Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 41 Tiandou Temple, Salas’ basement?

Chapter 41 Tiandou Temple, Salas’ basement?

Walking off the soul-fighting platform, Guijiu felt several soul powers hitting him because of his strong mental power, and wanted to explore him.

But there is a black hairpin of unknown material on her waist that can hide her aura.

They all returned without success, and Guijiu was happy and at ease.

I was still thinking about Grandpa Ghost, the ghost tree that I had obtained in the Sunset Forest.

This thing is good for his practice. According to the ghost, it must be made into a bracelet or other things to wear on the body according to ancient methods to maximize its effect.

This couldn't help but make him a little curious and expectant.

As soon as he walked out of the big spirit arena, Guijiu noticed a few guys following behind him.

Maybe you think he is easy to bully?
After Guijiu walked for a while, he gave up this guess.

These guys followed for a while and then left. I don't know which family sent the "dog".

If they think I am some noble young master, maybe they want to see my face clearly?

Guijiu thought in his heart.

He came with the large army on this trip, and he was not a member of the Wuhun Academy team, so his information was not leaked in any way.

So don't be afraid at all.

When he returned to the hotel, he found that Yue Guan was clearly visible and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Can not help but asked curiously.

"Grandpa Yue, what happy thing happened to you?"

Yue Guan chuckled lightly.

"This guy Dugu Bo has surrendered to me."

Gui Jiu nodded and smiled, so it turned out to be this.


"Isn't it bad?"

Yue Guan nodded slightly.

"Of course it's very good. I also discussed with him the relationship between him and my Wuhun Palace. Although he has joined the Wuhun Palace now, he has not informed your teacher after all."

"What I mean is, let him stay in Tiandou City for the time being and wait for your teacher's arrangements later. I believe His Majesty the Pope will not refuse such a free title!"

"For now, just continue to be in Tiandou City and be his guest at Prince Snow!"

"When His Majesty the Pope finds out, he will definitely reward you. If it weren't for you this time, how could I have been directly promoted to level 97?"


Yue Guan laughed loudly, but Gui Jiu chuckled.

"Grandpa Yue, I happen to be bored too. Why don't you take me somewhere to have fun?"

Yue Guan groaned softly and said.

"I'm just about to go to my Spirit Hall, the temple in Tiandou City. I don't know what this old guy Salas is doing. Since you're bored too, I'll take you with me."

"It's also a good time to let him know how powerful my lineage in the Pope's Palace is, and also to let him know that An An can just be his Platinum Bishop, otherwise death will be waiting for him."

This guy Salas jumped repeatedly between the altar hall and the papal hall.

It only took a few months for it to stop.

Because of his repeated horizontal jump operations, the Enshrinement Hall, which did not pay attention to the management of Wuhun Hall, abandoned him.

As a result, he had no choice but to hand over his certificate of surrender to Bibi Dong.

But Bibi Dong would not let it go, so before the two left, she specifically asked Yue Guan and Gui Mei to make Salas realize his position.

As for whether to replace Salas in the future, it depends on his performance. After all, although Salas's character is not good, his own strength is still good.

Due to his Soul Douluo cultivation and his super ability to deal with affairs, his status in the Soul Palace is basically just under the title.


Guijiu nodded and said softly.

"Then go have a look!"

Yue Guan took Gui Jiu and went straight to the Wuhun Hall.The Wuhun Hall in Tiandou City is very luxuriously decorated, although it is still inferior to the Wuhun Hall headquarters in Wuhun City.

But among all the Spirit Hall branch halls in the entire Douluo Continent, it is the best, and the other Spirit Hall temple in Xingluo City, the capital of the Star Luo Empire, is not as good.


Yue Guan walked in front, Gui Jiu followed behind.

Glancing at the guarding knights around him, Yueguan ignored them.

Secretly releasing his powerful aura, he stopped the guarding knights who were about to step forward to ask what their purpose was.

In the empty hall, soul masters dressed in deacon costumes were walking around one after another.

After seeing the clothes on Yueguan's body that only belonged to the titled elders, I thought of the two titled elders who came here from the headquarters.

Immediately shocked.

Then they all bowed their hands in unison.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Yue Guan glanced around, nodded with satisfaction, and waved.

"Well, everyone stand up straight. Where is your palace master Salas?"

One of them stood up and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, the Palace Master is not in the palace, but was invited to go to the elite competition venue to watch the match."

Yue Guan was stunned, shook his head and smiled.

"I forgot about this, so how long will it take for him to come back?"

the man replied.

"Your Majesty, it probably only lasts half an hour. In the past, the palace master always came back at this time!"

Yue Guan nodded thoughtfully.

"Half an hour, that's fine. I'll take a look at the things in the temple. Send someone to get all the data on the things in the nearest temple, and I'll take a good look."

"By the way, I also want those that Salas has already dealt with!"

"Well, okay, Your Majesty!"

The man looked happy and agreed quickly.

Then Yue Guan brought Gui Mei to Salas' office.

It looks extremely luxurious, not only from the decoration point of view.

The items placed in the house are even more dazzling, just like a big store.

Yue Guan held a vase in his hand and looked at the exquisite patterns on it.

Can't help but sneer.

"It seems that Salas is living a very comfortable life in Tiandou City! The objects placed in the house, at first glance, are worth at least hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins."

"Xiaojiu, you can play around for a while while I take a look at these objects and the information they will send over later."

After Yue Guan finished speaking, he continued to fiddle with it, but his eyes were soon attracted by the things on Salas' desk.

Guijiu, on the other hand, was a little bored and began to release his mental power and explore the surrounding environment.

The result really made him feel a basement.


Guijiu made a confused sound.

In his perception, behind the bookshelf behind Salas, there was a passage leading to the basement, but it was covered up.

It reminds me of the first appearance of Salas in the original work, wanting to auction a Catwoman.

Guijiu couldn't help but think about it.

'Could it be said that this is a place specially created by Salas to raise the girls with soul beast characteristics that he obtained at auction? '

Dang even told Yue Guan about the existence of the basement and his conjecture.

(End of this chapter)

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