The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 253 Yueyao’s little thoughts

Chapter 253 Yueyao’s little thoughts

"Huh?" Wen Hujiu felt that there was something wrong with his ears and glared at Shi Lei and said, "Don't hurt me! If I borrow your poison, this disaster will be blamed on the Wen family. That's not okay!"

Shi Lei quickly explained: "I don't have high requirements, as long as people below the ninth rank lose the ability to move, such as Croton or something."

There is a watershed between the Vajra Mortal Realm and the ninth-level warriors. The warriors below the ninth-level pose little threat to him, but the large number of them will consume a lot of his internal energy. If the Wushuang City disciples below the ninth-level do not fall, he will fight Wushuang City. It's like fighting an army alone.

Wen Hujiu waved his hand and refused: "What's the difference? Wushuang City doesn't bear grudges on our Wen family. If they can't find you, a lone ranger, they'll ask our Wen family to find the right one."

Shi Lei frowned slightly, if he couldn't get a city's worth of poison from Dufan at Wenhujiu, it would be a little troublesome.

"Hey, I can't give you the Wen family's poison, I can give you other poisons." Wen Hujiu suddenly said with a smile.

He was not happy with Wushuang City.

Shi Lei's face was filled with joy and he held his hands in thanks and said, "Thank you, Brother Wen. I wonder what kind of poison it is?"

"It's not poison, it's a kind of poison, a kind of poison that I just cultivated. It's a kind of poison that doesn't exist in the entire Wen family, or even in the whole world." Wen Kejiu was quite proud. Cultivating new poison was not something that everyone could do.

The two elders went down into the pit, and after inspecting it, they looked solemn.

Therefore, they did not dare to risk the world and do nothing. They could only focus on chasing Shi Lei. What they had to do now was to analyze Shi Lei's strength first.

"The cultivation time of this kind of Gu is short, and the poison is not strong enough. If you give me a few years to cultivate it, I might be able to poison the Vajra Mortal Realm and weaken the Free Heaven Realm."

He took out a small porcelain bottle, handed it to Shi Lei, and explained: "I named this kind of Gu Wind Cold Gu. As long as one drop of this Gu comes to the water source, the whole city will get wind chill, but it's just wind chill. Just like common wind and cold diseases, even if you don’t take medicine, ordinary people will be cured in a few days, and if you take medicine, it may be cured in two or three days.”

Although Wushuang City has quite a few complaints against Mingjian Villa, they can only do this to Mingjian Villa. Mingjian Villa is famous all over the world. If Mingjian Villa is not wrong, they really want to wipe out its reputation. In Sword Villa, those who took the sword of Famous Sword Villa will emerge one by one.

Two days later, a group of disciples from Wushuang City, led by two elders, appeared next to the Liulihua pit. They came to investigate how Song Yanhui was murdered.

Wen Hujiu's eyes lit up, he patted Shi Lei on the shoulder and said, "Good brothers for life."

"If it's a ninth-level warrior, it might be fine if you take a nap, but if you're a warrior at the Vajra Mortal Realm, there might be nothing wrong with it."

Of course, the world of Ge Xing has the power of heaven and earth. The physique of ordinary people is much stronger than that of Blue Star people, so they can be cured after a few days of resistance.

"Brother Wen, say goodbye!" Shi Lei bowed his hands and left.

Even though he is a top-notch expert, he wanders around the world all year round, drinking heavily and eating meat every day, and cannot save any money at all.

Fortunately, bugs and viruses pose little threat to those who practice life essence.

Shi Lei looked solemn, carefully took the porcelain bottle, and sensed it with the source of life. His expression changed drastically, and he looked at the warm pot of wine in shock. If he sensed it correctly, there should be a virus inside. According to the knowledge of the spirit cage, it should be flu virus.

Wen Hujiu looked at Shi Lei's leaving figure and sighed. He was a little envious of Shi Lei's gratification. People in Wushuang City would kill whenever they wanted, and now they had to kill people at their door. But he had to think twice about killing anyone.

Their first reaction was to hold Mingjian Villa accountable and put pressure on them. As they expected, Mingjian Villa immediately raised its flag and surrendered. The old owner of Weiting Road sent a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, and fine long swords to personally apologize.

A native of the Song World actually cultivated the wind-cold virus. Wen Kejiu is indeed a rare genius in hundreds of years. It seems that the poison system in this world is not simple!

An elder knocked on the glazed ground, and the sound of gold and stone sounded.

"Thank you, Brother Wen. I won't take your loneliness in vain. The ten thousand taels of gold can be halved to five thousand taels!" After a pause, Shi Lei felt it was inappropriate and added: "No, that's not right either. Money doesn't matter. Minus, when I get the money, I will give you five thousand taels."

The deaths of Cheng Yu and Song Yanhui shocked the entire Wushuang City. Chengyu, one of the nine elders of Wushuang City, and Song Yanhui, the most talented disciple of the younger generation in Wushuang City and the future city lord, are both the most talented people in Wushuang City. The core powerful figure actually died in Mingjian Villa.

