The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 290 Queen, you want it too hard

One kilometer away from Bingling Hanquan, Die and Yun Yun looked up at the sky at the same time. Their faces changed slightly at the same time. They saw that the originally clear sky suddenly became much darker at this time, and dark clouds appeared from nowhere. came out and quickly enveloped the sky.

"Boom!" A roaring sound of thunder suddenly came from the dark clouds high in the sky. Silver lightning illuminated the sky darkened by dark clouds. The lightning flashed randomly in the dark clouds, like long silver snakes.

Even the people in the big city of the snake people outside saw the sudden change. Everyone looked at the strange situation in the sky with some astonishment, and their faces were full of confusion.

Then they quickly asked the elders. The elders were confused at first, but the place where the dark cloud first appeared was the place where Queen Medusa advanced. The elders instantly guessed the divine punishment caused by Queen Medusa's advancement.

The elders complained in their hearts that Queen Medusa hid this matter from them, but they then put away their dissatisfaction and issued an order to the Snake Tribe Guards to 'alert the whole city', and also informed Queen Medusa that she was advancing. The ordinary snake people.

Triggering such a large-scale celestial phenomenon, fear has spread among the Snake People. It is impossible not to give an explanation to the ordinary Snake People. And such a celestial phenomenon can be guessed by experts above the Dou Ling level, and the elders can also guess what the situation is. Too lazy to hide the advancement of Queen Medusa, it has reached this point, and external factors can no longer affect the success or failure of Queen Medusa.

All the elders looked at the terrifying celestial phenomenon with worry.

"Master Die, what's going on?" Sensing the violent energy contained in the dark clouds, Yue Mei swallowed her saliva and asked worriedly.

Die stared closely at the dark clouds in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "I once read an ancient book within the clan, which recorded some legends of the snake people. In ancient times, when some snake people were born or promoted, they would The disharmony of the huge energy in the body caused some strange phenomena in the world.

These legendary snake people are extremely powerful beings. Some of their best ones can even be compared with the strong human beings at the fighting saint level. The current snake people have not seen such members for many years... Look at what they are like now The most likely situation is that my sister advanced to Douzong and her bloodline evolved successfully at the same time, which ultimately caused changes in the world. "

"What do you mean... Queen Medusa's bloodline has evolved successfully?" Yun Yun's pupils narrowed slightly and she said with a little horror.

"It's almost the same." Die nodded and said softly.

Yun Yun's expression suddenly became solemn. A strong Dou Zong appeared in the Snake Tribe. This Dou Zong strong had also completed bloodline evolution. So where should their Yunlan Sect go?

As for going in to destroy it, she never thought about it. Not to mention Queen Medusa's own strength, Die standing next to her alone had the strength of half a Douzong, so she had no chance to take action.

As her thoughts raced, she decided to make good friends with the snake people first. Of course, it was just good friends. The specific relationship would depend on the attitudes of the Gama Empire and surrounding countries. We would adapt accordingly when the time comes!
"Boom." In the dark clouds in the sky, a huge roar suddenly sounded, which was far greater than before. In an instant, the whole world lit up, and a huge silver lightning shot down from the clouds and smashed into the sky. In the Ice Spirit Cold Spring.

The lightning came and went even faster. Before the crackling of thunder in Yun Yun's ears had completely dissipated, the large dark clouds in the sky quickly disappeared. After a few breaths, the blazing sunshine enveloped the entire city again.

Before Die and Yue Mei went in to investigate the situation, a vast and terrifying aura suddenly burst out from the Ice Spirit Cold Spring, quickly covering the Snake City at a shocking speed.

"Her Majesty the Queen has succeeded?" Sensing a faintly familiar feeling in this aura, countless snake people throughout the city looked at each other in a daze at first, and then turned into ecstasy and earth-shattering cheers. The sound echoed through the sky.

Yue Mei looked excited and hurriedly ran towards Bingling Hanquan. After running a few steps, Yue Mei slowly stopped, turned around and looked at Die, and said, "Master Die, won't you go in?"

Die's face turned green and red, changing erratically. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "I don't want to go in now. You can't go in. It should be said that no one can go in."

As the dark clouds dissipated and the lightning disappeared, Die's keen senses heard some familiar sounds, the same thing she did when she was with Shi Lei.

And listening to this voice, it seems that her sister is happier than her.

