The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 260 Thundercloud covers a city

Chapter 260 Thundercloud covers a city
Su Muyu looked at Shi Lei, whose clothes were in pieces, with a look of shock. Mu Yu's Spreading Flowers was his most powerful sword move. Once this move was launched, no one could stop it. He had killed countless famous people with this move. , but now, his strongest blow didn't even scratch Shi Lei's skin.

Why is this Shi Lei's body so strong?
Is Shi Lei practicing horizontal training?
He didn't have time to continue exploring because Shi Lei's long spear thrust towards his chest again.

Su Muyu took a step and retreated sharply to avoid Shi Lei's second sword. He could not dodge the first sword. The second sword was about to be sheathed by Shi Lei before thrusting forward, giving him time to react and successfully dodged the second sword.

Shi Lei frowned slightly and missed with one sword. The third and fourth swords came one after another. Su Muyu dodged continuously. Although he was injured by Shi Lei, the injury was not fatal. However, with such intensive attacks, Su Muyu lost an arm. I can't hold on for long.

Suddenly a long roar came from another direction, and someone attacked the house behind Shi Lei.

Shi Lei frowned. The attacker came from beyond his perception and was far away, but Shi Lei had to guard against it. After stabbing Su Muyu in the waist, he used his body skills to quickly come back for help.

"Dang." Shi Lei used Immortal Dust to resist the attack from the attacker.

The visitor retreated with one blow and stood firmly opposite Shi Lei, saying sullenly: "You are very strong, but your weaknesses are obvious."

"Really? Then do you dare to attack my weakness?" Shi Lei asked with a chuckle.

The assassin standing in front of him held a dagger in both hands and kept flying, shooting a series of knives in the air, but the assassin did not attack.

"Dang." "Whoops."

Shi Lei looked at Suchanghe's rapidly retreating figure and secretly sighed a pity.

He didn't talk nonsense to Su Changhe and raised his sword to attack. Su Changhe looked solemn and waved the dagger in his hand to fight with Shi Lei.

This is also his mission. Su Muyu is responsible for the assassination, and he is responsible for taking action against Yueyao. If Su Muyu succeeds, it will have nothing to do with him. If Su Muyu cannot take down Shi Lei, he will take action against Yueyao, and then wait for other opportunities to assassinate her.

In the hall of the house, Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei who had landed on the ground, touched his round belly, and asked, "Should we escape?"

Su Changhe was trying to buy time for Su Muyu to escape, while he was trying to wait for the thunderclouds in the sky.

This person is none other than Su Changhe, the master of Anhe in the future. Judging from the strength of the blow just now, his martial arts skills are no less than Su Muyu's.

After a fight, Su Changhe ran back crazily and shouted: "Thunder Punishment Shi Lei, who doesn't know the power of your thunder punishment? I will not ignore the situation in the sky when I fight with you. I also saw the white clouds that just appeared in the sky." "

"No need, I will maintain a large thundercloud during this period, and whoever comes will die." Shi Lei spoke sonorously and forcefully, very confidently.

Shi Lei shook his head slightly and said: "You are not honest at all, then you should die!"

Of course, the best case scenario is that they wounded Yue Yao, leaving Yue Yao seriously injured and not dying. They continued to assassinate Shi Lei on his way to find the doctor, tire and weaken Shi Lei, and finally complete the mission.

Dark River has existed for many years and has rich experience. They can use Shi Lei's weaknesses to threaten Shi Lei, but they will not attack Shi Lei's weaknesses. If they can defeat Shi Lei, then Yueyao will also die. If they cannot defeat Shi Lei, then they cannot Killing Yueyao, who was unable to defeat him, was to help remove Shi Lei's burden. What greeted them was Shi Lei's crazy revenge.

"Don't dare!" Su Changhe replied.

"Bye bye!"

Su Changhe was good at daggers and was more flexible than Su Muyu. Shi Lei attacked Su Changhe, but it couldn't cause any actual damage to Su Changhe. However, Shi Lei was not in a hurry and just spent time with Su Changhe.

