The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 257 Yueyao: "Just accept her tonight!"

Chapter 257 Yueyao: "Just accept her tonight!"

Yue Ji put away her resentful expression, bowed to Shi Lei Yingying, and said: "Master, from now on, this slave must obey my mistress's words."

Shi Lei looked at the naturally transformed Yue Ji and was stunned for a moment. This Yue Ji must have been born in an improper place, maybe a brothel.

"Let's go! Let's continue on our way."

He had no intention of exploring Yue Ji's origin. He had just investigated it when he imprisoned Yue Ji. Yue Ji was still a virgin, and that was enough.

He is not from this world and will not be bound by ethics.

Three days later, the three of them arrived in Chaisang City, found a hotel, and bought a house with a well. The house was not big, with only a front yard, a main room, and three side rooms.

Shi Lei and Yue Ji spent a day buying a bunch of daily necessities. After decorating the house, Shi Lei started to light a fire and cook.

Yue Ji looked at Yueyao and then at Shi Lei. Without any hesitation, she followed Shi Lei into the kitchen. It was just a matter of course to strike, but the more serious thing was to hide from Yueyao.

And in the past few days, she has seen that Shi Lei is a lecherous person who often takes advantage of her in places where Yueyao can't see. If Shi Lei can't control it, this is her chance.

did not expect……

"Have you finished your sword practice, ma'am? Let's go and eat." Shi Lei went over, held Yueyao's arm, half supported and half pulled, and pulled Yueyao into the dining room.

There was a bad habit in the feudal era that chefs were considered a low-class profession. People from the landlord class and above could not cook, and neither could those who sang, danced or sold themselves. Yue Ji and Yueyao both fell into the category of being unable to cook.

"Haha... let me do it! Girls can't be harsh, only soft words can make people feel comfortable." Shi Lei didn't believe that Yue Ji could cook.

She also saw some of the little moves between the two of them along the way. Whenever this happened, she felt a little annoyed and always found some excuse to punish Yue Ji, but the effect was not very effective.

Regarding Shi Lei's words, Yueyao seemed to understand but not understand. The spiritual cage should be similar to Baixiaotang. What is the intelligence brain? Is it a think tank?

Although the smell of rouge is strong, the majestic snow peaks, deep ravines, plump hips, slender waist, and soft and delicate body are really an ultimate enjoyment to be hugged.

"Sir, mistress is waiting in a hurry." Yue Ji reminded her hurriedly.

Yue Ji felt something strange about Shi Lei, and her ears felt hot. She had just touched and hugged her before, but this was the first time she was pushed. She panicked and struggled forward to get away, but Shi Lei didn't let go of her. Instead, he hugged her tightly. , it sticks tighter and is more impressive.

"Master~~ Let's continue washing the vegetables!" Yue Ji's voice was a little panicked. She was not ready yet. In the past, the most people could look at her legs and let Shi Lei touch and hug her was a big investment. .

One of them had fun teaching, the other had fun learning.

Yue Ji is not disgusted by this, and even twists her butt from time to time...

Different from Yueyao's fairy temperament, Yue Ji has a more plump feeling and is more comfortable to hold.

Mainly because Shi Lei didn't cooperate.

Yueyao in the yard couldn't help but shiver all over. She wanted to go in and have a look, but she endured it.

"Breathe..." Shi Lei took a deep breath.

Shi Lei gave Yue Ji a step-by-step intimate lesson. In order to ensure accuracy, Shi Lei clung to Yue Ji's back, with his abdomen close to Yue Ji's buttocks, and grabbed Yue Ji's hands to wash the vegetables.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to cook. Well, let's start with washing vegetables..."

It's just that this set of swordsmanship is a little incomplete, as if it's missing the most subtle part. She asked Shi Lei, and Shi Lei also gave a reply, saying, "Although the database of the spirit cage is very complete, when this set of swordsmanship is included, the sword The method itself is not complete, and it is only through his mental deduction that it is as powerful as it is now, otherwise it will only make it worse. '

Yue Ji looked at Yueyao practicing her sword, and her mind was shaken. She saw that this was a good sword technique, much better than the sword technique she had secretly learned.

The reason is quite good.

She was determined to complete her sword skills, and even if she couldn't complete them, she would still transform them into the sword skills that best suited her.

She didn't know where Shi Lei got this set of swordsmanship. It focused on using softness to overcome strength, using four or two to move a thousand pounds. She was good at fighting, offloading force, and using force to fight. After practicing for a period of time, she judged that this was a set that could be used to start a sect. The swordsmanship of the Li faction.

Shi Lei trembled all over and held Yue Ji tightly in awe.

Shi Lei took a deep breath again, hugged her hard, then let go of Yue Ji and started cooking seriously.

