The blood of the perfect world spreads all over the sky

Chapter 334: Sacrifice to the lower realm? I will sacrifice you big religions first

Stone Kingdom, capital city.

Several old kings were discussing matters in a palace, all frowning, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

"What exactly happened? The ancestral land is isolated from the outside world and cannot transmit news. Please don't let anything happen." The War King sighed.

"More than two months have passed and there is no news. There must be something wrong." Prince Ming said.

Shi Hao has been dead for more than a year. Several old kings often think of him and sigh. He was astonishingly talented and strong enough to compete with gods, but he died young. What a pity.

"It's a pity, Your Majesty, that such a beautiful person died prematurely! Peng Jiu shook his head, and then suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, what do you think about that matter? "

"What else can I do? I won't give it to you. You don't have to think about it. It must be those big sects. Don't think we don't know!" The War King sneered.

Recently, someone came to Stone Kingdom and contacted them. They wanted the Void Furnace and the remaining weapons left by the Seven Gods. They were willing to exchange them for other materials.

"These people really deserve to be killed. They were the ones who built the altar back then. They sacrificed countless lives to lure the seven gods to the lower realm. Now they have the nerve to ask for relics?!" King Ming said coldly.

"What they want most is the fragments of the Void Furnace." King Zhan said.

A year ago, it was precisely because the furnace protected the Seven Gods that they were able to successfully descend to the lower realm. Although the runes contained in it were shattered and were crushed in the Xiling Realm, the fragments were still of astonishing value.

Because its material is very special, with some "void gold" mixed in it. This is one of the most precious sacred treasures and is difficult to find in the world.

On that day, Shi Hao didn't know much about its value, but he brought it back and put it in Shi's internal treasury.


Outside the palace, a guard reported and delivered a letter.

This piece of paper exudes a little halo and carries the power of powerful runes. There are some words written on it, still mentioning the Void Furnace and wanting to exchange it.

"You are using both soft and hard tactics. On the one hand, you are proposing an exchange, but on the other hand, are you threatening us? You are saying that the Void Furnace is an ominous thing. If it is stored for a long time, it can easily cause blood disasters. It really deserves to be damned. Is this a warning to us?!" The War King was furious! When he got up, he thought of Shi Hao and his death.

It was precisely because several major religions carried out "Heavenly Blood Sacrifice" that everything that followed happened.

"We haven't gone to trouble them and take revenge. Some people can't sit still anymore. We must have an explanation this time. Do you think our country, Shi, is easy to bully!?" Peng Jiu stood up after reading the letter. , full of fighting spirit.

Stone Kingdom, inside the palace.

"Hey, these people really succeeded in arousing my anger. They sacrificed human beings, caused boundless carnage, and indirectly harmed the emperor of our Stone Kingdom. They dared to ask for the Void Furnace!" The War King was filled with murderous intent.

On this day, I received another letter. It still had the same meaning, but the threatening words were a little more serious.

It is written very clearly on it that all the relics left by the seven gods are ominous. If they are kept like this, tragedy will inevitably happen, maybe it will be a national tragedy.

"It's a pity that we are isolated from Shicun. Otherwise, if we invite those two people, they will be frightened to death!" King Ming said, he was naturally referring to Maoqiu and Xiaohong.

More than a year ago, two creatures who lit the divine fire came here to visit the dying Shi Hao, but this was treated as top secret and the news was blocked.

At that time, the two gods themselves were severely injured and both lost half of their bodies. Now I think they should have almost recovered.

"It's really too much of a deception. After harming the Stone Emperor, you still want to ask for those weapons. Do you think that our Stone Kingdom has no one?!" King Peng said coldly.

They received several letters one after another in the past few days, which made them angry and filled with righteous indignation.

In the past few days, they had been making arrangements. It was necessary to take action. At the same time, they were also very cautious. Since they guessed that several big religions were pressuring them, they must not relax.

You know, there are several venerables from those great religions in total. If they suddenly attack with some powerful divine weapons, it will be very terrifying.

"There is a fire burning in my heart. I really want to kill those big religions directly, overthrow their mountain gates, and sweep them all away!" said the War King.

"What a pity, Your Majesty, such an astonishing talent died too early." When Shi Hao was mentioned, several people fell silent, feeling uncomfortable in their hearts.

Shi Hao was extremely beautiful. He became famous at a young age and wiped out all his enemies. However, he ended up in such an end. It was really ill-fated and made people sigh every time he thought about it.

