Faced with the murderous intention of the female war god, Shi Lei was calm and calm. The female war god only frightened him. The murderous intention was fake and she just wanted him to give up on Xia Youyu.

"As for the bet, you were also present. As the goddess of war, you can't have the spirit of contract. As the Changchun King of the Stone Kingdom, I can't be without the spirit of contract. If there is an agreement, it will be implemented."

The female God of War's fierce killing intent paused, and then resumed: "My female War God has always been a person of integrity. Xia Youyu's bet with you in the Virtual God Realm is just a game and cannot be taken seriously."

Shi Lei said with a smile: "Even if it is a game, the contract has been completed and both parties must not violate it. This has been certified by the Virtual God Realm and cannot be faked."

The female war goddess wanted to prevaricate, but Shi Lei stopped her and said, "Why don't you call her out and ask her what she wants."

"You..." The female war goddess rolled her eyes, very unhappy.

"How about we have a fight, and whoever wins will listen." Shi Lei sincerely suggested.

"Hmph!" The female war goddess snorted coldly and said with resentment, "I can't beat you."

She has just entered the Formation Realm and is no match for Shi Lei. In a legion battle, the Female God of War Legion is no match for the Chang Chun Army. The Chang Chun Army has a secret method that can greatly increase physical strength. If the physical strength is sufficient, it can basically advance to the Spiritual Realm. , with enough understanding, the inscription realm and formation realm are not a problem. The body is strong, and the fault tolerance rate of seal inscriptions and rune formations is greater.

"Okay, call Xia Youyu out!" Shi Lei pointed behind the female God of War.

The female war goddess frowned slightly, still not wanting to call Xia Youyu out.

"I am willing to marry Shi Lei." A soft voice sounded behind the female God of War.

Hearing this, the goddess of war turned around and complained: "Why did you come out?"

"Didn't I agree that I would handle it?"

Xia Youyu walked to the Goddess of War, but did not reply to the Goddess of War. She said to Shi Lei again: "I am willing to marry you, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

Xia Youyu blinked her beautiful eyes and said very seriously: "Help me rebuild Butian Pavilion. Please note that it is Butian Pavilion, not Butian Sect."

"Okay, if I step forward, nothing will happen to Butian Pavilion again." Shi Lei promised seriously.

Butian Pavilion is divided into outer courtyard, inner courtyard, and holy courtyard. Shi Hao was once a disciple of the inner courtyard. Strictly speaking, the holy courtyard is not from Butian Pavilion, but from Butian Sect. In the original work, Shi Yi obtained Saint Yue from Butian Sect. With Chan's approval, he was able to enter the Holy Academy to practice and obtain the inheritance of the Heaven-Mending Technique.

When Butian Pavilion was destroyed, the Holy Court did not come forward.

After Shi Hao inherited the throne of the Shi Kingdom, he rebuilt the Butian Pavilion. However, with Shi Hao's death, the Butian Pavilion was occupied by the Holy Court and became the Butian Sect.

Butian Pavilion is really in trouble.

"But I also have a condition. You can only rebuild Butian Pavilion after you give birth to a child for me and advance to the Venerable Realm." Shi Lei finally made a condition.

A blush instantly appeared on Xia Youyu's cheeks, and her voice became softer: "It's okay to have children, but it's not okay to rebuild the Butian Pavilion in the Venerable realm. I can't wait."

In fact, she didn't have the confidence to advance to the Venerable Realm.

There have been many inscription formation realms since ancient times, but there are only a few in each great sect of the Venerable realm. Although she is an outstanding disciple of Butian Pavilion, her talent is inferior to that of the female war goddess, let alone Shi Hao and Shi Yi.

"Don't worry about this. I have the Little Nirvana Pill here. As soon as you give birth to the child, I will give it to you. It will be no problem for you to advance to the Venerable Realm." Shi Lei reassured.

In fact, as long as you learn the essence of life, with Xia Youyu's talent, there will be no problem in advancing to the Venerable realm.

