Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 70 Ice and Fire Dragon King!The snake spear is coming!

Chapter 70 Ice and Fire Dragon King!The snake spear is coming!
But Dugu Bo did not refuse, nodded slightly, and said.

"Okay, Your Highness the Holy Son, you are going to the Ice and Fire Eyes this time, right?"

Guijiu didn't have any intention of hiding it and said it right away.

"I went to the Eye of Ice and Fire this time for the two immortal grasses that haven't been picked yet. I need Elder Du to protect me."

The reason why Gui Jiu asked Dugu Bo to go to the Ice and Fire Eyes together was also very simple.

The last time he looked at the Ice and Fire Eyes, Guijiu didn't notice anything unusual.

But as soon as he told Darkrai, Darkrai said.

When he was in the Ice and Fire Eyes before, because he was still in Guijiu's spiritual sea at that time, he could be said to be in a deep sleep state and did not notice anything.

But he has recovered a lot now, and can even leave Guijiu alone to act. Now when he thinks about it, he realizes that something is wrong with the Ice and Fire Eyes!

According to Darkrai's speculation, if there weren't some external force 'adding fuel to the flames', the energy of the Ice and Fire Eyes would never have been so strong, and would have dried up countless years ago!

The two eyes of ice and fire are releasing energy to the outside world all the time, and it is not just a single stream. This is absolutely unreasonable for Douluo Continent.

Therefore, Darkrai speculated that under the Ice and Fire Eyes, there must be something close to a god, or even a god-like power.

And I don’t know whether it’s good or bad. If Guijiu goes to pick the fairy grass, he may also be in danger!

Guijiu thought for a while, then there should be the Ice and Fire Dragon King!

The Ice and Fire Dragon King is not dead yet!

In the first and second parts of the original work, the Ice and Fire Eyes have no effect. It is still uncertain whether the Ice and Fire Dragon King is dead within the Ice and Fire Eyes.

But when it came to Dou San, Binghuo Liangyi had become an official before the Ice and Fire Dragon King died.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case!
When he thought of this, Guijiu's mood was a little complicated.

Ice and Fire Dragon King!
Each of the two of the nine dragon kings of the dragon clan is a first-level god!
(The original version of this setting seems to have a lot of bugs, so let’s just call it a second setting. I personally think it’s unreasonable that the nine dragon kings are all god-kings.)

After the Ice and Fire Dragon King was defeated, his body fell into the depths of the Douluo Continent's Sunset Forest, and gradually formed the Ice and Fire Eyes!

The two eyes of ice and fire were fighting for one, and they were first discovered by Dugu Bo. Later, when Dugu Bo had no descendants, he fell into the hands of Tang San and became the private property of the Tang family.

Which Douluo traveler doesn't know the name of the Ice and Fire Eyes?
The celestial grass within the eyes of ice and fire is also regarded as a treasure that can change your destiny or be the icing on the cake!

But in the eyes of Guijiu, who still doesn’t know the specific situation of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, this trip is a must!
If it is really possible, it is not impossible to borrow the power of the two dragon kings, or see if there is any threat from the two dragon kings now.

Worst of all, aren't there still two fairy grasses that I can get?

Gui Jiu is doing well in everything now, but in comparison, his physical condition is much worse!
Practicing the golden body of ice and fire is a very good choice!

In the original work, after Tang San absorbed the medicinal power of the two immortal grasses, he stayed in the Eye of Ice and Fire for several months before completely absorbing the medicinal power of the two immortal grasses.

But in Guijiu's opinion, with Darkrai's help, it definitely won't take that long!

It should be done soon!

I'm just not sure of the specific time. Furthermore, if the Ice and Fire Dragon King revives and they have friction, with Dugu Bo here, at least there will be one more backup!
The current Dugu Bo is not completely loyal to Wuhun Palace, but he is already a member of Wuhun Palace.

For Guijiu, there is no need to worry about backlash when using Dugu Bo.

His son was saved by him!
The poison on his body and the poison on his granddaughter were also solved by him!
With Dugu Bo's temperament, even if he is at odds with Yue Guan, he will not betray Wuhun Palace!

Dugu Bo was a little surprised, but still nodded in agreement.

"Well, okay! Your Highness the Holy Son, just let me know when you want to set off!"

Guijiu nodded slightly, "It's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Let's take it today! Get ready and we'll set off!"

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Okay!" Dugu Bo turned around and walked towards his residence, even walking briskly.

Guijiu was a little confused, but didn't think much about it.

Just when Guijiu was about to set off, a strange smell of title made him alert for a moment.

But then he thought about it, in addition to Dugu Bo, the two Douluo who had been protecting Qian Renxue were the Douluo Douluo and the Snake Spear who had been protecting Qian Renxue. Could it be that Qian Renxue wanted to see him, or was it for other reasons?

Just when Guijiu was confused, Dugu Bo stepped forward.

"I dare to ask who is the one who has been banned. He hides his head and shows his tail. Why don't we come out and see him."

In the empty field of vision, a middle-aged man in black robe suddenly appeared.

"Hahaha! I didn't believe it when the great priest told me originally, but looking at it now, it's really the case! I really didn't expect that the famous Poison Douluo Dugu Bo would actually join my Spirit Hall! "

"who are you?"

Hearing that the person claiming to be from Wuhun Palace, Dugubo couldn't help but relax some of his vigilance, but still asked.

The middle-aged man chuckled.

"Just call me Snake Spear. We are colleagues now anyway, so it's no big deal if I tell you!"

"I'm here because I want to see Guijiu!"

Dugu Bo frowned slightly.

"Snake Spear? Do you want to see His Royal Highness the Holy Son?"

Unexpectedly, Snake Spear's expression changed and he snorted coldly.

"Who told you that Guijiu is the Son of the Holy Son? I have never heard that Bibi Dong has decreed that Guijiu should be the Son of the Holy Son?!"

"You, the so-called Holy Son, are you self-proclaimed?"

According to Snake Spear, there will be no saint son and only one saint girl!
That is his eldest lady, Qian Renxue!

You are a ghost, how can you be so virtuous!

Dugu Bo's face hardened, and he thought something bad in his heart.

It seems that this Snake Spear Douluo is no match for Gui Jiu and the others!

From the current point of view, this snake spear is coming from an evil person!
After Guijiu sensed what Snake Spear said, he also chuckled.

"In that case, let me meet you!"

Guijiu jumped a few times and stood in front of Dugu Bo.

Looking at the snake spear, Guijiu's face turned cold.

"You, Snake Spear, what do you want from me?"

When Snake Spear saw it was Gui Jiu, his expression improved a little.

"Guijiu, right? The eldest lady wants to see you! Please come with me!"

Guijiu ignored him and just said softly.

"You seem to have a problem with Elder Du calling me the Holy Son?"

Even so, Guijiu was a little confused.

Doesn't he know how his two grandfathers have changed now?
Or is it that he knows about the changes in the strength of his two grandfathers, but he still dismisses them?
(End of this chapter)

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