Although she didn't know why her sister was willing to be like this with Shi Lei, she didn't mind her sister being like this. She had worked hard to revitalize the snake people, and having Shi Lei's help would make it much easier for her sister.

I just don't know how long the two of them can last. She is radiant, full of energy, and her bloodline has evolved obviously in just three days. If the two of them last longer.

The benefits are many.

Die heard the sound, and Yun Yun naturally heard it too, but she was a big girl and didn't know what the sound represented. After hearing Die's words to stop Yue Mei, she was smart enough to react.

"You're a bastard." She cursed out of nowhere.

For some reason, she felt sour in her heart and had the urge to cry. It was the first time she had this feeling. It was quite strange and she was a little confused for a while. Fortunately, she had been the leader of the sect for a while and she didn't cry.

"Huh????" Yue Mei's face was filled with questions.

Did something happen inside?
But what is something that I, the commander of the personal guards, cannot see?
She couldn't help the curiosity in her heart and radiated her own perception, intending to explore the outside first to determine what was going on inside.

As soon as the induction was released, she heard a seductive shout, which made her tremble all over, and she was stunned on the spot.

As the Queen's personal guard, she has great authority and rich experience. Although she has never been a human being, she has heard similar sounds, which means she is doing the right thing.

The only human being beside the queen is Shi Lei. Don't think too much, it must be Shi Lei who took advantage of Queen Medusa while she was weak during the tribulation.

Yue Mei took out the long sword from Najie and was about to rush in, but was pulled back by a huge force behind her.

Die grabbed Yue Mei, grabbed her sword, and said, "I don't have any objection, why did you go in with the sword?"

"Listen to me, you have no right to know about this."

In the last sentence, Die used a commanding tone.

Only she knows how valuable Shi Lei is to the snake people. Shi Lei's one can evolve the royal bloodline of the snake people, let alone those ordinary snake people.

As long as Shi Lei is tied to the snake people, the bloodline of the entire snake people can be raised to a whole level.

Her previous plan was to stay with Shi Lei and work hard to accumulate some... sixth-level spiritual fluid to send back to the snake people, slowly improving the bloodline of the entire snake people.

Now that her sister is with Shi Lei, she doesn't have to work so hard.

And with her sister's methods, she might be able to keep Shi Lei in the Snake Clan forever.

Yue Mei looked back at Die's serious expression, suppressed the shock and anger in her heart, and asked Die, "Master Die, do you know what you are talking about?"

"In order to maintain the purity of the royal bloodline, since ancient times..."

Die waved his hand and directly interrupted Yue Mei's words: "Shi Lei's value to the snake people is very high, so high that he can break the rules of the snake people."

Die looked at Yun Yun behind him, isolated Yun Yun with his fighting spirit, leaned close to Yue Mei's ear, and whispered: "The one from Shi Lei who can endure the snake-human bloodline advanced."

My sister is already like Shi Lei, so she must know where the sixth-order spiritual fluid comes from. If she doesn't tell her, Yue Mei will know it sooner or later. "Is Master Die talking about the sixth-level spiritual liquid? I know this! The Queen even gave me a little bit for testing." Yue Mei explained with some confusion.

Die was shocked. Did her sister move so fast?
She looked at Yue Mei for a while and continued: "That refers to the source of life, the spiritual liquid that makes people pregnant."

"What?" Yue Mei screamed, then felt nauseous. Is that edible?
In her mind, there is a dirty place below the two of them. Although the substances exchanged there can make people pregnant, they must not be eaten.

"How could you let me...let the queen eat that kind of thing?" Yue Mei scolded her angrily without caring about the offense below.

Die said calmly: "Shi Lei's one can advance the snake-human bloodline. Not to mention drinking that person, you must be willing to let you enter Shi Lei's room!"

"I...I am willing." Yue Mei originally wanted to say that she was unwilling, but when the words came to her lips, she became willing.

In ancient times, the royal bloodline of the snake people had many strong Dou Zun warriors, and even some powerful Dou Saint warriors. Ordinary snake people with high talents could advance to Dou Zun. After the snake people were driven here, including the royal bloodline, , the bloodline of the snake people has been deteriorating. Now the royal bloodline can only advance to the peak of Douwang, and the ordinary snake people can only advance to the peak of Douwang, which is incomparable with the ancient times.

