, and cried silently.

Shi Lei patted Ji Ruxue's back and whispered comfort.

To be honest, this scene was something he didn't expect.

These evil people are the test given by him. In his opinion, Ji Ruxue will definitely eliminate these evil people. Method one is to seek the help of the secret guards here; method two is to notify him and ask him to bring people over; method three is to rely solely on The four of them solved it.

The worst method is method three. With Ji Ruxue's character, there is a high probability that she will choose method three.

But he didn't expect that Ji Ruxue would fail, because even Ji Ruxue and the four of them could deal with these evil people. Of course, it was inevitable that a few people would be injured, and some might even die. The evil people's desperate struggle for their lives was not so Easy to deal with.

Seeing the death of his subordinates, Ji Ruxue would grow up. What he didn't expect was that Ji Ruxue and others would overturn.

Well, it seems that this is not the first time that Ji Ruxue overturned a car. In the original work, she overturned the car for the first time when she appeared, and then she was seriously injured and dying.

I don't know how much time passed, but Ji Ruxue returned to reason, left Shi Lei's arms, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I just arrived today, but the secret guards have been watching your actions today. You failed, so you notified me to come here." Shi Lei told the truth. He didn't receive any news from Ji Ruxue yesterday, so he came here .

"Am I useless?" Ji Ruxue looked downcast.

"You just don't have enough experience." Shi Lei explained.

Using poison directly in a courtyard with ventilation on all sides is a bit risky and cannot be used by ordinary thieves.

"I will repay you." Ji Ruxue said solemnly.

"You are my woman, you don't need to repay me." Shi Lei said loudly.

"I..." Ji Ruxue wanted to say, 'When will I be your woman? ’ Then she thought of the empress’ order, and while keeping an eye on Shi Lei, she would satisfy all of Shi Lei’s requests, including that one.

So strictly speaking, she is Shi Lei's person.

It's better to just obey the empress' order.

"I saved your life, why shouldn't you pledge yourself to me?" Shi Lei asked with a smile.

"You..." Ji Ruxue looked at Shi Lei, feeling a little disgusted. This was a form of repayment.

The good impression she had just had on Shi Lei sank into her heart.

I originally wanted to leave Shi Lei, but now I don't want to.

"I'm just giving you a reason. Compared with a cold order, a reason to repay a favor is better." Shi Lei patted Ji Ruxue on the shoulder.

Ji Ruxue was stunned. The two did make her feel different. At least although there was some resistance to repaying the favor, it was only because Shi Lei took the initiative to speak. In fact, she was willing.


She still couldn't let go.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time. You can think about it slowly and come to me when you are willing."

Shi Lei left a word and turned around to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the yard, there was a scream in the yard.

Without stopping, he walked into the newly rented mansion under the guidance of the secret guards.

The mansion is not big, but there are not many people there, so it is enough to accommodate them.

In the backyard, Shi Lei was soaking in a wooden barrel, closing his eyes and relaxing. Taking a bath was really indispensable.

In his previous life, he used the shower head the most. After experiencing the comfort of a hot bath, he never treated himself badly again.

The sound of soft footsteps was heard. Shi Lei opened his eyes and looked over. His team had been streamlined and he did not have any maids.

Chi Meng had been the eldest lady since he was a child, so he was wary.

After seeing the person clearly, Shi Lei was stunned for a moment and asked: "Ji Ruxue, what are you doing here?"

"I am your maid. Of course I will serve you to bathe and change clothes. This is the order of the empress." Ji Ruxue said in a low voice.

Shi Lei saved her life today, but rejected Shi Lei again during the day. She wanted to do something, and at the same time she also wanted to know her own feelings.

Serving Shi Lei was originally one of her tasks. She didn't serve him before because she didn't want to. She came in now because she wanted to see what she wanted and whether she could resist.

If she resisted, she would repay Shi Lei in other ways. She thought she would resist and couldn't walk in, but she didn't expect that when she walked in all the way, her mind was filled with Shi Lei's glowing back. Shi Lei gave her an infinite sense of security.

Then there was shyness and confusion. As for resistance, there seemed to be some resistance, but there seemed to be no resistance.

She finally walked in with mixed feelings.

"you sure?"

Shi Lei looked at Ji Ruxue, who had her head lowered, with a joking look on her face.

He is not a gentleman. He will not refuse any woman who comes to his door as long as he is old enough.

In addition, he is a strong-blooded person. It is really dangerous to serve him to bathe and change clothes!

"OK." Ji Ruxue nodded seriously.

Having come this far, she already understood what she wanted, and she didn't resist...

"Okay, give me a shoulder squeeze first!" Shi Lei directly ordered.

"it is good."

Ji Ruxue stepped forward and stared at Shi Lei's shoulder, not daring to move her eyes.

She put her hand up and gently kneaded it for Shi Lei.

This is one of the must-learn techniques in Huanyinfang.

The characteristics of all the women in Huanyinfang are destined to often use beauty traps, and the empress never minds using honey traps.

