The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 249 This is your sister-in-law, don’t look around

Chapter 249 This is your sister-in-law, don’t look around

Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. With her acting as the sect leader, the capital city was so angry. Ever since she met Shi Lei, she had been bullied by him. She had been kissed, looked at, and touched by Shi Lei. , and even gave her a bliss she had never experienced before.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would have no choice but to marry Shi Lei in this life, but who is she? She is the acting sect leader of Tianwaitian. Even if the two of them are actually married, she will not marry if they don't want to.

Now Shi Lei actually wants to marry her on the condition of rescuing the leader of Tianwaitian, which is very difficult to handle.

Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei intently, trying to figure out something. Shi Lei's lips were curved with pride, as if he had a chance to win. No, she couldn't let Shi Lei succeed again.

"I will pass the news to the sect leader and let him make a decision."

Shi Lei shook his head and reminded: "I suggest you not to mention this matter to anyone, otherwise your sect leader may never be able to get out of confinement."

In the original work, Tianwaitian at this time is divided into several waves of forces, which are not united at all. Maybe there are forces among them that do not want the sect leader to leave. If he reveals too much, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Yueyao nodded and said: "I will ask my close associates to send the letter back. No one knows about it except us and the sect leader who received the letter."

"It's best to use a secret message that only the two of you can understand." Shi Lei reminded.

"Don't peek!" Yue Yao emphasized to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei twitched his ears and resisted peeking. He was honest and trustworthy towards the girl.

After setting up the screen, he reminded sadly: "You'd better change your clothes. Wearing wet clothes can easily catch a cold."

Yue Yao's body stiffened, then relaxed, and glared at Shi Lei fiercely. It was exactly what she had guessed.

"Believe me, our city is a people of our word, I will keep my word." Shi Lei promised, patting his chest.

Repeatedly pulling and jumping, the relationship between the two will gradually deepen with each pull and jump.

Yueyao's eyes became even colder: "Shameless guy, you can go out now."

Yue Yao glanced at Shi Lei suspiciously, but without saying anything, she moved the screen in the room to surround the bathtub, and then used clothes to cover the gap before entering the bathtub.

Yueyao is wearing his clothes now. Unlike women's gauze dresses, such clothes will not become translucent when exposed to water.

This operation was a bit beyond Shi Lei's expectation, and he sighed: "You are wasting your inner strength!"

"Okay~" Yueyao's cold voice came out.

Yue Yao looked at the smiling Shi Lei and almost couldn't help but punch him. If she could beat him, she would have done it long ago. If she couldn't beat him, Shi Lei would only take advantage of him, just like during the day.

"You..." Yue Yao clenched her fists. She should have guessed a long time ago that with Shi Lei's shamelessness, unless she used force, there was no way she could drive this shameless man out.

Shi Lei's ears were a little red, he smiled slightly and said, "I'll put up the screen right now."

Hard, her fist was hard.

Shi Lei smiled even more happily. The most important thing when chasing a girl is to give her emotional value. Whether it is positive or negative, as long as it has emotional value, she will remember you and you can enter her heart.

"Haha~ Is this screen useful? How can a small screen resist our Shi Lei's shameless heart? It's useless!" Yueyao knew that as long as she dared to bathe, Shi Lei would dare to peek.

"Do you want to take a bath? There is a screen here to cover it." Shi Lei suggested.

"I've expected it. Can you close the screen now?" Yueyao's cold voice came out.

You have to let her know that you love her, and at the same time do something to make her angry to let her know that you are not absolutely dependent on her.

Yueyao's expression changed, she looked at Shi Lei coldly and said, "You know clearly that I won't wash with you, but you still insist on saying that. Do you like to make me angry that much?"

Yueyao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand."

While he was talking, he looked down. Untouched girls are very sensitive. He just rubbed it while detoxifying, and Yueyao left.

A few breaths later, a burst of white mist appeared out of thin air, and Yueyao also walked out of the mist. Her clothes were neat, and white water vapor continued to emerge. This was because she was using her internal power to dry the clothes.

