The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 309: Break through the barrier and increase your strength greatly

In the outside world, Baiduan Mountain has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The moment Liu Shen subdued the blue beads, the entire Baiduan Mountain shook violently, and the space gradually collapsed. The venerables waiting in Duankong City were shocked when they saw this.

Baiduan Mountain has existed for who knows how many years, but why did it collapse this year without any warning?

But now is not the time to explore the reason. The sages jointly opened the passage and led their disciples out.

Due to the fragmentation of space, their power was able to invade Baidu Mountain, rescue their disciples, and at the same time loot all valuable things in Baidu Mountain.

The precious phantoms, precious medicines, and ferocious beasts in Baiduan Mountain all suffered great catastrophes. Most fell into the hands of the venerable, while a small part escaped.

In the end, the broken Baiduan Mountain disappeared into the turbulent flow of space.

"What's going on?" A venerable asked his disciple.

"Disciple doesn't know."

The one who was rescued could not give an answer.

The sages began to communicate with each other.

"Have you found out the reason?"

"There are many places in Baiduan Mountain that cannot be explored."

"Me too, there are many ruins that block my consciousness."

"Now Baiduan Mountain has fallen into space turbulence, and it is no longer possible to explore..."

"It's a pity that there is one less secret realm in the lower world."


After the exchanges yielded no results, the lords of the major forces all had their own thoughts.

Venerable Taikoo Shenshan looked sharply at the camp of Zhulu Academy, as if he was looking for something.

There are many venerables with the same purpose as the venerable Taikoo Shenshan venerable.

"Don't look, I didn't find Shi Lei when I picked him up." Now the major forces knew that Shi Lei was the brother of the naughty boy Shi Hao, and the two brothers worked together to slaughter a group of pure-blooded creatures in Baicao Garden.

"Shi Lei has a kind of illusion technique. Now Shi Lei may be hiding among the disciples of Zhulu Academy. You must let me explore them one by one." The Lord of the Ancient God Mountain said coldly.

Shi Lei defiled the goddess of the Ancient Sacred Mountain, and this matter must be investigated.

Huo Ling'er tugged on the sleeve of the Fire Emperor next to him and said, "Father, Shi Lei is my good friend, help him."

"Don't worry, Zhulu Academy will protect its disciples." The Fire Emperor comforted him fondly.

"You can't find them. It's your failure. It's impossible for me to leave the disciples of Zhulu Academy to your disposal." Elder Zhulu refused.

This place is full of elites from Zhulu Academy, and they all have their own secrets. Even he does not have the authority to investigate the disciples of Zhulu Academy one by one, let alone the ancient sacred mountain.

"If you don't let me investigate, Zhulu Academy won't be able to get out of Duankong City safely today." Tianshen Academy said coldly.

"I'm giving you shame. Since you want to target me, Zhulu Academy, don't blame me, Zhulu Academy's army, for suppressing the situation." The elder of Zhulu Academy activated his magic, opened a small sound transmission array, and said loudly: "The latest battle report, the ancient sacred mountain is heading towards I will start a war at Zhulu Academy and ask the Temple of War to send a trillion-dollar army to attack the Ancient Sacred Mountain."

The elder of Zhulu Academy was not deterred and directly characterized the matter as a declaration of war.

If Shi Lei were here, he would definitely give a thumbs up. One of the reasons for choosing Zhulu Academy is that Zhulu Academy dared to resist several sages to take in Xia Youyu, a core disciple of Butian Pavilion. Another reason is that Zhulu Academy is one of the few who stayed in The lower realm resisted the teachings of the upper realm, and even the Fire Emperor fled to the upper realm, which shows the pride of Zhulu Academy.

The face of the Venerable Taikoo Sacred Mountain changed and he said anxiously: "Wait a minute, I, the Taikoo Sacred Mountain, have no intention of starting a war with Zhulu Academy, and I will not take action against your disciples."

The catastrophe is approaching, and the ancient sacred mountain plans to retreat to the upper realm without starting a war.

"If I had said so earlier, it would have been fine. I had to send a battle report." Zhulu Academy was just scaring the Venerable Taikoo Shenshan. He activated his magic, opened the sound transmission array, and said: "Taikoo Shenshan plans to negotiate peace, remember to pay more compensation. "

"You..." Taikoo Shenshan's face was extremely ugly. He wanted to raise his hand and point at the elder of Zhulu Academy but didn't dare.

But the anger in his heart could not be dissipated. He turned to look in the direction of the Yu clan and shouted angrily: "Your clan disciple Yu Zimo and that Shi Lei must be in the same group."

" Zimo was kidnapped." The formation-level expert from the Yu clan quickly explained.

Yu Zimo was kidnapped by Shi Lei. They sensed Yu Zimo's aura when they were rescuing people, but Yu Zimo was swept away by a green rune and disappeared.

They lost Yu Zimo, an outstanding disciple, and also lost four powerful men in the Formation Realm. The losses were huge.

They are victims too!