Honey traps can bring unlimited benefits to different countries, so why not do it?

As for a woman's dignity, the world is in turmoil, so it's good to be alive.

Being able to live in Huanyinfang, the quality of life is better than 90% of people. Not to mention it is just a honey trap, there is a possibility of death.

Of course, you wouldn't use a honey trap to deal with ordinary people.

"Oh..." Shi Lei couldn't help but groan.

Ji Ruxue's small hands were cold, which was in sharp contrast with the red skin, making her feel like the two heavens of ice and fire.

By the way, he hasn’t tried the two realms of ice and fire yet!

The first subject he thought of as a test subject was Yan Lingji. Her tenderness as water and passion as fire were the labels of Yan Lingji.

Don't think too far, you should enjoy the moment.

Ji Ruxue's shoulder pinching is a function of her role. Even if the ordinary maid pinches and Ji Ruxue's pinching, they have the same technique, the feeling is completely different.

"Don't just pinch your shoulders, press your back. It's a little itchy down there. Go down... oh~~ this is the spot, use force..."

"Don't just pinch it, do you know how to knead it, rub it, beat it, etc.?"

"Pah, pah, pah..." The sound of palms hitting the back came out.

"Not bad, use a little more will feel better."


A few minutes later, Shi Leileang laughed: "Your technique is still not very interesting, let me teach you."

Without waiting for Ji Ruxue's reply, he directly carried Ji Ruxue into the barrel.

Ji Ruxue resisted fiercely, but unfortunately she was locked tightly by Shi Lei and could not move.


"What do you call me young master? I call you husband."

"..." Ji Ruxue was silent.

"Don't move or run. You were the one massaging me just now, and now I'm massaging you. You can learn the techniques from me by the way. As a maid, your massage techniques must be top-notch."

"But..." Ji Ruxue wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute. Her identity was very clear that she was Shi Lei's maid, the kind who could live with him as a concubine.

This is the empress's will, and she must obey her orders.

The most important thing is that she doesn't seem to be so resistant to Shi Lei, and she even has some expectations.

‘Well, then just obey him? ’

With this thought in my mind, I was out of control.

Her body felt a little hot and weak, and finally she simply closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Shi Lei covered Ji Ruxue's white neck with his hands, slowly stroking, kneading, rubbing, pressing and pressing.

"Well..." Ji Ruxue felt very comfortable and couldn't help shouting.

Shi Lei moved his hands from his neck to his shoulders and rubbed them gently.


After squeezing the shoulder for a while, Shi Lei slowly moved his hand down and wandered on Ji Ruxue's smooth snow back, using special techniques and internal strength during the move.

"Ah..." Ji Ruxue screamed.

"Pah, pah, pah..." Shi Lei kept slapping Ji Ruxue's back with his hand.

His hand slowly moved forward to cover Ji Ruxue's heart, pressing and kneading it to shape it into the shape he wanted.

Ji Ruxue's body trembled, and her heart beat rapidly, as if it was going to explode.

"Ah~ It's not okay." Ji Ruxue said with heavy breathing.

"This is a full-body massage. Don't underestimate my skills. Watch my techniques to make you more comfortable."

Shi Lei used superb massage skills, then blew hot air and asked, "Are you comfortable?"

"...Comfortable..." Ji Ruxue said sincerely.

Then he came to his senses and continued: "~~If you can...if you can't stop, it's really not possible."

Starting from her back, she felt something strange. When Shi Lei massaged her heart, the strangeness became even stronger.

It was so comfortable that she couldn't help but tremble.

"This is a massage, just feel comfortable..." Shi Lei said with a smile on his face.

Ji Ruxue was pressed comfortably, and he was not bad either. She was worthy of Ji Ruxue. His physical and mental admiration and respect went straight to the sky.

His hand slowly moved down and covered Ji Ruxue's flat lower abdomen, which was smooth and elastic. He also felt the abdominal muscles.

As expected of a person who is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, Ji Ruxue's lower abdomen has been exercised.

The hand continued to move down and touched Ji Ruxue's belly button.


Ji Ruxue was so shocked that she stopped and grabbed Shi Lei's hands to prevent him from continuing.

"How can I massage you if you hold my hand?" Shi Lei teased, and with a clever move, he locked Ji Ruxue's hands with his left hand and continued to caress Ji Ruxue's navel...

Ji Ruxue suddenly tensed up, continued to tremble, and even let out a cry of unknown meaning...

After a few minutes, Ji Ruxue became weak, no longer struggling or resisting. She relaxed her whole body and experienced Shi Lei's extremely comfortable massage.

Shi Lei's massage gave her an extraordinary feeling.

Is this a real massage?

But why didn't anyone teach her?

I have never heard from the sisters in Huanyinfang.

"How is it? Is the massage comfortable?" Shi Lei asked, blowing into Ji Ruxue's ear.


"I can make you more comfortable. Are you willing to be my concubine?" Shi Lei licked Ji Ruxue's earlobe.

"This is the case, and you still ask..."

(End of this chapter)

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