Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 53: Slate crystal whale glue, food village!

Chapter 53: Slate crystal whale glue, food village!

"Brother Xuande, don't call me His Royal Highness the Holy Son from now on. Just call me Young Sect Leader."

Guijiu and Tuoba Xuande whispered.

"Well, okay, Young Sect Master Holy Son!"

This store looks a little dark, but when I walked in, I found it to be extremely shabby.

There was a middle-aged man lying on the rocking chair, his body swaying continuously with the rocking chair.

"Master Sheng Shao, this place looks very shabby!"

Tuoba Xuande looked around and couldn't help but complain.

Gui Jiu didn't answer. After looking around, he actually found the plate crystal that Tang San got in the original work.

In addition, there are two pieces of whale glue!
Whale glue, this is a good thing.

The first appearance of whale glue in Dou Er's original novel was Huo Yuhao's piece of ten-thousand-year-old glue.

It can be used to improve one's own soul power and qualifications, but it has a minor side effect.

That is, it will arouse great interest in the affairs between men and women, and it will also have a strengthening effect on this aspect.

For Guijiu, this side effect can be suppressed easily, so there is no need to be afraid.

Talk to Flanders immediately.

"Uncle with glasses, I want these three crystals, please give me a price!"

Flender had already noticed Guijiu, he murmured in his heart.

'This kid is not simple. I felt him with my soul power, but I didn't notice anything. On the contrary, this stupid-looking big man is at the soul master level. He doesn't look very old. He is obviously a genius. He can make It's definitely not bad for him to call you Young Sect Master!

The enrollment day for our college is coming soon. Could it be that they are here to sign up? '

'Then let's leave a good impression on future students!But since he is the young sect master, these three broken crystals cannot be wasted. '

Flanders thought this, then opened his eyes and said.

"These three crystals are quite cheap. One piece. I will charge you three hundred gold soul coins in total!"

"Three hundred gold soul coins?!!"

Tuoba Xuande was shocked. He was thinking, how dare you ask for three hundred gold soul coins for just these three pieces of broken crystal? !

Is the skin of your broken crystal made of gold, or is the crystal inside made of gold?
Just as he was about to persuade him, he saw the ghost take out three cloth bags from the ghost-control bracelet, throw them on the table, and said loudly.

"There are one hundred gold soul coins in each of these three bags. These three crystals are mine!"

After speaking, without giving Flanders a chance to answer, he waved his hand, and three crystals of different sizes floated into Guijiu's hands.

Seeing this, Flanders couldn't help but sit up straight and clicked his tongue.

I was secretly shocked, what method did this kid use?
During this month, Guijiu became more and more comfortable in using his own mental power.

Because his mental power comes from the martial spirit Gengar, his mental power is also a superpower.

Compared with the spiritual power of Douluo Continent, it can still do many other things.

It's like little tricks like moving objects and making them levitate.

Seeing that Flanders seemed to want to say something, Guijiu ignored him and took Tuoba Xuande out with him.

"Young Master, what are the uses of these three crystals?"

Tuoba Xuande looked at the three crystals in Guijiu's hand and asked curiously.

He still couldn't figure it out just now in the store. When he came out, he was hit by the cold wind and shivered.

Even if you understand, these three crystals must have secrets, otherwise how could His Highness the Holy Son spend three hundred gold soul coins to buy these three, seemingly shabby crystals?

Just when Tuoba Xuande was happy for his intelligence, Guijiu said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that there is actually a piece of ten thousand year level!"

"Young Sect Leader, what do you mean?"

"The so-called ten-thousand-year-old whale gum is"

Guijiu and Tuoba Xuande began to explain.

After listening to the explanation, Tuoba Xuande suddenly realized.

"So that's it." Guijiu continued.

"I will take this ten-thousand-year-old one myself, and leave this one close to ten-thousand-year-old to you!"

Tuoba Xuande was overjoyed when he heard this and said quickly.

"The young suzerain is mighty!"

Guijiu first put away the three pieces of whale glue, and then continued towards the Wuhun Palace.

When we arrived at Wuhun Hall, there happened to be a deacon at the door.

When he saw the two of them looking at Wuhun Hall, he couldn't help but frown and took a step forward.

"Who are you? This is the Wuhun Palace, please don't let anyone else come near it!"

Guijiu chuckled, took out the Pope's decree from the ghost-controlling bracelet, and said softly.

"Do you know what this is?"

The deacon glanced at it and was about to scold him when he thought of what it was.

A layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead, and he hurriedly said respectfully.

"I have seen the elders!"

Guijiu smiled with satisfaction, glanced at the crowd of people around him, and said again.

"Take me to see your palace master. I have something to ask."

"it is good!"

Tuoba Xuande followed Gui Jiu and walked towards the interior of Wuhun Hall with the deacon. The splendor along the way made him feel amazed, and then there was the novelty brought by the deacons watching.

Soon, the two met the master of the branch of Wuhun Palace in Soto City.

He is an old man who has reached the realm of Soul Saint cultivation. Although he seems to have made a breakthrough recently, it can also be seen from this the importance of the branch of the Soul Palace in Soto City.

"Deacon Wang, who are they?"

The palace master looked at the deacon who brought Guijiu and Tuoba Xuande here and asked.

Deacon Wang said quickly.

"Palace Master, this is me."

Seeing the distrustful look in the palace master's eyes, Guijiu took out the papal decree.

When the palace master saw it, he immediately bowed and said.

"I have seen the elders."

Guijiu nodded with satisfaction and came to the palace master's office.

After looking at the palace master and Tuoba Xuande alone in the office, Guijiu said.

"Hello, Lord, I am Gui Jiu, a disciple of the current Pope. You must have heard of me."

"It turns out it's the Pope's disciples who are here, please."

The palace master introduced himself again, and Guijiu coughed lightly.

"I came here this time to get a topographic map of the villages around Soto City. Do you have any here?"

The palace master nodded quickly, "Of course there is, I'll send someone to look for it right now!"

After getting the terrain map, Guijiu glanced at it and found a target.

"Dianzhu Liu, I'm a little curious about this food village up here. I hope you can introduce it to me."

Palace Master Liu was startled when he heard this, and then said quickly.

"Your Highness, this gourmet village is very famous near Soto City. The soul masters who come out of that village are all food-type soul masters, and the food they make is extremely delicious. There is also a direct road between it and Soto City. Arrival, if you take a carriage, it only takes half an hour and you’ll be there!”

"Then are there any people named Ao among them?" Guijiu asked again.

Upon hearing this, Palace Master Liu immediately said, "Yes!"

ps: Chapter 2 may be released later
 I recommend a Kyogre Spirit Douluo fanfic written by a friend, written by a female protagonist!

(End of this chapter)

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