"Qin Hao has two supreme bones, and he must be making a splash in the upper world now. A few months ago, there was news that he had defeated the five great geniuses in a row."

"Originally, the Stone Emperor would also go up, and he also wanted to make a name for himself..." They couldn't continue.

Now that the matter has come to this, what can be said? Xiaoshi has passed away. He has been dead for more than a year and has finally become the dust of history.

And another young man can get a piece of Shi Hao's bone and rise in the upper world. That is his destiny, and now no one can stop it.

"What a shame. We are still lacking in strength. Otherwise, we would definitely vent a bad breath on His Majesty's behalf and get rid of the foundation and orthodoxy of those great religions."

“Let’s invite His Majesty’s eldest brother, Changchun King Shi Lei, to come out!

King Changchun was extremely powerful, and he destroyed three venerables from Bulao Mountain with a casual move. Behind him was Zhulu Academy.

Even if Zhulu Academy doesn't take action, he still has the super army Chang Chun Army in his hands.

The Changchun Army is mainly based in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Under the auspices of the strong ones in the Array Realm, it can compete with the Venerable Realm. It is somewhat difficult for the army to deal with the Venerable Realm, but it can still cope with the siege of the Great Cult. "

"Okay, since His Majesty is not here, we can only ask King Changchun to come out."

"But how do we contact King Changchun?"

The Shi Kingdom made Shi Lei the King of Changchun, but Shi Lei did not build a palace in the capital, but only sent a team of people to set up an office in the capital.

"Send the message through the Changchun Army!"

"That's all."

Three days later, the ancestral altar in the palace shone brightly, creating a passage, and someone was about to come out.

The kings have been waiting here for a long time.

Not long after, Shi Lei, wearing purple armor, walked out.

"Welcome King Changchun." The kings bowed and saluted.

Shi Lei casually cupped his hands and asked, "Tell me, why do those great religions threaten the Shi Kingdom?"

He didn't take Shi Hao with him, naturally because he planned to drain the life essence of the great religion, and it was the kind that everyone in the entire great religion would drain.

Such an approach was too cruel, and he was afraid that Shi Hao would stop him. After all, Shi Hao was the king of a country and needed to think about the country. Unlike him, he only needed to think about himself.

After hearing this, King Ming handed over a letter.

Shi Lei held it in his hand and watched, and soon a sneer appeared on his face.

He could naturally guess that several great sects must be asking for the remaining weapons of the Seven Gods. He did not expect that the Void Furnace was so important.

"Void gold is a rare divine material. It is difficult to see a small piece for hundreds of thousands of years. There is a little bit in this furnace, which arouses their covetousness." King Ming explained.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Shi Lei said three good words in a row. He didn't go to find any troubles with the big teachers, but they actually came to visit him first, which made a fire rise in his heart.

"Colluded with the upper realm, caused His Majesty's death, and dared to do this, this time they must pay the price!" said the War King.

Shi Lei's return cheered them up and made them fearless.

"Reply to them and tell the big sects that their treasures of suppressing the sect - those true divine magic weapons, etc., are all ominous things. There will be a blood disaster in the Jiuliu sect, and ask them to send them to the Stone Kingdom as soon as possible!" Shi Lei said.

Several Lao Wang were stunned at first, and then they all laughed. This was a tit-for-tat confrontation. If you reply like this, you will return all those words!

"One more thing, they must deliver the Suppressing Teaching Noble Phantasm within two days, otherwise I will come to pick it up in person!" Shi Lei said domineeringly, with a frightening look in his eyes.

"Okay!" Not only the old kings, but also the young guards were very excited and excited. King Changchun was indeed unparalleled.

These words made several Lao Wang feel extremely happy, and they all burst out laughing. The depression that had always existed in their hearts over the past year was now gone. .
The surrounding guards were even more excited, their blood was boiling, and they all clenched their fists.

Since Shi Hao's death, everyone has been holding back their breath, and there is also an unbreakable haze that has enveloped their hearts, unable to vent it out, and it is very uncomfortable.

"It's time to settle the matter. There needs to be an explanation. It's time to make them pay the price!" Peng Jiu said, with a light shining in his eyes, like an electric light.

