Chapter 133, please don’t kill me

The door is pushed open.

A figure moved very fast, with a crash, he instantly stood up from the tub, grabbed the short blade on the side and stabbed forward directly.

Bawudong made a mistake with his hands, clamped the short blade directly, and snatched the short blade away with a strong force.

He stepped forward and placed the short blade on the opponent's fair neck.

The cold sting made the woman standing in the tub look solemn, her body tense, and she did not dare to make the slightest move.

She never imagined that someone could break into her bathroom directly.

He also began to guess in his mind the identity and purpose of these people.

However, when he saw a young man wearing association leather armor with black hair and black eyes walking in.

They already know the identities of these people.

My heart felt cold.

If you don't do it right, you won't be able to survive today.


Wu Heng looked at the opponent's body without any scruples.

The smooth skin is dripping with water, plump and round, she is indeed a rare young woman.

"Is Madam at home?" Wu Heng asked directly.

"Sir, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding between us. If we have offended you in any way, I will apologize to you first and give you satisfactory compensation." The woman said softly.

Wu Heng smiled and said, "You don't know me? Then how did you find my house last night? Those people personally admitted that they are members of your Spike Gang."

The woman's face became even more ugly, "This must be..."

Seeing that the other party still wanted to quibble, Wu Heng was too lazy to talk nonsense to her.

He gave Bawudong a wink.

The short blade pressed against the woman's neck gradually became stronger, and the sharp blade broke the skin.

The woman felt the tingling and chill on her neck, her face suddenly turned frightened, and she quickly said: "It's 'Fischer'..."

Wu Heng raised his hand to stop Ba Wudong who continued to increase his strength.

Traces of blood flowed down from his neck, staining the skin on his chest red.

The woman's face was filled with fear. She did not call for help or scream. She spoke quickly: "The one who killed you was 'Fischer.' He gave Roach a 500-silver deposit. After killing you, he will pay the remaining part. I am also a member of the association, the Whisperers I joined, we are together, I will not harm you..."

As he spoke, his face became paler.

Wu Heng originally planned to kill Wen Shi.

But the other party was obviously not as tough as he thought, so he said everything directly.

Moreover, he is also a smart person and knows what he cares about most in the first sentence.

Only a few people in the association knew about the conflict between him and Team 8 captain 'Fischer', and the possibility of it spreading to a gang was very low.

When it comes to the assassination last night, it is basically true.

The murderer behind the scenes is 'Fischer', which is a bit unexpected, but it feels reasonable.

The biggest target of suspicion before was his revenge for apprehending those wanted criminal associates.

As for 'Fischer', I had my doubts, but I always felt that the problems between the two parties would not develop to the point where one person must die.

It seems that the other party hates me quite a lot.

The woman looked at him carefully and continued: "This matter has nothing to do with me, and I have no reason to harm you."

Wu Heng said directly: "Compared to your words, I would rather believe the dead."

The woman's face turned pale again and she immediately said: "I persuaded Roach not to get involved in the association's affairs. He didn't listen to me, but the whole incident has nothing to do with me. Sir, you are the field envoy. I am the 'Secret Whisperer' and I have a high prestige in the 'Spike Gang'. I can help you collect a lot of useful information. You have just arrived in Luntam City and you need someone to help you with something. I can help you. Yes, sir, I am of use to you, please don’t kill me..."

The woman spoke quickly and her thoughts were very clear.

Wu Heng looked her up and down, and to be honest, he was a little moved.

This woman is smart and every word she says is important.

Roach must die, there is nothing to think about.

However, after Roach's death, this Spike Gang can help him collect intelligence and deal with some things that are inconvenient for him to deal with, which is indeed a good thing.

It is still necessary to support a gang of your own.

"You want to live?"

"miss you!"

Wu Heng casually took out a scroll from the space ring.

[Slave Contract Scroll]

(Description: A magic scroll depicting a slave contract. The caster and the contractee form a 'master-servant' relationship. The contract is effective and no subjective thoughts of harming the master can arise.)
"I do need what you said, but you are not worthy of my trust. I need you to sign a slave contract with me. This is your only chance to survive."

The slave contract was obtained when killing the orcs in the abandoned manor last time. There are three in total.