Although the weather is cloudless now, anyone who has received nine years of compulsory education knows that clouds are composed of water vapor. There is a lot of water vapor in Chaisang City. It is cloudless just because the water vapor does not accumulate in large quantities for various reasons.

But Su Muyu was defeated too quickly, beyond his expectation, so he could only change from stealth to a surprise attack to rescue Su Muyu.

If it were other assassins, Su Changhe wouldn't care whether they lived or died, and would at most speed up his stealth speed. But Su Muyu was about to die, and he, a life-and-death brother, must be saved.

Just during these few minutes of fighting, a white cloud appeared in the sky. As long as he was given a few more minutes, Suchanghe would not be able to leave.

He was discovered, and the clouds in the sky were his protective umbrella.

He put away the dust and landed in the house again, but the white clouds in the sky did not dissipate.

Although there are no clouds in the sky now, condensing the thunderclouds is a little more troublesome, but Shi Lei is not in a hurry. Whether it is the underground river or the court, it will take time to mobilize manpower again. It is cloudless today, and it will be sunny and cloudy tomorrow, and it will be there in a few days. Cloudy day.

As long as there are large thunder clouds, Shi Lei, the Thunder Punisher, is invincible in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Yueyao frowned and asked, "Can you maintain a thundercloud for a month?"

"Of course, it's difficult for you, but it's easy for me." Shi Lei said confidently.

To maintain Lei Yun, it is the mental level that is tiring, and his mental power is beyond that of anyone in this world. His soul power has broken away from the category of a warrior.

Yueyao was silent for a while, but still worried: "Let's leave now. Unknown things may happen if we stay here. Although I have a big belly, my mobility is not weak depending on the source of life."

With the source of life, even if she has a big belly, she is stronger than before. However, the big belly will make it difficult for her to move, and she needs to be distracted to protect her, but she can do it against one or two Xiaoyao Tianjing.

"No, if someone discovers us, we can't hide like last time. From today on, no matter where we go, there will be a lot of people following us. Unless we run into the deep mountains and old forests, we can't escape surveillance." Shi Lei shook his head. Shaking his head, he began to explain: "And it is actually more dangerous to go to the wild. In the city, they still need to take care of the people, and many methods cannot be used. If we go to the wild, it will be even more dangerous."

"And in the city, not only do they have their hands tied, but they are also protected by the thunderclouds in the sky. We will be much safer."

"When thunderclouds cover the entire city, those people will probably panic!"

At the end of his words, a meaningful smile appeared on Shi Lei's face.

Under the threat of large-scale celestial phenomena, the people in the city are expected to feel numb.

Yueyao looked up at the sky and saw the already gloomy white clouds covering a radius of 300 meters. She was surprised: "So fast? It was still cloudless a quarter of an hour ago."

"Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapor. There has always been a lot of water vapor in Chaisang City. For example, when you boil water, the white hot gas is water vapor. Now I only need to condense this water vapor, and clouds will naturally appear." Shi Lei explained.

The Southwest Road is located in the south, so there is no shortage of rain. Cloudy and rainy days are the prevailing conditions. Anhe must have waited for a while before waiting for the cloudless weather today.

Yueyao heard something a little foggy, and she didn't quite understand what the water vapor was. She just looked at the white clouds that were slowly getting bigger. Her eyes were full of shock. She looked at Shi Lei and asked: "So you are not only It can make use of celestial phenomena, and it can also create celestial phenomena."

"What's so strange about this? Didn't I show it at Mingjian Villa last year?" Shi Lei said a little strangely.

"No, it's different. At that time, you gathered the white clouds in the sky, but now you create clouds out of thin air. The difference is huge." Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei with a complicated expression.

After a year of getting along with him, she thought she already knew Shi Lei's strengths and weaknesses, but now it seemed that she still didn't know many things, such as water vapor, which she didn't quite understand.