Shi Lei smiled and said: "Don't forget, we have just rented a room, and I can only sleep here tonight."

"You are as beautiful as a fairy in the sky. An angry fairy has a different flavor." Shi Lei said with a smile.

She is a fairy outside, but she is happy under him inside. Such women have been popular throughout the ages, and Shi Lei also likes Yueyao like this very much.

This is also the origin of the famous saying, "If a man is not bad, a woman will not love him." Girls are emotional creatures, and as long as you flirt with them from time to time, you can occupy a place in her heart.


"Tick-tock-tock." The sound of water dripping sounded.

Outside, Shi Lei's ears twitched, and he looked steadily at the screen, listening. A picture of a beauty taking a bath appeared in his mind.

After a cup of tea, Shi Lei stretched out his hand towards the screen. He was an honest and trustworthy person, but he didn't promise Yue Yao not to peek!

Shi Lei looked at Yue Yao who was getting dressed and taking a shower. He touched his nose in embarrassment and said with a smile: "I didn't promise you not to look just now. It doesn't count as a breach of promise."

"Are you sure you don't want to take a shower? You are covered in sweat. Can you sleep?" Shi Lei looked at Yue Yao and said with a smile.

If she hadn't been defeated and might have been taken advantage of, she would have taken action long ago.

"The deal is done, it's time for us to take a bath and rest." Shi Lei showed a meaningful smile.

Now Yueyao is angry. He has achieved the first step. The next step is to do something that touches Yueyao, improve his image, and let Yueyao discover that he is not only shameless, but also has many shining points.

Of course, this is talking about before catching up. Let’s talk about it after catching up.

Shi Lei approached quietly at first, his hands were extremely slow, and when he touched the screen, he opened it at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and successfully saw Yueyao in the bath.

Yue Yao noticed Shi Lei's gaze and couldn't help but take a step back and tighten her grip. Then she felt that this move was a bit rude and glared at Shi Lei fiercely.

So he looked lonely.

This is martial arts training, not immortality cultivation. Cultivation of immortality can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, while martial arts training can only meditate slowly, and the recovery speed is much slower. If there is danger, insufficient internal strength may cause life danger.

Yue Yao rolled her eyes at Shi Lei and did not dwell on this issue. Instead, she talked about more important things: "I will sleep on the bed tonight and you will sleep on the floor."

Shi Lei looked at Yue Yao's cold eyes and knew that Yue Yao's decision not to drive him out was the biggest compromise, so he did not continue to bully Yue Yao and nodded in agreement: "No problem, but don't run away while I'm sleeping. Get out, or our deal will be cancelled, and I won’t go with you.”

Picking up the quilt that had a bit of an odor on the ground, he activated the thunder method. After a burst of electric shock, the quilt dried and the odor disappeared. He spread the quilt on the ground, took a pillow from the couch, and fell asleep.

He was really tired. It was not easy to use the essence of life to detoxify people. Others directly used their internal power to remove the poison. He used the essence of life to activate the immune cells in Yueyao's body and let the immune system kill the virus on its own.

This is equivalent to improving a person's physique. Although Yueyao's physique cannot be said to be immune to all poisons, ordinary toxins are not effective against it.

It consumes a lot of money. If Yueyao wasn't his future wife, he would definitely not do this.

Soon, Shi Lei's breathing became steady and he fell into a deep sleep.

Yueyao frowned and said coldly: "Don't pretend to be asleep. Let me remind you, if you dare to sleep on the bed tonight, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."


"Huh? Are you really asleep?"

Yue Yao approached Shi Lei and looked at Shi Lei quietly for a while, and found that Shi Lei seemed to have really fallen asleep. She looked at the door, hesitated, and did not go out of the room.

She was afraid that Shi Lei would really cancel the deal with her. After the deal was canceled, it would be fine if Shi Lei was still alone. But if Shi Lei stayed with Baili Dongjun all year round, there would be nothing they could do against Shi Lei.