Why does this Ancient God Mountain Venerable want to cause trouble for their victim? !
There is no venerable person in Prince Yu's Mansion and they cannot afford to offend the venerable person.

"Huh, sophistry, just die!" The elder of the Ancient Sacred Mountain suddenly exuded boundless pressure, and after a while, countless symbols were generated out of the sky, surrounding everyone in the Yu clan.

"We really have nothing to do with Shi Lei. Shi Lei and Shi Hao are still our Rain Clan's enemies." The Rain Clan Formation Realm expert quickly revealed his identity.

It's a pity that the Venerable Taikoo Shenshan has no intention of stopping.

It was seen that its right hand was holding in vain, and the runes surrounding the Rain Clan shrank rapidly.

Everyone in the Yu tribe quickly used their magic to resist, but it was useless. Their power could not resist the Venerable.

"Bang." All the Yu clan members, including those in the formation realm, turned into a ball of blood mist.

"Hmph..." After venting the anger in his heart, the Ancient Divine Mountain Master snorted coldly and left.

There were a few other venerable-level ferocious beasts that looked at Zhulu Academy coldly, then turned and left. They couldn't take action now if they couldn't find anyone. Once they found someone, they would strike with thunder.

The man named Shi Lei killed many of their clan members.

The same goes for that naughty kid named Shi Hao. Unfortunately, the people from Butian Pavilion took Shi Hao and fled here long ago and disappeared, leaving only his disciples to be protected by the Fire Emperor.

With the departure of His Holiness, various forces, large and small, also left one after another.


In the turbulent flow of space, there are ruins of Baiduan Mountain and the underground of Baicao Garden.

With a click, a crack appeared in the humanoid black stone that had been silent for an unknown period of time. The first thing that appeared was a pair of black and white eyes.

As soon as Shi Lei opened his eyes, he saw Liu Shen, Yu Zimo, and Yun Xi.

Using his hands and feet, the black shells on his body flew away, revealing Shi Lei's strong body and majestic talent.

Liu Shen blinked her beautiful eyes, waved her hand, and a burst of green light blocked Shi Lei's key parts.

Shi Lei then realized that he was in a vacuum and quickly looked for his storage bag. Soon he found his storage bag in a corner.

There were hundreds of storage bags, either storing flesh and blood or precious medicines. After rummaging through them for a while, I found the storage bag for storing sundries. After taking out a set of clothes and putting them on, I turned around and came to the three of them.

Liu Shen looked as gorgeous as ever.

Yu Zimo, with a big conscience, was looking at him curiously. Yun Xi stood in the most remote position, as if she was not interested in Shi Lei, but judging from the redness of her ears, she had seen her own superhuman abilities before.

Perhaps because of the advancement of life, he couldn't control it for a while. The diameter became larger and the length also became longer. It used to be deliberately controlled at around 150, but now it's almost 250.

How can ordinary people handle such a shape?
Fortunately, the women with him now are all highly skilled women, so there should be no problem.

Generally speaking, the more developed, the wider.

"Liu Shen, thank you." Shi Lei said with sincere gratitude.

He came out not because the Xuanwu Pearl's power was exhausted, but because continuous advancement would make his foundation unstable.

He now has a huge strength of 15 million kilograms. He can crush him to death at this level of power formation, and he can also control it at ordinary Venerable level. He gained the strength to kill the Venerable one step earlier than Shi Lei.

"No need to thank you. This is the opportunity you found yourself. I'm just helping you. By the way, this is the turtle shell of Xuanwu. This treasure is already psychic and has powerful power." Liu Shen took out the turtle shell and looked into the void. Control the object and let the turtle shell fly towards Shi Lei.

Shi Lei reached out and took it, but the turtle shell did not resist. He could feel a consciousness in the turtle shell, but this consciousness had no intention of communicating with him.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he put the turtle shell into the cave with the willow heart, and then asked: "What level of Noble Phantasm is this turtle shell?"

"True Immortal level, due to its hardness, only Immortal King level or above can destroy it." Liu Shen explained.

Shi Lei could only destroy it if he was shocked by the Immortal King level, so this Noble Phantasm is basically invincible!
I didn't expect the basalt turtle shell to be so strong. No, it should be said that basalt turtle shells are all so strong.

The four great beasts were at least at the True Immortal level in strength during their lifetimes, and the Noble Phantasms they produced should be at the True Immortal level.

In a perfect world, the appearance of the Immortal King level is already in the later stages, so this basalt turtle shell can be used for a long time.

"What about the Xuanwu Pearl?" Shi Lei licked his lips and asked.

"The Xuanwu Bead is said to be able to resurrect dead true immortals, but now its power is less than one-tenth of its peak power, so it should not be able to resurrect true immortals; however, the Xuanwu Bead contains the most core treasures of Xuanwu, and these treasures are even Even in the immortal world, it is enough to deal with enemies below the level of true immortals," Liu Shen explained.

"Thank you." Shi Lei burst into tears. This is a great guarantee!

