The further you go inside, the more obstacles you encounter.However, the gloomy haunted house is eerily quiet.

"Lorne, do you think there is anyone else inside?" Bingxi had a premonition that everyone was scared away, and it was not surprising that there were only the two of them left.

"You'll know if you go in." Lorne said calmly, resting his hands on the back of his head.

"Ah..." Bingxi was unsteady, and fell into Lorne's arms again.

Next to that smooth long hair, Lorne smelled a pleasant smell, saw Bingxi panicked in his arms, and said with a smile, "Don't rush into your arms."

Bingxi quickly pushed him away, her fair face flushed slightly, she looked at him angrily, and explained: "I was not careful!" She accidentally stepped on some hard things just now, and she accidentally fell down !This guy, isn't he trying to make use of it again?

"Oh..." Lorne let out a long, half-smile.

damn it!What is it that has a deep hatred with her, so that it can't die but falls in Lorne's arms.Looking down, there are a pile of skulls, and there are some shocking bloodstains on the ground.

"This..." Bingxi squatted down to check the truth.The shape of these skulls is very realistic, and it was discovered after careful observation that they were fake.

"What's the matter?" Lorne also came over, how courageous is this woman?Not even afraid of skulls?If it were any other girl, she would have fainted from fright.

"Nothing, these are all fake."

"How do you know?" Lorne was a little surprised, why was she so sure?

"Idiot, even if you think about it, how could the amusement park really use dead people's skeletons?" Bingxi smiled, this young master is really not ordinary ignorant and dull.

"You say Master Ben is stupid?" Lorne snorted, this nasty woman dared to challenge his authority again and again, and he had nothing to do with her! ╭(╯^╰)╮

"Let's go, young master."

Lorne had no choice but to put on a sullen face, and reluctantly walked down with Bingxi.He just wanted to get out of this ghostly place quickly, so that this woman would not have many opportunities to laugh at him. %gt;_lt;%

"Lorne, look!" Bingxi seemed to have discovered the new land, and excitedly tugged at the corner of Lorne's clothes.

Lorne looked forward, "Isn't it just one door?"

"Don't you think this door is strange? Look, it's still locked. Let's look for the key."

Childish enough!

"Miss, you don't think it's a treasure room, do you?"

"Even if there is no treasure, there must be some shocking secret! Otherwise, why are you acting so mysterious?" Whenever these mysterious and interesting things are mentioned, Bingxi will be full of energy, because this is more exciting than anything else. ↖(^w^)↗

Lorne had no choice but to temporarily listen to Bingxi's order and accompany her to find the key. -_-#

Bingxi groped along the way, but didn't find anything. Could it be that she was thinking too much?But what is this strange room?

"Lorne, have you found it?" Bingxi's voice came from the other side, hollow and loud.

Lorne originally wanted to dismiss Bingxi at this point, so that she would completely give up on this idea.But at this moment, a strange box caught his attention. It was obviously an old box, but there was a strange gleam, "Hey, come and have a look! There is an old box here."

With a "click", the door really opened.

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