After taking a deep look at Shi Lei, Yueyao lay down on the couch with her clothes on.

The quiet environment made her hearing extremely sharp. She heard the sounds of fighting coming from next door, and there were also doubtful voices in the middle. 'Is this how you fight? Just a thug? '

'Probably playing elsewhere. '

'Pah, here? how are you feeling? '


A bad image appeared in Yueyao's mind, and she quickly blocked her ears with pillows to strengthen her sound insulation.

Although she could no longer hear the sound, her heart could not calm down for a long time, her thoughts were racing, and various thoughts emerged one after another. She just fell asleep late at night with such random thoughts.


In the early morning, when the weather was slightly cooler, Shi Lei was suddenly awakened. He was being hugged. It was certain that the person hugging him had no ill intentions, otherwise he would have woken up before he could be hugged.

He opened his eyes, looked sideways, and found that it was Yueyao. At this time, Yueyao looked a little panicked, as if she had remembered something terrible, and she hugged him tightly out of fear.

Shi Lei felt the softness and fragrance of Yueyao, took a deep breath, and felt extremely comfortable. After thinking about it, he decided to continue sleeping.

It was three o'clock in the morning the next day. Yue Yao blinked and opened her eyes. What caught her eye was Shi Lei's handsome profile. She was startled and Shi Lei pushed him away and scolded: "What are you doing? I said that as long as you... "

She didn't scream because she was the acting sect master of Tianwaitian.

"First look at where you are now?" Shi Lei reminded.

Only then did Yue Yao realize that she was sleeping on Shi Lei's bed, so it was her who came down, not Shi Lei who got on the bed?

"what happened?"

"It should be that you had a nightmare and felt scared. Well, to be precise, it was also cold. You were cold and scared, but I was very warm, so you came closer unconsciously." Shi Lei explained to Yue Yao.

Yueyao's eyes became complicated. She didn't expect that she would hug Shi Lei unconsciously.

"This matter ends here, don't tell anyone else."

Shi Lei nodded and said: "Okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway, it's you who should be anxious?"

Compared with the martial arts training that took several years to save the sect master of Tianwaitian, Shi Lei's medicine can make the sect master recover immediately. Whether it is true or not, it must be tested.

Yueyao did not express any opinion, but instead said: "I'm hungry, let's go out to eat first."


Shi Lei and Yue Yao galloped on horseback for several days. Along the way, they met people from all walks of life, some riding single horses with swords, or groups driving carriages with great fanfare, accompanied by nearly a hundred people to protect them.

Soon after, Shi Lei found Wen Hujiu and Baili Dongjun. He remembered their life breaths and could sense them as long as they were close to a certain distance.

Shi Lei greeted from a distance: "Brother Wen, Dongjun."

Upon hearing this, Baili Dongjun and Wen Hujiu both turned to look at the source of the sound. The moment they saw Yueyao, they were stunned.

Wen Kejiu quickly returned to normal and replied to Shi Lei: "Hey, little brother is quite punctual!"

Baili Dongjun didn't reply. He was looking at Yueyao intently, with memories, affection, and liking...

"Pah." Shi Lei slapped Baili Dongjun on the head, so hard that he turned red.

"Ah!" Baili Dongjun screamed, looked at Shi Lei angrily, and shouted, "Why did you hit me?"

Shi Lei pointed at Yueyao and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is your sister-in-law Yueyao. Even if your sister-in-law is beautiful, you can't look at her steadily. Fortunately, it's me. If it were anyone else, I would have drawn a knife on you long ago. "

At this time, Yueyao has already put on her animation costume, a long white gauze dress, her face is as beautiful as a fairy descending, and the snow-white skin of her arms and thighs is looming, which is extremely attractive.

If it weren't for Shi Lei's insistence, the ditch in the original work could be seen. Of course, it can't be seen now. Now Yue Yao's upper body is very tight.

The arms and calves are easy to talk about, but the rest cannot be seen by others.

