Chapter 231 Triple Happiness

The navy of Qi State caught Yan State by surprise. When the kingdoms were at war, the ships were only used to transport food at most, and were never used to fight or transport troops, because the ships were too small and could not hold more than a few people.

Qi State used sea ships to transport troops, and it was the first time in the world to transport troops by sea. No one in Yan State expected it.

Shanhaiguan is three hundred kilometers away from Jicheng, the capital of Yan State. By the time King Yan received the news, six days had passed.

The Qi army suddenly landed 300 kilometers away. Although it was still far from Jicheng, King Yan was very panicked.

Yan State has a population of 1.5 million, 400,000 people in the northeast are quarantined, and the actual controlled population is only 1.1 million. Now it has sent 300,000 troops to the front line. Jicheng's current military strength is 30,000 standing troops and 20,000 Civilian husband.

If we continue to recruit troops, all men in the country will go to the battlefield and they will collapse.

Originally, 300,000 people were mobilized to the front line, but the farming season was delayed, resulting in a poor harvest, and many citizens complained. If the recruitment continued...

Moreover, the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled, and they cannot repel Qi even if they are recruited.

King Yan hesitated again and again, and decided to stand still and defend Jicheng. At the same time, he sent envoys to Zhao and Wei to ask for help.

Previously, the State of Yan received food and grass supplies from Zhao and Wei, and was able to continue its confrontation with the State of Qi. Now that Qin and Han have ceased war, it is time to come to the State of Yan.

It is a pity that the ideals are full and the reality is very skinny. Zhao and Wei agreed to support Yan, but instead of sending large armies, they sent envoys to Qi.

After several months of research, the various countries have a certain understanding of the combat power of Qi's new army. The new army has a strong physique, neat weapons and armor, and a large number of strong bows and crossbows. Compared with the Qin army, the new army is also inferior. Just combat experience.

To rescue Yan, an army of 300,000 people (including civilians) may be needed. Neither Zhao nor Wei want to go to war.

Unlike Qin, who is fighting against other states, and Qi, who is waiting and watching, if other states attack Qi, Qin will definitely invade eastward.

There is no way that Qin is stronger and can make decisions more easily. Qi needs to rely on other countries to weaken Qin, and Qin does not need Qi's help to weaken Qi.

Qi was worried that other countries would be unable to resist Qin after they were destroyed, but Qin had no similar worries. Qin's current foreign strategy is to slowly encroach.

Capture one county this year and two counties next year, slowly reduce Zhao and Wei to their present state, wait for Fusu to grow up, and defeat the three Jins in one fell swoop.

Zhao and Wei were worried about Qin's eastward invasion, so the best thing they thought of was to send envoys to make peace with Yan.

When King Yan heard the news, he was so angry that he smashed everything in the imperial study.

Before, they only provided food and grass but no large army. There was a voice in the court that the other countries did not want to support Yan.

The role of the Qin-Qi Alliance is highlighted. When the Qi State did not rise, Qi State could not play a restraining role and was often defeated by other countries. Now that the Qi State has risen, it not only plays a restraining role, but also actively attacks the Yan State. The role of the Qin-Qi Alliance Next, the three Jin Dynasties did not support Yan State.

If the Yan State had not received grain and grass support from other countries, the Yan State would not have been able to support it in the first two months. Now that the Yan State is in danger of life and death, it is really hateful that the three Jin Dynasties have not sent troops.

After venting his anger, King Yan also calmed down. It was already August, and the various countries went to negotiate with Qi. It dragged on for more than a month. Even if the countries changed their minds and sent troops by then, it would be of no avail. The army was assembled and on the road. It would take more than a month, and by then it would be late October, and it could snow at any time.

As soon as it snows, he doesn't know about Qi's army, but he knows that the armies of other countries will retreat.

Therefore, even if the coalition forces arrive, they will only have two decades of fighting time at most. With the coalition forces' usual slow-moving nature, it is impossible to break through the Qi army's camp.

After thinking about it, King Yan found that peace talks were the best option. Otherwise, the coalition forces would retreat due to the university and would definitely not come back next year, and the Yan State would probably be destroyed.

I hope the terms of the peace talks won’t be too outrageous!