"Master~~What's next?" Yue Ji's charming voice made everyone tremble.

"Huh?" Yue Ji was startled, turned to look at Shi Lei's handsome face, and asked with some disbelief: "Master, are you willing to teach me?"

If she had such swordsmanship, she wouldn't have to wear a long dress with high slits and half-exposed snow peaks.

But Shi Lei did not give a reply.

Yue Ji stared blankly at Shi Lei, why did she feel like there was something in his words?

She pulled out her long sword and began to practice the Tai Chi sword technique taught by Shi Lei in the yard.

I just don’t know if Yue Ji will have body fragrance after washing.

"..." Yue Ji hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, young master, just go out and wait."

"How's it going? Do you want to learn?" Shi Lei suddenly asked.

Half an hour later, Shi Lei and Yue Ji set up the tables and chairs, served delicious food, and stood outside the door neatly dressed. It would have been even more perfect if Shi Lei didn't have a slight bulge.

"Personal maid? You want her to be your maid, right?" Yueyao's cold voice sounded.

Shi Lei turned to look at Yue Ji who had followed him, and said jokingly: "What? Our Yue Ji can also cook."

Unlike Yueyao's unique fragrance, Yueji's fragrance has a strong rouge smell, so you should always use rouge.

At the same time, the sound of a long sword piercing the air was heard outside. Although there was no murderous intent, it was understandable.

Yueyao is a little angry now, but she thinks of Shi Lei saying that anger is not good for the fetus.

"You are the mistress's personal maid, so your martial arts skills cannot be too weak." Shi Lei explained seriously.

"You..." Yueyao's face turned slightly red and she called her lady for the first time.

Shi Lei helped Yueyao sit down and started to serve Yueyao rice and vegetables.

Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei's chopsticks, and a sweet feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart. She had never heard of anyone in the world who could prepare dishes for a lady.

Those gentlemen who speak of themselves as gentlemen are far away from the kitchen. Let alone cooking, they feel humiliated even if they approach the kitchen. It is even more impossible to serve rice and vegetables for the lady, who usually has to wait on the lady.

Yue Ji looked at Shi Lei's action of picking up vegetables, and was shocked. Along the way, she saw that Shi Lei was informal, but being informal was one thing, and serving the lady with rice and vegetables was one thing.

This is a complete surrender of one’s posture!

She lowered her head even lower. Shi Lei was so kind to Yue Yao, would she still have a chance?

"Yue Ji, sit down and eat together!" Shi Lei shouted.

"No, I will eat after the young master and mistress finish eating." Yue Ji refused. According to the rules, maids are not allowed to go to the main table.

"Sit down and let's get together!" Yueyao was very generous in this matter, and Shi Lei still had to give him some face.

"No..." Yue Ji continued to refuse.

"Sit down, this is an order!" Shi Lei interrupted Yue Ji.

Yue Ji stiffened, bowed and said, "Yes, follow the order."

She still sat down, but she was a little cautious. If Shi Lei didn't have a tendency to bring food to her, she wouldn't have picked it up.

A quarter of an hour later, Shi Lei and Yue Yao had enough to eat and drink. Most of the food on the table went into their stomachs. In fact, Yue Yao would not have eaten so much, but after cultivating the source of life, she began to eat more. .

"You can take her in tonight!" Yueyao suddenly said.

"???" Shi Lei's mind was full of questions, he shook his head and said: "With you here, why do I need her?"

He didn't agree immediately. The pregnant woman was thinking too much and he needed to take care of her.

"I'm pregnant now. According to the doctor, I can't accompany you." Yueyao looked at Yue Ji and continued: "You are serving me rice and vegetables, and you are letting her sit down to eat. Don't you just want to Are you talking about this?"

Yue Ji looked panicked. She really hadn't thought about this. She looked at Shi Lei secretly. After finding that Shi Lei didn't look at her, she felt a little relieved, but also a little angry. As the saying goes, marry a virtuous wife and take a concubine. She She happened to meet the conditions, Yueyao opened her mouth, but Shi Lei refused. Is it because she is not beautiful enough?

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and explained: "I really don't have any ideas in this regard."

Isn't it normal behavior between husband and wife to serve rice and vegetables?

Well, this is the feudal era, and his handling of serving rice and picking vegetables was indeed inappropriate, causing Yueyao to misunderstand.

Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei with a half-smile, and said coldly: "If you don't want to, forget it, but you have to know that after passing this village, there won't be this store."

In Yue Yao's opinion, it was Shi Lei who lowered his body and went out of his way to please her so that she would agree to take Yue Ji.

She knew Shi Lei's thoughts from the time when Shi Lei brought Yue Ji. Such a beautiful singer was loved by all men, and Shi Lei was no exception.