Baili Dongjun stood stunned on the spot when he heard this, and asked dully: "You...what did you say?"

"I said, this is your sister-in-law Yueyao, please call me sister-in-law." Shi Lei slapped Baili Dongjun on the forehead again and emphasized: "Don't look at it intently. It's rude and unworthy of your nobility. education.”

After taking down Yueyao, he didn't feel guilty when facing Baili Dongjun. Baili Dongjun killed Yueyao in the original work. If he didn't kill Baili Dongjun, he would have let the original protagonist go.

Baili Dongjun's expression changed drastically, and his thoughts were racing. After a long time, he saluted with a low expression: "I have met my sister-in-law."

He is lovelorn.

He decided to bury that past event in his heart forever.

Yueyao nodded and returned the salute: "Young Master Baili does not need to do this, just be polite."

On the way to Mingjian Villa, she had already received a reply from Tianwaitian. The letter was written in cipher text by the sect leader. The meaning was very simple. She tried her best to reach a deal with Shi Lei, but she had to give the medicine first.

Shi Lei agreed simply and spent a day preparing the medicine and giving it to Yue Yao. At the same time, he also asked Yue Yao to follow him from now on.

If the medicine is not effective, either new medicine will be given, or the deal will be cancelled. If the medicine is effective enough for the Tianwaitian sect leader to leave, the deal will be concluded, and Yueyao will have nothing to do with Tianwaitian from now on, and will belong to Shi Lei alone.

Baili Dongjun nodded dully, then suddenly pointed at the teams and asked, "Are they all going to Mingjian Villa?"

It was as if he had discovered something interesting while speaking.

Wen Hujiu also discovered something, and followed Baili Dongjun's words and said, "They are indeed going to Mingjian Villa!"

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. This scene is much bigger than our annual spring party in Qiandong City." Baili Dongjun said with emotion.

"If I have the opportunity to take you to the Heroes' Banquet, the scene will be even bigger than the current one!" Wen Hu Jiu controlled the horse and moved to the side to get out of the way, and then a group of Jianghu people drove over on horseback. There was also a flag with three big words written on it - Wushuang City.

"Wushuang City." Wen Hujiu's face suddenly darkened.

"Wushuang City, the number one martial city in the world?" Even people like Baili Dongjun who are not involved in the world have heard of the name Wushuang City, because this city is so famous. There is Tianqi Capital in the court, and there is Jianghu. Wushuang City is a martial city that can be compared with Tianqi City.

"Things are not good." Wen Kejiu sighed.

"What's wrong?" Baili Dongjun was puzzled.

"In that sword test meeting ten years ago, people from Wushuang City also came and only said one sentence, 'I, Wushuang City, want all of these!'" Wen Hujiu said with a solemn expression, "This time, I’m afraid many people will leave empty-handed.”

"Is Wushuang City so cruel?"

"That's how cruel they are."

A few people stopped their horses at the foot of a mountain. Immediately a young boy came over to hold the horses and asked, "Do you have a greeting card?"

"We don't have a greeting card." Wen Hujiu replied.

The boy's face changed slightly, and just when he was about to say something, Wenhujiu had already thrown Wenhujiu a jade token in his hand to him, and said at the same time: "Is this okay?"

The boy took the jade token, looked at it carefully, and immediately returned it respectfully: "Of course, of course, please come forward."

"What is that?" Baili Dongjun asked casually after jumping off his horse.

"Not everyone can come to the Sword Trial Meeting. One invitation is enough for Jianghu people to fight for a long time, but what I showed him was the jade plaque of the Wen family. A big family like ours came to support them. Famous Sword Villa Of course they won't shut us out." Wen Hujiu patted Baili Dongjun on the shoulder and said, "Let's go and see the swordsmen."

All the horses were not allowed to go up the mountain, and even the disciples from Wushuang City dismounted. Many wealthy people in the world were eager to try, and walked up the mountain. Baili Dongjun felt a bit of pride in his heart, as if The previous unhappiness has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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