Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 81: Manipulating the letter written by Yu Xiaogang, accidentally revealing his true thoughts

Chapter 81 Manipulating the letter written by Yu Xiaogang, accidentally revealing his true thoughts

Finally, the dream is over.

Yu Xiaogang lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Ahhh! Why, which one is reality and which one is dream! I can't tell, I really can't tell!"

Yu Xiaogang's face twisted for a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After a while, he opened his eyes in horror and screamed.

"Flanders, Erlong, why did you betray me! Why!"

After roaring in despair, there was another helpless sob.

"Why! Why! That day is obviously your and my wedding. After that day, you and I will live a happy life, and we will give birth to lovely sons and daughters. According to my research on martial arts theory, They even hope to awaken the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit. At that time, our family will return to the sect in glory, making my father’s face look bright and recognize me as his son again, but why! Why!”

Gui was standing aside, but Yu Xiaogang didn't know it. He was still kneeling on the ground, his face full of snot and tears, mixed together, and combined with the old face that was already stiff and looked even more terrifying when he cried, it was even more shocking. A chill ran down my back.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this old face looks really gloomy and terrifying!"

Just when Gui Jiu was about to take his life, he suddenly stopped raising his right hand high in the air.

muttered to himself.

"No, it's not okay to be so cheap. What if I let you die in obscurity?"

"My teacher, won't she have to live in missing you all her life? This is too cheap for you! Let you write a letter first."

Guijiu waved his hand, and a handful of black mist emerged, shrouding Yu Xiaogang in it.

Yu Xiaogang became delirious, his eyes turned into vertical pupils like predators, he pulled a chair aside, sat down and started writing.

Guijiu controlled Yu Xiaogang and wrote letters one after another.

The first article is written from the perspective of Yu Xiaogang when he met Bibi Dong when he was young.

The content is probably to portray Yu Xiaogang as a decadent and calculating person.

I wrote a few hundred words, except for an inner monologue (Yu Xiaogang claimed in this letter that he had mental problems after leaving the sect due to humiliation), which was the purpose of meeting Bibi Dong.

Meeting Bibi Dong was an accident, but falling in love after meeting her was not.

No matter what Yu Xiaogang's original motivation was, it doesn't matter anymore, here in Guijiu.After Yu Xiaogang met Bibi Dong, he discovered that Bibi Dong turned out to be a fool. After deceiving him, he was able to enter the core library of Wuhun Palace to check information through his relationship.

After he finished reviewing the information he found useful, Bibi Dong's teacher Qian Xunji also came over.

Tempt Yu Xiaogang with deep interests, play a scene with her, and then leave Bibi Dong.

[I was very surprised when I saw Qian Xunji. He is the Pope of Wuhun Palace, aloof, and also Bibi Dong’s teacher.

I thought that after he saw me, he would sternly ask me to leave Bibi Dong, but what I didn't expect was that he actually invited me to a garden.

In the garden, he told me that the reason why he accepted Bibi Dong as his disciple was because she had very strong qualifications and was a twin martial soul. He wanted to wait until she came of age, marry her and give birth to the most talented offspring, and even Can inherit the throne of angel god.

However, due to my arrival, this plan went awry. Bibi Dong did not want to stay in Wuhun Palace anymore, and even thought about leaving Wuhun City with me and flying far away.

Qian Xunji felt very troubled by this, so he later tried to find a way to solve my trouble of not being able to break through to level [-], as well as publish the theoretical knowledge of martial arts.

When I heard the news, I was overjoyed, because all the martial arts knowledge I knew was actually learned from the library of Wuhun Palace, but in fact, the major sects and families on Douluo Continent had nothing to do with me. The information on martial arts and soul beasts that has almost been compiled is very familiar to them.

They even know better than me, but the reason why they don't want to make it public is because they want to create a gap between themselves and ordinary people from the very beginning, so that they can continue to be their superior wealthy family. I don't want this phenomenon to continue, so I He readily agreed to Qian Xunji.

Because I have no feelings for Bibi Dong. From the beginning, Bibi Dong and I were together for a purpose. Now that the purpose has been achieved, I have to leave Bibi Dong. I am worried that I can’t find a reason. Wait until Qian Xunji gave her to that. After completing the task, I can leave Wuhun City openly and leave the annoying Bibi Dong. This is really a happy day. I have to go to bed early tonight. Bibi Dong is expected to come out tomorrow morning. , cried and said goodbye to me.

I couldn't help laughing when I thought that she would think that I was heartbroken, that she had abandoned me and ran away. She was so stupid. She was unlucky enough to meet two men. Men will give her life-long injuries that are difficult to heal. Maybe she will become a teacher many years later. Facing her disciples, I wonder what she will think about?
Is thinking
Forget it, it's late at night, there's no use thinking about these big principles, I'd better go to sleep first. I have to rehearse in my sleep how affectionate I will look when I leave her tomorrow.
Douluo Calendar.]

Looking at the "Days" in his hand, Guijiu smiled.

Although this may seem like a loophole, if it appears at the right time and he uses soul skills to interfere with it, it will definitely be flawless!
In order to make the letter more convincing, he also added a good person side to Yu Xiaogang in the letter.

Yu Xiaogang had never thought about this aspect.

But Guijiu knew that this was true, or that the content of martial arts knowledge originally published by Yu Xiaogang and his theory were contrary to the traditional martial arts knowledge, and there were many fatal loopholes in it.

Just like in the original novel, after Yu Xiaogang saw Tang San's twin martial souls, which were matched with Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, he would not let Tang San take the vitality route, so he started to give Tang San other soul rings. The first ring was Mandala. Forget it about Luo She, after all, it was a choice Tang San had to make after Yu Xiaogang was almost killed alone.

But the second spirit ring came from a ghost vine, and the third spirit ring was from the Man-Faced Demon Spider. They were all Tang San's knowledge taught by Yu Xiaogang. It was obvious that Tang San was directly or indirectly allowed to absorb this kind of spirit ring.

Also, Yu Xiaogang had no doubt at all about why Tang San's twin martial spirits, Blue Silver Grass, could coexist with the Clear Sky Hammer. Instead, he took it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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