Shi Lei was silent. It was because he was negligent. With his knowledge of the world in song, he was still ignorant about water vapor and white clouds. In fact, not to mention Yueyao, even he didn't know how the white clouds in the sky came to be before he went to elementary school.

He knows that boiling water will produce water vapor, and he also knows that clouds are made of water, but the connection between water vapor and clouds is something he really didn’t know before he read the book.

"You just know that I can create celestial phenomena." He didn't explain much, and now was not the time to demonstrate.

"I have to concentrate on gathering the thunder clouds, and you guys will cook for yourself later." Shi Lei ordered while looking at Yue Ji with some worry: "Well, Yue Ji, you are good at cooking, right?" "Huh?~~I... ...I will..." Yue Ji has not yet recovered from the previous incident. She thought that Shi Lei and Yueyao were about the same strength as her, but they only worked together to capture her. She did not expect that Shi Lei was so strong. , and I didn’t expect that Shi Lei turned out to be the legendary murderer Shi Lei.

This is a demon who has killed tens of thousands of people!
Now she only felt that her legs were trembling, and Shi Lei's handsome face disappeared, turning into an evil creature with a bloody mouth.

"No, you've been a maid for several months and you're afraid of me now. Isn't it too late?" Shi Lei supported Yue Ji and joked while looking at Yue Ji's trembling legs.

"Sir...I'm just going to cook." Yue Ji hurriedly pushed Shi Lei away. After running away from Shi Lei, she ran a few steps and fell to the ground. She rolled and crawled out, and finally walked to the kitchen while holding on to the wall.

Shi Lei touched his nose awkwardly and asked, "Am I that scary? This is too exaggerated, and it doesn't look like an act."

A lot of Yue Ji's performance was acting, but just now Yue Ji was really afraid of him, scared to death.

"Are you really unaware of your notoriety or are you pretending not to know?" Yue Yao looked at Shi Lei and asked.

" just destroyed the city lord's mansion."

Yue Yao rolled her eyes at Shi Lei and explained angrily: "You only destroyed the city lord's palace, but tens of thousands of people have died because of you. Baili Luo Chen is known as the God of Killing, and he has killed countless people, no matter in the world. People and the court are very afraid of him, but he still relies on the army to kill people; and what about you?"

"You have killed tens of thousands of people, and these tens of thousands of people died at your hands. In the world, your number of murderers is only lower than that of Baili Luochen. People in the world are even afraid of Baili Luochen who relies on the army to kill people. You're going to die, let alone someone like you who killed tens of thousands of people with your own hands."

Shi Lei touched his chin and explained dryly: "I have not killed tens of thousands of people, and many of them died in riots."

"And I didn't kill with my own hands. The poison I used was given to me by Wen Kejiu. Those heads should be counted on his head. At best, I just hacked up a city lord's mansion."

"Ha~~ Go and explain to the Jianghu people! See if it works, see if they are afraid of you after you explain?" Yue Yao chuckled lightly, not caring about Shi Lei's somewhat reasonable explanation.

Shi Lei touched his chin and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, no one will listen to the explanation. Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm going to gather the thunder clouds."

Yueyao nodded and said worriedly: "Be careful."

Shi Lei touched Yue Yao's forehead and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I will know if a master comes within five miles."

He has fully activated his senses, using the four detection methods of internal force, qi and blood, life essence, and poison. No matter who comes, he will detect them as long as they get within a certain distance.

Shi Lei changed out of his torn clothes, walked out of the hall, jumped onto the roof, glanced towards Longshou Street, sat cross-legged, and began to gather thunderclouds.

He sensed the presence of Yan Liuli, but he did not go out to say hello. Now the number of spies around the house has reached a terrifying level. One person every ten meters is a bit exaggerated, but there are still one person thirty meters away.

Yan Liuli just watched from a distance with Xiao Li. Seeing that Shi Lei's expression was as usual, and sensing Shi Lei's majestic life breath, she turned around and left with Xiao Li.

