The black orc is reporting the battle situation.

"The dark energy warrior is very fast and powerful. It can no longer be locked with the naked eye. Only the transformed mecha warrior can deal with it."

There are two types of mechas in the fleet, one is a human body covered with a human-like machine, and the other is a human body directly transformed into a mechanical body.

The first type of mecha is mediocre. Every interstellar civilization in the entire universe has its own mecha. The second type of transformed mecha warrior has the ability to drive dark energy and can use dark energy weapons. Its strength is equivalent to that of a , the second generation dark energy super soldier.

In the huge command room, all the senior leaders of the Taotie Expedition Fleet were gathered. Everyone frowned when they heard this.

"Blue Star actually has dark energy super warriors? If I remember correctly, Blue Star civilization is not an interstellar civilization, it is just a nuclear energy civilization. Why do they have the technology to drive dark energy?" A captain of a large battleship asked doubtfully road.

"The reason is unknown!" the soldier in charge of the report replied.

Sitting in the main seat, the Howling Commander commanded: "Order 1, let the detection team continue to detect, and if necessary, send soldiers to feint attack."

"Order Two, detach an advance fleet and ask them to organize a fire detection."

"Order three, report the situation to the Lord God Karl and request to send reinforcements."

One captain hesitated: "Is it too fast to request reinforcements before contact is made?"

"I have a hunch that this conquest won't be easy. Blue Star must have more than one dark energy super warrior. If the conquest was easy, there wouldn't be a thousand-year conquest plan." Howl sighed with emotion.

"But we haven't found any other dark energy super warriors yet. Asking for help at this time will affect Lord God Karl's perception of us."

Howl thought for a moment and agreed: "First report the investigation results truthfully and ask for help for a while."

Seven days later, at Blue Star, a university in Juxia City, Shi Lei stood in the crowd and looked at Ge Xiaolun, planning to take action when there were fewer people.

His system has a bloodline plundering function. What he values ​​most in the entire Super Seminary is Ge Xiaolun's galactic power. As long as the energy is sufficient, he can create things from the void. This ability belongs to the ability to create the world. Regardless of the combat power of this ability, just His ability to create the world was of great use to Shi Lei.

The good news is that Ge Xiaolun's location is easy to find. At the beginning of the anime, policewoman Qilin arrested Ge Xiaolun. The police have jurisdictions. He left a mark on Qilin's body. It was easy to find Qilin, and in Qilin's jurisdiction Within, there is only one university.

After finding the university, it became easier to find Ge Xiaolun. He used the programming knowledge of the spiritual cage to invade the campus network and found all the information about Ge Xiaolun.

Shi Lei took a few glances and after confirming that it was Ge Xiaolun, he quit the school.

Although Ge Xiaolun has not joined the Xiongbing Company now, Ge Xiaolun's every move is already under the surveillance of the Super Seminary.

If he is accidentally discovered by the Super Seminary, it will be troublesome. He has brute strength and Qiangwei cannot capture him now, but behind Qiangwei is a country. The power of a country is quite troublesome.

A few hours later, when night fell, Shi Lei ran under Ge Xiaolun's dormitory at an extremely fast speed, and then jumped directly through the window.

"Bang~~~" There was a sound of breaking glass, and several people in Ge Xiaolun's dormitory were woken up, and everyone was still in a state of confusion.

"What's wrong?" A person just asked. Shi Lei had already found his target, rushed to Ge Xiaolun's side, knocked Ge Xiaolun out directly, lifted Ge Xiaolun with one hand, and jumped out of the broken window again.

"Bang!" Someone turned on the light in the dormitory, and the bright light illuminated the entire dormitory. "Fuck, why did our window explode?" "Is it thundering?"

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door. The door opened and it was the dormitory manager. "Board manager, are you so fast?"

The dormitory manager didn't answer. He looked around and found no injured people. He pushed a few people away and trotted into the balcony. Except for the broken windows, there was nothing unusual. He poked his head out and saw that no one had jumped from the building. He was relieved. .

Although he was already downstairs to make sure that there was no bloody flesh below, he still climbed upstairs in an extreme time, in case there was a fight between students and someone was injured, it would be troublesome.

It is now confirmed that no one was injured, and the students in the dormitory did not seem to be gasping for air after a fight.

After breathing again, he said to several people in the dormitory: "It's so loud, can I be upset? What's going on with you? Why did you break the glass of the window?"

"We didn't break it! We were sleeping, and it suddenly exploded. You came not long after we turned on the light."

The dormitory manager frowned, looked at the people suspiciously, and asked, "Are you sure it wasn't you who broke it? Did the glass burst by itself?"

"Yes, who can break the glass?"

The dormitory manager looked at the few people intently, but none of them seemed to be talking. Suddenly his expression changed and asked: "Aren't there six people in your dormitory? Why is there one missing?"

"Young Master? They're all here... Damn it, where's Xiao Lun? Xiao Lun?"


In the Super Seminary, the alarm bells kept ringing, and the entire Super Seminary base was busy. Countless soldiers were queuing up to board helicopters and armored vehicles.

Armored vehicles drove out one after another, and helicopters started to launch.

On the leading helicopter, Qiangwei said angrily: "If you ask me, it would be easier to just take Ge Xiaolun to the Super Seminary. It has to be voluntary. It's okay now, everyone has been kidnapped..."

"Stop saying a few words. Finding the person is the most important thing now." Jace interrupted Qiangwei's words and babbled: "Ge Xiaolun is the power of the Milky Way. It is the product of the joint research of Shenhe Civilization and Angel Civilization. He has Void, anti-void, changing the rules of the universe, defining the rules of the universe..."

"Do you know who was kidnapped?" Rose interrupted Jace. She knew the importance of the power of the Galaxy.

"I know who he is, but I don't know his name. The person who kidnapped Ge Xiaolun was the one who smashed the mecha. The command room gave him a codename, Terrorist No. 1."

"Can you trace his whereabouts?"

Jess took out a tablet, pointed at a fast-moving green dot above, and explained: "It was tracked, but his speed is very fast. His current escape speed is 500 kilometers per hour, which is one-third of the speed of sound. "Conventional armored vehicles and cars cannot pursue him. Now he is still in a densely populated area, and fighter planes cannot be used. We can only rely on helicopters."

"500 kilometers per hour? Isn't this his limit?"

"It's really not his limit. The speed he shot last time broke the sound barrier."

Qiangwei got mad and shouted angrily: "Damn it! What's the use of our helicopter? He can speed up at any time, and once he speeds up, we can't catch up." (End of this chapter)

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