Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 25 8 month later

Chapter 25 Eight months later
"...This was a good thing. As long as Xiaojiu and Nana ran out of soul power, they would be fine and exit the spirit fusion state. However, Qianguxun forced his way in, causing Xiaojiu to fall into coma and Naina to Na and Xieyue have also exhausted their soul power."

"Hmph! Don't think that just because she is Qianjun's little daughter, she can be so disregardful of my disciple's safety!"

Bibi Dong snorted coldly and walked out of the Pope's Palace.

In Bibi Dong's eyes, her two precious disciples are the most important, and the other students in the junior class are nothing compared to them.

Qiangu Xun's move, in Bibi Dong's opinion, was very reckless. With the Soul Saint cultivation level, he directly broke into it and made Gui Jiu unconscious.

If it weren't for nothing major, Bibi Dong wouldn't give up.

As for Gui Mei, he was also surprised after hearing the news.

"I didn't expect that Xiaojiu would actually trigger this trinity martial soul fusion skill and fall into a coma..."

As soon as the ghost's figure moved, it exploded into the sky and flew towards Wuhun Academy.

The same was true for Yue Guan, but when he got the news, Bibi Dong and Gui Mei had already left. He had just returned from the Devil's Cry Swamp and was in seclusion.

After getting the news, he also chose to fly to Wuhun Academy immediately.

Guijiu was carried to the bench next to the playground. Fortunately, the weather was still cool, Guijiu's breathing was steady and his face was gentle.

Qianguxun breathed a sigh of relief, she thought to herself.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the students, otherwise they would have suffered.

After all the students were shrouded in the black mist, they were all pulled into a nightmare and fell into a nightmare.

But fortunately, the time was short. After waking up, everyone only had sweat on their backs, and their physical condition recovered within a few breaths.

Only Lin Feng.

This guy was in a dream, being chased by a giant red wolf and jumping up and down, so embarrassed.

After I recovered, I was sweating profusely and looked a little weak.

On Guijiu's side, in a coma, his consciousness came to the spiritual world.

It's pitch black here. No matter which way you look, you'll feel like you're trapped in darkness, and your consciousness will even begin to blur.

In a flash, a figure that was all too familiar to Guijiu appeared in Guijiu's eyes.


Guijiu exclaimed in his heart.

"My host..."

"Life force, I need life force..."

"Wake me up as soon as possible, and you and I will bring nightmares to this continent!"

Darkrai's expressive ability seemed to be poor. Guijiu listened for a while before he understood some of the meaning.

Gui Jiu's eyes lit up and he said, my soul skill configuration makes me a good material to become an evil soul master.

Now it seems that Darkrai just needs life force.

Could it be that my path from now on is to become an evil soul master?

Just when Guijiu was stunned, Darkrai disappeared, replaced by white flowers.

Guijiu was stunned and suddenly felt that his body could move.

There was a noisy sound in both ears, Guijiu opened his eyes, and what came into view was Hu Liena's little face covered with tears.

Seeing Guijiu wake up, Hu Liena threw herself directly into Guijiu's arms.

"I thought you would never wake up again."

"How is that possible? It was just a small coma. Now that I wake up, I feel a lot more relaxed!"

Guijiu looked to the other side and was shocked to find that his teacher Bibi Dong was actually confronting Qiangu Xun. "Your Majesty the Pope, are you okay now?" Qiangu Xun said, neither humble nor overbearing.

Guijiu looked confused, and in a blink of an eye, the ghosts also came to the scene.

Today is Thursday. Guijiu, Hu Liena and Xie Yue were taken back to the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong, Gui Mei, and Yue Guan looked at Gui Jiu and Hu Liena in front of them.


"What happened today?"

After Guijiu told the truth, Gui Mei smiled happily.

"I really didn't expect that Xiaojiu, who is only level 19 and not even a great soul master, actually has the trinity soul fusion skill with Hu Liena and Xie Yue. The future is promising!"

Bibi Dong had a different kind of emotion in her eyes right now.

The last trinity spirit fusion technique was performed by Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong and Flender, and among the three, there was one person who made Bibi Dong have a deep affection for him.

Ahem, I won’t say it anymore, everyone understands it.

"Xiao Jiu, tell me, what is the specific effect of this trinity soul fusion skill of You and Nana? What is its name?"

Guijiu and Hu Liena looked at each other and replied.

"As for the name, I've already thought of it. It's called Nightmare Coming!"

"The effect of this martial soul fusion skill is to emit a strong black mist. The soul masters in the black mist will be dragged directly into the nightmare dreamland. In the dreamland, they are under my control! "

"I can make them aware of being... in this way."

After Guijiu finished speaking, the eyes of several people even became a little strange.

Of course, Guijiu didn't finish everything, he only briefly talked about the vitality part.

Otherwise, he would really be regarded as an evil soul master!

But even so, Bibi Dong still raised her forehead and sighed.

Then Guijiu talked about the soul skill he used, Dream Eater.

The soul-calling skill of Eater of Dreams made Gui Mei's eyes light up, and he said directly.

"It feels good to recruit dream eaters. Then even if you are alone and cannot use this trinity martial soul fusion skill, you can easily defeat the opponent when he is trapped in a dream."

"Well, of course the premise is that you have your own soul skills that can stun the soul master."

Guijiu nodded, "Of course, I already have a plan in mind."

the second year.

This year is the year when Douluo Continent, Tiandou Empire, and Star Luo Empire join forces with Wuhun Palace to hold the first continent-wide elite soul master academy competition.

Now, it has been almost eight months since the day when Guijiu, Hu Liena, and Xie Yue came up with the martial soul fusion technique.

In the past eight months, Guijiu's soul power has reached level 26, which can be said to be a rapid progress. Guijiu guessed that the reason was that he swallowed a White Bone Grass and a White Bone Grass King, plus his own martial arts. Because of the special soul.

Hu Liena and Xieyue are also very different from the original work.

Perhaps it was because he and Guijiu had martial soul fusion skills, and Yueguan also gave them a bone grass each.

Although not as good as Gui Jiu, the two have now reached levels 22 and 21 respectively.

Even ordinary people with full innate soul power are not as fast as the two of them in cultivation. This directly caused Bibi Dong to have a smile on her face and she was much happier every day.

During this period, under the guidance of Bibi Dong, Gui Mei and Yue Guan, the trio's trinity spirit fusion skills also progressed rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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