Five thousand taels of gold was enough for him to squander for a long time.

"This is similar to colored glaze. Firing colored glaze requires high temperature. That kind of high temperature can burn the masters of Xiaoyao Tianjing to ashes. Coupled with the terrifying lightning strike, Song Yanhui and Chengyu should be unable to withstand it and die."

Another elder also said with a serious expression: "I have seen the Thunder Finger of the Lei family. Although it is very strong, it is not strong enough to glaze the ground. So how big is Shi Lei's thunder cloud?"

"According to the old guy on Weiting Road, the thundercloud has a radius of ten miles."

After a pause, the leading elder reminded solemnly: "Thunderclouds not only look at their size, but also their thickness. Just like a water pool, the size is the same and the water depth is different. The difference is really big. If we follow the size of the thundercloud, Judging from the power of thunderclouds, we may capsize in the gutter.”

Another elder also said: "It would be great if we could see the thunder cloud with our own eyes. Without seeing it with our own eyes, it is difficult to make a judgment."

"Elder, is this the thundercloud you are talking about?" A Wushuang City disciple asked, pointing to the horizon.

The dark cloud was there before, and now it was drifting towards them, only five miles away.

The two elders looked in the direction of their fingers. Half of the sky there had turned dark, and there were signs of a storm.

"What are you yelling about? This is an ordinary eye of the storm." The elder said casually.

"Wait... let's go first." The leading elder suddenly said.

"Isn't it...impossible!" The other elder understood what the leading elder meant, but he thought it was impossible. Shi Lei should have already started his escape.

"No matter what, let's leave first." The leading elder is very cautious. He can become the leader of the team because of his cautious character.

"Everyone, follow me." The leading elder judged Lei Yun's speed and ordered directly.

The group of people immediately used Qinggong and left.

It turns out that flying in the sky is faster than running on the ground. A quarter of an hour later, the group was overtaken by thunderclouds.

The two elders breathed a sigh of relief as they did not see the thunder and lightning falling. They thought Shi Lei was ambushing them here!

However, due to various considerations, they did not slow down. Stopping would mean that they were afraid of the dark clouds, and would become frightened birds and lose face.

Soon the dark clouds completely enveloped them, and they were only a mile away from the nearest town. Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and a sea of ​​thunder fell, covering the entire Wushuang City team. The sea of ​​thunder came and went quickly, and the people of Wushuang City The people have disappeared, leaving only a glassy ground.

Five miles away, Shi Lei and Yue Yao stood on a big tree, watching the whole process.

"The harvest is good, it's worth keeping the dark clouds for two whole days." Shi Lei raised the corners of his mouth, very happy.

According to the usual practice, Wushuang City would send people to Mingjian Villa to check, and they must be more than two elders. After Shi Lei borrowed the poison, he did not go to Wushuang City immediately, but lurked nearby, maintaining the dark clouds for two days, so that It became a phenomenon that was ignored.

"How did you maintain the thunder cloud for two days?" Yue Yao looked at the glazed ground in the distance and looked at Shi Lei in shock.

Before, she thought they were ordinary dark clouds, not Shi Lei's thunderclouds.

Is it possible for Xiaoyao Tianjing to maintain thunderclouds for two days? This Shi Lei is becoming more and more mysterious.

"As long as you have perseverance!" Shi Lei explained with a smile.

Based on the experience of the perfect world, it takes not only two days but two months to control thunderclouds. The thunderclouds in the Gexing world are more like celestial phenomena. The thunderclouds in the perfect world are like thunder pools, the kind where thunder and lightning turn into water.

The Emperor of Desolate Heaven, Shi Hao, used thunder water to water flowers when he was in the Cave Heaven Realm. They were both in the Cave Heaven Realm, but he was a little stronger than Shi Hao.

Therefore, it is really not difficult for him to control Lei Yun with Xiaoyao Tianjing.

Yue Yao rolled her eyes. Shi Lei sometimes didn't tell the truth. How could he rely on perseverance to control a celestial phenomenon on such a scale? Shi Lei must have used some kind of skill that she didn't know about.

However, the skills are not important. What is important is that Shi Lei's feud with Wushuang City has deepened, and Wushuang City is Beili Tai'an Emperor's representative in the world. Killing the three elders of Wushuang City will inevitably lead to the resentment of Emperor Tai'an. In other words, After a while, Shi Lei will be a traitor that everyone calls and beats.

At that time, Shi Lei will inevitably leave Beili.

Either go north to outside the territory, or go south to Nanjue. With her as a wife here, it must be north to outside the territory.

Yes, she is already Shi Lei's wife. Yesterday, news came from the outer world that the medicine given by Shi Lei was effective and the sect leader has been released from seclusion. However, the sect leader wanted more medicine and sent a letter ordering her to ask for it.

When Shi Lei heard Yue Yao's request, he generously gave it, but he also said clearly, "This is the last time. From now on, Yue Yao will no longer be a person from the outside world." '

The second time she donated medicine, she was already Shi Lei's wife. Although there was no wedding or any process, Yue Yao recognized it.

