Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 59 Arriving at Tiandou, Dugu Bo’s thoughts

Chapter 59 Arriving at Tiandou, Dugu Bo’s thoughts

Dugu Bo is naturally very familiar with Gui Jiu.

After all, it was Gui Jiu who came with Yue Guan and Gui Mei to help him and his family solve the problem of green scale snake venom.

Now he could take a nap with peace of mind, instead of being tortured to death by the green-scaled snake venom.

Dugu Bo welcomed Guijiu and Tuoba Xuande into the room and sat down. He glanced at the increasingly mysterious Guijiu and the equally extraordinary Tuoba Xuande, feeling a little helpless.

Becoming the elder of Wuhun Palace, for him, he was really uncomfortable in the first few days, but when he saw his son playing with his granddaughter, he suddenly felt that it was enough that his family was still alive. Not bad.

As for becoming an elder of Wuhun Palace, there is nothing that can be done about it. How can one live without a few weaknesses in life?

Gui Jiu saw Dugu Bo's doubts and explained.

"His name is Tuoba Xuande. He is the genius of our Spirit Hall. He is only 13 years old and is already a 35-episode attack-type fighting spirit master. He has excellent qualifications and is the pillar of our Spirit Hall and a titled elder."

Tuoba Xuande couldn't help but blush.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, I do not deserve such comments."

Are the qualifications so terrifying?
Dugu Bo was shocked, but at the same time he felt strange about Guijiu's identity.

His Royal Highness Son?

Could it be that in the past few months, Guijiu had been conferred the title of Holy Son by Bibi Dong?
Only then did he ask.

"I don't know if His Majesty the Holy Son is coming to my house, but if there is something urgent, I will not postpone it to the best of my ability."

Guijiu smiled slightly and then spoke.

"Elder Poison, the purpose of my visit this time is also very pure and simple. I want you to take me to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I want to make a deal with them."

Dugu Bo was startled, "Go to the Qibao Glazed Sect? Your Highness the Son of Heaven?"

Guijiu explained again.

"Don't worry, I will go to my teacher to explain it later, and I really have a treasure in my hand that the Qibao Glazed Sect cannot refuse. When the time comes, you only need to take me to the Qibao Glazed Sect and protect my safety. Even though I don’t believe it, they dare to attack me.”

Seeing that Gui Jiu was so confident, Dugu Bo immediately nodded and agreed without hesitation, but he looked at Tuoba Xuande again.

Asked openly.

"Then I don't know how His Royal Highness the Holy Son will arrange for him? Should he go with us, or"

Guijiu glanced at Tuoba Xuande, whose eyes were full of expectation, shook his head, and said amidst his disappointed eyes.

"Let Brother Xuande stay in your house for a few days. After I come back, we will go to your Ice and Fire Eyes to have a look. There are still things I need in there. I need to go get them and use them." .”

Is there anything Guijiu needs in the eyes of ice and fire?

Dugu Bo was stunned, could he be talking about those two poisonous weeds?Star anise ice grass and fierce apricot are delicate and sparse, but in Dugu Bo's eyes, they are poisonous weeds.

Not only does it grow next to two springs of different colors, but they are both filled with cold poison and fire poison.

Could it be that this thing is also a treasure?
Dugu Bo was puzzled, but he still nodded and agreed.

Tuoba Xuande looked at Guijiu pitifully and said.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, why don't you take me with you? I also want to visit the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the three sects!"

Guijiu smiled helplessly, "You, Shangsanzong sounds domineering, but in fact it is very dangerous, not to mention that you are also from Wuhun Hall. If you have a bad one, I will be heartbroken."

Tuoba Xuande sighed helplessly, "Well, I've been staying at Dugu's house for the past few days, and I don't know what's fun here."

Dugu Bo glanced at Tuoba Xuande and thought in his mind.

At the age of 13, he is already level 35. He has such a terrifying talent, and he is also in the Spirit Hall, so he is highly regarded by Gui Jiu. If Gui Jiu becomes the Pope in the future, then he will definitely have a bright future. At the very least, his future will be He can definitely grow into a titled Douluo, and even a Super Douluo has great hope.

Since such a talent has come to the residence of his Dugu family, Dugu Bo will definitely not miss it!
It just so happens that his granddaughter Dugu Yan is now 11 years old, and there is only a two-year age difference between her and Tuoba Xuande. The two-year gap is nothing like nothing. Let the two get to know each other well, and it can be considered as a gift to Yanyan in advance. Find a good man!
After all, Tuoba Xuande seemed to be very loyal and honest.

Dugu Bo walked quietly to the back, waved to his son Dugu Xin, and whispered.

"They are the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace and another genius. They are only 13 years old and are already level 35 attack-type Battle Spirit Lords. Such talents are rare!"

Although Dugu Xin was a little surprised, he still asked doubtfully,
"Then Father, what should I do?"

Dugu Bo said with hatred.

"When will your brain turn around? I've seen this Tuoba Xuande too. He's a loyal and honest man. It just so happens that Yanyan doesn't have a playmate, so why not let Yanyan get closer to him? If possible If so, then it would be great to have a grandson-in-law in my Dugu family!"

"Ah? Father, Yanyan is only 11 years old!"

"11 years old is not too young anymore. I was already close to your mother when I was 11 years old, not to mention that Yanyan is also very handsome now. It is always good to make more friends. You can't go wrong. Go and call Yanyan over and ask her opinion, if Yanyan doesn’t want to, I won’t force it.”

Dugu Bo said this, and Dugu Xin could only do it. After all, Dugu Bo was the one who kept the word in Dugu's family now. Dugu Xin's status in the family was lower than that of Dugu Yan, and higher than that of servants and housekeepers.

Before Dugu Xin was detoxified, he was already a strong man at the Soul Emperor level. After all the green scale snakes on his body were detoxified, plus the ten thousand year soul bone that Dugu Bo absorbed for him, he accumulated a lot of experience. Dugu Xin's soul power realm cultivation has now reached the soul saint level.

As for Dugu Yan, because his toxins were removed, his cultivation speed has also increased a lot. The cultivation level of the 11-year-old soul master is still good.

Guijiu also provided a clear explanation of the conversation between Dugu Bo and Dugu Xin. He did not expect that Dugu Bo had such an idea.

At the same time that Guijiu was dumbfounded, inside the Tiandou Palace.

Xue Qinghe sat in front of the mirror and waved his hands expressionlessly. The gentle and elegant man in the mirror suddenly turned into a cold and stunning blond woman.

"Is the news reliable? Xue Luochuan is leaving the city today?"

(End of this chapter)

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