A month later, after some push by envoys from both sides, Qi agreed to peace talks with Yan and promised not to attack Yan within five years, on the condition that the northern territory two hundred miles south of Shanhaiguan was transferred to Yan.

The South, on the other hand, used the existing battle lines as dividing lines to redraw national borders.

Although King Yan was reluctant, he could only agree. He valued the armistice period. Previous covenants were for decades, hundreds of years or forever. No one took the time seriously, but they would abide by it for five years.

He originally wanted to fight for ten years, but it was a pity that Qi State refused to speak.

But five years is enough for Yan State to recover some of its vitality. As for five years from now, let’s talk about it in five years!

Yan Qi negotiated a peace, and the world returned to peace. After a year of turmoil, the Qin State lost its king, but he gained the land of two counties, making him a lame man.

Qi State lost a lot of money and food to Yan State, and finally took over more than half of Yan State's territory. In the next year, Yan State still had to deal with it, and Yan State was half disabled.


Qi State, Royal Palace, Imperial Study Room, Qi Yan's peace talks are over, Shi Lei is relieved. He is actually quite worried that Zhao, Wei, and Chu will come to surround Qi to save Yan. With Qi State's existing 30,000 new troops and 100,000 The standing army really can't resist it, so we can only issue a nationwide call-up order.

Once the recruitment order is issued, regardless of victory or defeat, Qi's domestic development will stagnate, or even go back for one or two years. This is not something Shi Lei can accept.

Fortunately, the development of the situation was similar to his expectation. Qi State obtained the land to raise horses, and then he could form elite cavalry.

"Your Majesty, I have brought soup to you." A sweet female voice came from outside the door.

Hu Meiren?

"Come in!" Shi Lei said loudly.

Hu Meiren walked in wearing a pink and purple gauze dress, followed by a palace maid. The palace maid held a tray with a bowl of white fungus soup on it.

Shi Lei picked up the white fungus soup and drank it in one gulp.

Hu Meiren patted Shi Lei's shoulders and said, "Your Majesty, my sister and my niece are in my palace tonight, will you come over?"

The situation had changed a while ago, and she was worried that Shi Lei would be absent-minded and unable to experience three times the happiness with all his heart, so she kept putting it off.

Now that the war has calmed down, it's time to put her plan into action.

"Oh..." Shi Lei prolonged his voice. He had experienced double happiness with bad people, but he had never experienced triple happiness.

He was very interested.

He responded cheerfully: "Okay, let me take a bath before heading back."

Hu Meiren held an orchid finger, held Shi Lei's palm, and kept drawing circles on Shi Lei's palm.

"Your Majesty, I have built a large pool in the palace and filled it with hot water."

"And...and there are many massage equipment inside. In the past, the king massaged me, and tonight we are massaging the king." At the end of the story, Hu Meiren felt hot. Shi Lei's massage skills were very good. Every time before entering the topic It's all running water.

"Oh~ let's go, let's go now." Shi Lei put his arm around Hu Meiren's waist and touched her waist.

A moment later, Shi Lei appeared in Hu Meiren's palace. Mrs. Hu and Nong Yu had been waiting for a long time. When the two of them saw Shi Lei coming in, they both looked shy. They had been preparing for today for a long time, but they still felt shy because they were still young girls.

"Come, Your Majesty, lie down on it." Hu Meiren pointed to a massage chair in the water. The steaming water vapor not only maintained the temperature in the room, but also made it feel hazy.

Shi Lei smiled slightly, waded all the way through the water, and then lay down on it.

As soon as he lay down, he felt a pair of soft hands pressing on his head, making his day's fatigue disappear.

Nong Yu stepped into the pool and walked to the massage chair. She kneaded Shi Lei's soles and started the foot massage.

Mrs. Hu also walked in, whoosh, whoosh, walked to Shi Lei's side and squeezed Shi Lei's hand.

Three pairs of tender little hands roamed Shi Lei's body, pinching everything from his feet, hands to torso.

'So comfortable~~'

After pressing the front, he turned him over and started massaging his back.

The massage table had two holes according to his body shape, allowing Shi Lei to lie down very comfortably.

Various massage techniques are used in turn, kneading, pinching, rubbing, beating, scraping... there is a complete set.

