Vikings: Journey of the Juggernaut

Chapter 38: An ordinary Rayleigh?Scary to think about

Chapter 38: An ordinary Rayleigh?Scary to think about

After the battle, although the response from the stands was not small, compared to the previous two games, the response seemed much bleaker.

"It's not that this Rayleigh is the strongest, why doesn't he look inferior to his two companions?"

"His aura allowed him to mount it, and he allowed himself to be surrounded. I thought he would kill three people instantly with a whirlwind move, but it turned out to be just what I thought."

"The strength is there, but it's just a bit fancy. Facing a prime-age slave, he had every opportunity to stab the opponent's neck with the second sword, but he chose to cut his arm, and then stabbed his heart twice... This Mistcrow warrior likes to drag his feet too much."

"It's true. It's the same when facing a woman with a fierce appearance. One sword can cut through the throat. You have to stab her with two swords on both sides of the heart."

Many viewers seemed a little disappointed. The one who was promised to be the strongest turned out to be in vain. It was not exciting at all.

Some grumpy spectators even taunted loudly:
"In my opinion, this Rayleigh is just a clown for show, who was pushed out to cover up his two companions. The fighting styles of those two people, decisive and brutal, are the real supreme geniuses."

"Well, this guy's fighting style is so sloppy, there's no way he can become a strong man, he's just an ordinary character."

Of course, there were also a large number of spectators, whose expressions and words were full of admiration:

"At the end of the fight, the young slave threw away his weapon and begged for mercy. This is the behavior of a strong man."

"Those who say Rayleigh is mediocre are simply ridiculous. How many raiders dare to allow themselves to be completely surrounded by their opponents? This is a taboo in combat. But this young man dares to do this. This is how confident he is in his own strength!"

"Yes, the moment he faced the siege of three people, the speed, strength, and skills he displayed were all impeccable. At this age, it is rare to have such strength to break through the siege. There is indeed a slight flaw in having to stab the heart. , but young after all..."

"When faced with a slave who suddenly begs for mercy, most young warriors will think twice about it. This guy didn't even blink. He walked over and killed him. He already has the capabilities of a strong man."

"I think it is more exciting than the first two games. The first two games were too fast, but this one is very good and very exciting to watch."


"Do you feel the difference?"

At the baptism stand, Bartholomew looked back at Jackham and asked.The peripheral vision glanced at Kaisen again. Kaisen's eyes changed slightly, and it was clear that he did not need his guidance.

"Yeah." Jecam nodded vigorously, "I feel it."

At this moment, my heart was filled with shock and emotion: As expected of Rayleigh, he never forgets to improve himself at this time.

But he and Kaisen completely ignored this and only focused on killing people and ending the battle.He didn't realize that killing a few slaves was not that important at all. What was important was the harvest from the battle.

Reilly's focus is completely different from theirs. His goal has always been clear. He is not fighting to become an official raider, nor is he fighting to enjoy the cheers of the audience after victory, but to improve his own fighting level.

Surrounding himself from the very beginning was obviously a conscious effort to hone in on a one-on-one duel.

This is exactly the same as Rayleigh's past efforts to intentionally train his hands to balance and to fight with residual physical strength.Faced with a battle that would not endanger his own life, this guy never missed any opportunity to improve his strength.

Faced with being surrounded, Jackham was sure that his friend had the ability to end the battle instantly, but the development of the matter made him very confused at the time.

Obviously he could seal the throat directly, but he was the first to knock off the slave's weapon. The long sword did not go towards the neck, but stabbed into the opponent's heart. Moreover, he stabbed both the left heart and the right heart. It was a complete waste. time.The second female slave, still does this…

At that moment, thinking of the battle between Reilly and Gerrard nearly six months ago, Jackham suddenly realized:

This friend was obviously looking for the two feeling of stabbing the heart and not stabbing the heart, in order to be able to judge immediately whether the sword stabbed the heart.

After that amazing showdown in the warrior assessment, he also thought about what he would do if he encountered a mirror-faced man like Gerrard whose biggest flaw was on the left side of his heart.
The answer is simple: just withdraw the sword in time, at least the weapon will not be jammed; it is enough to remain cautious or to hit the target in time.

Another point is that even if such an extreme situation is fought hundreds or thousands of times, it may not happen again.

Rayleigh couldn't have thought of it, but he still had to go out of his way to find the feeling that pierced his heart——

This is the detail of the strong!

Don't let go of any of your own flaws and loopholes, and improve them.

Now, Jecam once again felt from his friend that it wasn't just the talent gap.At the same time, he felt extremely lucky. Without such a good friend to lead the way, it might have taken him and Kaysen many, many years to discover the details they were lacking.

"Rayleigh, it's really scary!"

After thinking about all this, Jecam couldn't help but sigh again.

