Just coming to assassinate him feels like being sent thousands of miles away!
He was certain that Mu Xuewei acted privately.

Mu Yumo wears a mask all day long to hide her figure. Her main task is to protect the parents of Anhe. Not many people in Anhe know her true appearance, so it is safer for her to come.

Shi Lei estimated that it was the patriarch of Anhe who arranged for Mu Yumo to come here.

The twin sisters were only fifteen years old and had just left the cabinet. They should have just completed the Underwater Assassination course. This was the first mission. According to the rules of the Su family, generally only one person from the same batch could survive (Su Muyu and Su Changhe is a special case, and the twins should be a special case as well), sending a pair of pure newcomers with a cute and beautiful little sister, they are relatively safe.

The two of them should have accepted Su Changhe's mission and came here to lurk.

Su Changhe is Su Muyu's good brother. Su Muyu had his arm cut off, so it is normal for Su Changhe to look for opportunities to help avenge him.

Among all the beauties in Anhe, only Mu Xuewei came here privately.

The lover's arm was broken, and he came to take revenge himself. It was quite irrational!

He didn't learn from Su Changhe and sent out a pair of novice assassins, and he didn't feel bad if he died.

This Su Changhe is worthy of being the person who will inherit the position of patriarch in the future. Such a pair of top-notch twins are actually sent out. If it were him, he would not be able to bear it.

However, the arrival of a few people also reminded Shi Lei that the search for the underground river station would be accelerated.

An He assassinated him, and he always wanted to take revenge. However, An He was an assassin organization, and the location of its headquarters was unknown. He spent 5,000 taels of gold to buy the location of An He's headquarters from Bai Xiaotang, and the answer he got was Baixiaotang had several locations that were suspected of being the headquarters of Dark River, and asked Shi Lei if he wanted to buy them.

They're all suspicious, but if you still have a few, it's a waste of money.

Maybe these places are released by underground rivers to confuse people, and if you buy them, you will be fooled.

The four underground river beauties who came to him now, including Su Ziyi and Su Hongxi, must not know the location of the headquarters. Mu Yumo is one of the Twelve Shadow Guards, so he must know the location of the headquarters, but it is too difficult for Mu Yumo to speak. Da, he was originally a guard specializing in protecting the location of the Anhe headquarters, how could he speak so easily.

But Mu Xuewei is different. Although she is from Anhe, her main service target is the Mu family.

Dark River is composed of three families. They set up a headquarters. The members of the three families take turns to be the head of the family. The three major families send some people to serve as the Twelve Spider Shadow Guards and send a group of killers for the use of the head of the family.

From the perspective of this system, Anhe is a cooperative organization. The three major families focus on cooperation and work together with the outside world. However, there are constant frictions and many contradictions between the three major families.

As for the headquarters, if the head of the family is a little weaker, not even a single family can command it.

How strong Anhe's external strength is depends entirely on the integration ability of everyone.

This year's headmaster is okay, no one dares to disobey the headmaster of Anhe River without getting hurt, and the same goes for Mu Xuewei.

However, she did not dare to disobey, but it was still possible to reveal the location of the Dark River headquarters.

Cooperation can lead to obstacles, which is the norm for the three major families of the Dark River. Although it is a bit shocking to reveal the location of the headquarters, it is just like that. After all, members of the three major families of the Dark River fight each other and cause casualties.

How to get Mu Xuewei to speak?

Shi Lei began to think deeply.

Mu Xuewei and the three women looked at the silent Shi Lei, feeling a little strange, but they didn't think much about it. They were seizing the time to memorize the layout of the room.

The mansion is Shi Lei's private residence and is not included in the Snow Dragon Villa. Disciples like them, the Snow Dragon Villa, cannot enter without an order, let alone come to the study.

"Su Ziyi, Su Hongxi, you will be the core disciples from now on. You go to Yue Ji and ask her to teach you the advanced skills of Snow Dragon Villa." Shi Lei ordered lightly.