When Xia Youyu heard about the Little Nirvana Pill, her eyes lit up with joy, and she responded: "Okay, we have an agreement."

"Very good, then follow me and we'll go back to Shicun." Shi Lei was quite satisfied and wanted to take the two of them away.

Calculating the time, the witch and others were already eight months pregnant and the delivery date was approaching. He should go back.

"King Changchun, the female war goddess is the saint of my Zhulu Academy. It's not that simple to take her away." A misty voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man with gray hair appeared in front of everyone. "Ancestor." The female war goddess saluted respectfully.

Shi Lei's pupils shrank, the old man in front of him turned out to be a god-level powerhouse who had lit the divine fire.

Before the lower realm of the Seven Gods, respected sages and god-level powerful men with connections would go to the upper realm through the passage to avoid disasters, such as the Fire Emperor of the Fire Kingdom, the former Stone Emperor of the Stone Kingdom, and god-level sages and god-level masters without connections. Choose to hide yourself.

However, the Seven Gods in the lower realm have special means to search for the venerables and god-level ones. Since the god-level ones have a higher priority, there are many venerable ones left in the lower realm, but the god-level ones have disappeared.

Unexpectedly, there are god-level experts in Zhulu Academy.

"I wonder what you mean, ancestor?" Shi Lei asked respectfully, cupping his hands.

He is still a member of the Temple of War, and it is not an exaggeration to call him an ancestor.

"Hold a grand wedding at Zhulu Academy, and then the Goddess of War will step down from her role as the Goddess of War and return to her real name. Only then can she leave with you."

"No problem." Shi Lei agreed readily.

"Time has to go quickly, the wedding must be held within a month."

The old man stroked his beard and said with a kind smile: "Okay, twenty days will be a good day."

"You guys keep reminiscing about old times, and I, the old man, won't disturb you anymore."

"Farewell, ancestor." The female war goddess saluted.

"Farewell, ancestor." Shi Lei also saluted.

The old man nodded and disappeared in a flash.

After the old man left, Shi Lei asked casually: "The ancestors are here, but I didn't notice anything. Do you know what kind of magic the ancestors used?"

He only noticed it when the old man entered the main hall. There was no warning before that.

Given the size of the hall, it was not much different from being completely close. If the old man launched a sneak attack, he might have to bear one of his moves, so he was very interested in the old man's invisibility technique.

Just out of courtesy, he didn't use his heavy eyes to pry.

The female war goddess looked thoughtful, and finally shook her head and said: "I don't know, there is no such treasure in the classics I saw."

"Actually, this is the first time I've met this ancestor. I don't even know his name."

"You haven't even seen him?" Shi Lei was startled, and then he realized later: "Then you still call him ancestor."

"Zhulu Academy did not issue a warning of foreign invasion. The person who can appear directly at the War Temple must be a member of Zhulu Academy. The higher the cultivation level, the slower he ages. He has a head full of white hair. It's not wrong to call him ancestor."

Shi Lei gave a thumbs up and said, "Your analysis makes sense."

This lower realm is really not a lower realm at all, let’s call it a lower realm! That's right, the rules of this world are seriously incomplete and there are holes everywhere. It is still possible to cultivate to the god level. After the god level, you don't have to think about it, so it is not wrong to say that it is the lower world.

But this lower realm hides countless bosses and treasures, such as Liu Shen, Uncle Jingbi, Bird Master, and even Immortal King-level powerhouses. The treasures include Kunpeng Treasure, True Dragon Treasure, Xuanwu Treasure, Suzaku Treasure, and Primitive Treasure. True solution...

It is really mysterious. Perhaps only by reaching the Immortal King realm can one know all the secrets of the lower world.

But he will go to the upper realm in a few years. The secrets of the lower realm will be discussed after he becomes an immortal!
At this time, I am randomly exploring, and I don’t know how I died.

"By the way, why did you run away last time?" Shi Lei suddenly asked the female God of War.

"The skills I practice cannot easily lose my virginity." The female war goddess explained calmly.

"You can tell me directly..." (End of Chapter)

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