To be honest, she felt a lot more relaxed after quitting Tianwaitian, but she still subconsciously thought about Tianwaitian.

"What are you going to do next? Are you going to Wushuang City?" Yueyao asked curiously.

The poison is gone, so he should go to Wushuang City, but I don't know if Shi Lei still has the courage to go to Wushuang City in two days.

Of course she hoped that Shi Lei would go, so that there would be no chance for Shi Lei and Wushuang City to make peace.

"Go, of course, let's go now!" Shi Lei took out the two prepared horses and ran towards Wushuang City according to the planned route.

In addition to controlling the thunder clouds in the past two days, he also used the source of life to nourish the poison. According to his judgment, the poison was more toxic and could make the Vajra Mortal Realm lose its ability to resist.

It's enough to be toxic to this level, and there aren't many happy-go-lucky realms in the entire Wushuang City.

He met many Xiaoyao Tianjing in the short time he came to Songxing, because he was involved in all major events, and they were all major events in which Master Beili intervened.

If it were replaced by an ordinary area, the Vajra Mortal Realm would be over at most.

Therefore, his poison allows him to ignore many Jianghu forces.

Three days later, Shi Lei and Yue Yao finally lurked near Wushuang City. The reason they spent an extra day was to hide their whereabouts.

Shi Lei looked at the unusually prosperous city with people coming and going. He did not enter immediately, but turned around and left with Yue Yao.

After all, this is the headquarters of Wushuang City. He has to be careful and careful not to overturn the situation. He will never take action without 90% certainty.

The two put on a series of make-ups and became strangers visiting relatives, and then settled in a village.

After all, Beili is a feudal dynasty, and it also has the common problems of feudal dynasties. It has low control over the village and does not pay attention to the collection of village intelligence.

In fact, the control power of the Beili feudal dynasty was worse than that of all previous dynasties in China.

There are too many sects in the world of Gexing. The remote areas of Tianqi are basically controlled by local sects and become the exclusive territory of the sect. Huaxia is just a powerful landowner, while Beili is a sect with strong military power. It is obvious which one is more difficult to rule.

This is also the reason why Emperor Tai'an supported Wushuang City and continued to weaken the martial arts sect.

It's a pity that his weakening is more difficult than reducing the vassal state. To reduce the vassal state, you only need to defeat the army, while to weaken the martial arts sects, you need to eliminate the masters of the free world realm of each sect.

After reaching the Xiaoyao Tianjing, the role of the army is very little, and they need to be dealt with by masters who are also in the Xiaoyao Tianjing.

The Xiaoyao Tianjing can still be solved by the experts inside, but what about the Divine Movement Xuanjing?

Once the Mystic Realm of Divine Movement appeared, the palace became a joke.

Emperor Tai'an's weakening plan was doomed to be extremely difficult. What was even worse was that the prince whom Emperor Tai'an valued most actually brought the eighth son of Beili to oppose him, which made it even more difficult.

Of course, as the saying goes, the butt determines the head. Shi Lei is now a member of the martial arts. Logically, he knows that Emperor Tai'an is right, but he is on the side of the martial arts sect.

He is not the king of Beili, and the development of Beili is none of his business.

Shi Lei and Yueyao came to visit relatives with gifts. The reason was that their grandma asked them to go back to their parents' home and find a qualified villager to recognize their relatives.

With the blessing of gifts, the integration of the two went very smoothly.

In addition to giving gifts to the family, other villagers also gave some less expensive souvenirs.

So they settled in naturally.

The appearance of the two people was transformed into a normal appearance, and even their skin was turned bronze. No one doubted their origins.

In the next few days, Shi Lei often disguised himself and went into Wushuang City to inquire about news.

In a tavern, Shi Lei listened while drinking a small drink.

"Did you see it? Yesterday, four elders led a group of elite disciples out of the city, vowing to kill Shi Lei." said a Jianghu guest.

"Four elders? Has this Shi Lei violated the emperor's order?" A visitor who had just arrived in Jianghu asked curiously.

"Harm, you don't know yet? This Shi Lei has killed three elders of Wushuang City, and also killed the most talented Song Yan. Wushuang City has issued the highest level of pursuit order, vowing to kill Shi Lei To restore the prestige of Wushuang City, four elders went there in person yesterday."

When Shi Lei heard this, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, he paid and walked out of the tavern, heading towards the Lord's Mansion of Wushuang City.

There was a small stall a hundred meters away from the city lord's palace. Shi Lei was drinking noodles with an ugly look on his face. The four god-awful elders went there in person.

He clearly sensed that there were ten masters of the Happy Heaven realm, six elders, and one city lord in the city lord's mansion. The remaining three should be helpers invited by Wushuang City.

Four of the elders and three helpers hid the internal energy fluctuations and aura. If he hadn't used the life essence to detect, he wouldn't have been able to discover it.

This is waiting for him!

(End of this chapter)

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