After these ten days of in-depth exchanges, Yue Ji has mastered many Kung Fu techniques and has become a Kung Fu master.

Generally speaking, outer disciples are taught elementary skills, inner disciples are intermediate, core disciples are advanced, and personal maids are top-level.

As for the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue, Five Thunder Sword Technique, and Xingyiquan, Shi Lei plans to teach them slowly in the future, teaching fifty people at a time, one day at a time. He has plenty of time, so he can teach them slowly.

Su Ziyi and Su Hongxi looked at each other and responded in unison: "Yes."

The two people's voices came out at the same time, with the same pitch, the same timbre, and even the same volume. If they were together, it would be a wonderful feeling!

Wait until it blooms a little longer before trying it. For now, let’s try Mu Xuewei first.

Shi Lei looked at Mu Xuewei and ordered: "Wei Xue, you stay."

Su Ziyi and Su Hongxi were probably just given names. The names of the little people in Anhe River were so casual.

Mu Xuewei was known as the poisonous flower, so she changed her name to Wei Xue.

Yue Yao glanced at Shi Lei and roughly knew that Shi Lei wanted to cause trouble. She didn't intend to stay and watch, so she got up and left.

As Yueyao left, Mu Xuewei couldn't help but take a step back. In the past few nights, she sneaked into the mansion after practicing. Since there were no guards, her infiltration was very successful.

What surprised her was that every night Shi Lei was either having fun with Yue Yao or Yue Ji. Although she had seen a lot of such things, Shi Lei, Yue Yao, and Yue Ji didn't know how to restrain themselves. The voices of the three people It was extremely high-pitched, not thunderous, but also extremely loud. Every night she heard it and her whole body felt hot.

She even had the urge to rush in and castrate Shi Lei.

After sneaking in for several days to investigate, he also went to Li Hanyi's place to ask for information. Li Hanyi had a strong opinion of Shi Lei and had no intention of keeping Shi Lei's secret. He said a lot of bad things about Shi Lei and made Shi Lei worthless.

Both inside and outside the words said that Shi Lei was a lustful person. He just saw beautiful women and accepted them as personal maids. Now there are two beauties in Shi Lei's pocket.

Li Hanyi also told Mu Xuewei: "You must not give in due to Shi Lei's threats. If Shi Lei dares to threaten, come to Senior Sister and I will solve it."

After listening to Li Hanyi's story, Mu Xuewei not only had no intention of staying away from Shi Lei, but instead tried to find a way to get closer. The most convenient way was to become a core disciple.

So she sneaked into the mansion at night to gather information, and practiced hard during the day. She stood out not because she was a genius, but because she was not the only one who joined Snow Dragon Villa, but also a group of subordinates who also came, and those subordinates brought the green The pills were given to her as tribute.

The plan was successful, and he became a leader among famous disciples, and successfully entered Yueyao's eyes.

Although she was a little surprised that Yueyao directly brought her beauty to find Shi Lei, she was relieved when she thought of how powerful Shi Lei was.

Not everyone has the ability to control their husband. Yueyao cannot control someone as powerful as Shi Lei.

Finding more women for Shi Lei, raising more heirs, and prospering the Shi family is the right thing for Madam to do. This approach is quite common among noble ladies.

For noble ladies, maintaining their status is not about competing with attractive concubines, but about managing their own relationships and maintaining relationships with their natal family. The natal family is here, and noble ladies know the general situation. Those nobles will only let their attendants go out of their minds. Concubine ascends the throne.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there may be someone who is obsessed with wanting to destroy the decent lady. At this time, it depends on the lady's adaptability.

In fact, Yue Yao's situation is much better. Shi Lei's trust and love for Yue Yao can be seen from the fact that Shi Lei left Snow Dragon Villa to Yue Yao to take care of. In addition, Yue Yao's own strength is not weak.

Moreover, although Yueyao withdrew from Tianwaitian, she understood that as long as Tianwaitian lasted, her position as wife would be very stable. If she were more sensible, her position as wife would be almost unbreakable.