Mrs. Hu and Nong Yu dodged a little. They lowered their heads and closed their eyes slightly throughout the massage. They relied entirely on groping for massage.

"The technique is good, but you need to use a little force."

"Mrs. Hu, beat faster and harder." Shi Lei urged.

Half an hour later, the pleasure of the massage made Shi Lei go to heaven.

The three of them had obviously practiced massaging, especially Hu Meiren, who was very skilled.

The three of them were covered in sweat and their clothes were soaked.

Under the illumination of the lights, Shi Lei believed in the light again. The lights outlined his graceful figure, making her looming even more tempting.

"Giggle, my lord, you can't wait any longer." Hu Meiren saw the heat in Shi Lei's eyes and smiled sweetly.


[Birth of bloodline, receiving feedback from bloodline, transmitting...]

[After the transfer is completed, Pangu's bloodline has been replenished, the bloodline has been slightly improved, and new bloodline talents have been obtained: piano art talent and medical skill talent. 】

[The number of reflections has been added once. The current number of reflections is 3. The world that can currently be reflected is: Ge Xing, do you want to reflect it?

The newly added world that can be reflected, Battle Through the Sky, needs to consume ten reflection times (the number of times consumed is related to the world level and world reflection). Is it reflected? 】

The end of the war in Yan State really made him feel relaxed physically and mentally, and he was even happier about it.

He did his best last night. To be honest, three times the happiness is really good. He was touching one in his hand, and there was another behind him. The most important thing was that the other two people helped to entertain him, one helped him and the other helped her.

Sleeping under a big quilt, with snow-white limbs spread out across the body, the warm fragrance and warm jade are talking about now.

On the morning of the third day, Shi Lei dressed under Hu Meiren's service and walked out refreshed.

As soon as she returned to the imperial study, the Chao Banshee walked in. She was dressed in a blue gauze. Through the gauze, you could see her white and flat belly, and her navel was dotted with a white pearl. The snow-white The fragrant shoulders are exposed, looking pure and flawless under the light gauze.

The delicate face, long eyelashes, smooth long hair, and all kinds of beautiful jewelry made the trendy succubus attractive and attractive, attracting Shi Lei to take a few more glances.

"Hey, my pearl beauty can also play a spoon?" Shi Lei couldn't help but joked.

The trendy banshee was a little embarrassed. This was not done by her own hands, but by her personal maid. She was born in a noble family, how could she do this?

The corners of his mouth raised, revealing a beautiful smile, and said softly: "Your Majesty, you are really good at joking. I came across something delicious and took the initiative to share it with the King. If the King dislikes it, I won't come next time. .”

As she spoke, she moved closer to him, her waist swaying, and the gauze slipped off as she walked, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white. After approaching Shi Lei, she raised Shi Lei's big hand and got directly into Shi Lei's arms.

"Come on, your Majesty, open your mouth."

She picked up a pastry and put it into Shi Lei's mouth.

Shi Lei took the cake and his fingers and bit it in one bite, leaving a large amount of saliva on the trendy banshee's index finger.

The trendy banshee didn't mind. She put her index finger into her mouth and sucked it before picking up another delicacy for Shi Lei.

After a while, after trying every ingredient, Shi Lei asked loudly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, my parents want to move to Qi." Chao Banshee said softly.

In fact, not just the parents, but the entire family, and even the branches of the Bai family plan to move here (the head of the Bai family is only Bai Yifei).

At this time, the territory was reduced by half, and smart people could see that the decline was unstoppable.

No matter Qin, Zhao, Wei, or Chu, they will not let them have more territory. After the war, there are only 500,000 people left in the whole country, and they still have to maintain the size of the army of 100,000. How can this be done?

I can’t play anymore!

All the nobles are looking for a way out.

While rubbing the skin of Chao Banshee's waist, Shi Lei responded: "This is no problem, come on!"

"I'll give them a mansion."

"Your Majesty~~" The Chao Banshee said softly, making Shi Lei's ears itch and he couldn't help but rub them.

"Can you grant them a territory?" The tide banshee said her request at the right time.

Shi Lei's face straightened up and he said, "You'd better stop acting like a spoiled brat. Your charming and charming attitude is the best."

She looks like a royal lady, her posture and tone are charming, she is really seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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