Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 47 Three thousand-year soul bones!The second martial spirit Darkrai absorbs the 3-winged ang

Chapter 47 Three 10-year-old soul bones!The second martial spirit Darkrai absorbs the Seraph Golden Crocodile King martial spirit
"The vitality here is extremely strong!" Darkrai said in surprise.

"Darkrai, look quickly to see if there are any martial spirits and soul bones that still exist!" Guijiu said quickly.

"Well, let me feel it."

Darkrai appeared from behind Guijiu, silently closing his eyes, and then a layer of black rippled gas surged away from the front in an instant.

In an instant, in the entire Douluo Palace, the situation among the thousands of coffins accumulated over countless years was clearly felt by Darkrai.

The farther back it goes, the grayer it becomes.

The so-called gray and white refers to whether there is life in these coffins in Darkrai's eyes.

Gray means none.


"Xiaojiu, I found three pieces!"


Just three yuan?
Guijiu felt something was wrong. Even if the number of soul bones in Douluo Continent was scarce in the past, it wouldn't be the only number in Douluo Palace, right?

Or is it that those previous soul bones will disappear with the passage of time?

Gui Jiu was puzzled, but for now, three soul bones were already the best!
Darkrai continued.

"This Douluo Palace cannot be built by mortal craftsmen! It is definitely the handiwork of gods!"

"As for this Douluo Palace, if I'm not wrong, its function is to serve as a bridge to transport the gods from the God Realm to the Douluo Continent!"

"I think about it now, it turns out that's the case!"

Darkrai suddenly realized.

"Although this Douluo Palace can maintain its operation by relying on the soul power between heaven and earth, as time goes by, the divine power attached to it begins to decrease, so it can only rely on the dead people in this Douluo Palace. The vitality and soul bones of the strong man are used to maintain the operation."

"There is no need for me to explain what vitality is."

"And soul bones are a rare and peerless treasure among the soul beast clan. Although they are useless to soul beasts, they are a rare treasure for soul masters. Absorb them to maintain the operation of the Douluo Palace. , which makes sense."

"But I also felt that the three soul bones are very old, and one of them is even 30 years old."

After hearing what Darkrai said, Guijiu's eyes lit up.

"Quickly, find the three soul bones first, and then you can suck out all the life force and martial souls!"

If he guessed correctly, the one who decorated the Douluo Palace was the first generation of angel gods.

But the first-generation Angel God has long since become cold, so even if the Douluo Palace is destroyed, it will be fine.

Seeing that Darkrai was hesitant, whether this would let the gods who arranged the Douluo Temple notice, Gui Jiu immediately told it the news that the angel god had fallen.

Immediately, Darkrai had no worries. He first flew to several tombstones not far away and took out the soul bones from them without damaging the coffins.

Looking at the three pieces in his hand, they all started out as 10-year-old soul bones.

Guijiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

However, among them, the two soul bones that are just over 10 years old and the one that is 30 years old are both right arm bones.

This made Guijiu feel a little helpless for a moment.

Why, you just want me to absorb a piece, right?
As expected, Guijiu chose the 30-year-old piece.

Darkrai, on the other hand, is frantically absorbing martial souls.There are everything from golden crocodiles to seraphs.

However, for Darkrai, many of them have actually consumed a lot of energy, and the only ones who can exert the combat power of Titled Douluo are the Seraphim spirits.

This Seraph Martial Spirit, Guijiu guessed, was probably Qian Daoliu's father!

It can also exert the combat power of a level 95 Super Douluo!

Of course, it is only for a very short time, and can only have an effect on the other party after it is dragged into the 'nightmare coming'.

But even so, Guijiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since he really has such a strong combat power, he can even face Dugu Bo.

After pulling him into the 'Nightmare Coming', you can catch him by surprise and kill him instantly!
This gave him and Hu Liena a guarantee when they went out!
Basically there is no need to be afraid of any risks!

On Darkrai's side, after devouring a lot of life force, he found that it was too little. Most of the life force was swallowed up by the Douluo Palace to maintain its operation.

Therefore, in order to successfully gain more benefits, ah, no, it was to awaken Darkrai's martial spirit as early as possible so that Guijiu could quickly increase his strength.

Darkrai devoured all the spirits except the Seraphim Martial Spirit and the Golden Crocodile King, and then successfully awakened a Darkrai Martial Spirit for Guijiu!
Feeling the strength of Darkrai's martial spirit behind him, Guijiu was excited for a moment.

Among them, Darkrai also told Guijiu about the difference between it and Geng Gui Wuhun.

Geng Gui only looks very flexible, but in fact he has no vitality at all, and Darkrai is like Tianmeng Iceworm in Dou Er Huo Yuhao. Not only can he help him make plans, but at critical moments, he can also help Gui Jiu fight. , a nightmare descended directly.

It is enough to make all the enemies under the title die suddenly. Even if the title is banned, it is not impossible for one to die accidentally!

"Dakrai, do you think that if I absorb this 30-year-old soul bone, how much soul power will I increase?"

Guijiu still knew that soul bones could improve soul power, but he didn't know how much absorbing 30-year-old soul bones would help improve his own soul power, so he asked Darkrai.

Darkrai pondered for a while and then answered.

"Don't expect too much from this. The main function of this soul bone is to help improve your qualifications and provide two powerful soul skills."

"It's probably only one or two levels at most!"

Guijiu nodded thoughtfully.

When Da Keliyi and Gui Jiu left the Douluo Hall and returned home.

It was already two or three in the morning.

There are still two soul bones in his body, and Guijiu has no plans to give them to Yue Guan, Gui Mei, or teacher Bibi Dong for the time being.

The strength of Yue Guan and Gui Mei has increased too quickly. It would be a bit troublesome and unnecessary to increase their strength again.

I am about to set off tomorrow, and suddenly there are two more 10-year-old soul bones on my body, which I can’t explain.

Furthermore, it also looks a bit unevenly distributed.

Keep it with you for now and distribute it when you return later.

In this way, Guijiu decided to absorb this soul bone before dawn.

Two more powerful 10-year (30-year) soul skills.

When the sky just dawned, Guijiu finally finished absorbing it!

(End of this chapter)

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