If the elders were told that Shi Lei could advance the snake people including the royal family, they would probably go crazy. Not only would they not pursue the matter of Shi Lei eating two royal girls, they would also try every means to bring down the snake people. Beautiful women were sent to Shi Lei's room, and even the elders expected that Shi Lei would be blessed with ten of them every day.

Die looked like he knew you would say this earlier, nodded and said: "We just wait here."

Two days later, Medusa, whose eyes were red, regained her consciousness. As soon as her consciousness returned, she felt a violent shock, and then an indescribable feeling of joy. Her consciousness disappeared and her brain went blank.

Half an hour later, her whole body tensed up, and then she trembled involuntarily. After a cup of tea, her rationality returned again. Her first feeling was an indescribable sense of joy; the second feeling was that she was being possessed by something. The things are filling up, and it feels like they are overflowing; the third feeling is an unprecedented sense of control, as if the surrounding space can be opened with a single stroke; the fourth feeling is that her blood is evolving, and evolution comes from the energy in her body. some kind of substance.

Medusa was shocked!


Is her bloodline evolving?

She felt that some kind of desire was born in her blood, and she suddenly looked at Shi Lei lying next to her. Greed occupied her body and mind. This was the greed that came from her blood.

She turned over, held Shi Lei down, and moved her head to a certain place by accident.

"Hey... holy shit, what are you doing? Don't bite!" Shi Lei panicked.

"You can't even do it with your mouth! I have to rest."

"Fuck, forget it, let me teach you. You use your snake letter."

Queen Medusa seemed to understand and complied involuntarily.



"that's all.."

Seven days later, the sound of fierce fighting came from the Ice Spirit Cold Spring, and green strange fire and red fighting spirit flew everywhere, destroying the surrounding mountains and forests.

"You crazy bitch, enough is enough!"

"If you don't give me a ten-minute interval, how can you be like this!"

"You are oppressing."

"And you drink blood, that's too much."

"Gua Nao, I am the queen, you must listen to me." A very majestic voice came out.

"Oh, I won't listen to you."

"I am a Dou Zong, and you are just a junior Dou Emperor. I advise you not to resist. Even if you have strange fire, you are still no match for Dou Zong. And I am not an ordinary Dou Zong. I have countless secret skills of the snake people. ”

"It's true that you are a Douzong, but I am a master of poison. Goodbye." After saying these words, there was silence inside. After a few breaths, a figure flew out.

The one who flew out was Shi Lei. Shi Lei casually slapped away Yue Mei who was intercepting him. He hugged the dazed Die with one hand and held on to the alert Yun Yun with the other. He led the two of them high into the sky and then flew away into the distance.

The strong men of the Snake Tribe naturally noticed the three people in the sky, but they sensed an aura similar to the Queen's and recognized that it was the Queen's younger sister. If it were before, they would have taken action decisively, but now the Queen has successfully advanced to the fighting stage. Zong, they had no reason to take action, so the snakes and humans just watched the three people leave.

On the small island, Yue Mei climbed up from the ruins, then spread her wings of fighting spirit and flew towards the Ice Spirit Cold Spring.

As soon as she entered the Ice Spirit Cold Spring, she saw the queen who fell to the ground.

At this moment, the queen looked extremely miserable. She should have been white and flawless, but now she was covered in spots, some crystal clear, some charred black. There were many bright red blood stains on her beautiful face, and even the blood stains completely covered her entire chin.

"Queen." Yue Mei screamed and ran to the queen's side.

After checking the Queen's breath and feeling her steady breathing, she finally let go of her worries. Although she knew that Shi Lei would not kill the Queen, she was still worried before.

After confirming that the queen was fine, Yue Mei quickly picked up the queen and planned to take the queen back to the queen's palace.

Halfway through, she became anxious and remembered that the queen's current appearance could not be seen by others. She immediately took out water from the ring to clean the queen, then put her own clothes on the queen, and then walked out.

High in the sky, Die pinched Shi Lei and asked: "Husband, what poison did you give your sister?"

"The drug is a drug that can confuse the strong men of the Douzong. Don't worry, even if there is no antidote, she will wake up after a day without any sequelae."

"Huh? No, with my sister's combat experience, how could you successfully poison her?"

"Um...this...I poisoned it before the battle." (End of Chapter)

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