Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 56: New changes in Geng Gui’s martial spirit, alternative soul searching, ice dragon cubs!

Chapter 56: New changes in Geng Gui’s martial spirit, alternative soul searching, ice dragon cubs!

After awakening the martial spirit, Guijiu, Tuoba Xuande and Oscar returned to Oscar's home.

Guijiu glanced at Oscar's parents, summoned his own martial spirit and soul ring, and bluntly said that he was a disciple of the Pope. As long as Oscar followed him to the Spirit City, he would get the best training, and he would definitely become a disciple in the future. The first food-type titled Douluo.

Ao's father and Ao's mother naturally expressed their support, Guijiu thought for a while and then said.

"The hot dog buns you made taste really good. Have you considered opening a store in the city to sell hot dog buns?"

Hot dog buns?

Not sausage bread?
Father and mother looked at each other, but they didn't bother about the name issue, and said with a little regret.

"I have considered it, but now the food market in Soto City is almost saturated, and we don't have the money to buy a store, so we can only think about it."

Gui Jiujie smiled and said that this was not a problem.

"Why don't you go to Wuhun City with Oscar? I can help you get a shop specializing in hot dog buns in Wuhun City. If you have new ideas in the future, you can continue to sell other delicacies, and they will all be in the same place. In the city, there’s no need to worry about Oscar being left alone and ignored.”

When Ao's father and Ao's mother heard this, they immediately agreed, but they were still a little hesitant. This would be very troublesome.

However, Guijiu just waved his hand and said that he was a disciple of the Pope. It only took a few words to do this, and there were many people rushing to deliver shops and other things. You don’t have to worry about anything. Once you get there, you can use your skills to the best of your ability. Just good craftsmanship.

"But Oscar is born with full soul power. Now he can hunt for soul rings and become a soul master. There happens to be a forest of soul beasts nearby. Brother Xuande and I took Oscar to hunt for soul rings. You can also take advantage of this opportunity. Take some time to tidy up, and when we come back we will go to Soto City together."

Of course, Guijiu couldn't leave now. When he said he was going to Soto City, he also wanted to hand Oscar and Ao's father and mother to Palace Master Liu in Soto City, and then send them to Wuhun City.

In the afternoon, the three people left the food village.

"Brother Jiu, brother Tuoba, tell me about Wuhun City and Wuhun Palace?"

Along the way, Oscar behaved very lively, and even became brothers with Tuoba Xuande.

Tuoba Xuande scratched his head, "Martial Spirit City and Martial Spirit Hall? Actually, I don't know either. After I returned to the Holy Dragon Sect, I was taken away by His Highness the Holy Son that day, and then I traveled around until I came to Suo Toucheng and Food Village.”

Oscar looked at Guijiu, and Guijiu glanced at Oscar.

Oscar, who is only six years old, looks like a cute young lady. In the original novel, Oscar secretes too much growth hormone and will turn into an 'uncle' if he doesn't shave for a few days. This has not been shown yet.

But when Guijiu thought that Oscar's father was him who gave birth to him in his early ten years, it made sense.

Guijiu thought for a while and said.

"As for Wuhun City, I have a deep understanding of it. Shortly after I was born, my grandfather took me back to live in Wuhun City, and it has been until before."

Listening to Guijiu's description of Wuhun City, Oscar also felt a little yearning for it.

At this time, Tuoba Xuande said again.

"You should know it when you go to Wuhun City, Xiao Ao. By the way, Xiao Ao, do you know if there are any soul masters in your food village whose martial souls are sausages? What are the soul skills of the soul masters? In this case, His Highness the Holy Son and I, It’s better to find a suitable soul beast for you according to this requirement.”

Oscar nodded and said.

"I do know"

Listening to Oscar's narration, Guijiu nodded slightly. This was not much different from the Oscar in his memory.

But Guijiu didn't want Oscar to follow the trajectory of the original work. Although Oscar's first soul skill and second soul skill in the original work were pretty good, they were still a bit different from what Guijiu expected.

Of course, this still depends on whether there is such an opportunity.The three of them did not come slowly. Guijiu flew into the sky with Oscar, and Tuoba Xuande summoned his own martial spirit, White Armor Earth Dragon Emperor, to sneak into the ground, and then began to sneak, that is, Earth Escape'.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the Soul Beast Forest.

Because he was worried about Oscar's safety, Guijiu separated Geng Gui's martial spirit and let it float behind Oscar to protect his safety. After all, there are many weird spirit beasts in the spirit beast forest. If a small accident caused Oscar, a genius, to , if the future God of Cookery dies early, he will probably be heartbroken to death.

It is worth mentioning that, for some reason recently, the Geng Gui martial spirit, which originally required turning on the Cursed Body to turn white, has now turned completely white.

Gui Jiu is also happy with this, after all, it looks more handsome.

Gui Jiu Jie Jie smiled, summoned the martial spirit of Darkrai, and used his mental power to freeze a colorful cat in the eyes of the three of them.

Being possessed by Darkrai's martial soul, he can easily pull soul masters or soul beasts into dreams. When in dreams, he can easily achieve the effect of 'searching for souls'.

Before, I controlled the soul master and let the soul master speak for himself.

But now, you can let this creature, whose mental power is far lower than your own, directly 'say' what you want.

What, you are mentally strong and not afraid at all?
It's okay, there are Seraphs and Golden Crocodile King waiting for you. With a sword strike and a tail sweep, even Contra will be stunned on the spot.

After getting the answer he wanted, Guijiu led several people to walk more than 200 meters and came to a valley.

Oscar glanced at the beautiful scenery and asked curiously.

"Are there any soul beasts here?"

Guijiu nodded slightly and smiled.

"Keep walking. There is a cave here. There are some plant-type soul beasts in the cave that I think are suitable for you. By absorbing their soul rings, you can get a good soul skill."

The three of them continued to move forward, with Tuoba Xuande opening the way. His whole body was wrapped in white bone armor, and he was completely unafraid of the dangers of thorns and attacking plant-type soul beasts.

Walking to the deepest part of the valley, there was indeed a cave.

Go into the cave.

'In the beginning it was extremely narrow, but only then can people understand people'

Ahem, I accidentally entered the peach blossom garden.

The scene inside this cave is indeed beautiful.

It can’t be said to be a fairyland on earth, but it can still be said to be a place filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Oscar became even more confused, "Brother Jiu, what kind of soul beast are you bringing me here?"

Guijiu pointed to the front, where there was an undercurrent surrounding a small island-like land.

"The soul beast I want to capture for you is in this water."

In the memory of the century-old colorful cat, he discovered that there was a spirit beast in the cave, an ice dragon cub.

It's about three to four hundred years old.

Guijiu didn't know what kind of soul skill Oscar would get if he absorbed the soul ring of the ice dragon cub, but he was certain that it would be better than Oscar's first soul skill in the original work.

(End of this chapter)

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