Unexpectedly, Baiduan Mountain is the burial place of the Xuanwu beast. No wonder there is Taiyi True Water here, and no wonder there is the Fountain of Youth.

The Fountain of Youth is formed by condensing the life force of Xuanwu Beads, which can repair the injuries of the Venerable-level sacrificial spirits.

"How long have I been here?"

Liu Shen's red lips parted slightly and said, "You have been here for more than two years."

"Huh? Where is Shi Hao at this time?" Shi Lei asked.

"He was in the Ancient Sacred Mountain, planning with others to enter Kunpeng's nest."

"Then I have to help him." Shi Lei clenched his fist and said.

In fact, Shi Hao does not need his help, but Kunpeng's Nest will gather a large number of pure-blooded creatures from the Cave Heaven Realm, and there are also a large number of masters of various races gathered outside the Beihai. It is a good time for hunting!
The hunting gene in his body is extremely active and ready to move.

"I'll take you to Beihai, just wait there." Liu Shen nodded.

"You two come here, it's time to set off." Yu Zimo walked over obediently.

Yun Xi hesitated for a moment and then walked over.

Shi Lei took the two of them into the cave where Liu Muxin was.

Liu Shen waved his hand, and green runes emerged, forming a green vortex in mid-air.

"Goodbye Liu Shen."

"Go!" Liu Shen waved his hand, his eyes full of care.

Shi Lei nodded and plunged into the green vortex.


Shi Hao and a group of young talents gathered on a certain peak of the Ancient Sacred Mountain, where a group of old men were waiting for them.

The ancient divine nest appears, and the Kunpeng treasure technique will be revealed, causing turmoil in all directions. If these powerful men take action, God knows what the fight will be like.

They have an agreement not to engage in a duel, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses, the entire wilderness will be unrest, and a major earthquake will occur.

Everything will be solved by the younger generation, so that it won't cause too much damage. Whoever has the best chance to get the Kunpeng treasure will be his.

In fact, these old men transcended the realm of spirit transformation and were restricted from entering and exiting Kunpeng's nest. This was the main reason why they gave up fighting and joined the younger generation to conquer.

If they could successfully enter and exit that sea area, I'm afraid this would no longer be the case. They would definitely have taken action and fought for it at all costs, turning the world upside down.

"Just take care of yourself. We will show up when necessary and no one will be allowed to break the rules." An old man said.

During the fight, there should be no elders of this level participating, because they can't get in, but when it comes to actually leaving the Ancient God's Nest, it's probably hard to tell.

Maybe there will be a venerable party who will take action and wipe out all the juniors. In order to obtain the Kunpeng treasure technique, anything tragic may happen.

Finally, they set out on the road, and the group stepped into a five-color passage, which was the road to the sky on the sacred mountain.

"That sea area is very special. I don't know how many people have died since ancient times. No one knew the reason in the past. In recent years, it is known that it was Kunpeng. You must be careful."

Before leaving, several old men gave final instructions.

At the last moment, the grandfather of the young master of the Celestial Race also appeared. He was the main sage who opened this five-color passage, and he looked extremely majestic.

Shi Hao greeted him when he stepped into the passage. The venerable man's body stiffened, his face turned black, and his hands shook. The five-color passage trembled, and many people turned pale in fright.

"Hehe..." An old man snickered.

This was the mountain protector of the clan, known as the most powerful person in the party. He entered the False God Realm and was beaten up by that naughty kid. Several old men who met him secretly laughed every time they thought about it.

The old man from Tianshen Mountain, who was the grandfather of the young master of the Celestial Tribe, wanted to grit his teeth and hold this naughty kid down with a slap. It was really outrageous to dare to be rude to him, but in the end he restrained himself.

"Bad boy!" In the end, he only uttered these three words and blew out a breath. The strong wind blew up and the smoke covered the sun, blowing Shi Hao directly into the depths of the passage.

"Hey, I haven't reminisced about old times yet. I just met you. I still want to ask my senior for advice." The childish voice came, and the old man's hand shook again, and the five-color channel shook violently.

Finally, the army left. There were divine servants, divine guards, and young people in the spirit transformation realm. They were quite a few, totaling six to seven hundred people.

As if walking in the galaxy, stepping on this passage, everyone rushes into the distance. Time seems to be flying by, and it seems to be chaotic, with little rays of light.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky appeared in front of them, and a moist air with a fishy salty smell rushed towards them. They appeared millions of miles away, far away from the sacred mountain.

"Ah, this is... so magnificent!" The naughty boy opened his eyes wide and felt extremely shocked as he stepped on the soft sand.

He was used to seeing vast wilderness, seeing too many mountains, and hearing the roars of ferocious beasts. Suddenly appearing in front of a sea was a shock. Shi Hao looked around. All this was new to him. He had never seen it before. Pass.

"The sea is really vast." Shi Hao said to himself. He had seen many large lakes with vast expanse of blue waves, but compared with what he saw before him, they were not even small puddles. For a child who grew up in the mountains, , full of shock. (End of chapter)

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