Chapter 214 Yin Yang Family Master

An idea came to Han Fei's mind that these people were prepared for the village. After completing their studies, some students would stay in the village and some would go to the county.

He didn't know who was going to the county seat, but those who stayed in the village would definitely become the leader of the village.

"Qi Wanglei wants to control the countryside?" Han Fei asked in surprise.

Xunzi nodded: "Why else would he have to build an enlightenment primary school in the countryside?"

Han Fei's pupils widened and his mouth opened slightly. Qi Wanglei was doing something unprecedented.

It is a common practice that the royal power does not extend to the county.

Regardless of the aristocratic territory, it is the same in Qi State, South Korea, and even Qin State. In the end, the country's decrees only go to the county, and those who make requests only go to the county.

For example, in the military recruitment, it will only ask how many people a county needs to recruit, and will not specify the villages.

It's not that the country doesn't want to dictate to the countryside, it's just that it can't do it.

A village is usually a place with one surname, which is extremely exclusive. It is extremely difficult for the country to parachute a manager there.

Even if they are not a place with one surname, villages with multiple surnames are extremely xenophobic, and may be even more xenophobic. Being able to form a village is meant to stay together for warmth. There may be fights in the village, but when encountering external problems, they still stick together to deal with it.

A land with one surname can be recovered by just persuading the clan leader, but a land with multiple surnames is even more troublesome.

Is this Qi Wang Lei so ambitious?

He actually wants to control the countryside!

However...if Enlightenment Primary School can continue to open, it may really succeed.

The expenses of Enlightenment Primary School are all Qi Wanglei's private treasury. These students who graduated from Enlightenment Primary School are naturally grateful and loyal to Qi Wanglei. As long as Qi Wanglei's decree is not excessive, it will definitely be implemented.


"Teacher, I don't understand, where did Qi Wanglei get so many coaches?" Han Fei was a little confused.

Except for the vicinity of Mount Tai, the rest of the land of Qi is plain. There is basically one village for every three miles, and there may be more. Roughly speaking, there are hundreds of thousands of villages.

Nobles control about half of them, leaving about 80,000 villages. Where did Qi Wanglei find so many coaches?

"Alas...there's something you don't know." Xunzi looked complicated.

"what's up?"

Xunzi calmed down and explained: "Those 200,000 new troops are all literate. Although they are uneducated, they are all literate and master simple arithmetic. The Enlightenment Primary School does not exist now, but existed a few years ago. , but it wasn’t called Enlightenment Primary School at that time, and it wasn’t promoted nationwide, it was just limited to the Zhang family territory.”

"The students who studied in the Kuang family territory changed their appearance and became coaches all over the Qi Kingdom."

"If you don't teach academics, just teach reading and simple arithmetic, those Kuang students can still do it."

In fact, he felt that this model was not perfect enough. It only taught people how to read, do arithmetic, and be loyal to the emperor. It did not teach them the principles of life. How could this work? Therefore, Confucians should check for the gaps and fill in the gaps.

Han Fei was even more shocked when he heard that the New Army sergeants were all literate. He was relieved to hear that the New Army soldiers were uneducated. Fortunately, they were uneducated, otherwise wouldn't they have surpassed Confucianism?

No Confucian scholar has more than two hundred thousand.

Hearing that Enlightenment Primary School only teaches literacy and simple arithmetic, he was completely shocked. This makes sense. Kuangjia's teaching is really capable of teaching just literacy and not studying knowledge.

However, Han Fei vaguely felt that there was something wrong with it.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and thought of what was wrong with it: "Teacher, isn't Qi Wanglei afraid... isn't he afraid that the Kuang family will replace Qi?"

Xunzi's expression changed and he said coldly: "This is not what you should care about, and you should not explore it."

The problems that Han Fei could see, he could naturally see too. He sent people to investigate secretly, and the results were shocking. All the important people in the Kuang family had been bewitched, and more than ten people had been bewitched. Several, not dozens, but hundreds.

When hundreds of important people are bewitched, the idea of ​​rebellion is eliminated, because it is difficult for hundreds of people to be of the same mind, unless someone can undo the poison for hundreds of people in an instant.

Even if someone can make it big, it is actually unrealistic. The Kuang family members are scattered all over Qi State, and Qi Wang Lei will not give hundreds of people a chance to conspire.

Of course, there is another chance, that is, the Kuang family in the army abandons everyone else and rebels together. Unfortunately, Qi Wanglei pays more attention to the army, and the poison on the Kuang family in the army is more advanced and difficult to solve.

Moreover, the Kuang family has no time. Qi Wanglei keeps using others to divide the military power of the Kuang family. The longer the time goes on, the slimmer the chance.

In the past, there were still forces that could help the Kuang family, such as the doctors in their heyday, Wu Yue, who had the art of controlling poison. But now the doctors have declined, and the land of Wu Yue has turned into a tribal fight.

"Yes." Han Fei agreed on the surface, but secretly he was even more curious.

It's not that he doesn't listen to his teacher, because he also wants to implement this method in Korea.

