Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 36 Canyon, Moon-Watching Ghost Vine

Chapter 36 Canyon, Moon-Watching Ghost Vine

Guijiu briefly introduced the two of them, and Gui Mei nodded slightly after hearing this.

"This soul skill can indeed be of great use sometimes. You kid got an advantage and acted like a good boy. From yesterday to now, you have 'learned' two soul skills in total. It's too late for others to envy you!"

Yue Guan nodded, remembering the time when the two of them hunted Tang Hao together with Pope Qian Xunji.

If he had this soul summoning skill at that time, how could Tang Hao have been able to escape?
If he could have used this soul summoning skill to immobilize the two of them before Ah Yin gave birth, Qian Xunji would not have been left in the cold.

Speaking of which, it has been three years.

I don’t know how Tang Hao and that bastard are doing.

Moon thought with concern.

A child born from the combination of a title and the transformation of a 10-year-old soul beast.

There is no difference in talent!

"On both sides of the spring, there is also a fairy herb. Unfortunately, they are highly poisonous. If they are not used within a short period of time after being picked, they will turn into liquid water full of cold poison and fire poison. , we can only let these two fairy grasses continue to grow here for the time being."

Yue Guan looked very pity.

"Well, it seems that Dugu Bo's son is temporarily out of danger. Let's rest for the night. We will set off at dawn tomorrow morning!" Ghost nodded and said.

The ghost then went to the forest to catch a few soft-bone rabbits. After returning and completing a series of actions such as skinning and removing the internal organs, the three of them roasted them on the fire and had a delicious meal.

It is worth mentioning that when Guijiu absorbed Wangchuan Qiushui Dew, Yueguan also absorbed QiRongTongtianJu during this period, which not only made up for the shortcomings of his own martial spirit, strengthened the origin of his martial spirit, but also directly increased his own strength from 95 level, crossing to level 97.

The strength of the two at this time is also at the top of the title in the Wuhun Palace.

If you use the martial soul fusion skill: Bipolar Stationary Field, even Qian Daoliu can immobilize him!And there’s definitely a lot of time!
Regarding the remaining fairy grasses, Yue Zhanli also had a plan.

Among them, one still had to be given to Bibi Dong.

Even if Bibi Dong doesn't want it, he still has to give it.

When Yueguan mentioned this matter, Guijiu thought for a moment and realized that none of the remaining fairy grasses were suitable for Bibi Dong in terms of attributes.

And now Bibi Dong, although her strength is limited by the Rakshasa Divine Examination, her own soul power is definitely not bad. After all, there are still a few soul ring positions behind that have not absorbed the soul rings.

In the end, Guijiu decided to give the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product to Bibi Dong.

Although it does not directly have the effect of improving qualifications and soul power, it is still a fairy grass after all.

If you want to use this to recruit the Yang family of the broken clan, this will have a great effect.

Although in Guijiu's view, there is a deep hatred between the Yang family and Wuhun Palace and cannot be recruited, it is still possible to keep it for other uses in the future.

The next morning, early morning.

At this time, Dugu father and son were already hugging each other and crying.

Last night, Dugu Bo endured the pain in his bones to help Dugu Xin absorb the soul bone, and then guide the toxin into the soul bone. Now that Dugu Xin is temporarily out of fear of his life, how can the two father and son not be happy and encouraged?
Gui Jiu was led by Gui Mei and Yue Guan, flew out of the Ice and Fire Eyes, and began to look for a suitable soul beast for Gui Jiu.

Finally, the three of them came to a dark canyon.

"The yin energy here is very heavy, which is very suitable for the growth and reproduction of dark attribute soul beasts. I think you should be able to find a suitable soul beast here to absorb the soul ring." Gui Mei stepped on the slightly sticky soil, Gui Mei said. He glanced at it and said.

The sun has slowly risen, and the warm sunshine has spread to every corner of the Sunset Forest.

This dim canyon was not included in this list. Towering trees completely covered the sky above the canyon. Not a trace of sunlight shone on the valley, and it was completely shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Guijiu stretched his body. In this dark canyon, he even felt that the soul power in his body was cheering and encouraging.

"This is a good place. Although it is not as good as the dynamic training environment of martial arts in the academy, the effect of training here is definitely much better than the outside world!"

Guijiu sighed.

"This canyon is full of dangers. If you really practice here, I'm afraid as soon as you close your eyes, the vines underground will suck you down to nothing but bones."

Yue Guan felt it, and there were dense vines under the sticky soil under their feet.

To be precise, they are densely packed and strong roots like vines, and some even have faint traces of blood on them. I don't know if they are formed naturally or otherwise.

Guijiu looked at the bushes in front of him, which were also dark green and emitted a strange blue light.

Gui Jiu released a little soul power, causing it to spread evenly on the bushes from the form of mist.

The next moment, not only did the bushes not wither as before, but the blue light became stronger. The last white light suddenly appeared, and there was a strange chill that gave Guijiu a layer of goosebumps.

"Xiao Jiu, please also pay attention. The soul power of dark attribute soul masters like us is very attractive to such dark attribute soul beasts.

Especially you, your soul power is a bit weird compared to mine. To ordinary plants, or plant soul beasts with other attributes, your soul power is poison. "

"But for this kind of dark attribute plant soul beast, it is like nectar and dew. You should also pay attention to this when you are outside in the future, and use it rationally to enhance your strength."

Ghost said.

"Just like the bush in front of you, although it is only nine years old, after absorbing this bit of your soul power, its age has directly exceeded 13 years, and it has become a true soul beast."

In Douluo Continent, if the age is less than 10 years, it cannot be regarded as a soul beast in the true sense, but can only be regarded as an animal.

Guijiu nodded thoughtfully, and then heard Gui Mei speak again.

"There is a king in this canyon. Its age is about 7 years. Under the soil are its strong roots like vines..."

"Last time, Xiaojiu, the soul ring you absorbed was 300 years old. This time, I think your third soul ring should be able to absorb 3000 years! Your martial soul is very malleable, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. You develop it, so the life of the soul ring should be as high as possible."

As Gui Mei spoke, he led Gui Jiu to a rock wall.

"Behind this rock wall, there is a soul beast that is suitable for you. It is three thousand and one hundred years old. It should be suitable for you!"

Yueguan explained.

"Behind this rock wall is a moon-watching ghost vine. This kind of soul beast doesn't like killing and grows by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon."

"But this one is different..."

(End of this chapter)

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