Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 14 Class fighting spirit, tongue licking!

Chapter 14 Class fighting spirit, tongue licking!
Guijiu was pulled by Hu Liena all the way to the junior class cafeteria.

As with the four grade divisions, the same is true for the cafeteria.

The junior class has the most students, including many in their teens and even one in their 20s.

"The meals in our martial arts college cafeteria are all made from the freshest soul beast meat. Well, there are animal soul beasts and plant soul beasts. They all taste very delicious (silly and cute)!"

Hu Liena, Gui Jiu, and her brother Xie Yue lined up at window number [-] on the third floor of the cafeteria.

"Especially this one, it's the most delicious showcase on the third floor. I'll give it to you later."

Looking at Hu Liena, who was always talking and talking, Guijiu once again fell into self-doubt.

Isn't this very shy?
Suddenly, his waist was lightly knocked.

Guijiu looked back and saw that it was Xie Yue.

Xie Yue whispered in Gui Jiu's ear.

"Xiaojiu, my sister is like this. She was quite shy at first, but once you get to know her, you will find that she is actually a talker. Just get used to it."

Guijiu smiled bitterly and nodded, "Xie Yue, do you know what classes we have in the afternoon?"

Xie Yue thought for a while and said.

"Today is Thursday, and the afternoon class happens to be Soul Fighting."

"Fighting Soul? Are there no other courses?" Guijiu was stunned.

"That's right, our Wuhun Academy has dozens of junior classes. The Thursday afternoon classes are all about fighting souls. And the top three in each class can go to the Wuhun Mimicry Training Environment to practice on Friday. , the benefits are huge!”

Xie Yue said.

"There are only three places in each class?"

"That's right, there are two types of Wuhun Mimicry training environments in our academy. One of them is the general Wuhun Mimicry training environment like other advanced soul master academies in Douluo Continent. We call it the Wuhun Dynamic Training Environment."

Xie Yue said, arousing Guijiu's curiosity.

"Is there another one?"

"There is another one that our Wuhun Academy has only developed in the past hundred years, and each time it is activated, it consumes a huge amount of resources. Therefore, students in our entire academy only have one chance a week to be able to open it on Friday. Enter it and practice.”

Xie Yue said, the look of longing on her face became more and more obvious.

"Of course, in addition to every Thursday, the top three soul fighting souls in each class can enter to practice, there is also a whole grade soul fighting competition every two and a half months. At that time, there will be one group for the junior class and one group for the intermediate class. , one group for the advanced class and one group for the elite class.

As long as you are in the top ten of your grade, you will get the opportunity to practice for two days on the weekend. "

"I've been in the junior class for almost a year, but I haven't even gotten a chance."

Having said this, Xie Yue was a little downcast.

Guijiu suddenly asked.

"Then Xie Yue, tell me, what are the rules of the competition?"

"Rules of the competition?" Xie Yue was startled and then said.

"The rules of the competition are that a team of three will carry out a team spirit fight within the prescribed limits of the playground. Only the team that wins in the end will be qualified."

"In the past, Nana and I, because of our low soul power, only students with the same soul power as us formed a team with us. The combination of the three of us could not defeat the encirclement and suppression of others at all. It was quickly eliminated.”

When Guijiu heard this, he immediately patted his chest and said.

"Now that I'm here, I'll take you and Nana this afternoon to become No. 1 in the class!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

After lunch, Guijiu and his group returned to the classroom in the afternoon and were led to the playground.

The junior class where Guijiu was in had a total of 41 people before. This time Guijiu came, and they just happened to have a multiple of three.

Gui Jiu's class teacher is named Qiangu Xun. She is the youngest daughter of Qianjun Douluo who is enshrined in the sixth hall of the enshrinement hall. She is less than 50 years old and is said to be a Contra.

"Ahem, today is Thursday again. I think everyone should know the purpose of our appearance in this playground today. Without further ado, please quickly choose your teammates and form a three-person team. When the time comes, we will Start fighting souls!" As soon as Qianguxun finished speaking, the entire class scattered.

Among them, most people have a clear goal at the beginning.

Just like Guijiu, Hu Liena and Xie Yue.

The three of them stood together, which made Qianguxun notice this.

I couldn't help but think: This Guijiu looks very confident, but I don't know what his actual combat ability is. After all, he is a disciple of the Pope.

I just don’t know if what Aunt Qingluan said before is true.

Soon, the trio was finished, and they all stayed in this huge circle painted with white powder.

Qianguxun also exited the venue, and with the sound of a bell, she also shouted.

"The soul fighting competition begins now! Release your martial souls!"

"Gengar, possessed!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Gui Jiu did not hesitate and released Geng Gui's martial spirit, and a strange laugh came from his mouth.

After returning to Wuhun City, Guijiu stayed up all night.

Before coming to Wuhun Academy, Geng Gui had returned to normal and also brought a surprise to Gui Jiu.

Soul skills: tongue licking and tooth for tooth.

These two soul skills are still inferior to the soul skills obtained by absorbing soul rings.

But this is also easy to understand, after all, the soul ring skill must absorb the soul ring.

Comprehending these two soul skills was a complete accident and an unexpected joy.

Among them, the tongue licking function is to stick out a long tongue and lick the opponent all over to attack, which will most likely paralyze the opponent.

Of course, in Guijiu's opinion, this is more of a mental injury, and this tongue licking soul skill is somewhat perverted.

If you meet a female soul master who loves to be clean, if your whole body is really fucked, she will probably go crazy and enter a state of explosive cum.

Fortunately, the licking was not with Guijiu's tongue, but Geng Gui's.

And the upper limit of tit for tat is very high.

The power of this soul skill depends entirely on the level of Gui Jiu's soul power.

It is a charged attack. If you can attack after the opponent, the power of the move will be doubled, which is very easy to use.

"Martial Soul Moon Blade!"

"Martial Spirit Demon Fox!"

Xie Yue and Hu Liena summoned martial spirits at the same time and stood beside Gui Jiu.

"The game has begun. Let's take the initiative and defeat the other groups first!"

After Guijiu finished speaking, he saw him floating up.

The huge scarlet tongue of Gengar behind him stretched very long and fell straight to the ground, causing a funny and terrifying visual effect.

"Nana, let's come together too!"

"Yeah, okay, brother, let's go help senior brother together!"

Gui Jiu's goal is to form a team whose members are all beast spirits.

It is worth mentioning that the soul masters in the junior class all have orange soul rings that are hundreds of years old, and there is no white soul ring that is less than a hundred years old.

(End of this chapter)

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