Compared with the previous top-down reform plan, this bottom-up reform is more promising.

This method has many benefits, one of which is to increase the control over the countryside. If he can receive information about the countryside in time, it will be more convenient to collect taxes and other things, and it can also minimize the exploitation of officials.

South Korea is a small country and has a small population. With one less layer of exploitation, South Korea will have more income.

In addition, as his control over the countryside increases, it will be easier for him to recruit troops. Let’s not talk about combat power for the moment, but there is no shortage of numbers.

Xunzi saw Han Fei's expression clearly. As Han Fei's master, he didn't know what Han Fei was thinking, and he couldn't say much.

In fact, South Korea is already hopeless. South Korea is now the smallest country in terms of land area. Even so, South Korea is still a place of four wars.

Unlike Qi State, which has the sea to the east and the Great Wall to the south, Qi State's 200,000 new troops only need to defend the north and west. Qi State's defense pressure is not great, and South Korea, let's not mention it.

In addition, the current situation changed at this time. Qi Wanglei played a trick of hiding soldiers in the countryside to make other countries pay attention to rural intelligence.

The dishes of various countries not only hang out in the big cities, but also often visit the countryside. Although they cannot always detect the information of other countries' villages, the feat of raising an army of 200,000 people that is not known to others will never happen.

South Korea has no chance to take advantage of the loopholes and can only train a new army under the pressure of other countries.

South Korea's reform failed that year, and the second reform will most likely fail, even with Han Fei, because South Korea has no environment for reform, and when the reform first takes effect, South Korea will be destroyed.

But Han Fei was born in the Korean royal family, and due to his status, this reform was necessary, but his persuasion was of no use.

I can only check and fill in the gaps for the disciples to make them feel more relaxed.

"The most important thing for Qi Wanglei to raise troops in the countryside is to keep it secret. In order to keep it secret, Qi Wanglei lost royal territory to compensate the major nobles and asked the major nobles to relocate. This allowed the Kuang family to have enough territory to raise troops and improve the level of confidentiality. ."

"So when you start the rural army raising plan, the most important thing is to think of a secret strategy."

"Thank you for your guidance, teacher." Han Fei bowed and thanked him.

"Teacher, I want to visit the village in the Kuang family's territory."

Only after conducting an on-the-spot investigation to understand the situation in Kuangjia Village can he formulate a plan suitable for rural areas in Korea.

"Go ahead!"

"Thank you, teacher." Han Fei bowed and walked out.

Ten days later, the news that Confucianists had entered the Enlightenment Primary School to teach at their own expense spread throughout the world, and other schools of thought were filled with hatred. One primary school in one village, what a scale this is. If Confucianism assigns a Confucian disciple in each village and uses the power of Qi Wang Lei to spread Confucianism, then Qi will be the world of Confucianism from now on. How can this be possible?

Hundreds of other schools of thought came to Qi Wanglei one after another, wanting to participate.

Legalists, Mohists, famous scholars, miscellaneous scholars, farmers, novelists and other schools of thought all came to the door and asked to participate.

Shi Lei was very generous. Except for not giving an extra class every day, the other conditions were the same as those of Confucianism. He also made a rule that each school of thought could establish its own university hall outside the primary school and hold large classes every day, but not Students are forced to attend large classes, and violators are expelled from the elementary school.

Although each school is not angry about the favorable conditions of Confucianism, the holy land of Confucianism is in Qi State, and it has been operating in Qi State for many years. It is inevitable that Confucianism will receive preferential treatment. They can only think of other ways to steal students.


At the headquarters of the Yin-Yang Family, Donghuang Taiyi left the retreat. Outside the door, the Yin-Yang Family’s Dongjun and Moon God were already waiting here.

"Your Excellency Dong Huang." The two women saluted respectfully to Dong Huang.

Donghuang was wrapped in a black robe, even his appearance was hidden. Only a majestic voice came out: "After a year of stargazing, it can be determined that the future situation will be a battle between two countries for hegemony."

"As for who wins and who loses, the time is too far and the variables are too great for me to see clearly."

"Your Excellency Donghuang, how should we respond?" Moon God looked at the leader Donghuang Taiyi and asked.

"Should we send someone to assassinate Qi Wanglei?"

Many years ago, the Yin and Yang Family bet on the Qin State, believing that Qin would be able to achieve great unification. For this reason, the Yin and Yang Family's headquarters even moved to the vicinity of Xianyang, but now something happened.

When a change occurs, you must either resolve the change or develop a new strategy based on the change.

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head and said: "No, Qin and Qi are now allies. Taking action rashly will make Qin feel resentful."

"In this way, Dongjun, you hide your identity and go to Qi State, become Qi Wanglei's pillow, strictly monitor his every move, and immediately assassinate Qi Wanglei when necessary, causing Qi State to be in chaos."

"Moon God, you go to Xianyang and serve as the national advisor of Qin State."

"Yes." The two women responded in unison.

