Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 73 The divine power in the spring water, level 47

Chapter 73 The divine power in the spring water, level 47

Guijiu waved his hand, and a handful of black mist appeared. Under Guijiu's control, it transformed into a pair of big hands and headed towards the springs on both sides.

The two fairy grasses can also be called poisonous grasses and cannot be touched directly with hands. In the original work, Tang San only dared to touch the two fairy grasses with his own hands after using Xuan Jade Hands.

After taking off the two fairy grasses, Guijiu swallowed them without hesitation.

As soon as the two fairy grasses entered the mouth, they turned into two streams of pure liquid energy and were swallowed into the stomach.

At that moment, there was a mixture of chill and warmth, causing Guijiu to take a deep breath.

The cold air penetrated the skin like a knife, causing Guijiu's body to tremble slightly, as if he was in a world of ice and snow.

And the warmth that followed, like the spring breeze blowing on his face, made him feel a sense of relief and comfort.

This alternation of cold and warm, just like the ups and downs of life, made Guijiu experience the collision of coldness and warmth in an instant, as if his heart had also experienced the baptism of time.

This wonderful feeling made Guijiu tremble all over. He knew that this was because the Darkrai in his body was exerting force just now. Otherwise, with his physical fitness, he would never be able to absorb two more fairy grasses. It won't be so easy to get on track.

When the jelly grass entered his body, he could feel a powerful energy surge in his body.This energy flowed in his blood and quickly spread to every cell in his body.His body instantly became extremely full, as if endless power had been injected into it.

Guijiu's eyes became sharper, as if he could see through everything.His senses became extremely sharp and he was able to detect every tiny change around him.

His thinking becomes clearer and he is able to make accurate judgments and decisions quickly.

Gui Jiu absorbs the fairy grass very quickly. Compared with Tang San in the original work, this speed is several times or even more than his.

Who calls his martial spirit Darkrai!
This is the first time that a martial spirit with its own godhead has created the world.

At this time, in Guijiu's spiritual sea, 'Guijiu' suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing that he was in the world of his own spiritual sea, he also looked directly at Darkrai.

Darkrai laughed.

"Xiaojiu, I discovered something good this time. There are two divine powers permeating this spring. With these divine powers, I can speed up the transformation of the godhead again."

Guijiu was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Really? There is actually divine power in this spring water?"

Darkrai nodded slightly and said.

"I can clearly sense that the two divine powers in this spring water come from the two divine dragon skeletons ten thousand meters below. There is still a lot of residual divine power on these two divine dragon skeletons, but I cannot directly go down and use these two divine dragon skeletons at this time. The two divine powers were absorbed, and there are still remnant souls among the two divine dragon skeletons. The reason why the two divine dragon remnant souls are still there now is also for this reason. If the excess divine power above is still there, then it will be fine, but if If the divine power attached to it disappears, the remnant souls of the two divine dragons will awaken, so now I can only absorb the divine power escaping from the spring water to help me transform into my godhead."

Guijiu was also shocked after hearing what Darkrai said. He didn't expect that there was so much escaping divine power in the spring water, and it had such a good effect on Darkrai's transformation into godhead.

Even the remnant souls of the two divine dragons, that is, the remnant souls of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, cannot yet awaken them.

Darkrai continued.

"For now, we are not equal in strength to these two dragon remnant souls. It is better not to awaken them. Otherwise, no one knows what they will do. It is better to wait until our own strength is guaranteed. Come find them again.”

Guijiu nodded slightly, and then continued to concentrate on absorbing the power of the medicine.

A week later, Guijiu felt that he had absorbed a lot of the medicine's power. Although the increase in soul power was not significant, it had at least increased by one level.After taking a look at Dugu Bo, he continued to bathe in the spring water, which was to absorb the medicinal power.

A few more weeks have passed, and adding the previous week is one month. During this month, Guijiu has made rapid progress.

Not only was all the divine power escaping in the spring water absorbed by Darkrai, but Guijiu's own soul power was also greatly improved.

Well, just two levels, cough cough.

Guijiu stood up from the spring water refreshed and refreshed, as if he was "flying on water". He stood directly on the horizontal surface, which made people stunned.

Dugu Bo was also stunned when he saw Gui Jiu standing directly on the spring water of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

After coming back to his senses, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for seeing Guijiu wake up once three weeks ago, he would have thought that Guijiu had been lying in the spring because of some difficulty.

After Guijiu woke up, he returned to the shore.

Then he smiled and said to Dugu.

"Elder Du, thank you for your hard work this month. When you return to Wuhun Hall, I will definitely ask the teacher for credit."

Dugu Bo looked happy. The reason why he agreed so readily before was because of this.

Now that he got what he wanted, he said quickly.

"Then thank you, His Highness the Holy Son! I have only been practicing here for a month, and my cultivation has improved a lot. I estimate that in a few months, I will be able to practice to level 92. Level."

Guijiu glanced at it with his spiritual power, and it turned out to be true.

The density of Dugu Bo's soul power was indeed much better than before he started absorbing the two immortal grasses.

At this time, Darkrai in the depths of the spiritual sea said again.

"Actually, it's because of you that this old boy's cultivation speed has improved rapidly in the past month. Otherwise, if he wants to reach level 92, he will probably have to wait another two years."

Under Guijiu's doubtful eyes, Darkrai continued.

"It's like this. When I absorbed the divine power to transform into the divine personality, a trace of it seeped out all the time. It was insignificant in total, so I let this trace of divine power go out. After it escaped in the air, it was absorbed by Dugu Bo who was cultivating. Therefore, , the reason why he cultivates so fast is definitely not because his potential is revitalized or something."

After listening to what Darkrai said, Guijiu suddenly realized that this was the case.

These can be considered as rewards for asking Dugu Bo to take care of him this month.

Before leaving, Guijiu glanced at the Ice and Fire Eyes with regret.

According to what Darkrai said, after he absorbed the divine power in the spring water, it would take hundreds of years for the two skeletons of the Ice and Fire Dragon King to dissipate the divine power again before it could return to the richness it had before he came here. .

The Eye of Ice and Fire is now considered useless, and the previous saying that the growth rate of plants inside is a thousand times faster than outside is no longer true.

(End of this chapter)

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