Shi Hao died indirectly because of these great sects, and the other party dared to come and ask for those murder weapons. This was really too much!
Now that Shi Lei has arrived, he is full of courage and domineering. Before, Shi Lei dared to directly destroy the Lord of the Immortal Mountain. What else would they be afraid of now?
When everyone thought about what was going to happen next, their blood boiled and they were very excited!
Someone brought some paper and ink, as well as some bones, but Shi Lei did not do anything and asked several old kings to write on them. Then he returned the words according to his words and treated them in their own way.

That night, the lights in the palace were brightly lit, and everyone was drunk. Even the guards who were guarding the place joined in, drinking heavily and falling to the ground.

Several Lao Wang couldn't control themselves after drinking. They cried and laughed. The death of the Stone Emperor made them feel very aggrieved and could not accept such a result. Now they are finally relieved.

Everyone was drunk except for Shi Lei, who was sitting there with bright eyes, burning like a torch, especially bright at night.

"Have you replied to our letter?"

In a mansion in the capital of the Stone Kingdom, a man sat cross-legged on a futon, his whole body shrouded in hazy light, like a god. He took the letter and read it carefully, his expression indifferent.

"The Shi Kingdom is really domineering. Do you really think that with just a few sages, you can dominate the world? Not even in this godless era!"

At noon, the palace guards delivered the letter into the palace. At this time, several old kings had already woken up and were talking to Shi Lei. They were all cheerful and smiling.

"Another letter comes so soon?" Prince Ming took it, and after reading it, his face darkened, and he said, "They are warning that bad luck will be accompanied by bloodshed and national this the final threat?"

"Oh, you are very ambitious. Do you predict that the gatekeeper of our Imperial Palace, Stone Kingdom, will be punished by heaven, accompanied by a rain of blood?" After reading the letter, Shi Lei laughed, but a little coldly, and said, "I'll wait and see!"

In the afternoon, a blood cloud appeared in the clear sky, covering the sky. It was extremely depressing and slowly moved towards the palace.

"Are you here? You are so unscrupulous. You dare to take action like this!" The War King was annoyed.

"No, this is the evil spirit generated by the blood sacrifice. This blood cloud is drawn here. Do you want to have a blood sacrifice in our Stone Kingdom Palace?" Peng Jiu's eyes were like lightning. There was a rumble in the sky, and the blood cloud was very thick. Along with the thunder, black lightning flashed out. It was very strange and shocked the ordinary people in Shidu.

"What happened?" Many people were horrified. The clouds pressed lower and lower, almost touching the ground, covering the palace gate, as if they were about to bring disaster.

"The country of Stone is unruly and goes against the will of heaven. God's punishment will come!" As the blood cloud fell, a loud voice came out, extremely majestic and vibrating down.

Many people were suddenly in panic on the street. Mortals were most afraid of this kind of unknown strangeness, and they were all trembling.

"The evil words are confusing everyone, don't panic, watch me slay the demon!" A voice came from deep in the palace, resounding throughout the sky.

At the same time, a bronze bell flew up from the palace, surrounded by firelight, emitting blazing divine energy, and struck the blood cloud.

However, as soon as the bronze bell approached, the blood-colored clouds began to burn, emitting an even more miserable red light, like blood, staining the entire sky red.

King Ming was startled, and continued to activate the bronze bell to dissolve the blood cloud. What was surprising was that it became more and more sad and beautiful, burning blazingly, with runes densely covering it.

"This is a cursed magic circle. It is very huge. He came prepared. It contains endless evil energy, which is difficult to purify in a short time." Peng Jiu said.

"It's really cruel. He actually wants to sacrifice the imperial city with blood. Does he still want the tragedy of Hongyu to happen?" The war king was angry. The person who came was really ruthless. He set up a large formation and wanted to cause a massacre.

The great lords are naturally not afraid, but they may not be able to protect everyone in the imperial city. Some people may be submerged in the blood mist, in which case blood will be splashed on the spot.

Several great sages will rise into the sky to break the blood sacrifice formation. At the same time, they will find that person and kill him.

"No need, I'll do it!" Shi Lei said.

He slapped his palm towards the sky, and a red bird appeared. The fire was so terrifying that it burned the entire sky at once, and blessed the treasure furnace of King Ming.

In the sound of chirping, many curse runes were annihilated and quickly disintegrated, and the clouds of blood were directly taken into the treasure furnace and turned into ashes.