Moon Goddess looked at Donghuang Taiyi in surprise. She and Dongjun had just left the court, but now Donghuang Taiyi sent Dongjun out directly, which was beyond her expectation.

The two of them are the guardians on the left and right. Now that Qi State has just started, it is really unfathomable that they would send a guardian there.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, I think it is more appropriate for me to go to Qi State." Yueshen said.

Compared to Qin, she wanted to go to Qi more. Xianyang was right at her doorstep. What fun could she have? Going to Qi was equivalent to traveling, and she could observe the strange man Qi Wanglei up close. This was much more interesting than Xianyang.

Xianyang was near the headquarters, and she really couldn't arouse the slightest interest in it.

"This matter has been decided, you go ahead!" Donghuang Taiyi said forcefully.

He knew about the fight between the two women, and they both disliked each other, which was why he separated the two women.

Of the two girls, he valued the Moon God more. The Moon God was more like a god than Dongjun, so the Moon God stayed in Xianyang as the national master and became the representative of the Yin Yang family. After he passed away, the Moon God could directly take over as the head of the Yin Yang family.

Luna was a little unwilling and looked at Dongjun angrily, why could Dongjun go see the strange man but she couldn't?

Dongjun also stared at the Moon God indifferently. Rather than going to the distant Qi Kingdom, she wanted to stay in Xianyang, which was right next to the headquarters and close to home.

A few days later, in Linzi, Qi State, a disciple of the Yin Yang family respectfully introduced everything about the capital of Qi State to Dongjun.

The capital of Qi State has changed a lot. The streets are clean, the pedestrians and carriages are in order, and there are more "public guards" on both sides of the street...

Dongjun listened quietly, and at the same time looked curiously at everything in the capital of Qi. Compared with Xianyang, there are many interesting things here.

Under the leadership of the disciples of the Yin and Yang family, Dongjun spent a few days touring the capital of Qi. She even went to Enlightenment Primary School for seven days and saw Qi's factories and the new army.

The information was not accurate enough, she wanted to see it with her own eyes.

After reading it roughly, Dongjun asked his disciple: "I want to become Qi Wanglei's concubine. Is there anything you can do?"

"There is only one request. The identity of my Yin Yang family cannot be exposed."

The disciples of the Yin Yang family looked at Dong Jun in stunned silence. Such a peerless appearance actually gave Qi Wanglei an advantage. Did the Yin Yang family pay too much?

But Dongjun is the protector of the law, so he has no right to question, he can only obey.

His thoughts turned around, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Your Excellency Dongjun, if you want to hide your identity, the best way is to participate in the royal palace's draft."

"With your appearance, you will definitely be selected, and you will also be able to catch the eye of Qi Wang Lei."

He was telling the truth. With Edongjun's peerless appearance and her unique temperament, such a beauty would definitely be selected.

As long as Dongjun enters the palace, they can detect Qi Wanglei's whereabouts and let Dongjun appear in front of Qi Wanglei. Dongjun's appearance and temperament will definitely attract Qi Wanglei.

It is said that Wang Lei of Qi fell in love with a palace maid while having dinner, and then the palace maid became famous and became Qi Wang Lei's woman.

Ordinary palace maids can do it, and Lord Dongjun has no problem even more.

Dong Jun thought for a moment and then ordered: "Then prepare an identity for me. This identity cannot have anything to do with the Yin Yang family."

"I understand, I will prepare now."

The disciples of the Yin and Yang family had already expected this, because other schools of thought were doing the same thing.

Overtly or covertly, they tried their best to insert people into the Qi Palace.

Among them, the palace maids are the most convenient. Manager Lu publicly selects the king. As long as the body and appearance are qualified, even if the family background is flawed, they can be selected.

As for sneaking in as a chamberlain, there is no need to think about it. Chamberlains in the palace rarely recruit people, and they are recruited from the Kuang family territory.

A month later, Dong Jun successfully appeared in front of Shi Lei. Although she was just wearing ordinary palace maid clothes, Shi Lei was deeply attracted by the same thing.

The maids around her also looked at Dongjun's drastically changed temperament in surprise.

You were not like this just now. When you were with us just now, you were just an ignorant girl who couldn't speak, was clumsy in doing things, and had ordinary makeup like Cinderella.

Now that Qi Wanglei has appeared, why are you so glorious?

They found that Dongjun had a unique temperament at this time, which made them feel ashamed.

Shi Lei stopped and asked curiously: "Who are you?"

He got into Qin Shi's trap through Tian Xing Jiu Ge. Qin Shi didn't see much, he only heard about other beauties, and he couldn't remember their appearance clearly. If he could recognize them if they were wearing specific clothes, and if they were wearing the same palace clothes, he would recognize them. Can't recognize clearly.

After all, this is the real world. In addition to the beauties in anime, there are also many other beauties. Manager Lu chose a lot for him, but he just didn’t have time to eat them.

So when he saw a beautiful woman with a unique temperament, he was not sure if she was a character from the anime, or maybe she was a noblewoman from a noble family.

(End of this chapter)

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