She had been mentally prepared for this. It was normal for a singer or assassin to take her as a concubine. Shi Lei lowered his posture again, so she took the initiative to agree.

"Suck..." Shi Lei agreed without much hesitation: "Then it's settled, we'll accept her as our maid, but not tonight, let's wait until some time later! There's no rush!"

Now that it's all said and done, if he doesn't agree with it, he wouldn't be Shi Lei.

But for the sake of the fetus, it’s better to take it slow! No need to rush.

"Oh..." Yueyao trailed off, with an expression as if she had known this for a long time, but she was a little confused: "Don't want it tonight? This is not like you. Didn't you do this to me in the first place?"

"You don't have to be so reserved. I already know that you are a lustful person. It is better to have her at home to serve you than to go to a brothel."

The first day she met Shi Lei, he kissed and touched her, and used his hot hands to lift her to the sky. She would never forget the scene that night.

After the deal between Shi Lei and Tian Waitian was completed, as soon as the two settled in the village, Shi Lei asked to sleep in the same room.

Now that the three of them have a place to live, according to the process, Shi Lei should want Yue Ji.

Yue Ji's expression changed. Neither of them asked her for her opinion. They compared her with a brothel girl. It was really deceiving!
If they can escape in the future, they must look good.

Shi Lei shook his head: "You know, we don't have much money. I have to meet someone tonight to ask for money."

"When you see Yan Liuli, just say you want to see Yan Liuli. Why are you so secretive?" Yueyao's voice sounded a little jealous.

She had asked Shi Lei before, and Shi Lei bluntly said that he was looking for Yan Liuli. As for the reason! Even if Shi Lei didn't tell her, she would have guessed that the two must be having an affair!

Shi Lei glanced at Yue Ji, nodded and said, "Yes, I'm just going to find her."

Yue Ji didn't have any doubts. She thought that Shi Lei's disciple had a relationship with the Yan family of Southwest Dao, and they were going to ask for money tonight. As for why it was at night, the two of them seemed to have eloped.

Yueyao raised her eyebrows, waved her hands, and said with some boredom: "Go ahead!"

Shi Lei nodded, stood up and left.

Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei's leaving figure and shook her head slightly. Shi Lei was very good, he loved her very much, cared about her, and even served her food. There shouldn't be a better man than Shi Lei in this world. He was just lustful. Some.

In a few days in Chaisang City, he had sex with Yan Liuli of the Yan family. After a few days in Chaisang City, he tied her to his side. He directly traded with Tianwaitian to get her. On the way to Chaisang City, he tied up another one. A beautiful female assassin.

She had a hunch that if Shi Lei was ignored, Shi Lei would only have more and more women.

But can she control it?

It seems that she can't control it, but in fact she has no identity to control it. To put it bluntly, she was traded by Shi Lei and Tian Waitian.

It's not like she's getting married to a matchmaker, and she doesn't even know if she can take the position of the head wife.

She was from outside the territory and obtained through trade. According to her status, she was indeed not suitable to be a head wife.

Not long after, Shi Lei's figure appeared in front of a mansion on Longshou Street. This was Baili Dongjun's wine shop and is now Yan Liuli's residence.

Somehow, Yan Liuli chose to build a mansion here instead of living in the Gu Mansion.

Shi Lei used the essence of life to sense it. The whole mansion was tight on the outside and loose on the inside. However, there was a master of the Happy Heaven Realm sitting in the backyard. If nothing else, it should be Baimei Xiaoli.

He did not sneak in immediately, but sent out the signal they had agreed upon.

I don't know how much time had passed, but Yan Liuli's figure appeared at the door of the mansion. After looking around, she found the sign left by Shi Lei, and then led Xiao Li through the streets and alleys and entered an abandoned house.

Shi Lei looked at Baimei Xiao Li, then turned to Yan Liuli and said curiously: "You don't seem to be surprised by my appearance!"

"Haha~ Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. How could you die so easily!" Yan Liuli sneered and continued: "No, aren't you coming back to harm me again?"

"That's right. I gave you all my savings of eighteen years. I only care about you and do no harm to you."

"?" Yan Liuli was a little confused and asked, "When will you give me your savings?"

"If you think about it carefully, that is what I have accumulated since childhood..."

"Shut up!" Yan Liuli finally reacted, interrupted Shi Lei, turned to Xiao Li and said, "You go out first."

Xiao Li took a deep look at Shi Lei and didn't know what he was thinking. He bowed respectfully to Yan Liuli and said, "Yes, the head of the family."

After Xiao Li left, Yan Liuli glared at Shi Lei and said, "You are still so annoying. How can you talk about that when others are around?"

"Hate it? Are you sure you're not very happy now?" Shi Lei looked at Yan Liuli teasingly.

(End of this chapter)

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