Outside the city, someone's body was shaken and his face was shocked. He knew that this cursed circle could not affect many great lords, but it could definitely cause a blood disaster and sacrifice some guards and ordinary people alive.

I never thought that it would be cracked just after it started.

"What's going on?" He hid in the clouds and looked at the capital of the Stone Kingdom. He watched carefully. He didn't believe that the great sages could crack it so quickly.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he was startled to find that someone had locked onto him.

"Who is this? Impossible!" He was quite frightened. The person coming was much more powerful than several venerables from the Stone Kingdom, and his spiritual sense was frighteningly sharp. He had already discovered him.

"You are deceiving the public with your evil words, and you will be punished if you offend our imperial capital of Stone Kingdom!" A majestic voice sounded in the imperial city, and then a big hand reached up into the sky.

The man was shocked. He knew he couldn't fight. He dispersed the clouds and turned around. He felt that this man was too scary.

However, it was too late. The palm was khaki in color, huge and densely covered with runes. It suddenly reached up and covered the sky, similar to the magical power of the world in the palm.

"Break it for me!"

This person is also a Venerable. Although he has only broken into this realm not long ago, he is very powerful and is good at forming formations and performing strange techniques.

At this time, he threw out dozens of formation flags. As the storm rose, the big flags spread out the sky and the earth, trying to shake the big hand away and let him escape.

What was surprising was that the palm glowed like a raven's claw, and the runes became denser and unpredictable. They quickly gathered together, causing all his flags to explode.

"What, this is..." He was shocked and wanted to shout out the words Kunpengfa, but he was too late. He was grabbed by the big hand with a bang, and then he was pulled into the palace and disappeared from the sky.

Everyone in Shidu was shocked, what kind of divine power is this? A hand came out from the palace and disappeared into the clouds, just like a myth!
With just one blow, he captured a very powerful person, leaving people stunned and thirsty!

"The demon has been eliminated, don't worry about it." A voice came from the palace, stopping the restlessness and making everyone calm down. They felt full of security and felt that the Stone Kingdom was destined to prosper with such a powerful figure guarding it.

"You are..." In the Central Heavenly Palace, the man who was captured trembled as he spoke. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Me! I am Shi Lei, the Changchun King of the Stone Kingdom. Don't you know what happened in Bulao Mountain? How dare you come to provoke the Stone Kingdom?" Shi Lei asked with a cold expression.

"Hmph, you can fight one against three, but you can't fight one against five, or one against ten. What's more, you are not fighting one against three, but you are just defeating Lord Fu Laoshan one by one. Your strength is many times worse than Xiaoshi's. "The captured master snorted, full of disdain, "You were able to capture me just because you were unexpected. Next time I will be prepared, you won't be able to capture me."

Shi Lei looked at this venerable man and said somewhat speechlessly: "You are still so arrogant now that I have captured you. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Haha, if you dare to kill me, you will start a full-scale war. The Shi Kingdom will be destroyed by then, and you don't dare." The captured venerable man was confident.

Shi Lei frowned, placed his hand on the head of the captured Lord, and used the life essence to circulate, using the refining technique in the spirit cage.

The captured venerable became visibly shriveled up to the naked eye, and in the end there was only one breath left.

King Ming, King Peng and others were shocked when they saw this scene, and they were afraid of Shi Lei. This approach was a bit evil, but King Changchun should not be a person of evil...

Forget it, never mind, King Chun is one of our own anyway.

After turning the captured lord into skin and bones, Shi Lei did not delay and directly used the magic from the witch to create several fleshless magical bodies.

These mana spirits fly in all directions.

"King Changchun, be careful. Although the spiritual body is equally powerful, there may be problems if you go to different regions in this way." Peng Jiu advised.

King Ming nodded and said: "Those great religions have remained standing from ancient times to today. They have their own glorious reasons. King Changchun should be careful."

They were very worried that if only the spirit body was used, if the other party used the true magic weapon or activated the ancient magic circle, the single spirit body might be in danger and the vitality of the true body would be damaged.

Shi Lei nodded and said: "I know, the spiritual body goes first. As long as you want to lock in those venerables and prevent them from escaping, you won't let Meng Lang."

"That's good!" Several Lao Wang nodded.

In the heavenly palace, a Kunpeng looked in all directions, its body shrunk to more than a foot long, then turned into a divine light and rushed out, climbed onto the ancestral altar, and headed for Beihai!