So Mu Xuewei doesn't think there is any problem with Yue Yao finding a woman for Shi Lei. Many ladies do this.

Yueyao took the initiative to leave, which made her feel that the opportunity had come.

Shi Lei looked at Mu Xuewei, who had changed her name but was not dressed in a low-key manner at all. He raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "Wei Xue (pseudonym), are you willing to be my personal maid?"

As for the skills, he didn't mention them. He only planned to teach them to advanced levels.

This is the right that belongs to the core disciples, and she deserves it. To be honest, he doesn't even want to teach advanced skills. Low-level and intermediate-level skills can be leaked, but advanced skills cannot be taught.

However, for the sake of Mu Xuewei sending her a thousand miles away, he still planned to teach her. Of course, it would only be a guide and no written version of the exercises would be given.

Without cultivating the source of life to a certain height, it is impossible to convert the technique into a written version. The reason why the spiritual cage can be converted into a written version is because the biological brain itself cultivates the source of life, and its level is extremely high. The owner of the biological brain is very It may not be dead, but hidden deep in the brain of the creature. As long as enough life essence is injected into it, it can be resurrected.

If Mu Xuewei wants to leak the skills, he can only teach them personally. The personal maid lives in the mansion, and he will not give Mu Xuewei the opportunity to go out and teach others the skills.

Hearing Shi Lei's explicit request, Mu Xuewei didn't panic at all, but was quite happy. However, her face showed panic as she asked: "Master, I... I didn't think about it."

Although her lurking persona this time is that of a Mu Qiang woman, a homeless female guest in her twenties made every effort to join the Snow Dragon Villa in order to learn advanced martial arts.

But even a strong-willed woman and a yellow-flowered girl will hesitate when encountering such a life-long event.

"I can teach you the most top-notch skills, which are one level higher than the core disciples." Shi Lei said loudly.

According to Yueyao's comments, Mu Xuewei, whose pseudonym is Wei Xue, is a charlatan who is willing to sacrifice everything for the practice.

As long as he gives a reason to become stronger, Mu Xuewei is likely to follow the established character.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Mu Xuewei's eyes sparkled and she asked excitedly: "Master, can I really learn a higher level of skills than the core disciples' skills?"

"Of course." Shi Lei answered simply.

Of course he has no integrity when it comes to assassins.

"Am I stronger than the core disciples?" Mu Xuewei asked again.

"It's necessary." Shi Lei said, snapping his fingers.

It must be shit. For Li Hanyi and Wang Yixing, the source of life is just one of their many skills. With his two qualifications as immortals, even if Mu Xuewei's source of life is stronger than the two of them, he should not be able to defeat them. Still can't beat it.

"Okay, as long as the owner is willing to teach me, it doesn't matter if I marry you." Mu Xuewei's eyes were shining, and she agreed regardless of whether what Shi Lei said was true or false.

"Very good, now let me explore your bones." Shi Lei pointed at Mu Xuewei and said.

Mu Xuewei hesitated for a moment, then immediately raised her hand and reached out to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei did not hold Mu Xuewei's snow-white hand, but stretched his hand to her shoulder and said at the same time: "When I explore the bones, I not only touch my hand, but also touch my shoulder..."

"Okay~" Mu Xuewei took a breath and agreed.

Shi Lei reached out and pinched Mu Xuewei's shoulder. There was only a thin layer of gauze on the shoulder. Although there was no direct contact, Mu Xuewei still trembled and made dodge movements. In the end, she endured it.

But she felt nauseous all over and wanted to vomit.

Shi Lei pinched Mu Xuewei's shoulder a few times and penetrated the life essence into it.

Mu Xuewei's body trembled again. Before the examination, she used the secret technique of the dark river to seal her internal power. After learning the essence of life, she found that the secret technique of the dark river could not prevent the detection of the essence of life. So before coming to see Shi Lei, She used secret techniques to dissipate most of her internal energy. Dispersing it voluntarily was different from being injured. As long as she practiced again, she would soon be able to return to her original state.