It felt useless before.

After all, his skeleton is completely the most loyal.Now it seems that the usefulness is really not small, not even worse than magic props or rare objects.

The woman covered the wound on her neck, with blood still flowing between her fingers, and gritted her teeth and said, "I am willing, I am willing to obey your orders."

Wu Heng opened the scroll and got a drop of the opponent's blood on it, "Don't resist, or I will kill you directly."

The scroll absorbed the blood, pulled a trace of Wu Heng's spiritual power, penetrated into the woman's eyebrows, and was imprinted on her soul.

A line appeared between the woman's eyebrows, then quickly disappeared.

The contract is considered completed.

The woman's body is weaker and somewhat shaky.

Wu Heng put the scroll away and continued: "Stop the wound!"

The woman stepped out of the tub, picked up a bottle of medicinal powder nearby, and applied it to the wound.

The powder covered the wound and slowly stopped the bleeding.

I drank another bottle of potion and my complexion softened a little.

The bathtub still radiates heat.

The petals floating on the water emit a faint fragrance.

The woman stood aside carefully, with a kind of respect in her eyes, and said softly: "Sir... no..., Master, can I put on my clothes first?"

The tone is weak.

"Put it on!" Wu Heng said.

Bawudong put away his short blade and walked back.

The woman turned around, bent down in the tub to wash the blood on her body again, put on a nightgown, and walked out.

Wu Heng sat beside the bed, and the woman knelt on the ground beside him, with a humble expression on his face.

"Where's Luo Qi?" Wu Heng spoke again.

"Roach hid out. He hid outside the city as soon as the city gate opened this morning. If there is any trouble, he will leave here immediately." The woman replied.

"He didn't take you with him?"

"No, he is not sure if you have investigated this place. The other gang members don't know what happened. Only by staying here can I control the others. If there is no danger, he will come back and continue to control the Spike Gang. '."

"He is quite ruthless. He would give up such a beautiful woman as soon as he said she would give up."

The woman looked up carefully and said softly: "Roach was injured a few years ago. We haven't lived together for a long time. The most he can do is touch me randomly."

This is similar to what I heard in the tavern.

Roach was injured, and it was an injury that could not be cured by any medicine in this world.

But listening to Duofang's tone, it seems that he is specifically emphasizing this matter.

"I want to kill him, what do you think?" Wu Heng looked at her and asked.

"It all depends on the master's arrangement. We don't have much affection and can abandon each other."

"Okay, I want to kill him as soon as possible. What can you do?"

"I don't know where he is hiding, but it will only last for three days at most. He will come back after confirming that there is no danger here. I will inform you then."

Wu Heng was quite satisfied with the other party's answer.

From beginning to end, it gives people a very obedient and well-behaved feeling. .

"what's your name?"

"Mansha Wen."

"Sit aside, you don't have to kneel on the ground all the time." Wu Heng continued.

Wen Mansha stood up carefully and sat aside in an orderly manner.

After thinking about it, he knelt down beside Wu Heng again and gently beat his legs.

The loose collar revealed a large expanse of snow-white skin, and under the hem of the skirt were round thighs.

Just now I was only thinking about killing and questioning, and didn't have much other thoughts.

Now I calmed down and got the news I wanted.

Looking at the sister-in-law of the 'Spike Gang', she is indeed as beautiful as everyone in the tavern said.

The skin is white and tender, mature and attractive.

Wen Mansha noticed the other person's gaze and seemed to be quite confident in her figure.

Lean forward slightly so that your chest rests on the other person's legs.

Wu Heng put his hand through the lapel of his clothes, rubbed it twice, pulled him up and sat him in his arms, and continued: "Tell me about 'Fischer', why he came to you."

"Master, there is someone else here!" Wen Mansha squeaked, straightened her body up, and continued: "I was not present at the situation, but when Roach came back, he mentioned it to me. Not sure."

Wu Heng continued to ask: "What other plans do you have in the future? Just forget it if the assassination fails?"

"Roach only has some small tricks. The person who went to assassinate you last night didn't come back, so he was frightened and fled the city. He didn't make any other arrangements. Even if you don't pursue it, he may not dare to take this job again. It depends on what Fischer does."

(End of this chapter)

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