Shi Lei discovered from the consciousness of that Venerable that two major forces from the Sea Clan participated in this operation, one was the Venerable Gray Dragon and the other was the Venerable Sea Demon Tribe.

These two powerful men had old grudges with Shi Lei, especially the Venerable Gray Dragon. During the melee at Kun Peng's Nest in Beihai, they tried to kill Shi Lei several times, but a spirit body was killed instead.

A Kunpeng rushed straight to the North Sea, just for them.

Then, a purple-gold Suan Ni roared and crackled with electric light. It was originally very huge and flowed with gorgeous runes, but now it quickly shrank to less than one meter in height. It climbed onto the ancestral altar and headed for Xiaoxitian.

Shi Lei didn't expect that this sect would also want to take action against Shi Guo. This would never be condoned!
He had no good impression of Xiao Xitian in the first place. Before he left the wilderness and practiced in Stone Village, he had come into contact with some bandits recruited by the sect.

In order to find the Supreme Divine Treasure, those people killed many tribes in the wilderness, and their hands were full of blood. Shi Lei once killed a group of them with his own hands, and beheaded a golden sacrificial pangolin.

"It's really hateful that Xiao Xitian wants to take action." said the King of War. Fortunately, Shi Lei knew about it first, otherwise he wouldn't have known that this force had joined.

"They have an irreversible relationship with the Western religion. They had the same origin in ancient times. This time they must have gotten involved because of their relationship with the Western religion." Peng Jiu said.


A red bird spread its wings and was extremely red. It left the altar of the ancestors and went to the West to teach.

Then, a humanoid spirit appeared, holding a black broken sword, and headed for the Everlasting Mountain!

Then, a true phoenix appeared with bright wings and its head held high. It left the altar and rushed towards the Butian Sect.

Several spiritual bodies of Shi Lei left one after another in order to target the sages of the great religions and prevent them from getting wind of the situation in advance and absconding. If such figures escape, it will be a disaster in the future.

He made up his mind to deal with several great sects. Naturally, he would not allow the culprits to escape and would kill them all!

Everyone was dazzled, Shi Lei sent out several spiritual bodies, the power was overwhelming, this was going to be serious, what followed was bound to be a violent storm!
On this day, several major sects received the bone books from the front, and they were all shocked and confused.

"A respected person actually died. What happened?"

What was most unacceptable to them was that Shi Guo threatened them in turn, asking them to hand over the Suppressing Noble Phantasm, saying that they were ominous objects, otherwise a bloody disaster would occur.

This is intolerable. Their threatening words were returned intact, and even worse.

"Who is that person? Don't the Butian Sect and Xiao Xitian each have a venerable person in the Stone Kingdom? Please let them find out!"


In the Stone Kingdom, there is a temporarily opened cave in the mountains. Two creatures are meditating in it. Their bodies are shrouded in hazy light. They look like gods and exude powerful aura.

One of them is as white as jade. Although he has a human shape, he has a long nose and a pair of crystal ivory tusks. He is the strong man of Xiaoxitian, the White Jade Dragon Elephant.

This kind of creature is the auspicious beast that protects the religion!

The other person, with white hair and a childlike face, is a human being, breathing in and out. There is a dragon-shaped air column blowing out between his mouth and nose while breathing. At first glance, he is a great master.

If Shi Lei had seen this person, he would definitely be familiar with it. After the decisive battle between him and Dashi in the False God Realm, this person and Grandma Xihua had taken action together to kill him. He was a respected member of the Butian Sect.

Back then, this person used the power of the curse, which was very strange and almost caused Shi Lei to "fall into trouble".

"Let's go, let's go and see who the divine person is that appears in the Stone Clan." They stopped talking, stood up, and rushed towards the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom.

When they were still some distance away from the majestic Stone Kingdom Imperial City, the two stopped. The old man of Butian Sect sneered and said: "We are not going to take risks, just stay outside and see how I teach them a bloody lesson!"

He decided to use the power of the curse to kill some important figures in the Stone Kingdom and cause chaos in the imperial capital, which was impossible to prevent. His teeth were as white as snow and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, making him look very ruthless.

"Are you just here?" A cold voice spoke. In an instant, the bodies of the two venerables froze, and they were all horrified. The words were so clear that they rang in their ears.

They were still far away from the capital of Stone Kingdom, so they were discovered so quickly? Too scary!
"This is..." (End of Chapter)

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