"Yes." Kaisen beside him nodded in approval.

The facial paralysis has opened his mouth! !
The old man with the goat's head noticed the slight change in his expression, and immediately felt that the one named Rayleigh must be really scary, otherwise he would not be able to arouse the admiration of Commander Bassomo and these two geniuses one after another.

Although he didn't know exactly what was so scary, the beating was obviously not as shocking as the one from Jecam and Kaysen.

The old man with the goat head was puzzled and killed young slaves and female slaves. Such situations are common and are not terrible.

He killed three people during the siege. Judging from the two young soldiers beside him who were able to resolve the battle with overwhelming force, he should be able to do the same, and it wouldn't be to a terrifying level.

Could it be that daring to be surrounded is too far-fetched.

He specializes in stabbing his heart, and stabs him twice habitually. This is more like a quirk.

The goat-headed old man thought hard for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask everyone: "What is so scary about Rayleigh?"

Commanders Kaisen and Bartholomew, as well as the surrounding soldiers, didn't seem to hear it and were still in a state of emotion.Only the young man Jekham turned around: "You need to understand it yourself, you can't explain it."

The old man with the sheep's head touched his beard: "I'm afraid I won't realize it for a while."

"Go on enlightenment."


The goat-headed old man had no clue. When he saw Rayleigh walking back to the baptismal platform, he seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw and asked directly: "Young man, why do they all say you are terrible?"

"That's because they promoted me. I'm ordinary and not scary." Reilly responded with a smile.

The old man with the sheep's head touched his beard and felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if it had happened not long ago.


In the arena, the next duel began soon, and this time it was not a baptismal battle.

One of them looked like two young and strong slaves who had just undergone training.On the other side was a tall young giant werewolf, with a giant direwolf as big as a lioness standing next to him.

The Ice Dire Wolf is the symbol of the Giant Wolf Tribe and will not easily spread to other tribes. It is said that this large animal is very good at detecting, hunting, and assisting in combat.

When the war was about to begin, the Baptism Recorder also came to the stand and said to Commander Bassomo: "Congratulations, three more talented warriors have appeared in the Mistcrow tribe. It will take about two days to make the Raider battle card. In these two days, In a few days, your three young warriors can continue to come here to compete and earn some extra money. Just like the giant wolf warrior below, they can not only reap rewards but also gain a lot of fame. Don’t worry, we won’t arrange too strong opponents. , there will be no danger..."

He spoke a little louder, and seemed to be telling Rayleigh and the other three that fame had a fatal attraction on young warriors.

"I will consider it." Bassomo responded calmly.

After the official left, Bartholomew looked at Reilly and the other three: "What do you think of what he said? Are you interested?"

"I listen to Rayleigh."

Jecam said something, and Kayson also looked at Reilly.

"Not interested." Reilly refused.

Swords are weapons, not for show, unless you become a slave who has no choice and will die if you don't get stronger.

While talking, a man and a wolf in the arena below also completed the killing of two slaves.



Deafening shrill cheers filled my ears, especially from women.It can be seen that this giant wolf warrior is very popular here.

"The two sides are not equal in strength. It's really boring." Jiekamu followed up.

"That's a good realization." Bassomo showed admiration, "I will take you to Prisoner Island to hunt for bounty during this time."

"Hunting bounty on Prisoner Island?" Jecam's eyes flashed with excitement, "I'm interested in this, do you want to go now?"

Rayleigh and Kaysen also looked sideways, tracking and killing the thugs, which was much more interesting than fighting in this cage.

"Of course not. It's been a long day on the boat. Now let's go eat and have a good rest."

After Bassomo finished speaking, he began to lead everyone out of the arena.

"Old man, see you again if we are destined."

Before leaving, Jecam also greeted the old man with the sheep head politely.


When you come to the bounty tavern, the most eye-catching thing is the wanted portraits posted at the door of the tavern, with a simple introduction to the characteristics and bounty written below.

"Who can recognize it when it's painted like this? Commander, please read the words." Jiekamu scratched his head. With his literacy level, it was really difficult to understand the content above.

"I can't read either." Basomo looked calm. Literacy is not an easy task.

The veteran warrior took a sip of wine and spoke: "The first portrait is of Stone Sword Diver, the strongest overlord of Prisoner Island, with a bounty of 5000 silver coins..."

Jecam suddenly became interested: "This is good, this is valuable, Commander, let's kill him."

The bounty hunters looking around all looked at him like they were fools. When they saw that the person speaking was a strange young man, they turned back.

They have seen many young people like this. They were all high-spirited when they first arrived, but when they returned from Prisoner Island, they were either already corpses, or immersed in the sadness and grief of losing their companions.

Hunter and prey are never absolute.

As a place of exile for thugs, Prisoner Island not only has bounties, but also sharp knives and axes that can kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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