Chapter 216, the growth rate weakens

Photovoltaic panels?

Wu Heng thought for a moment before realizing he was referring to solar panels.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon, the street lights in the community are like this.

But it's of little use to ordinary people.

I have seen some videos before, which are about laying this kind of photovoltaic panels on the roof to provide electricity to the entire building.

It's just that this kind of thing is usually set up in villas or bungalows.

In places like residential buildings, there is no way to lay out photovoltaic panels on a large scale.

It is actually quite understandable that the shelter wants to attack this kind of factory.

In this situation, power supply is an issue for most shelters.

In modern people's lifestyle, without electricity supply, they are no different from primitive people, and solar panels are a good choice.

At least it is simpler than wind power or thermal power.

"Is there such a factory locally?" Wu Heng asked.

"Listening to the tone over there, they should know such a place, and they should have arranged for someone to explore it in advance." Li Yahong frowned and recalled, and continued: "It seems that there are Level 2 deformed zombies and things inside. We need to contact other shelters. Cooperate and the spoils will be divided equally.”

Wu Heng had never heard of such a factory.

But the other party was so sure that he must have definite information, and even said that there were people in the shelter who had worked there.

"When will they leave?"

"I'm not sure either. I just heard them talk about this matter. Do you need me to ask?" Li Yahong said.

Wu Heng thought for a moment, "Ask and see how they arranged it."

"Okay, I'll ask later." Li Yahong looked back at the people in the motorcade and said, "Do you want to have dinner together?"

Now that the convoy is temporarily staying at the passenger terminal, there is no need to run back.

"No, please settle down and I will come find you when you are free in the evening." Wu Heng said.

"Well, then I'll arrange them first."

"it is good!"

Li Yahong waved her hand and walked towards the motorcade.


Li Yahong left, and Wu Heng also returned to the room he arranged.

Go through the boundary gate and return to your residence.

The sound of Minnie and Anderweil cooking could be heard from downstairs. Wu Heng went directly into the study and placed the potions he got today on the table.

In addition to the bottle handed to Li Yahong, there are five bottles left in his hand.

After thinking for a moment, he opened a bottle and drank it.

A warm feeling spreads from the belly to the whole body, and the prompt appears immediately.

[Strength +1.]

This time only a few attributes were added.

After the discomfort caused by the medicine disappears, continue to open the second bottle of medicine and drink it directly.

【Physique +1.】

Still increased a little.

It seems that the effect that the first-level corpse core potion can achieve is fixed at one attribute point.

When the corpse core was first used.

The increased attribute points are three points, and when reaching around level 5, they are reduced to two points.

Now it is only increased a little.

The effect is somewhat weakened.

If one's own attributes are further strengthened, I am afraid that even the last point will not be increased. At that time, you will need to take the second-level corpse core to continue to increase the attributes.

But the potion for the second-level corpse core is still under development, and it doesn’t necessarily have to wait until when.

Looking at the remaining three bottles of potion, Wu Heng did not continue to use it.

Taking it on its own will have little effect.

Use it to improve the strength of those around you and achieve better results.

As their strength increases, they can better complete the tasks assigned to them.

Put away the three bottles of medicine and open the properties panel.

[Name: Wu Heng]

[Level: Level 10]

[Attributes: Strength 25, Agility 25, Constitution 28, Intelligence 30, Perception 18, Charisma 26.]

[Experts:..., Arcane Special Training, Soul Knowledge, Haunting Knowledge, Magical Senses, Arcane Echo, Necromancer, Undead Adaptation. 】

[Ability: Gray Eagle Sword Technique (entry level), strengthening will, soul energy induction. 】

[Skills: Bone Spell,... Bone Arms, Corpse Cage. 】

Looking at the attributes on the panel, Wu Heng started thinking.

According to the improvement of normal professionals, the improvement of one's own attributes is not slow.

There are six attributes in total, and five of them are not low. Even in terms of strength and physique, they are not lower than melee professions of the same level.

The only one that is slightly weaker is perception, which only has 18 points.

Perception corresponds to the quantification of intuition and senses. In simple terms, it is your ability to observe and understand things.

In combat, discovering hidden enemies or traps along the way depends on the strength of your perception.

I'm really not very strong in this regard.

But for Wu Heng, there are also ways to make up for it.

After all, his two ghosts can act as scouts to detect dangerous situations or unknown areas in advance.

This has always been the case.

Having a ghost instead does not mean that this attribute is useless. If you have the chance, you should try to improve it.

After sitting at the desk and thinking for a while, Minnie's shout came from downstairs.

"Master, it's time to eat~!"


Go downstairs.

Wen Mansha also came back from outside.

The four of them were sitting at the dining table eating dinner.

Wen Mansha took a small bite and then said: "Master, no one is going to spread those bad remarks now. We have distributed all the leaflets and arranged for gang members to read them to residents in some places. Contents above.”

