Supreme Dragon Soul.

Chapter 251 Naive Luo Cheng, Hunting Ground!

Chapter 251 Naive Luo Cheng, Hunting Ground!
"Oh? He's leaving?"

In the exquisite attic, Luo Yao, wearing a veil, walked out of the bedroom.

Her black hair was like a waterfall, her proud figure was invisible even under the veil, her legs were slender, her arms were bare, and under the soft moonlight, she was as white as mutton-fat jade, glittering and shining, with unparalleled temptation.


Manager Ye nodded and said, "He has already reached the middle stage of the second level of Tongxuan Realm."

"What! The middle stage of the second level of Tongxuan Realm! This is impossible!"

Ah Mu was also nearby. He was immediately stunned and retorted with wide eyes: "A few days ago, he was clearly only at the peak of the first level of Tongxuan Realm. However, in just a few days, how could he be promoted to the middle stage of the second level of Tongxuan Realm!"

Luo Yao blinked, "Really?"

Manager Ye smiled bitterly: "I know what you think. I was the same before, but the fact is that he has not only been promoted to the middle stage of the second level of Tongxuan Realm, but his blood and energy are like rainbows, and his essence is like fire. His realm is already quite stable."

"This! How is this possible!"

Amu took a deep breath, still a little unconvinced.

It would take an ordinary person several months to advance from the peak of the first level of Tongxuan Realm to the middle stage of the second level of Tongxuan Realm.

She used it for two or three months.

A guy who awakened a useless martial spirit did it in just a few days?

It's not a question of whether she believes it or not.

The matter itself is beyond common sense!

"In addition... I reminded him that someone outside was targeting him and suggested escorting him back to Xuanyuan Sect, but he directly refused."

Manager Ye showed a helpless smile on his face: "This man is not very old, but even I can't see through what he does. I really don't know if he is too young, too naive, or..."

Luo Yao was very calm from beginning to end. Hearing this, she smiled slightly: "Naive? He is not naive."

In Qishan City, she witnessed with her own eyes how Luo Cheng eliminated the Lin family step by step.

He even single-handedly massacred the Lin Family Market, and his methods were so decisive that even some old veterans were far inferior to him.

How could such a person be naive?

However, the current situation is indeed very dangerous.

Outside Lingyun Pavilion, there were so many people who wanted to take Luo Cheng's life that they could not be counted on one hand, and among them were some top-notch masters of the third level of Tongxuan realm.

"Interesting. I want to see how he will solve it this time."

Luo Yao curled her red lips, left a word, and moved. She appeared in the bamboo forest dozens of meters away, and then suddenly stopped.

Turning back, Luo Yao said, "Amu, come too!"


Amu was overjoyed. Until this moment, he was half-believing and half-doubting what Manager Ye said!
"I want to see what a guy who awakened a useless martial spirit can be capable of!"

Amu pursed his lips tightly, thinking this in his heart, and chased after him.

A gust of night wind blew by, and the two disappeared.

Thin clouds cover the moon, and the night grows darker.

Luo Cheng left Lingyun Pavilion without hiding his tracks and walked quickly towards the restaurant where the Flame Jade Lion was kept.

Walking on the street, Luo Cheng tried his best to sense the movements around him, and all the movements within a hundred steps were under his control.

Realizing that someone was following him, Luo Cheng sneered and quickened his pace to go to the restaurant to get the Flame Jade Lion.

"You're taking the horses so late, you must be leaving Linjiang City! Go and inform Brother!"

"Luo Cheng is leaving Linjiang City!"

Many people were staring at this place, and when they saw Luo Cheng taking the horse, a whisper immediately sounded in the shadow of the night.

"Haha, he's finally leaving? I thought he would stay in Linjiang City for a month or two."

In a restaurant, Chen Gong received the news in a low voice.

These days, with each passing day, his anger towards Luo Cheng increased! His anger, which had nowhere to vent, had already boiled to the extreme.

Qin Ming sneered: "Does this guy think he can get away safe and sound by leaving at night? How ridiculous! Let's go! We can't let this damn guy get away this time!"

Chen Gong said sinisterly: "Don't worry, he can't run away! I have asked someone to add fuel to his mount, this time he can't fly away even if he has wings!"

A group of people set out immediately, rushing towards the west gate. Luo Cheng led the flaming jade lion out of the restaurant and walked towards the west gate at a leisurely pace.

After a moment, Luo Cheng's eyes lit up.

"finally come!"

Without looking back, Luo Cheng noticed from afar that Chen Gong and others who were hurrying over had smiles on their faces and quickened their pace.

Soon, Luo Cheng arrived at the west gate.

It was already late at night and the streets were deserted, with only a team of city guards in bright armor patrolling back and forth.

As a commercial hub of the Dai Viet Dynasty, Linjiang City does not close its gates at night, but only increases the fees for entering and leaving the city.

"If you leave the city at night, you need to pay five taels of silver."

Seeing Luo Cheng, a young guard yawned.


Luo Cheng threw out five taels of silver, jumped on his horse, and rushed out of the city.

The young guard was just about to take a short nap when suddenly, a group of people came hurriedly.

"Hurry up and chase him, don't let that guy get away!"

A group of people came over, slapped a silver note worth one hundred taels on the table, and rode away on horseback.

Before the young guard could react, another group of people flew over.

In just a few breaths, nearly thirty people rushed out of the city gate.

"What's wrong with these people?"

The young guard dozed off and his face turned pale.

The people who rushed out were all full of murderous intent and had a strong aura. They were all masters of the Tongxuan realm, and not just ordinary masters of the Tongxuan realm!
The captain of the guard standing aside narrowed his eyes and said:

"They should all be going after that young swordsman. I'm afraid that guy is in great danger."

The young guard was surprised and said, "This guy has offended so many people. Why doesn't he stay in the city? Isn't he looking for death if he goes out?"

"Haha, there are always some people who don't know how to live or die."

The captain of the guard shook his head.

Although Linjiang City has strict discipline, many people still die every day, openly or secretly.

The warriors in Tongxuan realm are fine, but the masters in Juemai realm who are very powerful will not take the ban seriously at all.

A few days ago, a warrior at the Juemai Realm died suddenly in the city. His internal organs were hollowed out, and the murderer has not been found yet.


Not long after leaving the city gate, Luo Cheng heard a burst of dense horse hooves sounds coming from behind.


With a cold smile, Luo Cheng pulled the reins, increased his speed, and galloped towards the direction of Xuanyuan Sect.

However, he soon discovered that something was wrong.

The Flame Jade Lion was in a rather sluggish state, and even when running at full speed, it was only running at 70% to 80% of its usual speed.

"Haha, are you afraid that I'll run away, so you poisoned your mount? That's a really careful plan! Unfortunately, you're digging your own grave."

A cold light flashed in Luo Cheng's eyes, and he continued on his way.

After running at full speed for more than a hundred miles, the Flame Jade Lion, which could run three thousand miles a day, began to breathe heavily and its speed slowed down.

"It's nice here."

Luo Cheng looked around and saw a gourd-shaped low-lying valley all around him, which looked like a natural hunting ground, causing the Flame Jade Lion to slow down.

"Haha! Boy, you're finally here! We've been waiting for so long!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from the woods ahead.

The sound of breaking air was heard, and figures rushed out from the woods and blocked Luo Cheng in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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