Shi Lei's inspection was very detailed. After a cup of tea, he touched every place except the private parts. Mu Xuewei felt extremely uncomfortable.

He looked at Mu Xuewei's slightly twitching face and felt extremely happy. The assassin felt uncomfortable, but he was very happy.

"Bang, bang, bang." Shi Lei suddenly connected various acupuncture points on Mu Xuewei, and directly used the life essence to imprison Mu Xuewei's internal energy and life essence.

"You..." Mu Xuewei shouted sharply, trembling all over. She knew instantly that she had been exposed.

If there was a chance to avenge Su Muyu, she could continue to pretend, but with her internal energy and life essence imprisoned, she could not care less about pretending.

She unleashed her inner strength to resist, but to no avail. When Shi Lei suddenly took action, the incident happened suddenly. By the time she reacted, her weak life essence and inner strength had been tightly restrained.

Unable to resist, she took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked in a crisp voice: "Master, is this a necessary procedure for checking the root bones?"

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? You scared me!"

Shi Lei smiled softly and said: "You know me, I'm used to being assassinated recently, so when I have sex with someone, I usually restrain the woman's power first."

"What? Are you willing to be my personal maid? Aren't you willing to have sex with me?"

Mu Xuewei hesitated. She wasn't exposed? Shi Lei has offended a lot of people recently. No matter how careful he is, he just imprisons the woman's skills. This is a bit too much!

But thinking about the legend of Shi Lei's demon, compared to directly massacring civilians, the ability to imprison a woman is really a piece of cake and not worth mentioning.

"Of course I am willing, but I just came to Tiankui today and may not be able to serve the owner." Mu Xuewei said the reason she had prepared for her refusal.

Her plan was to kill Shi Lei with one blow when they were getting close to him. Now that he has lost his power, her strength is stronger than that of an ordinary woman, but she cannot guarantee that he will be killed with one blow.

If she had to confine her skills in advance every time she had sex, she would need to think of another way. For example, if the two met somewhere, she would use her charm to attract Shi Lei, and make him forget to confine his skills in a hurry. Only then would she have a chance to succeed in the assassination. .

As for handing over her body to Shi Lei, she really had no intention of doing so. Her first time belonged to someone.

"If you are really willing, I want to listen to the truth." Shi Lei gave Mu Xuewei one last chance.

That's how he is. He always asks if he is willing beforehand and never forces himself.

But as long as he agrees, no matter what the reasons are for agreeing to him, he will not be polite.

"I do." Mu Xuewei replied quickly, and then continued: "It's just that I can't do it today, I..."

Shi Lei didn't know Mu Xuewei's inner plan, and he would not follow Mu Xuewei's wishes. He didn't say anything, just picked up Mu Xuewei and walked to the bedroom next to the study. The mansion he planned had entertainment venues everywhere. .

Mu Xuewei struggled for a few times, but Shi Lei's strength was so strong that the struggle was in vain. He could only continue: "Master, I really can't do it today, Tiangui is a dirty thing..."

"I don't mind." Shi Lei said with a smile.

Putting aside the fact that Mu Xuewei's Tiankui was fake, even if it was real, he would be cured as soon as he used the source of life.

"Master, um..." Mu Xuewei was blocked and could no longer speak. She wanted to bite Shi Lei, but she couldn't muster the strength.

After a few breaths, Shi Lei threw Mu Xuewei onto the couch, locked his hands above her head, and pressed down Mu Xuewei's legs with his two feet, so that only Mu Xuewei's head and waist could move.

While blocking Mu Xuewei from talking, Shi Lei used his free hand to remove the blockage.

Pulling and pulling, Mu Xuewei soon revealed a large area of ​​white snow, and even the small snow was exposed.

It was indeed smaller than Yue Ji and Yueyao, but Shi Lei didn't mind.

Mu Xuewei kept struggling, tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and she cried out, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo was was was was doing it.

A quarter of an hour later, even if Mu Xuewei resisted, she had the appropriate reaction. Shi Lei went straight to the topic without much hesitation. (End of chapter)

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