"Well, let's proceed like this first, and be careful about the movements on the 'Elno' side. There may be some small tricks." Wu Heng said.

Wen Mansha nodded, "Okay, I'll get people to pay attention." "By the way, have you found out anything about Momluo?" Wu Heng suddenly thought of it and asked directly.

"Not yet. There is a slight shortage of manpower right now, so the collection of intelligence will be slower."

Wu Heng took a sip from the water glass and continued: "Check this person carefully. He should be relatively powerful in the city. At the same time, arrange for people to pay attention to 'Bulk''s residence and pay attention to anyone who comes into contact with his family. "

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow."


Had dinner.

Several people were sitting in the living room chatting.

Wen Mansha seemed to be enjoying her current life, leaning on her chin as she watched Anderweil teach Minnie how to write.

The gang was indeed a little cold, and she used to live there alone.

It will be livelier here now.

When Minnie finished writing, her hands felt cramped.

Wu Heng took out three bottles of medicine.

Said: "This is a potion to improve physical fitness, one bottle for each of you."

Wen Mansha had drank this kind of potion. Potions that could directly change the body's physique were always very precious.

There was surprise in the smile, "Thank you, Master."

He stood up, picked up the potion, and kissed Wu Heng on the face when he sat back down.

It was the first time for Minnie and Anderweil to come into contact, but seeing Wen Mansha's happy look, she knew that the potion was definitely not something that could be easily found on the market.

Otherwise, as a gang sister-in-law, she wouldn't be so excited.

Minnie and Andwyer each also took a bottle and held it in their hands.

Wu Heng said: "Okay, just open it and drink it."

The three of them looked at each other.

He opened the cork, raised his head and drank it all.

Mansha Wen and Andewell's bodies began to turn red like a fever, but the symptoms quickly disappeared.

Looking at his hands, he seemed to feel the changes in his body.

Minnie's symptoms, however, were somewhat obvious.

His body was red, and purple bloodshot eyes began to appear on his exposed arms and calves. His expression was also very painful. He curled up on the single chair sofa and moaned softly.

Anderweil was startled and quickly walked over to check the situation.

Wu Heng also pulled up her clothes and took a look.

The symptoms were much lower than when Wu Heng used it for the first time.

It lasted less than a minute, and all of Minnie's symptoms disappeared.

The crouched body suddenly stretched out, almost kicking Wu Heng and Anderweier.

"Are you okay?" Wu Heng asked.

Minnie felt it for a while and said: "It seems nothing is wrong. I felt so uncomfortable just now. It felt like my blood vessels were burning."

"now what?"

"Now I feel full of strength in my body."

As he spoke, he threw two straight punches.

Bringing up a gust of wind.

Wu Heng continued to look at the others, "What about you?"

Wen Mansha shrugged, "Such a good medicine must be effective."

Anderweil also nodded, "I also feel that I have improved, but I can't say exactly where."

This potion mainly improves the three attributes of strength, constitution, and agility.

No matter where the increase is, it is effective for the three of them.

"Okay, as long as it works, you have to work harder in training in the future, especially Minnie, you have to work harder." Wu Heng said.

Minnie pouted, "Why are you just talking about me? I've worked very hard too."

Several people chatted for a while on the first floor.

Wen Mansha glanced at Wu Heng with her beautiful eyes, "Master, do you want to take a bath together?"

He shook his head and said, "No, I have to study magic today and stay in the room at night."

"Okay, then I'll go back to my room and rest!" Wen Mansha yawned and walked upstairs.

Minnie and Andwyer also tidied up the living room.

The three of them went upstairs to rest.

Wu Heng returned to the room.

Pass through the gate and return to the zombie world.


The sky has darkened.

Several big lights have been set up in the passenger terminal.

In the courtyard, several people from Qiangzi could be seen squatting next to the truck changing tires.

I stood in front of the window and watched for a while.

Wu Heng picked up the walkie-talkie and said directly: "Li Yahong, have you contacted the Flame God Sanctuary?"

A reply came over the intercom, "We have been contacted. I will go over and tell you about the situation."

"it is good!"

Soon, footsteps sounded, followed by a knock on the door.

Wu Heng opened the door and saw Li Yahong standing at the door.

"Come in!" Wu Heng asked him to take a step forward.

As soon as she entered the door, Li Yahong threw herself into her arms and kissed her on her lips.

The two kissed for a long time before slowly separating.

Wu Heng sat on the edge of the bed, pulled the other party onto his lap, and asked, "What did the Flame God say?"

There are on-board radios on military trucks, and the effect is better than the radio originally used.

Therefore, even if you come out, you can still contact the outside world or listen to some information.

Li Yahong said: "Yanshen Refuge has united with other shelters and will gather at the factory tomorrow."

 Thanks to 08a for the tip.

  Thanks to Xingluoxue for the reward.



(End of this chapter)

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