Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 51 CPU Tuoba Xi, Tuoba Xuande’s Challenge

Chapter 51 CPU Tuoba Xi, Tuoba Xuande’s Challenge

Seeing Tuoba Xi hesitate, Guijiu snorted softly.

"Master Tuoba, you just asked me to take him out for a while, let me test him for a while, and then let him return to Holy Dragon City. It's not like I don't know the little thoughts in your mind!"

"I think that Tuoba Xuande doesn't have deep thoughts. You just need to train him properly. With his qualifications, he will definitely be sent to the Spirit Hall in the future."

"If it works well, it's possible that it won't be banned, or even enshrined as a disciple."

Being enshrined and accepted as a disciple?
Let's not talk about the relationship between the Enshrinement Hall and the Pope's Hall. The Enshrinement Hall follows the big brother Qian Daoliu and likes to practice secretly in the Enshrinement Hall. There is little hope of accepting a disciple.

But if you are banned and accepted as a disciple, there is still a lot of hope!

Tuoba Xi's eyes lit up, he coughed and said.

"Then it seems to His Highness the Holy Son, can my Xuande be able to catch the eyes of these two titles?"

Two accounts banned?

Guijiu knew as soon as he heard this that this guy was trying to trick his grandfather.

I rolled my eyes in my heart. If Tuoba Xuande was really accepted as a disciple by one of his two grandfathers, wouldn't he be a lifetime older than himself?
Although he himself doesn't care much about seniority, when he thinks of his younger brother who is older than him, he still feels a little uncomfortable, weird and unruly.

But for now, it's okay to fool around casually, just say it.

"It's not impossible. I would recommend it to my two grandfathers. With Tuoba Xuande's qualifications, there should be a high chance that he will be chosen. Well, but it's not certain."

Tuoba Xi obviously didn't pay much attention to the last sentence. In fact, he was very confident about it. If possible, he would even want to accept Tuoba Xuande as his disciple.

After all, Tuoba Xuande's biological father was still his cousin according to the clan hierarchy.

But judging from the current situation, letting him follow Guijiu would be the 'maximization of interests'.

Say it right away.

"Okay, I'll call Xuande right away."

When Tuoba Xuande came over, he was a little confused and didn't know why he was called here.

After listening to Tuoba Xi's introduction, he finally understood and stretched out his wide, calloused hands to Guijiu.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son, hello, my name is Tuoba Xuande. I am 13 years old. I am a White-armored Dragon King of Martial Spirits and a Level 34 Attack-type War Spirit Lord!"

Guijiu glanced at this honest and honest man and stretched out his white and tender hands, which was in sharp contrast to him.

"Good morning!"

After the two got to know each other briefly, Guijiu extended an olive branch to Tuoba Xuande.

"Brother Xuande, please join our Wuhun Palace from now on. Sect Master Tuoba must have told you that the Holy Dragon Sect is originally a subsidiary force of our Wuhun Palace. As long as you join the Wuhun Palace, you can enter the Wuhun Palace." The academy team is studying, the Martial Soul Academy team, as you know, the champion team of the last continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition."

Tuoba Xuande was slightly stunned. He also knew about this, and he didn't have any resistance in his heart, but he was a little excited.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, I have no objection. It's just that I want to have a battle with you now. I hope you can agree to it!"

Guijiu was slightly startled, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, it's because His Highness the Holy Son is a strong soul sect, that I just thought of having a soul fighting match with His Highness the Holy Son to test my recent strength."

Tuoba Xuande nodded and said.

Tuoba Xi, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but shake his head. This kid thought that Gui Jiu was an ordinary soul master, but in fact, he was also a soul master with both talent and strength who surpassed his opponents like a draft.

"Well, there happens to be an open space outside. Let's have a good competition to convince you." Guijiu nodded, and he could see what this kid was thinking.It doesn't matter if you don't agree to the competition, but you have to defeat him to make him recognize yourself more, and things will be much easier to handle in the future.

Tuoba Xi coughed and acted as referee.

Tuoba Xi summoned his own martial spirit, the White Armor Earth Dragon King. His whole body was covered in pale white bone armor, with only his eyes and mouth exposed. It was full of defense, and a powerful dragon tail was constantly swinging behind his back. .

If he were really an ordinary soul master, even if he could defeat him, he would still be in trouble.

But for Guijiu, these defenses are the same as nothing else. His main attack still comes from mental attacks.

Even if he wanted to, Tuoba Xuande wouldn't even have a chance to attack him.

After all, his Gengar is immune to physical attacks!
"Martial soul possessed!"

Gui Jiu summoned the martial spirit Geng Gui to possess him, and his body suddenly became magical.

Floating in the air, it looked very strange.

"Brother Xuande, attack me first."

Looking at Jie Jie's weird smile, Tuoba Xuande shuddered.

He didn't say anything else. After all, he also felt how powerful Gui Jiu was. This was reflected in the special nature of Gui Jiu's own soul power and martial spirit, as well as the heaven-defying soul ring combination of one yellow, two purple and one black under Gui Jiu. You can see it.

In this way, he rushed towards Guijiu.

Guijiu had no intention of dodging at all, just like that, Tuoba Xuande passed through Guijiu's body with a puzzled look on his face.

"what's the situation?"

Tuoba Xuande's face was full of shock, even a little frightened.

What kind of method did Guijiu use just now to actually let him penetrate his body directly?

On the other hand, Tuoba Xi could see it clearly, and was secretly shocked and smacking his lips.

'Did it go right through?Is this some special ability? '

"Jiejie, Brother Xuande, keep going. I hope you can find a way to solve this!" Guijiu said with a slight smile.

Tuoba Xuande also became more energetic and took a few steps back. The first yellow century-old soul ring on his body flashed with light.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, please pay attention!"

"The first soul skill, White Armor Earth Dragon Thorn!"

As the first soul ring exploded, two thick and long earth thorns burst out of the ground in an instant, directly stabbing Guijiu to the core!
"what happened?!"

Just when Tuoba Xuande was puzzled, Guijiu waved his hand, and the martial spirit attached to him suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Tuoba Xuande.

The huge scarlet tongue wrapped Tuoba Xuande's whole body, making him unable to move. It felt disgusting and at the same time, he couldn't break away.

It's good to let Gengar leave for a short time to attack others. During this period, if you want to summon Gengar back, it only takes a moment.

Not to mention, after Gengar leaves his body, he can still summon the second martial spirit, Darkrai.

Gui Jiu came to the paralyzed and unable to move Tuoba Xuande and used his fourth soul skill.

 A new book by a big guy, if you are interested you can read it

(End of this chapter)

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