The spies did not doubt Yan Liuli's motives. Shi Lei, who was punished by thunder, appeared in Chaisang City. As the Yan family was a powerful force in Chaisang City, it was normal for Yan Liuli to come over and take a look.

Some spies even hoped that the Yan family would take action and drive Shi Lei out of Chaisang City, because as Shi Lei sat cross-legged on the roof, the white clouds in the sky gathered faster.

What kind of method is this? It's so counterintuitive that white clouds can condense even when there are no clouds in the sky.

They didn't understand the principle, but they all understood one thing. If Shi Lei was allowed to gather thunder clouds, he would be very difficult to deal with in a few days.

It is estimated that no master would want to fight against Shi Lei under the thunder clouds.

So they hoped that the Yan family and the Gu family would take action, even if they couldn't drive Shi Lei away, they might as well interfere.

It's a pity that neither the Yan family nor the Gu family came forward and only sent spies to keep an eye on it. Their little idea was destined to fail.

In the Gu Mansion, Gu Jianmen looked at the thunderclouds that were getting bigger and bigger, frowning and saying nothing for a long time.

Li Jianli, the general manager of the Gu family, bowed his hands and asked, "Master, what should we do?"

"Should we send someone to persuade Li Lei to punish Shi Lei?"

As for starting a war, that is impossible. They have no enmity with Shi Lei, so there is no need to be the one to show off.


After a long silence, Gu Jianmen said: "It is not worthwhile to be an enemy of Shi Lei."

"After leaving the necessary manpower, the whole government will live in the farm outside the city... No, it should be further away, go directly to Zisang City! The money will also be moved there, and if the industry can be established outside the city, then move it If you can’t move outside the city, forget it.”

He stood up, looked at the thunderclouds that turned from white to gray, and sighed: "Such a character shouldn't appear in this world. He should live in the deep mountains and old forests."

Li Jianli followed Gu Jianmen's gaze, his expression became even more ugly, and he saluted Gu Jianmen and said, "Master, I will make arrangements now."

The Gu family was like this, the Yan family was like this, and other small sects were like this too. Everyone started a big move.

On the first day, the Yan family, Gu family and other big sects began to move.

The next day, Xiaomen Xiaopai began to move.

As soon as they moved, a chain reaction started, and the big merchants also moved their belongings away, and the properties were moved wherever they could.

As the days went by, more and more vendors were relocated.

This relocation has a huge impact on Chaisang City. Originally, the wealth of Chaisang City accounted for half of the world's wealth. After this relocation, it is difficult to say whether Chaisang City can repeat its former glory.

In the governor's mansion of Chaisang City, a middle-aged man said to an old man: "Ming Mansion, all the big shops have moved away today. If this continues, Chaisang City will be destroyed even if it is not struck by lightning! "

The old man stroked his beard and said calmly: "Oh~~"

"In that case, I will mobilize the surrounding armies, totaling 50,000 troops. How about you lead the troops to drive Lei Punishment Shi Lei out of the city?"

The middle-aged man stiffened and hurriedly refused: "Mingfu, you know me. I am a civil servant and I am not good at leading troops."

During the battle in Wushuang City, they had detailed information. Just one thunderstorm destroyed most of the city lord's palace in Wushuang City, and the lightning strikes totaled hundreds of lightning strikes. Even if Shi Lei didn't gather hundreds of thunderclouds now, even if there were ten, Dao, it is enough to defeat an army of 50,000.

Thunder punishment is a punishment from heaven. Maybe they can't even survive ten of them. With only three, the army will collapse.

The old man glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, full of contempt. The middle-aged man's advice to him was false, but in fact he wanted to leave Chaisang City like everyone else.

But they are the parents of this city, and it is a serious crime to leave their posts without permission!

"Don't worry! A message from the capital has arrived, and the contemporary Imperial Master of Qin Tian Jian will come in person this time." The old man gave the middle-aged man reassurance.

(End of this chapter)

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